Attending Martial Arts Tournament

Love between sisters, I guess? But while I was watching their overflowing scene, Beelzebub appeared.

Beelzebub: “We have found Busura!”

Azusa: “Alright! With this, we can find the solution as well!”

Beelzebub: “That"s right!”

I threw a high five at Beelzebub.

All we have to do now is ask the Martial Artist Slime.

Beelzebub: “Busura is in a town called Kernei in the south.”

Sharusha: “Let"s go see Busursan immediately!”

Azusa: “I"ll get Leica to fly us there!”

However, Beelzebub"s expression turned gloomy.

Beelzebub: “No… I have told him in advance about this, but… he said that he doesn"t want anything to do with secular things….and he seems to be pursuing purely strength…. Hence, he can"t do anything as he himself is not a bodywork therapist…”

Nonono, we are also desperate here, so we can"t just back down like this.

Azusa: “He said that he hate being involved with secular things, but being in a town is already having to do with secular things, though.”

Beelzebub: “By the way, it seems that the town called Kernei is used for martial arts tournament.”

Azusa: “Martial arts tournament!?”

My chest tightened up a little because of that word.

That"s because I read a lot of battle mangas with martial arts tournaments back in my childhood days. Of course, I read shoujo mangas too.

Azusa: “Hey, is the tournament still accepting partic.i.p.ant?”

Beelzebub: “You, are you trying to partic.i.p.ate…?”

I immediately nodded. Most of the time before Beelzebub finished her question.

Azusa: “If I show Busursan that I"m stronger than him, I think that he would like to hear my story. After all, if I partic.i.p.ate as well, then I will be the same martial artist, right?”

Of course, the final judgment is for him to decide, but I might have an opportunity to talk with him.

Rather, I don"t quite understand why Beelzebub is hesitating.

Beelzebub: “You, if you win the championship, your name will be heard in the area where you have not yet been known that much…. I think you might lose your peaceful days once again, though…”

Azusa: “…Ah, so that"s what it is…”

That might be true, indeed…..

But, it"s weird for me to use a stand-in for my daughter, so this is the only way out.

Azusa: “I will do it! This is for returning Farufa back!”

Slime Farufa jumped merrily.

Surely, she wanted to say something like 『Mama, I"m cheering you!』 or such.

Beelzebub: “I see, then I will also partic.i.p.ate as well.”

Azusa: “There"s a possibility that the town will be in panic if the demon Beelzebub comes out, though….”

Beelzebub: “It"s fine. I"ll join as a mysterious fighter.”

With this, I and Beelzebub went to the town called Kernei and applied for registration. It was three days before the start of the tournament, but it was pretty lenient to sign up.

Beelzebub: “Be careful on filling in the form. It seems that more than 10% of people are disqualified because of an incomplete entry.”

Azusa: “Is this some kind of doujinshi event?”

The winning prize is said to be 30 million gold. That"s quite a lot of money.

Azusa: “Hey, isn"t the Martial Artist Slime is just looking for money…?”

Beelzebub: “I can"t say it"s impossible as there are only limited places to get money for a martial artist.”

Certainly, you can"t make money just by refining your skills. If so, I feel that the difference between them and merchants will disappear.

Finally, the qualifier day has come. I hate it if it rains, but fortunately it was fine.

The venue looks similar like a colosseum. There are two stages prepared, and it seems that each block will use up both as there will be a lot of matches later.

Looks like a few spectators are coming in, but as expected of qualifier stages, it was natural that it"s deserted. Comparing it to sumo wrestling, it is around the third lower division.

First of all, in the qualifiers, nearly 300 partic.i.p.ants will be reduced to 16 people. Hence, today"s aim is to win until I reach that target.

Although I knew that this is similar like a waiting room, the male rate here is higher than the female one. I got stared by everyone as my appearance looks to be of a seventeen-year-old girl.

It was uncomfortable, so I talked to Beelzebub.

Beelzebub: “I also felt being extremely stared at… Males are honest creatures, indeed…”

Beelzebub seems to have felt the same thing as me. Furthermore, she"s wearing a hat to hide her ident.i.ty as a demon. There was no ident.i.ty check before, so it seems that it can somehow be done.

Azusa: “By the way, what name did you use for applying?”

Beelzebub: “It"s Beelze.”

No sophistication, huh?

Beelzebub: “Well, the qualifiers are only for small fries, right? So it"s good if I strike appropriately. The one thing that I have to be careful of is forgetting that magic is prohibited. It would be ridiculous if I got disqualified because of that.”

Yes, due to the fact that this is a martial arts tournament, neither using magic nor weapons is permitted. You have to fight only with your own body.

After talking leisurely, it was time for my turn.

My opponent is a big man about two meters tall. His head shines well due to the skinhead.

Man: “This is not a place where a little missy should come. It"s better for you to withdraw because I don"t want to hurt you.”

It seems like he"s quite a gentleman.

His likability rose slightly as he"s very much different from a mohawk small fries who yells 『Hyahhooo!』 loudly.

Azusa: “I didn"t intend to partic.i.p.ate, but in order for my daughter to be able to run around the hills again, I had to do this.”

Man: “Daughter, you say….? You already have a daughter that could run around like that at your age….?”

Ah, I"m getting a strange misunderstanding for some reason….

Man: “No, I won"t hold any personal feelings. I have to win this tournament by all means, if notー”

Azusa: “Ahh! Please refrain from talking about your life story as it will make it harder to beat you!”

It would be troubling if he said something like using the 30 million gold as an operation cost to save his daughter!

Man: “You"re right. Let"s defeat you first and make a good start!”

I decided to do an uppercut on the skinhead"s chin as soon as he charged in.

The blow made the skinhead faint.

Yup, he"s not dead because he"s still twitching.

I didn"t know much about it because I"ve never hit someone, but this seems to be all right.

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