Translator: flowingcloud, DC    Editor: Isalee    Proofreader: Isalee    TLC: Yomigaeru

The Power of the Angry Witch

I ran by foot. Within that time, the tumult grew louder.

It was only natural because it was a dragon"s battle. It wasn"t a size where one could hide.

When I forced a dragon to the appropriate place, I closed the distance with levitation.

"I"ll finish off all the blue ones!"

When aiming at a dragon"s face, it"s easy to defeat. I just learned that at first.

I briskly launched flame magic towards the dragon"s face.

"Uwaa!" "Kyaa!"

The screams increased. Even humans would flinch when their faces are being aimed at. I"m sorry, but I will not forgive you.

With this, I accomplished the first attack. Instead of a greeting, I shot fire.

There is also one that throws a cold breath, but that"s a stupid way of thinking. Anyhow, this one here is releasing flames, so it"s given that they would offset each other.

Thinking that a human"s flame magic is nothing is a big mistake.

I decided to rely on one finishing blow. I had considered using Lightning Magic, but it was extremely difficult to adjust its power. I believe that killing is going too far, so I want to stop just before that.

It"s basically just hitting the face. With this, I aim for a KO. It"s an intelligent creature, so if you strike the skull where the brain is, it should cause something like paralysis and the creature would lose its ability to move. In addition, I"ll use hit-and-run tactics. [1]

Three bodies began to fall within a blink of an eye.

Should I also use Wind Magic this time?

It is possible to launch a tornado directly below by soaring over a dragon.

I hit two of them with the gust, and they slammed into the ground at full force.

"Azusa-sama! Thank you very much!"

I heard Leica"s voice from behind. Leica was flying in the sky with her wings while fighting in the air.

"These guys p.i.s.sed me off, so I decided to give them a beating. I won"t be satisfied unless I rake them over coals!"

While talking, I struck another dragon again. I punished them by striking with my fists.

It"s true that hitting them hurt for me too, but it"s not that bad. Even if it is painful, I more or less put up with it. This is a battle.

"Leica, hurry and finish up, then quickly go towards the volcano or else it"ll be bad. It seems that they"re also attacking that way!"
"I understand! With Azusa-sama"s great efforts, we have the upper hand over here! If it stays like this, we will win!"

Come to think of it, during the battle, the number of Blue Dragons decreased. I took down quite a few myself. I think I defeated a third of them. Well, things should work out now even if I only defeated that many.

Afterwards, when continuing the Blue Dragon search-and-destroy operation――

"You, what on earth are you?"

The Blue Dragon flying in the sky asked with suspicion.

Ah, this guy is the opposite side"s supreme commander.

"Err, are you Furafuratte?"

"It"s Furattorute! You, what kind of human are you? How did a human gain victory over a dragon with physics!"

Because she was curious, I answered.

"Rome wasn"t built in a day, was it?"

"What is Rome!"

Ah, that"s right, she doesn"t know a city like Rome.

"It"s an old city. Anyhow, if you build up steadily, one way or another even a punch can succeed. I mean, that"s true even in-game right?"

"What is a game!? You"ve been continuously saying things that don"t make sense!" [2]

Somehow after battling, the remembrance of my past life"s memories has become strong.

Now then, let"s end the chit-chat here. It"s already time.

Well, I"d like to fight the boss cooly if I"m going to defeat her.

I purposely turned my back on Furattorute.

"I will not let you escape! Since you sold a fight, I will gain victory!"

Like I would run away. Rather, I will not let you get away.

I pointed my hand that was on my side and awakened the wind.

With this, I was launched forward.

Riding that force――I roundhouse kicked the opponent"s septum! [3]


It was completely decided! However, since it was the supreme commander after all, she would not be defeated with only this.

"d.a.m.n! I"ll freeze you solid!"

Good grief, he that knows little often repeats it. Is that all you can do?

I fired off flames with all my power towards the enemy.

The flames enveloped the cold breath, [4] and continued unabated onto Furattorute"s face.

"Hot! It"s hot! I"m getting burned!"

It"s because you were bad!

When I soared above Farattorute"s overhead―― I swooped down with one go.

"Witch"s Heel Stamp!"

My heel mercilessly sank into her head.


Furattorute crashed to the ground with a thud.

"It"s my win."

Defeating the supreme commander became an opportunity. The remaining Blue Dragons left in fear as they flew away.

"Well well, having gained complete control, it seems like there are no more problems to think about."
I slowly descended and stood on the ground.

Although it may be a dragon, it was nothing special. Instead, the opponent was large and I was smaller, so it was easy to defeat. I could strike the opponent"s weak points by precisely aiming at them.

"Azusa-sama, you are truly a jack of all trades!"

Leica came over with empty hands.

"Well, this time, it felt like helping another person, or perhaps should I say self-reliance."

"Azusa-sama, could you ride on my hand for a moment?"

Leica"s large hand――it would be a foreleg for animals, but dragons are higher level animals, so they call it hands as well――was held out in front of me. [5] I meekly complied with my disciple"s request.

While I rode on her hands, Leica raised her hands and placed them in front of everyone. Somehow, that made me feel like a hamster. [6]

"Everyone! Azusa-sama is present! This is the power of the Plateau Witch!"

I see, it"s something like a hero"s interview on the interview platform. [7]

"I was watching, but it was really amazing!"

"Plateau Witch, banzai!" [8]

"As expected of the world"s strongest creature!"

There"s nothing girlish-sounding about The World"s Strongest Being so I wish you would quit calling me that already… But for the time being, thank you very much!

However, it"s too early for the grand finale. The battle is not over.

"This time we need to go to the crater of Rocko Volcano. If they steal it, it will be troublesome."

"You"re right… There are quite a few tourists there, and there is also the fear of innocent people getting hurt… Furthermore, today is the wedding ceremony, so there are not many dragons left over there…"
If that"s the case, we need to hurry.


Bokasuka = …… wait it actually meant "hit-and-run." d.a.m.n, I blame DC.Okay, "game" was written in katakana ゲーム which is usually used to refer to video games; it"s a more modern way of saying game. Thus, since MLW is set in a more medieval time, the beings of this world would not know what ゲーム is.In case you guys don"t know what a septum is: if you didn"t understand this sentence, don"t worry I didn"t for a bit. Basically, her flames were too strong that it overwhelmed the cold breath, causing the flames to envelop the flames, thus "masking" the cold breath."Higher animals" is a b.s. Term, but basically it means higher lifeforms. A living being with intelligence would be a "higher animal." I honestly can"t come up with a better phrase for this.Lots of footnotes right? 手乗りハムスター = hand riding hamster

It should be easier to just show you a picture though.

ヒーローインタビュー = Hero Interview. This is mostly a sports term when usually the most important player is interviewed after the game is over, in this case, Azusa.Ok, last footnote. If you don"t know what "Banzai" is…… banzai = hurrah. 

Translator: flowingcloud    Editor: Merp_Berk_Chicken, Nixie    Proofreader: Nixie

Go to the Crater[1]

"Leica, please take me up to the crater!"

If the damage on the side of the crater increased, the wedding ceremony will become even worse.

To put it another way, if we hold back the damage over there, continuing the ceremony is possible. Also, if we gain victory in this dispute, perhaps the mood will be "all"s well that ends well".

"I understand! Please ride on me."

Leica gently held onto me, then I rode on her back as it is.

"Then, let"s go! The other dragons and people who can fight, please follow me!"

Leica led the vanguard, and took off.

This was the fastest speed yet.

Looking behind, there were around five dragons.

For now, I guess this guy is okay.

The volcano did not release strong fumes, but even so, entering a volcano required considerable courage.

"Inside the Rocko Volcano, there is a huge cave where many dragons reside. It is not rare for humans related to the dragons to travel here."

Certainly, after entering inside, I saw something resembling a human town.

"Tourist, government officials, etc. meet up from time to time like that forming something similar to a town, so we deal with them with our human appearances. There are also dragons who live their lives regularly with their human appearances, but."

"I see. However, at first glance,  there"s no presence of battles happening……"

As we rapidly approached the town in the middle of the crater, there was no stormy situation to be seen, and dragons fighting could not been seen.

"Eh……? That"s strange…… Perhaps, maybe they"re already totally annihilated……"

Raika spoke of the worst possible scenario.

That is too awful. One way or another, I hope everyone is safe……

Leica landed in the outskirts of the village. I also got off of Leica.

Leica also turned into her girl appearence, then we explored the town together.

There was practically no great difference to that of a human town. Two storied buildings made of stone or brick, lined up on both sides of the main street.

"It"s awfully qu~iet though."

"I also feel that way, but this might be due to many dragons partic.i.p.ating at the marriage ceremony."

It was quite an unexpected development.

The fierce battle was supposed to unfold here, but it was too quiet. The buildings also don"t appear to be destroyed either.

While feeling restless, we proceeded into the interior of the town.

"My older sister"s marriage ceremony, I want to do something nice……I want it to be successful……"
I heard the subdued grumbling from Leica.

"It"s okay. After everything is safely and properly over, older sister"s marriage ceremony will continue."

I put my hand on Leica"s back. I hope I gave a little peace of mind.

Then, suddenly I heard something that was not familiar.


What is this? Groaning?

It seems like, similar to a dragon"s though……

While experiencing anxiety, we advanced, and were confronted with an astonishing scene.

Five blue dragons covered the plaza.

There was some sort of circular formation radiating underneath the plaza.

"This is more or less, can be said to be our victory……?"

An answer came out from the one"s related to the true ident.i.ty of the groaning. An anguished voice came up from the dragons.

"It"s seems so, but it is a magic not often seen…… I wonder who used it……"

It seems that Leica did not understand as well. Even from my view, I don"t feel that it isn"t a very popular magic.

"Is it a spell system where it binds the enemy I wonder? No, that"s wrong. Rather, this absorbs the power, then weakening to the point where they cannot move…… It"s quite a vulgar system……"

When I did an on-site-investigation, there my acquaintance made an appearance.

"What, it"s you people, what a coincidence to meet in such a place."

Turning my head to the direction of the voice, Beelzebub stood there.

"Eh…… It really is an unexpected meaning, but why are you in such a place……?"
"That"s because this is a tourist attraction. A good hot spring gushes forth at this crater. Once in awhile, I come here to slowly sooth my body from fatigue."

A hot spring trip…… Because of that, Beelzebub"s reason for being here was explained adequately, but.

"Um, what happened to those dragons?"

"Because they were noisy, I punished them."

Beelzebub said that like it was nothing.

"When I was strolling through the town, these dragons appeared. They swept away the tourists, lowering the value of the sightseeing spot, and started talking foolish things. Therefore, I came out, and then carried out an extermination."

Beelzebub picked up a pebble, then carelessly threw it at the dragons who could not move.

"This is a magic that causes extreme weakness. It"s only handed down within the demons, so you guys might not know of it. Though this way, this is the just a way to lock up the criminals."

"These five blue dragons, you defeated them by yourself!?"

Leica asked curiously.

"Huh? As if those five dragons would delay me in any way. One example is their cold breath, I am the one who breathes a more intense cold. I am a high level demon who has lived for three thousand years you know. I was surely not going to be defeated. Good grief, do not insult me."

After that, Beelzebub face turned red, then her facial expression turned sullen.

"Azusa, you too, even though you beat me with a cheap move last time, you thought that I was together with those small fries right? Next time we fight fair and square, you do not know what is going to happen! Because I am strong!"

"Ah, that"s trivial right now though."

"Wait, wait! It is not trivial! It is a very important thing!"

I approached Beelzebub, then tightly hugged her.

"Thank you! Thanks to you the red dragon crisis has been avoided!"

"Wow! Don"t cling! Are you not embarra.s.sed! Besides, I did not do it for you people, but because of these shabby dragons getting, I tied them up!"

"Huh. Beelzebub, you have a good smell as if you got out of the bath."

"That is because in reality I did get out of the bath――wait, that"s something trivial, so let go!"

Today, I understood that.

Dragons are inferior to Beelzebub.


Lmao, footnote at the t.i.tle already. Yea, so j.a.panese trend 101 cla.s.s begins! "[insert something] へ GO" is just a phrase that j.a.panese people like using, such as 「温泉へGO」or 「バブルへGO」. No real meaning, but it started because of the TV show named "Go to Hot Springs" (the first example I gave), which kinda made this phrase popular and commonly used now.

Translator: flowingcloud    TLC: Yomigaeru

Post War Treatment

The fact that the crater town was safe was immediately reported to the wedding venue.

Thus, the dispute concluded without problems.

As for me, I returned towards the direction of my daughter and Harukara.

"I was scared, Mamaー!"
"Kaa-san thanks for coming."

"I thought I had to carve my will on a tree……"

My daughters, then even Harukara, came to hug me. Harukara had no place to embrace, so she forcibly reached out her hands behind me. but.

"Because Master did not easily come back, I was certain that you fell into someone"s hands and was seriously worried…… That worry also infected Farfua-chan and Sharusha-chan…… we suffered a heartache……"

Oops, I returned too late so that that problem also happened.

"Sorry, by all means, I did not have the time to turn back."

"Mom"s side was more serious, so it"s fine."
"Because Mama returned, I forgot my sadnessー!"

I tightly squeezed my two daughters many times over and over.

Thanks to a certain person dealing with it afterward, it was settled comparatively quickly.

Beelzebub with Weakness (or call it "Breakdown") Magic to get rid of the movement of the blue dragons who came from attacking the wedding venue.

With this, the risk of the enemy beginning to act violently once again has disappeared.

"Good grief, why do I, the customer taking the bath, have to do these kinds of odd jobs."

Beelzebub complained so, but in the end, all members lost their ability to move.

"Thank you. With this, the reason for uneasiness is gone."

Little by little, I"m starting to understand how to deal with Beelzebub, but this person is the type where they cannot refuse if you ask. ……This representation has become a boomerang and feels like it will return back to me though.

With this, I want to say that the marriage ceremony is restarted, but before that, an absolutely necessary thing is still left.

"Well, I"ll have you guys pay the debt now."

I was smiling, but I am truly angry at this time"s matter. There are good and bad things in the world.

"Furafurataruto, make it easy for you to talk. Go into your human form."
"It"s Furattorute! Remember my name properly!"

"Turn into your human form. Then I"ll talk to you."

Unwillingly Furattorute turned into her human form.

It was a form of a person, but besides her horns, she even had a dragon tail, which grew from her back.

Her garments were quite a pretty pink dress, with long, purple hair.

However, the Weakness (or breakdown if you changed it before) Magic was effective, so her body stuck to the ground as it is.

"This is good right…… What is your goal……?"

Let"s ask Leica to do the negotiations itself.

"First, the reparations concerning this time"s dispute, you"ll pay this amount."

Leica, who was in her human appearance, showed Furattorete a piece of paper.

"Uwah…… Y-you"re taking that much money…… That is higher than the cost of the wedding ceremony isn"t it……?"

"Mental suffering fees and consultation fees for injured people. It"s given that it would be this much. If you do disagree, are you going to stay here not able to move forever?"

"T-that is almost troublesome……"

The losing side has no qualifications left to say any complaints.

"I understand…… I will accept those conditions……"

Alright, negotiations are completed. However, since we have the occasion, let"s talk one more time. Right now we have the perfect third party.

I pulled Beelzebub, then went to in front of Furattorute.

"Here, in addition to reparations, I want you to sign a treaty though."
"A treaty……?"

"That"s right. A non-aggression pact between the blue dragons and the red dragons. Of course, things like hara.s.sment attacks are out of the question."

"N-no way…… I"ll lose my raison d"etre……"

It might be foul play for a human who does not desire marriage to say this, but I think that"s why you haven"t been able to get married.

"If you do not sign, you won"t be able to return to your hometown for life you know?

I told Furattorute with a grin.

"Three days without going home, doesn"t it feel like saying that you"re staying at your workplace?"

"Hii! Your smile is scary!"

"If that"s the case, sign. Okay?"

"I understand…… I"ll sign! I"ll sign! Therefore forgive me……"

"Azusa-sama…… were you thinking about this……"
Oh right, I have not yet told Leica this plan.

"With this, Rocko Mountain will be peaceful."
"Thank you very much!"

Leica thankful to a very great extent. Thanks to that, my mood slightly became better.

The agreement was peacefully concluded between Leica and Furattorute. Leica was in the position to represent the red dragons since she is a top level dragon in terms of power.

I repeatedly poked Beelzebub.

"Please. Do it well."

"I know…… It"s fine if I say it right?"

After Beelzebub dryly coughed,

"In conclusion, this treaty"s agreement has certainly been witnessed by me and Azusa the Plateau Witch. If this treaty is broken, that will sully me and the Plateau Witch. Understand it well."

Furattorute face turned pale.

"There"s no way to defeat the Plateau Witch and Lord of Flies……"

"That"s natural. I could exterminate you blue dragons in five minutes. If you don"t like it, live your life seriously.""

Furattorute was greatly perplexed.

"I should not have done this……"

Thus, the postwar treatment has been safely resolved completely.

The injured blue dragons unsteadily went home; until they pay their reparations, only Furattorute was left behind as a hostage.

"Beelzebub, thank you again. They found a good common ground."

It was unexpected that the blue dragons would even pick a fight with Beelzebub.

"Only someone like you would dare to work the Lord of the Flies so hard. Make up for it by inviting me to something fun."

"Sure, then, if there"s an event, I"ll call you. I don"t know how to call you though."

"There"s Communication Magic. If you don"t know, I"ll teach you later."

Beelzebub, in the end, is a good person.

"I"ll rely on you in the future!"

Because I was always relied on, I feel relieved to have a person to rely on. Taking the opportunity, I hugged her once again.

"You don"t have to grab me so many times!"

After all of that, it"s time to continue the marriage ceremony.


Furafurataruto is basically a long confusing pun. The author has Azusa say it in a way where it was "easy" for Azusa so remember Farattorute"s name

Taruto = Tart (or a roll of sponge cake with sweetened beans)

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