Translator: flowingcloud    Editor: Matty    Proofreader: N/A    TLC: Yomigaeru

Cafe Closing Party

Thus, thanks to Beelzebub"s a.s.sistance, we finally had enough of a margin to run the cafe "Witch"s house". We managed to finish just before closing time, at around seven in the evening.

The entire staff focused on the last customer leaving out the door.

"Thank you very much for coming today!"

And then, right after service hours had ended, I clung to Beelzebub

"Thank you! We were saved by the skin of our teeth!"
"Ah, I know well of your grat.i.tude towards me. As a token of appreciation, allow me to order something from the menu. I did originally come as a customer, after all."

She was right indeed; I put a customer to work the entire time.

"Ah, of course, we can handle that much. We"ll keep your orders coming. Just don"t order the entire menu."

"Let me see.. Then, all the ones on this page of the food menu..This, this, and this cake, and this, this, and this drink, and this one as well.."

"That"s some serious overeating.."

"I"m famished from all that work. Also, bring along two bottles of "Nutritional Liquor" "

There was no such thing on the menu, but Harukara immediately headed off to fetch it anyway.
tI was a reaction towards a really scary OG. [1]

Leica and I prepared the food menu items. Meanwhile, Beelzebub was happily talking with my two daughters.

"Look, Farufa. It"s a book on differentials and integrals." [2]
"Yay! Beelzebub-san, thank you!"
"For Sharusha, a book on the Demon Race"s History."
"Thank you very much.."

Back in j.a.pan, I have an aunt who spoils her nieces. And like her. she"s way too soft on Farufa and Sharusha; she"s spoiling them. No, on second thought, she did listen to my requests a fair amount, so she might be that way with just about anyone..

However, my two daughters weren"t used to working, so they were completely drained and fell asleep mid-conversation about the books. Since I didn"t want to wake them up whilst carrying them up to bed, I draped them in a towel blanket. [3]

Then, the dishes lined up in front of Beelzebub. And so too were our own dishes, ready to eat. There wasn"t enough spare time for a proper lunch.

"Good. Its taste is suitable for this establishment. It isn"t as polished as I"d like them to be, but there is no use in serving court cuisine in a cafe, so it should suffice."

It looks like we received pa.s.sing marks, for now.

"I originally came to this village for the festival, as it was nearby. Afterwards though, I heard of a cafe opening the day before it, so I decided to give it a chance."

"I see. Sorry for occupying your day with work."

"At the state that it was running, business would"ve collapsed, so I came at just the right time. The curious villagers in a festive mood came in droves.

"I guess that was the case. We had to service four times the expected number of people."

A while ago, when Harukara calculated the sale count, it was estimated at four times the expected amount. She seemed to be happiest when instructed to handle the financial side of things, so I let her do it.

By the way, Beelzebub was quietly eating while holding the conversation. She"s one energetic demon.

"Incidentally, there were other reasons as to why I decided to come."
As she said that, Beelzebub took out a piece of paper, with words written in Demonic Language.

"I.. can"t read Demonic Language at all… And the characters are too closely packed to make any of it out.."

"It goes a little something like this: The Plateau Witch, Azusa, has been dedicated the Demon Medal of Honor. If the enclosed schedule coincides with the recipient"s , please attend without fail."
"Ah, the Demon Medal of Honor――wait, what even is this!?

This is the first time I heard of the term.

"In the first place, I"m not even a demon! I may be an immortal who has lived for 300 years, but I"m still a human!""
"Ah, the Demon Medal of Honor is not "a medal of honor given to a demon", but "a medal of honor given by demons". The race of the recipient isn"t taken into account."
I see. Even in j.a.pan, there are awards and the like given to foreigners who are held in high esteem.

"This award is from the peacekeeping category. Remember, you resolved the dragon"s dispute. Not only did you defeat the enemy, but managed to cement lasting peace due to the agreement;that was also taken into evaluation. Well, I was the one who recommended all this."

This person, she was doing something behind my back!
However, something like demons lauding these kinds of feats are a far cry from the image I had of them in mind.

"Then, I"ll go. I still owe a few favors."

"Good. Excellent."

However, Leica was a careful person, so it seems like she found a few points about this to worry about.

"Um, going to the Demon State, it is safe for us? It would be good if everyone there was as friendly as Beelzebub."
"The guys who want to wage war against humanity hardly exist, so it is safe."

From what Beelzebub said, there"s no need to worry. It"ll probably just be a change of pace if anything.
"I understand…… However, Azusa-sama has a certain p.r.o.neness of getting dragged into things, so I"m still a little worried, but……".

"Ehh!? Why is Leica judging me so negatively?! "
Leica is in her rebellious age!
"I am not judging you. I, of course, have faith in Azusa-sama. However, it is a fact that these things tend to happen to you… And a fact is a fact."
When you word it like that, it"s impossible to refute..

"Additionally, there"s a certain person in our group with a predisposition for being weak."
Leica briefly sent a cold gaze at Harukara.
"Eeh! Sparks are starting to fly!"

"Harukara-san, don"t do anything that might offend the demons. You are not Azusa-sama; you have no means of protecting your own body, so please watch your step."
Leica is like her guardian in a way

"It"s alright,I say. I"m a seasoned traveller~. Although all my travelling expenses were stolen on my way to a different province, I managed to together enough funds from working part-time~."
"You were robbed?!"
Without thinking, I retorted.

"No, no, robbed is too strong a word. I only had some pocket change stolen. The other time I left for a long trip, the only thing of note was me getting surrounded by a group of somewhat scary men, but I got saved by the local soldiers, so it didn"t really lead to anything~."

Leica looked in my direction and said, "See, you should worry about it."

"Alright…… I will be careful then…… Mainly of Harukara……"

There are some people who develop the logic of "since I"m safe this time, I"ll be safe next time", and Harukara was clearly one of those people.


1. OG = Old Girl/Office Girl You figure out which one was used in this context
2. Calculus stuff.
3. A towel blanket is basically a blanket (that resembles a beach towel) that is used in hot weather.

Translator: flowingcloud    Editor: Matty    Proofreader: N/A   TLC: Yomigaeru

Day of the Festival

Beelzebub decided to stay over today as well. Since I owe her a huge favor, it is only right that I display the utmost hospitality to her.

"I"ll draw the bath for you, so please be ready. I can also wash your back, if you"d like."
"Well.. I want Farufa and Sharusha to join in too."
"The girls are asleep though.. But alright, they should take one before sleeping anyway. I"ll go wake them."

Beelzebub looked to be extremely happy with that. Seems like she"s about to blurt out, "Let me adopt them!" again. Shower them with affection all you like, but they still won"t be your daughters.

"I brought this for the two of them to play with."
Beelzebub brought out a toy duck with hollowed out insides.
"It floats on water. It"ll make bath-time fun for them."
"So this kind of thing exists here…"

My two daughters seemed delighted to enter the bath with Beelzebub, so I approved of it.
They even came out smiling and happily drying their heads.

"Ah~ Seriously, the both of you are so cute!"
She really likes children.. Good grief.

"They"re so cute I want to bring one home!"
"I"m absolutely not okay with that!"
She got a bit too enthusiastic about the idea there, so I had to firmly turn her down.

After exiting the bath, Beelzebub started talking to Harukara about the "Nutritional Alcohol", among other things.

"I wonder if you can grow those kinds of nourishing and st.u.r.dy crops in the Demon Lands..? As the Minister of Agriculture, It is my duty to advance policies that increase commercial crop yield"

"Ah, in that case, send a report on the region"s climate and other geographical features. I"ll compile a list of feasible crops."

Harukara was a pro at these kinds of conversations. She was careless at times, but she could get the job done in her area of specialty.

They soon lost track of time in the midst of conversation, and before they knew it, it was time for bed.

"Well then, how about we go around the festival together, tomorrow?"
"Sure, sounds good. See you then."

Like this, the long day at Witch"s House came to an end.

The following day, we set out to to the village holding the Dancing Festival.
There already were people dancing every which way. Also, the stalls had already been set for business, lined up in busy rows. At any rate, the place was like a flea market, with unneeded house articles being sold cheaply.

"Ho, they"re doing relatively well for a countryside festival."
"Are you going to be arrogant today? Well, it can"t be denied that this is a festival held in the countryside, objectively speaking.""

A festival such as this might seem comparably trivial to one in a big city. But it"s fine. The simplicity of it is just right.

However, since the festival is fairly local, a great uproar is inevitable..

"Ooh! It"s the Witch-sama"s party!"
"Look, it"s capable waitress-san from yesterday!"
"Hey, clear the path!"

The small sea of humans suddenly parted, emptying the path, and the situation quickly became like the story of Moses.

"No, no, no! Everyone fussing over me just makes it harder to walk these streets, so please treat me like a normal guest!"

Given the situation, however, the people of the village would not concede.
"No, we insist, please walk freely on the main street!"
"That"s right! You"re like everyone"s G.o.d in a certain sense!"

I guess it"s all boiled down to this..

"It can"t be helped, Azusa-sama. Isn"t it fine to let them pamper you like a G.o.d for this special occasion, Azusa-sama."
Leica is flattering me, but you"re also part of the "G.o.d"s" party. There"s not much of a difference.

"Well then, Leica, why don"t you try walking with the att.i.tude of a G.o.d? I"ll follow your lead."
"I-.. I don"t want to.. It would be outrageous for someone such as I to do that…."
"See~ It"s no good encouraging others to do something you yourself wouldn"t do.
On that point, this time around, we do have a fellow with us who is experienced in being self-important.

"Ooh, the villagers here properly know how to make way when required.."
Boldly letting out her b.u.mptious aura, Belzebub swaggered down the path of Moses.
Imitating that, Farufa also puffed up with pride and walked.

I wonder if her doing this was okay, as it was still within the range of it being cute.

While we were browsing and eating from the various stalls, we occasionally threw ourselves into the middle of a dance.

Chicken, sheep, pork, a whole bunch of skewered foods popped out at random. If it"s on a skewer, you can eat it while walking.

"Leica, which one looks to be the tastiest for you?"
"Let"s see.. The seasoned sheep meat looks good.."
"What, can"t you just eat them all?"

"You, I bet you"re the type to not thinking about diets and that kind of stuff.."
She really was a carnivore, in the literal sense.
"Won"t get fat if you"re active enough, and I"m busy all the time."
Regarding that, I feel like she"s able to meet me fairly often, so I wonder if she really is working?

"Eh, come to think of it, Harukara has been gone since some time ago.."

After looking for her restlessly, we found her sleeping on the ground, drunk.

"N~o, I, can"t drink anymore……"

"Ah~ Get up, learn to stop sleeping on the ground! "
I pulled her up, since she wasn"t going to get up herself.
"Azusa-sama, at least now I know~"

Leica was holding some sort of small bottle.
".. What is that?"
It seems this drink was effective against the type of intoxication Harukara had also developed. Incidentally, the other formulas tasted bitter and astringent to the point of making one"s head spin. I had prepared it in advance.

Leica poured it into Harukara"s mouth.

"This one is guaranteed to make her sober. It"s that potent."
Then, when approximately half the bottle was emptied into Harukara"s mouth――

"Uee! What is it, this flavor! It tastes like all of h.e.l.l"s torture in a single gulp! Who was it!? Who made this kind of thing?!
"It was you! You made it!"

"Aah, the un-inebriator…… Since the taste was too much, it didn"t sell a whole lot……"

Harukara immediately regained consciousness.. Sigh. That"s good, that"s good.
Well, I guess we"ve gotten through most of the festival.

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