Translator(s): DCThanatos    Editor(s): Yuzuha    Proofreader(s): Merp-Merp

Note: Here is the teaser for “While killing slimes for 300 years, I became the MAX level unknowingly“. I apologize if there are any mistakes, and if you want this to become a fully translated series, just vote on the “Next Project” post.

Aizawa Azusa"s Perspective

 Aizawa Azusa, twenty seven years old.

Corporate slave.

For work, I only lived for work.

I put love and fun aside, and worked earnestly.

Then one day, while I was working on my precious work, I lost consciousness.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was met with a young woman"s face. For some reason, she had angelic wings growing out of her back.

"Oh, I"ve died, haven"t I?"

It looks like in the end my life really only was work.

And I do not know whether this person is an angel, or a shinigami, but they are something of that genre.

"It is so. You have overworked yourself to death, and you"re only in your twenties. Such a heartrending thing&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;"

She was grieving for me.

As it is, I"ll try and be kind to this child in some kind of way.

"I will give you another life, one where you can enjoy yourself. I"ll give you anything you desire, what would you like? Or I could make you reborn as princess of a kingdom. Oh and it doesn"t matter what gender you choose. Lately, even men have not minded their next life being a woman."

"Will any wish really do?"

"Yes! I"m a lenient and generous woman"

Is it not gender inequality? Well it"s better to have few restrictions, than to have many.(TL: This made no sense at all: それ、男女不平等なんじゃないか。)

They said anything was possible, so without any hesitation, I immediately said what I wished for.

"Then please make me an ageless existence. Is that possible?"

That was my wish.

Because my life ended while I was pressed by work, I wanted this one to be longer.

"Then, I will let you transmigrate into a body which has Mana circulating round and round, preventing  you from aging.

Such a thing seemed so simple. How wonderful it would be.

"Are there any other requests?"

"No, that much is fine"


"Yes. Because I plan to live a long, slow, and leisurely life. I"ll be self sufficient and live atop a mountain. So I would like you to put me nearby a village where I can obtain salt and other things that are difficult to procure, and maybe we can divide it.(TN: This is the raw for the second half incase you want to try making sense of it: それで、塩とか手に入れるのが難しいものだけ、近くの村で手伝いでもして分けてもらおうかなと)

Because I lived in the big city of Tokyo, I wanted to live comfortably in a house atop a mountain.

"It is truly a slow life, is it not?&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;But I guess I cannot help it since I had a hasty way of living before. I understood. It may be incomprehensible and immature, but I want to relax and rehabilitate on top of a plateau. Although it is not that I wish to live a long life as a grandmother. So I wish to have an seventeen year old immortal body."

Then, I began to fall unconscious.

When I woke up, I was really laying upon a plateau.

(ED: reference to the new Zelda game where it starts with “Open your eyes” and Link wakes up at the great plateau???? jk)

Nearby there was a single isolated house.

When I approached the house, I noticed a label. By the way, it shouldn"t have been j.a.panese, yet I can still read it for some reason.


"The person was very generous, I got lucky&h.e.l.lip; No, rather it was because the angel had me reborn at such a place"

Speaking of being born again, I wondered what kind of face I had, so I went inside the house and found a mirror.

"I"m really seventeen years old and although the face isn"t bad, it"s more of a western style which I"m not used to."

Well, it"s my face now, I"ll have to get used to it sooner or later.

"Well, from today on this is my house. The House of Azusa!"

There also seems to be a field next to the house, so I"ll be able to plant and harvest vegetables here. I think this place is quite convenient for a self-sufficient life.

The clothes that I"ve had on since I reincarnated contained about 15 gold coins, so I should be able to buy the minimal necessities with it.

Also, there was a knife at my waist; I"m a woman that lives alone, so would I really need it?(TL: So many rape jokes were thought of here&h.e.l.lip;)

I saw a town at the foot of the plateau, no rather it was a village

Now, should I go shopping aimlessly or not&h.e.l.lip; well, I do also want to hear about this land.

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