Translator(s): Fairy    Editor(s): Onilateur    Proofreader(s): Onilateur    TLC(s): Onilateur, Fairy

Note: Surprise! Three things I’d like to inform everyone. Firstly,  you should thank Fairy and Onilateur(over in the RTD discord or something) for this chapter as first they were b.i.t.c.hing me to put out one, before deciding to take the initiative and doing themselves, and in one day no less. Two, the day I said I was going on break, someone volunteered to continue tling in my place, so this might become weekly instead of like every two weeks. Thirdly, for those who are AnBM fans as well, I think Shimizu is still doing chapters, just not at a weekly rate, plus he has his own website and university to think about as well.

Without much further adieu, enjoy!

Author"s note: My ranking has increased to 36th position! Thank you very much! The numbers from the day of first update till now is the best. I am really happy!



It"s not that I suddenly awoke to monster extermination.

How should i say it, it"s the opposite.

To some extent, If I were to have knowledge about monsters, even if I am being requested to exterminate them, I may be able to deal with it without setting out on my own by giving advice.

Even if this is the case, if it"s collaboration to this extent, I am fine with giving advice. I only dislike being forced to work like a draft horse.

At any rate, I am level 99. Even I know that such a thing is an exception in this world. It would be disastrous for me if all the troubles were to be channeled to my place.

After blowing the party away in one breath, for about 10 days, my life did not have any changes. Requests such as defeating a dragon did not come as well.

However, as the sales of medicines commissioned by the village"s general store are growing more than ever, the amount of medicinal gra.s.s consigned increased as well. It must be them thinking that if it"s the medicine made by the level 99 witch, it will be super effective. Honestly speaking, I do not think that there is much difference at all.

"Well, this world doesn"t have internet, therefore, I guess the spreading of information will be slow. Although it would be best if the topic would not spread and die off just like that."  

However, I shouldn"t have said such a thing as there suddenly was a loud DON DON knocking sound on my door.

Who is it this time? In addition, the way of knocking is violent so the possibility of it being a villager seems to be slim.

If I were to pretend to be out, the door would be destroyed, therefore, I quickly opened it.

If it"s about helping to slay a dragon, I will instruct them about an excellent way of defeating the dragon and take my leave. If it is about an important matter of villages being ruined. It"s not like I will not lend a helping hand.

"Yes, may I know who you are?"






According to the book that I had read, dragons are high cla.s.s monsters. Therefore, they seems to be able to understand words (Human Language). In the first place, it seems to have the knowledge of knocking on the door.

Immediately, the knowledge of the books comes into use. However, I did not want to have to use it myself.

"I am Raika, the dragon who was named the strongest monster in this Nanteru state." (ED note: Nanteru state = ナンテール州, if you have a better suggestion send it to DC)

"May I know the purpose of this visit?"

"With that said, recently, I had heard about some rumors of the existence of a strongest witch here. I thought of comparing who is stronger, therefore I came here."

To how far have the rumors spread?!

"I do not wish to be labelled as the strongest. I had merely saved 300 years worth of experience, therefore I had obtained a huge amount. Therefore, I would gladly hand over the t.i.tle of being the strongest to you."

"That I cannot agree to. Fight with me! And let"s establish decisively who is the strongest here!"

I am really annoyed.

It is not a d.a.m.n dojo so don"t come issuing a Doujouyaburi dojo challenge here

We moved to a much larger area away from the mansion.

It would be intolerable if my mansion were to be damaged in the midst of the battle.

"With that, allow me to show you the full extent of this Raika"s power!"

"Hai Hai (Yes Yes) Please show me your power as much as you want."

The dragon flapped its wings and flew up into the sky.

"I will burn you to nothingness!"

And it breathed fire from its mouth!

If I were to receive this squarely, I would probably be troubled. Please refrain from making me get injuries such as burns. I can not even pretend to lose on purpose at this rate.

"Freeze everything in its entirety!"

I launched my ice magic towards the fire

As though my strategy succeeded, my magic hit the fire and both offset each other and disappeared.

"Tch! I am pretty sure! As expected, you seem to be really a high level witch!

From my point of view, it seems to be fine to quickly end this with the use of force.

Alright, how should I fight? My opponent is floating.

"I proclaim to bid farewell to the ground for a little while!"

I used floating magic. With this, one cannot say that I am not equivalent to the dragon.

From now on, how shall we battle?

I do not want to go too close. As far as it"s concerned, it will be a battle of magic. However, as expected, I probably will not able to blow it away with a tornado like those humans due to its size. Even in the case where it was blown away, if it were to land on the village, there would be ma.s.sive damage incurred.

Should I use lightning magic? However, honestly speaking, I do not have the confidence in adjusting the power. It"s different from a slime. If I were to kill a highly intelligent dragon, I would probably feel guilty.

I do not have things such as a vow not to kill. However, I will try to my utmost best not to take lives.

With that ,Fire Magic or Ice Magic it is.

Fire magic will definitely not work since the dragon was spitting flames earlier, it is probably immune to it.

So, there is no other choice than to use Ice magic.

"Mimicking me and flying in the sky huh. How impudent!"

In order to crush me, the dragon had stretched out its hand to grab me. However, I immediately evaded this level of attacks. And I had overcompensated and created a gap between me and the dragon.

I shot my ice magic at the dragon"s mouth.

The dragon panicked and dropped to the ground and started running around.

With this, it"s decided. If it"s like this, I did not s.n.a.t.c.h away its life and brought my opponent into ma.s.sive chaos.

The dragon running about indiscriminately is an excellent proof.

Are? Running about in circle?

I suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

"Do not destroy my house! YOU MUST NOT DESTROY IT!"


However this dragon was running towards my house and suddenly b.u.mped into my house.


The corner of my house broke.

My anger got ignited.


I approached the dragon and whacked it.



With that punch, the dragon got knocked out.

And collapsed on the plateau with a thud.

Although it does not seem like it is dead but it received a huge amount of damage and was unable to move for now. It was just down. (ED note: I think she uses the game term for "down" state here)

As one would expect, because I used my fist to hit it, now my hand hurts. Although because my fist is not broken, I guess it"s fine.

"Wh…What strength…. Even this great me got defeated so thoroughly…"

It seems like the dragon is also unable to believe in its current situation.

"First, it"s fine to call this as my victory…."

I saw that a portion of my house was destroyed.

The dragon shall reimburse me with no excuses.

"Nee,  Raika the dragon."

I approached the dragon and poked it slightly.

“Please do repair my house. I will not exempt you from not repairing it~”

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