Ride the “Ship”

It was finally time for us to head out for the demon territory.

Having said that, we were still lounging in the house in our casual wear. Beelzebub will be coming by to pick us up.

Since the trip was going to take quite a bit of time, the plan was to change into our dresses once we arrived. Though since Rosary was under the effects of the spell, she was already wearing hers.

“She should be soon right? Though we didn’t really decide on a specific time.”

I was reading a book while waiting for Beelzebub but I couldn’t get myself to calm down.

“She will arrive when she arrives. In the meantime, I have properly checked that everything has been locked for the third time”

Leica diligently checked that the windows and the backdoor were all locked a number of times.

It’s not like anyone would even think of robbing this place, but if some stranger were to come inside it wouldn’t really sit well with me, so it’s better to be thorough about these kinds of things.

“Please don’t let the demon race hate me… Please don’t let them hate me…”

I wish Harukara put in a bit more effort into enjoying the trip.

Farufa and Sharusha, on the other hand, were simply excited about going on a trip and couldn’t seem to calm down as they restlessly fidgeted here and there.

Suddenly, it got darker as the sunlight dimmed.

Was a thick cloud blocking the sun or something?

However, it stayed dark for quite some time. Wondering if it was because of a pa.s.sing shower, I headed outside only to find that it got dark for a very different reason.

“What, is that…”

It was a really huge… ridiculously gigantic something that had blocked out the sun.

A s.p.a.ce battleship? No, there’s no way that could go to s.p.a.ce. For one thing, it looked like a living lifeform.

The other members of the family, realizing that something was amiss, started coming out one after another and were just as shocked.

“Leica, do you know what that is?”

“Something from the demon race… perhaps? Although somehow there seems to be a slight resemblance to us of the dragon race…”

As she said that, something started to descend from the sky. As it got closer, I realized it was Beelzebub.

“I have made you wait. I, Beelzebub, am here to escort all of you. If everyone could head up, I would greatly appreciate it. Although, Leica, you will have to carry everyone over in your dragon form. After, that over there will fly us to the demon territory.”

“Beelzebub, what is that up there…?”

“A leviathan”

“Huh? Isn’t a leviathan a sea monster…?”

“Mother, there is a theory that a leviathan may be a species of dragon”

Sharusha taught me something I didn’t know.

“I know not whether they are related to dragons, but leviathans are flying colossal-cla.s.s members of the demon race. Since they enjoy diving into the ocean when they are out on vacation, that might be where the sea monster stories come from no?”

“This is on a completely different scale though”

What in the word does this creature eat to stay alive…

Those who were unable to fly rode on Leica’s back. Rosary and I used our own respective methods of flight to get up to the leviathan.

Since it was such a ma.s.sive creature, its back was wide and quite flat.

There were a number of buildings built on top of it.

“Is this kinda like a fancy cruise ship…”

“Close, but not exactly. Now then, allow me to guide you to the suites reserved for guests of honor. You may wander around the deck freely, but stay within the bounds of the railing so that you do not fall. It may seem flat but when the leviathan moves it can suddenly become dangerous.”

“Mother, Sharusha is deeply moved right now”

Her facial expression didn’t change much, but Sharusha was furiously writing in the notebook she always carried with her to take memos. I’m sure she was trying to leave a record about the leviathan.

First, Beelzebub took us to the room, or rather building, for guests of honor.

Notwithstanding the disturbing face-shaped ornaments hanging around, it was an extravagant room furnished with the likes of a splendidly crafted table and a high cla.s.s rug. Also lined up inside were several beds.

“A leviathan is not one to travel too quickly so you shall be spending a night here.”

“We haven’t even arrived yet and we’re already being taken care of I see”

“In consideration of your preferences, we have prepared dishes primarily made of poultry and vegetables. It’s not spicy at all so you have no need to worry.”

Thank goodness. Beelzebub seemed to be doing her best to match our tastes.

“Besides this floor, there is a dining s.p.a.ce on the second floor, as well as an observation s.p.a.ce on the third floor. Those who wish to enjoy the view from the sky may head there afterwards. I will now conduct a tour of the nearby buildings.”

Our family lined up and followed her.

The nearby building we were guided to resembled a casino. There were sets for board and card games placed here and there.

“Is this a gambling hall?”

“Indeed. You may think of it as such. However, as the only ones here at this time are your group, in consideration of the multiple dangers a.s.sociated with it, we have decided to keep it closed for this journey.”

Harukara looked terribly disappointed.

“What do you mean by dangers?”

“If you were to become too enamored with it you could, as an example, lose everything you have. The demon race are not one to back down from a challenge. Even against a guest, we would not lose on purpose.  There are countless examples of those who have lost more than they even owned. Losing even the rights to their own selves, they became debt slaves.”

Beelzebub then glanced at Harukara.

“If someone like Harukara were to lose everything, then as her host, even one such as I would feel a tad awkward no…?”

As if she didn’t hear it at all, Harukara was off muttering ‘Aww~ if only the gambling hall was open, I could’ve doubled my a.s.sets~’

Certainly, leaving the gambling hall closed was for the best…

We then continued on to the next building.

As soon as I saw it, I knew exactly what it was.

“What you are seeing is the bath house. Before we arrive at our destination, you are free to head inside and relax as you wish.”

“Nice. I’ll be sure to make use of it.”

“Since we are already here, do you wish to take a look? There’s n.o.body else here anyway”

And so we went past the dressing room and into the bath area. We only took off our shoes.

— But for some reason, there was already someone here.

“Huh…? I was pretty sure there wouldn’t be anyone coming in here around this time~…

With horns on her head and a tail, I wondered if this person was one of Leica’s kind.

But since we were supposed to be the only pa.s.sengers here, I wondered who this person could be.

“Hmph, you there, it should be cleaning hours for the bath house right now… Could you refrain from slacking and return to your work”

“Sorry boss…”

The girl lowered her head.

“This girl is a leviathan who is, let’s see, you may think of her as part of the crew of the leviathan we’re currently on. She’s Vahnia.”

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