Translator(s): flowingcloud, DCThanatos    Editor(s): Matty    Proofreader(s): DCThanatos    TLC(s): N/A

DC: You know, after getting further into translating this story, I feel like the author has a few slight issues in the head…

Flowingcloud: Back to normal chapter length~! Also, the chapter t.i.tle was moved to the end of the chapter due to the author being a G.o.d d.a.m.n spoiler. Seriously, they do it like every chapter.

(Moved to end of chapter)

For three hundred years I had been living a slow life by myself, but recently, it has suddenly become lively.

The reason is simple. Four people have become a part of my family. Or perhaps I should say, since I didn"t have any conversations when I was living alone, I mostly kept to myself. On a bad day, I could"ve talked to the clerk at the nearby convenience store.

Store Clerk: "That"ll be 183 yen."

Myself: "I have exact change. Here, 183 yen."

Store Clerk: "I will return your receipt. Thank you very much."[1]

Myself: "Yes, thanks."

—-The end. That was my reminiscence of the j.a.panese era. There are relatively a lot of days like this and I think that people right now are having similar conversations.

On that point, in a family of four, there are numerous conversations to be had. First of all, I have to greet 3 people.

Today I"m home, elegantly reading a grimoire that I recently purchased.

Because I finished shopping as well as being on cooking duty yesterday, it was time to laze around. Today on lunch duty was Leica.

"Look Sharusha, look! I found this in the field!"[2]

"Nice find, Nee-san."

Also, the voices of my daughters were being made into a BGM. It could be said that I"m content with this.

"Hey, this flies well!"

"Ah, true. Good distance."

What could the girls be talking about? The distance from a flying paper airplane?

A gra.s.shopper flew just before my book.

"Distance". This is what they meant!

"Hey-! Don"t catch gra.s.shoppers and bring them home!"


"Kaa-san, I understand."

Surely, around here, because it"s the gra.s.slands, there are many gra.s.shoppers about. However, I wish they would stop bringing gra.s.shoppers inside the house. It is quite difficult to catch them when they jump, in addition to when they break out.

"Then, what can we catch-?"

"I think a rabbit is ok for Sharusha."

"A rabbit? A while ago, Farufa extended her tentacle to one and it chewed on it."

Come to think of it, although their tentacles are revealed to me, I have not seen much of them. The tentacle-like hair can extend. Or perhaps I should say, I can"t see their "hair" as anything but tentacles.

The two girls are supposed to be extremely intelligent spirits, but their behavior is childish.

Since it"s a rare moment, let"s see my daughters" exchanges.

"Then, Nee-san, shall we read a book?"

"Yea, the book that Sharusha reads, it"s amusing and I like it-!"

"Well then, let"s read Loretta’s "The Elf Race"s Rise and Fall History" 3rd Volume"s 5th chapter"s 2nd section, "Frant Province"s Klar Dynasty Policy Regarding Trade."

I think it"s an overly technical book. It"s not a genre to read for leisure.

Originally, this house did not contain such a book so thick, so it seems to be Sharusha"s private property. Sharusha really likes historiography.

Incidentally, the word "Elf" came out, naturally, there are elves in this world as well.

Although it is not a big country because of the elves, based on the woodlands of various places, there are few that are recognized with the autonomy of a small sovereign country. It is like the dynasty, Klar Dynasty, that Sharusha mentioned, that sort of small country.

Elves are known for having long lives, and some are sometimes close to being immortal like witches; since I haven"t left the plateau, I have not been acquainted with any elves.

Also, to begin with, there aren"t many elves residing in the plateaus, so in this Nanterre Province, there shouldn"t be any of them living here. It"s not like there isn"t any forestry around, but it seems that it isn"t at the scale for which elves would want to live in.

――Dondon, Dondon.

There was a knocking at the door.

Who on earth could it be? My two daughters were right in front of me, and Leica was in the kitchen making soup from the beans that were harvested.

"Kaa-san…… should Sharusha go?"

"I"m happy, but just the gesture is fine."

At the worst, there is the danger that someone will come and attack me. There is also the fear that the topic of the strongest witch is wandering by herself. I can’t let my daughters go.

I opened the door carefully.

"Yes, to whom do I give my greetings?."

The elf"s daughter stood there with teary eyes.[3]

At any rate, they had a bizarre figure. Big, and a big b.u.t.t.

Furthermore, they had a considerably short skirt. Elf-san sure is incredibly s.e.xy.

If my daughter were a male, I wouldn"t want him to look at her womanly features, they"re too erotic. No, those, I think I want her to share a bit of endowment. I wish I could try saying that my b.r.e.a.s.t.s are too heavy, or that I have stiff shoulders, or something like that.

Well, those thoughts aside.

"Er,  what"s your business?"

I didn"t think that elves would come just after hearing word of my daughters, such a coincidence as this is to be expected. For example, on the day you read about Kamakura, you see a TV travel program on Kamakura appear kind of thing.[4]

"Umm…… I"d like for you to help me!"

She extended her arm forward, and even though she said that, her got stuck between her arms. Thanks to that, the looked larger.

It wasn"t like the person herself was intentionally emphasizing their own There is no meaning using these seductive techniques on me, a single woman.

"You want my help? There aren"t any orcs around here, but."

If it"s an orc we"re talking about, they would target elves and female knights.

"It"s not orcs―! I want your help with the high leveled demon Beelzebub!"

Beelzebub. They"re a tremendously high ranking amongst demons. Also known as the Lord of the flies[5]. If it were to appear in a game, it would be suitable to deem him a final boss.

To be frank, I don"t want to fight him.


I shut the door closed.

Immediately, the elf opened the door again.

"Please―! The only person we could think of to save us was Witch of Plateau-san―!"

"Even I don"t want to fight  that sort of scary monster!"

By the way, in this world, the far north side of the continent is cold and made so that living organisms barely lived in that region. It seems―― inside that region, the intellectual monsters created a country-like territory for themselves. It"s so cold that normal humans can"t reach it, so it is often not well-doc.u.mented.

In the past, it seems that they had fought with a human nation. Ever since then, it has been peaceful for about five hundred years. So unless it has something to with fighting monsters, it should be relatively peaceful from now on.

However, if we were to come to a common ground with Beelzebub, I feel that peace will be in jeopardy.

"Please―! Please listen to my story at least―! Even if I asked everyone in the village to leave, there is nowhere to go…… So if the powerful and famous Witch of the Plateau were able to deal with it somehow……"

"Then, I will only listen to your story, after I listen, could you please return to where you came from?"

"S-save us please―! If Beelzebub sets his eyes on us, we will definitely die……"

As one would expect, I can"t just turn her away, can I. I wonder if I should save them within doable circ.u.mstances. And only within a doable range. If the monster country spirals into total war,  my family of four"s life will fall apart, so forgive me.

"I understand. At any rate, please tell me your story. Here, come inside."


1. TL: It does sound weird, but it does translate to "I will return the receipt" or "The receipt is returned." etc., but this is j.a.panese keigo, aka honorific speech, which is a very very very polite way to talk, sometimes the meaning of the sentence will change depending on useage like here.↩

3. TL: Quick j.a.panese lesson: In j.a.panese, many people like to use "something"s daughter." Of course I"m translating it literally, but in reality, it’s just a way to call a little girl in relation to something, in this case, elves. Also, this is usually used by someone who is way older (well Azusa is 300 years old xD).↩

5. TL: For all those people that are like me, and just don"t care about religion, .↩

Chapter t.i.tle: An Elf Came For Help

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