
Chapter 23

"You"re serious."

"I don"t intend to lose you, Leah."

"You"re not going to lose me, Johnny."

Gently taking her face between his hands, he looked into her eyes that reflected the moonlight spilling through the window. "That"s what you promised me last time ... just before you told me to get lost. I don"t intend to let that happen again, Leah. I won"t let you walk away from me again."

Word arrived at the Inn of the Mountain G.o.ds, where Johnny"s agents and attorney had been staying during their sojourn to Ruidoso, to meet Johnny at ten sharp at Whitehorse Ranch. Always punctual, Edwin Fullerman arrived ten minutes early, looking sharp in his Armani suit, constantly checking his watch as he paced the foyer, mind worrying over the phone conferences he had been forced to postpone due to the impromptu get-together. Jack Hall pulled up five minutes later, his face concerned as he mounted the steps and waved a copy of the Enquirer Enquirer under Ed"s nose. under Ed"s nose.

"Read it and weep, Fullerman. If this is true our client is up you-know-what creek without a paddle."


Admit Himself to Betty Ford or Go Straight to Prison Rolling his eyes and groaning, Ed shook his head.

"I"m not finished," Jack announced, and unrolled another tabloid showing a blurry photograph of Johnny holding Leah Starr on the dance floor at Randy"s Bar and Grill.


"I"d Rather Die Than Lose Him to Another Woman!"

"What a lot of hooey." Edwin slapped the tabloid aside.

"Yeah? Then how about this one." Jack held up the Washington Post Washington Post and recited, ""Will scandal foil Foster"s plans for reelection? It will if Johnny Whitehorse has anything to say about it." Seems there is a leak in the DA"s office. Word is out that Johnny has proof of Foster"s involvement with Formation Media." and recited, ""Will scandal foil Foster"s plans for reelection? It will if Johnny Whitehorse has anything to say about it." Seems there is a leak in the DA"s office. Word is out that Johnny has proof of Foster"s involvement with Formation Media."

Ed adjusted his gla.s.ses and took the Post Post from Johnny"s PR manager. He scanned the article. " from Johnny"s PR manager. He scanned the article. "Had proof. We all know that whatever proof Dolores dug up about Foster burned up in that crash, along with Dolores." proof. We all know that whatever proof Dolores dug up about Foster burned up in that crash, along with Dolores."

Robert Anderson arrived. Joining Edwin and Jack, he slapped them both on the back and smiled. "Good news. I just got a call from the a.s.sistant DA. Ted Weir informs me that Johnny"s blood tests just came back. No trace of drugs, and his alcohol level was well below limit."

"Great," Edwin groaned. "Now the only thing they can charge him with is manslaughter due to reckless driving."

"Fullerman, you"re such a pessimist."

"Easy for you to say. If Johnny gets charges slapped against him, you double your fees and spend the next year charging him a thousand bucks an hour to defend him. What the h.e.l.l do we get?" He looked pointedly at Anderson. "A big fat zero because no producer or director or advertising firm will touch him with a ten-foot pole until he wins his case."

"I"m glad to know you have my best interests at heart, Fullerman." Johnny stepped out of the library, a cup of hot coffee in one hand, a copy of the Washington Post Washington Post in the other. in the other.

Edwin shrugged and spread his arms. "You know I love you, Johnny, but let"s face it. You"re worth a million bucks a year to me."

Johnny stepped aside as the men filed by him into the library, where a table with coffee, juice, and danishes awaited. Edwin made for the refreshments immediately, loading his coffee with three spoons of sugar, while Jack grabbed up two sweet rolls and headed for a chair near the window. Anderson walked directly to a chair and sat down, placing his briefcase by his feet, his shrewd eyes watching Johnny as Johnny closed the library door, then headed for a chair next to his.

His mouth partially full of raspberry danish, Edwin said, "Wanna tell us now why you dragged our a.s.ses out of bed at six this morning and why this meeting couldn"t wait until this afternoon? I do have other clients, you know."

"You wouldn"t know it, hearing you talk a few minutes ago," Johnny replied.

"Don"t get c.o.c.ky, Whitehorse. I"m having lunch with Brad Pitt next week. If I"m lucky I could be representing him soon."

"Tell me you"re going to have lunch with DiCaprio and then I"ll be impressed."

"Swine. Should I remind you that before you signed on with me you were actually considering modeling for romance-book covers?"

"As I recall, you you came knocking on came knocking on my my door, Ed. You knew a good thing when you saw it." door, Ed. You knew a good thing when you saw it."

"Right. If you"d stayed with that other agent you"d be doing nothing but cheap b.u.t.ter commercials like Fabio, wiggling your a.s.s at romance-book conventions and giving a lot of h.o.r.n.y old women postmenopausal o.r.g.a.s.ms."

"You"re just jealous, Ed." Jack laughed and blew into his hot coffee.

"What have I got to be jealous about?" Edwin rubbed his bald head as if it were Aladdin"s golden lamp.

"Some of the s.e.xiest men in history have been bald. Yul Brynner-"

"Savalas," Jack added, laughing harder.

"That Star Trek Star Trek captain, what"s his name. Patrick something. Face it. Bald is in, gentlemen. Eat your hearts out." captain, what"s his name. Patrick something. Face it. Bald is in, gentlemen. Eat your hearts out."

Johnny listened to his companions spar a while longer as he sipped his hot coffee and thought just how to delicately break the news that he intended to marry Leah Starr. They wouldn"t be pleased, he surmised, glancing from one to the other.

But they wouldn"t be the only ones. Not by a long shot.

He set his coffee aside, rubbed his sleepy, burning eyes, and took a deep breath. Raising his voice to be heard over the men"s cajoling, he announced: "Gentleman, I"m getting married."

Sudden silence, then they all asked in a woeful tone: "To whom?"

"Leah, of course. Who else? If she agrees, we"re flying to Vegas day after tomorrow."

Ed"s eyes widened behind his wire-rimmed gla.s.ses and his face flushed with hot color. There were flecks of white icing on his lips that fell like little snowflakes onto the front of his suit as he stared down at Johnny. "s.h.i.t," he groaned. "I was afraid you were going to say that."

Jack, balancing his rolls on one knee, stared off into s.p.a.ce, as he always did when he was attempting to contain his mortification over a sudden turn of events.

Anderson, on the other hand, reached for the pocket tape recorder he always kept within grabbing distance and began to murmur directives for his secretary into it.

"Let me understand this precisely." Edwin attempted to swallow his partially chewed pastry. "You"ve just sauntered into this room and announced that you are marrying Senator Foster"s daughter. Or perhaps I misunderstood. Dammit, Johnny, please tell me I"ve misunderstood."

Jack shook his head. "You didn"t misunderstand our client, Edwin. The son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h said he"s getting married day after tomorrow. To the senator"s daughter, no less. Where are my nitroglycerin tablets. s.h.i.t, I feel a coronary coming on."

Pushing the Pause b.u.t.ton on the recorder, Anderson scribbled notes on a pad and said, "This doesn"t give me much time to write up a pre-nup."

"There won"t be a pre-nup," Johnny replied.

They all glared at him and said in unison, "No pre-nup? What are you, crazy?"

"Have you any idea what you"re worth, Whitehorse?"

"I believe you said close to a hundred million a few days ago."

"That"s a conservative number. Whitehorse Jeans alone-"

"There will be no pre-nup."

Edwin tossed the danish and coffee into the trash, removed his gla.s.ses, and nervously cleaned them with his silk tie. "You need your head examined. That"s it, isn"t it? The wreck jarred something loose."

Jack dragged his chair in front of Johnny, sat and propped his elbows on his knees. "We have to talk, Johnny. A man in your position just doesn"t up and get married like that." He snapped his fingers under Johnny"s nose. "Have you any idea what this could do to your career? You"re the most eligible and desired bachelor in this country. Your Fifth Avenue posters alone rake in two million a year. Every d.a.m.ned adolescent girl in this country and Europe has got that frigging photograph over her bed. Women will be throwing themselves off of buildings."

Johnny laughed and crossed his legs.

"Don"t laugh." Jack shook his head. "I"m serious. They buy your jeans for their boyfriends just so they can imagine they are peeling them off of you."

"Marriage didn"t hurt Elvis or McCartney. Hasn"t tarnished Cruise."

"They will build effigies in Leah"s image and burn them. Every wacko fan out there will be after her."

"Besides all of that," Edwin interjected. "You spring this a week after Dolores is killed. How is that going to look? You bury one fiancee, then turn right around and marry someone else?"

"I wasn"t in love with Dolores. That bulls.h.i.t that she was my fiancee was her doing, not mine. It would have been a cold day in h.e.l.l before I married her."

Laying aside his notepad and tape recorder, Robert asked, "Have you informed Doctor Starr that you intend to accuse her father of attempted murder, and that you had in your hands the proof that you needed that he"s heavily involved with Formation Media? Just how and when do you intend to break the news to her that you have every intention of putting her father in prison? On your wedding night?"

"That"s it." Edwin shook his head and rubbed the lenses a second time. "You"re going to marry the woman before the s.h.i.t hits the fan, aren"t you? Because you know that as soon as you accuse her father of corruption-"

"Don"t forget murder," Jack said.

"-she"s history. For G.o.d"s sake, Johnny, what are you doing? All these years you"ve kept your nose clean; you move back to Ruidoso and all h.e.l.l breaks loose. The most desirable women in the world are banging on your door and you up and marry some woman who smells like horse s.h.i.t and has a r.e.t.a.r.ded kid."

Johnny left the chair so fast Edwin had no time to react. Johnny grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and flung him partially over a desk, sending Edwin"s gla.s.ses flying against the wall and scattering paperweights and magazines over the floor.

"I don"t think I like your att.i.tude, Ed. Need I remind you that I pay you fifteen percent of every cent I make to kiss my a.s.s?"

Jack and Robert moved up behind him, their faces almost as white as Edwin"s.

"Sorry," Ed managed, doing his best to remain calm.

"You"re about to be even sorrier, you greedy son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h. Now take your G.o.dd.a.m.n BMW and Rolex watch that I bought you and get the h.e.l.l out of my sight. You"re fired."

His green eyes widening and his face totally colorless, Edwin gave Johnny a weak smile. "You don"t mean that, J. W. Sheesh, I didn"t mean-"

Johnny dragged him off the desk and shoved him toward the door. "You"re finished. Get out."

Edwin swept up his gla.s.ses and, hands trembling, situated them on his face. He stared at Johnny through two broken lenses. "We"ll talk later, after you"ve calmed down a little."


As Ed pivoted on his heels and left the room, Johnny turned back to the others. "Either of you have anything else to say about my decision?"

Anderson picked up his briefcase and popped open the locks, tucked the yellow legal pads into a side pouch, situated his recorder into a pocket, then gently closed the case, locking it with a double snap and a click of the combination dial. Only then did he look at Johnny.

"It"s your call, Johnny. It"s none of my business who you marry. I will, however, have my a.s.sociate contact you as soon as possible. His name is Joe Conrad. He"s smart and as lethal in a courtroom as they come. He"s handled some of the nastiest divorce cases in L.A. I suspect that as soon as Leah discovers what you intend to do to her father, you"re going to need the likes of Joe, because by the time the new Mrs. Whitehorse gets through with you you"ll be lucky to have your worshipped t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es intact."


Dressed in a white terry bathrobe, a towel wrapped around her wet hair, Shamika shook her head as if clearing it of cobwebs. "Obviously I"m still hung over from last night and didn"t hear you correctly. Johnny Whitehorse asked you to marry him and you said you"d think about it?" Dragging a chair back from the kitchen table, Shamika sat down and watched Leah steady Val"s hand as he attempted to feed himself a spoonful of Cheerios. "h.e.l.lo, girlfriend? I think you"ve spent too much time with your arm up horses" b.u.t.ts. Or is it your head? The one love of your life, the most eligible bachelor in this country wants to marry you, and you have to think about it?"

Val looked up and smiled. "Johnny come see me today?"

Leah grinned. "Yes."

"Put down that spoon of Cheerios and talk to me," Shamika pleaded, then lowering her voice, added, "What is there to think about? You"re in love with him, right? The man was the third-highest-grossing entertainer in the industry last year; you wouldn"t have to work another day of your life, and best of all, you wouldn"t have to worry about where you"re going to get the money to buy Val a new wheelchair ... and you have to think about it?"

Gently wiping Val"s face with a damp cloth, Leah shook her head. "It"s not as simple as it sounds, Shamika. There"s a lot of baggage that comes along with marrying Johnny."

"Excuse me?" Shamika wagged her head back and forth and rolled her eyes. "I think I could handle that kind of baggage no problem."

"There"s his career to consider."

"You telling me you couldn"t handle a few million women throwing themselves at his feet? Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous? Yachting with royalty? Ooh, honey, I can see us now, basking in the sun on the Riviera. Me coating this beautiful brown body in cocoa b.u.t.ter and flirting with Denzel Washington-"

"Part of Johnny"s appeal to women is because he"s not not married. You know what women are like. Once their idol marries, the women"s fantasies go up in smoke. They move on to the next hunk they can fantasize sweeping them off their feet and into the nearest bed." married. You know what women are like. Once their idol marries, the women"s fantasies go up in smoke. They move on to the next hunk they can fantasize sweeping them off their feet and into the nearest bed."

"So what. So let them. Fact is, honey, Johnny Whitehorse could never pose half-naked again on Fifth Avenue or flash his cute b.u.t.t on NYPD Blue NYPD Blue and and still still be filthy rich. He"s a smart man. He invests wisely. I get the impression that he"s ready to move out of show business anyway and into..." be filthy rich. He"s a smart man. He invests wisely. I get the impression that he"s ready to move out of show business anyway and into..."

A look of realization crossed Shamika"s face, and she slowly sat back in the chair, laced her fingers together on the table, and took a weary breath. "Senator Foster wouldn"t have anything to do with your hesitancy, would he?"

"I can hardly ignore the fact that there are major problems between Johnny and my father."

"There are a lot of fathers-in-law who don"t like their daughters" husbands. It all boils down to who you want to spend the rest of your life with: your father or Johnny."

"I think the problems go a bit deeper than simply their liking one another."

"I can"t believe you"d let him come between you and Johnny again. For heaven"s sake, Leah. The man virtually ignores your existence." She glanced down at Val meaningfully, then shook her head. "If Johnny"s able to get past it, you should be able to as well. And who knows, if you two were to marry, maybe Johnny would lay off your father. For your your sake." sake."

"Wrong. Johnny would never go against his own principles, not if he feels very strongly on an issue. It isn"t in his character. Who knows, maybe Johnny simply looks at me as a way to get even with my father."

Shamika"s jaw dropped. "You don"t mean that. The man is crazy in love with you. And Val, too."

Her face warming, Leah moved to the kitchen sink and turned on the cold water. She rinsed the milk and Cheerios out of the dishcloth and stared out the window, to the distant horizon where the highest peaks and chimneys of what once had been her home thrust up behind the rolling green pasture dotted with grazing brood mares.

Shamika moved up behind her. "You are are in love with him, aren"t you? You haven"t suddenly discovered that what you two shared those years ago was nothing more than infatuation? Because if you"re not in love with Johnny, then this whole conversation is moot. The in love with him, aren"t you? You haven"t suddenly discovered that what you two shared those years ago was nothing more than infatuation? Because if you"re not in love with Johnny, then this whole conversation is moot. The last last thing you want to do is marry some jacka.s.s again just for security." thing you want to do is marry some jacka.s.s again just for security."

Leah pressed the damp cloth to her cheeks, doing her best to block from her mind the hours of mindless pa.s.sion she had spent in Johnny"s arms the night before. "Johnny loves kids," she said wearily, unfolding and refolding the soggy rag.

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