"No, no, no, I don"t have any." This was Long Hu"s anxious denial voice.

After a while, Du Linglan"s voice slowly rang again, "It will be fine, Fifth Miss." She was comforting Long Hu who seemed to be sad and had something on her mind.

And yet Du Linglan never showed her own sadness in front of anyone. This fact made his heart hurt.

He swore that he would take good care of her in the future and would never let her be sad or hurt.

The time waiting was very long, very painful, especially Long Hu"s sudden question and the recognition of Du Linglan...

"Linglan, you"re in love with a man, aren"t you?"

"Miss"s instincts are very keen. Linglan thought she was concealing well."

Han Luoting knew Du Linglan loved another man, this fact was like a knife ruthlessly stabbed into his chest, but he couldn"t blame anyone. He could only blame himself for realizing too late and could only blame himself for not being the first man to enter her heart.

Everything could only blame himself, blame him.

"Who is it, Linglan? Is it someone I know?"

This question made Han Luoting waited for the answer with great concentration, but after waiting for a good while didn"t get the answer waiting for from her.

Even Long Hu, Du Linglan refused to confide in who the man was. So favored the man, made Han Luoting jealous to nearly falling apart.


"Fifth Miss, Linglan only hopes that you can be blessed and be happy."

After waiting for a while, their voices were heard again in the room, and this time Du Linglan"s voice was so bitter, so astringent.

Han Luoting couldn"t help but guess that the man Du Linglan loved didn"t love her.

He couldn"t bear the pain of his heart nor the exultation that hadn"t been heard in the room like in the past. He reached out and knocked twice on the door and waited for the answered from the door.

During the waiting period, he heard the respectful addressing of Du Linglan. "It"s Leader Han."

He clenched his fist and had to admit that he didn"t want to hear her calling him with such a distant t.i.tle. He wanted her to call his name, wanted her to call him with her soft voice.

"Come in."

When he heard the sound of Long Hu, Han Luoting couldn"t wait to push open the tight door. Appearing before his eyes was Du Linglan standing on the side of the bed, half hanging her head with a respectful appearance.

She didn"t look up at him, just staring at the floor as if there was something more worthy of appreciation than him.

Han Luoting needed time to be alone with Du Linglan, so he opened his mouth to Long Hu. "Fifth Miss, the fourth young master, and the fourth young lady have already arrived in the hall." He knew Long Hu was looking forward to Long Yuan bringing his wife back, so he was quite justifiably used this reason to send Long Hu away.

"Are they already here?" Sure enough, Long Hu got up from the bed and arranged her look in front of the dressing mirror. "Great, I miss Sisi so much! Linglan, I"m going to the hall first." After speaking, she didn"t wait for Linglan"s reaction and had already walked out of the room.

Du Linglan saw her out of the room and subconsciously followed, but was stopped by Han Luoting.

She was half hanging her head, "Leader Han."

"Look up, don"t just let me look at the top of your head." He furrowed his eyebrows and commanded.

Du Linglan complied with his command and raised her snow white, small face, but her pair of eyes didn"t face him.

Although he was still not satisfied with her not looking at him, however, he didn"t want to be too anxious. He didn"t want to scare her anymore, so he could only suppress the anxiousness and ask in the most flat and official tone: "When Fifth Miss came back, was there any difference?"

Du Linglan half lowering her eyes, covering the bitterness that flashed through, laughing at herself and asked herself, in the end, what was she expecting?

They hadn"t seen each other for a long time. When met, he asked about Long Hu. What else could she still expect?

She thought that during the time he kept looking for her, she may have had a certain position in his heart.

Apparently, she was imagining that her love was reciprocated.

She should have guessed, but her heart was still full of sourness and exhaustion.

She was really tired and didn"t want to be entangled with him like this.

In fact, not seeing Han Luoting inside the Longmen was not a difficult thing. During the period of time looking for her, even without Long Chao and Yang Mofei"s help, she could easily avoid him, couldn"t she?

So she didn"t want to go on like this. She had to be a little stronger and cut off this undue feeling.

"No, Fifth Miss is always good." Du Linglan"s tone was also flat without one climax following another.

"Is it?" At this moment, Han Luoting didn"t have the mind to think about Long Hu"s matter. His gaze fell on her body that was slimmer than before.

He wanted to ask, had she been taken good care of herself during this period, otherwise why did she become so thin?

However, his emotions had already acc.u.mulated to the peak. As long as a gap was found, it would burst. He told himself, he couldn"t scare her.

The drooping eyes Du Linglan didn"t notice that Han Luoting was different from the usual hot eyes. If she saw, she would find that this feeling of love stage was actually not her singing a solo show.

Unfortunately, now she only felt that she no longer had the means to get along with him. "Yes, if there is nothing else, Linglan will retreat first."

Her eagerness to avoid his expression was so clear-cut, he couldn"t even lie to himself.

Was it so difficult for her to be in a room with him?

His ink eyes darkened. Han Luoting still couldn"t tell the words that were buried in his heart to the woman who couldn"t wait to leave him, so he chose to let her leave first and then wait for another more appropriate time and opportunity.

Looking at the back of Du Linglan leaving, he devoured her with his gaze, wanting to engrave every inch of her into his heart and mind.

 ?  ? 

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