Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 100


Su XiaoRan got up early and came to the panacea restaurant, and bought six servings of an exquisite breakfast. This unexpectedly freed Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang from the work of frying eggs and warming milk.

Qiu Yan tacitly agreed with Xu Yun continuing the work of serving as an escort for sending GuoGuo to school.

Him being an accompanying instructor was exceptionally easy, and Su XiaoRan’s inherent perception wasn’t bad. And her sense of direction was good, so yesterday after Xu Yun explained so much theory, her driving skill was much better compared to the day before.

“Teacher Su, you’re really gifted. With just theory you can understand.” Xu Yun couldn’t help but to complement her. Last night Qin Wan’er had made it so he hadn’t slept well, and after speaking he yawned.

GuoGuo sat by herself in the back seat, her two dark eyes slipping about, without knowing just what she was thinking about.

Su XiaoRan was an attentive person. Seeing Xu Yun sleepy, she said something out of concern. “Did you not rest well last night?”

“Mmh.” Xu Yun helplessly sighed, saying, “All caused by Qin Wan’er.”

“Huh? What did she do?” Su XiaoRan knew that Qin Wan’er in highschool was a night owl, the kind that would read until very late at night and still not be sleepy.

Without waiting for Xu Yun to speak, GuoGuo cut him off and answered. “I know I know! Teacher Su, Wan’er-jiejie last night was looking for daddy to learn something.”

Originally once Xu Yun heard GuoGuo talk, he was immediately scared into a cold sweat. Who knew if she would say something ridiculous? Fortunately what GuoGuo said was more tactful and Xu Yun let out a breath.

“It seems that Qin Wan’er still loves to learn.” Su XiaoRan slightly smiled, then curiously asked, “Learn what?”

A burst of an ominous premonition emitted from behind Xu Yun – his pores instantly opened, and his whole body felt a chill.

Indeed, GuoGuo didn’t let Xu Yun be “disappointed” – without the least discretion she popped out three words: “Shoot a gun.”

There was a spell of dead silence in the car. Su XiaoRan’s expression went from curious to surprised, and then changed into admiration. And in the end rosiness starting from her ears crawled out, little by little spreading out across her cheeks…….

This subject was too sensitive right? Su XiaoRan completely had no way of accepting it, and GuoGuo said it so easily and naturally, directly making her unable to look directly at the image in her own head.

Xu Yun instantly had the impulse of opening the door and jumping out of the car. Being misunderstood by Teacher Su, screw it, it would be better to die in heavy traffic.

GuoGuo wasn’t in the least concerned with the two adults’ reaction, continuing saying, “Ai, what was Wan’er-jiejie studying at the police academy? She hasn’t even learned to use the simplest pistol. If she was given a submachine gun, she would be even more incapable of firing.”

Little ancestor, you can finally be considered to have cleared your G.o.dfather’s name! Xu Yun suddenly felt a restoration of justice like the sun shining through clouds, an instance of fresh air a.s.saulted his nostrils.

Su XiaoRan suddenly realized her own awry thoughts earlier and felt ashamed. This was simply too embarra.s.sing! She had misunderstood a child’s words, and was still blushing over here, truly shameful. She truly hoped that Xu Yun didn’t see her own embarra.s.sing state.

“GuoGuo, today in cla.s.s, Teacher wants you to read an essay, are you prepared?” Su XiaoRan quickly changed the subject.

“Mmh, of course I’m prepared.” GuoGuo said full of confidence.

Su XiaoRan was especially curious what kind of essay this little fella would write about. “Can you talk about it with Teacher?”

GuoGuo said with a mysterious expression, “No way, no way, in cla.s.s you’ll know.”

If right now Su XiaoRan knew that she wrote an essay t.i.tled “My Mommy is a Gangster Boss“, she definitely would cut the idea of reading it in front of the cla.s.s!

Since today Su XiaoRan had to be a subst.i.tute teacher, so Xu Yun didn’t have the chance to continue explaining to her about driving theory. Su XiaoRan gave the car keys to Xu Yun, smiling embarra.s.sedly she said, “When I got the car, the dealership said they would send the foot mats, but at the time there were none. They called yesterday to have me go today, but right now I don’t have the time. Could I bother you for it?”

“Sure, it’s nothing.” Anyways Xu Yun was bored with nothing to do, and he wasn’t worried one bit with GuoGuo at school. He wasn’t as cautious and careful as Qiu Yan.

Su XiaoRan took GuoGuo and went to school. Xu Yun then directly drove the car leaving towards the dealership in the development zone of Central District. Just as he put his foot forward to leave, behind him an Audi hanging a cloth covering the license plate followed after.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Yun arrived at the development district. Having come to his destination, Xu Yun quickly looked for customer service to get the foot mats. Just as Xu Yun came out, that Audi with the covered license plate that had followed him all the way, always spying on him on the road, suddenly turned around and left.

Xu Yun couldn’t help but to frown. If that person inside the car had come looking for him for trouble he wasn’t scared, he was worried that what if the person was just confirming he left to do something bad to GuoGuo?

Forced, Xu Yun immediately gave Qiu Yan a call, and told Qiu Yan the situation of what had happened just now to her.

Qiu Yan naturally became extremely angry. “I said before to not leave as you wanted! If anything happens to GuoGuo, I definitely won’t forgive you!”

Not waiting for Xu Yun to explain, Qiu Yan hung up. Xu Yun also didn’t dare to be careless, quickly getting into the car and directly chasing after.

But the Audi seemed to have prepared for it long ago. On the road, Xu Yun saw several of the same kind of car, but they didn’t have a cover on their license plates. By now Xu Yun could confirm that car definitely already took off the covering cloth and mixed in the road, he completely wouldn’t be able to find it.

When Xu Yun rushed back to the school, Qiu Yan was already there. Fortunately nothing had happened to GuoGuo at school.

But just who was the person following him? This had Xu Yun thinking of hundreds of things without a solution. Only following without acting wasn’t something ordinary people would do. Perhaps they were people from a government department?

Xu Yun was surprised. Thinking of a few possibilities, perhaps it really was someone from the police department. The police department’s intelligence had many angles; even though Xu Yun was sure the panacea restaurant vicinity didn’t have a SkyNet Project of government cameras monitoring the people, but he still believed that the police had the ability to suspect Crimson Scorpion had appeared at the panacea restaurant.

“Go back.” Qiu Yan saw that no disaster had befallen GuoGuo, and her anger was also not as great.

Xu Yun knew her temper absolutely wasn’t something he could tough out. Right now even if he broke his lip trying to tell her that he wouldn’t leave, Qiu Yan couldn’t be a.s.sured that he would be here.

Well, anyways no matter who was here it was the same. After all Qiu Yan’s body had long been without Scorpion poison – two days of harmonization was enough to more or less recover.

“Then I’ll leave GuoGuo to you.” Xu Yun was clear that saying more wasn’t good, directly going to the office to give the car keys back to Su XiaoRan, then returning to the panacea restaurant.

The panacea restaurant had Liang Shan as a worker, physical and hard labor no longer needed Ruan QingShuang to personally do. Luckily the South City Tiger Trio had heart, and knew to introduce help to them.

Ruan QingShuang saw Xu Yun come back and didn’t overthink it. She was still used to Qiu Yan going to send GuoGuo. Even though she was very grateful for Teacher Su coming to pick up GuoGuo, but in her heart she had a bit of a sour feeling – in short it was strange.

Xu Yun saw Lu WenYi wiping the tables, Liang Shan mopping the floor, and couldn’t help but to lament, “Having helping hands in the shop isn’t the same.”

Before he personally did all of this work. There was no other way, who made him unwilling to have Ruan QingShuang do it alone?

“Shan JiaHao didn’t come.” Ruan QingShuang said, “I called Shan HongNing, he said his little brother couldn’t be found first thing in the morning. Maybe because he thinks making a living off of odd jobs is shameful and so he ran away.”

Xu Yun frowned, he felt that something wasn’t quite right. Didn’t Shan JiaHao yesterday brazen-faced want to become a.s.sociated with him? How could it be that today first thing in the morning he couldn’t be found?

Oh d.a.m.n, would that guy truly be foolishly running to the pharmacy to buy wolfberries?

Hehe, thinking of that Xu Yun felt relieved. If that punk could truly persist on, he was a talent that could be carved. Being human, there wasn’t a fear of no talent, the fear was that there was no persistence. Where there is a will there is a way.

“Forget about him, who knows, maybe in a bit he’ll come.” Xu Yun cracked a smile and said, “Today ge will make a guest appearance as a waiter, haha. ShanZi, the kitchen will be completely in your hands.”

“Yun-ge, rest a.s.sured a hundred times over,” Liang Shan very confidently said.

The leisurely morning continued until about 11 am, then one after another guests started to appear, and Xu Yun and Lu WenYi both became busy. Ruan QingShuang sat the front desk relaxingly receiving money. She truly hadn’t thought that the panacea restaurant would actually have a day that it would become like this.

Xu Yun’s first day as a waiter received not just a few benefits. Just past noon came a girl, 1.7m tall, her whole body in a tight-fitting dress with a capable appearance making her whole body appear curvaceous. Her exquisite, delicate and pretty cheeks plus her high, high ponytail made her whole body appear as pure as white snow.

Her childish face coupled with her curves, was absolutely a young male’s killer.

“Excuse me, is this WenHui District’s number one panacea restaurant?” Ponytail’s light smile was exceptionally sweet, so sweet that even Ruan QingShuang took a breath in amazement.

Of course Xu Yun wouldn’t miss the chance to serve such a G.o.ddess-like sister. Quickly coming up front he said, “That’s right. It should be said that here is HeDong City’s number one panacea restaurant. Beautiful, perhaps you aren’t a local right? All the locals know.”

Ponytail still had that smile. “This is my first time eating panacea cuisine. How about some recommendations that aren’t too expensive?”

Xu Yun directed to a seat along the window, motioning for her to sit. “Beautiful women coming to eat have a 8% discount.”

As these words rang, several of the panacea restaurant’s customers joked, “Lady boss, look at your boss Xu, seeing a beauty he gives a discount. Why don’t we long time customers get a discount?”

“Then today is discount day, everyone gets 8%.” Ruan QingShuang smiled, and generously said.

Luckily GuoGuo wasn’t there, or else she would definitely go crazy, 8% for everyone? And calculating the income of panacea restaurants nowadays, that was a loss of several thousands!

Xu Yun called out to Liang Shan the rear chef, “ShanZi, give this beauty parsley and eel in Black Bean Sauce with peppers, duck and steamed yam, and also send a backbone winter melon scallop soup.”

The treatment of a beautiful woman wasn’t the same. It can’t be helped, Xu Yun wanted to gift it. He felt that this ponytailed girl had an amorphous, mysteriously familiar feeling. He couldn’t say what the familiar feeling was, but he guaranteed it wasn’t the lower half of his body’s thoughts that gave him this feeling towards this lady.

“Thank you.” Ponytail lightly smiled, internally she thought the service here was especially good. She hadn’t thought that Chief Chen would say that that lady cop would be in this kind of place – it should be quite interesting.

Ponytail then looked at the scenery across from the panacea restaurant. She truly hadn’t thought that this place HeDong City was truly a good choice of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

At the moment her cell suddenly rang, a call from Qing Long. Ponytail didn’t hesitate to answer the phone. “Something happen?………… I’m in WenHui District, after eating I’ll head over.”

After speaking, she briskly and elegantly hung up the phone.

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