Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 105


The time came when school was over in the afternoon, and Su XiaoRan brought up sending GuoGuo and Qiu Yan home. Qiu Yan firmly declined – she wasn’t as unaware as Xu Yun was. GuoGuo very much obeyed, nicely following Qiu Yan to go sit on the bus.

Su XiaoRan knew GuoGuo’s sister had always been as cold as ice, so she didn’t insist further. Sticking out her tongue, she then drove her own car to leave the school. Having had Xu Yun come with her in the car several times, Su XiaoRan had many more techniques and skills, and without using twenty minutes she went to her neighborhood.

But just as Su XiaoRan got out of her car, a black Grand Cherokee came right beside the rear of her car.

Su XiaoRan hesitated, and very quickly she recognized that this car was Liu TianYi’s.

Liu TianYi got out of the car, with a slight smile. He had changed his clothes, and besides some bruising on his jaw, already none of the misery from noon was visible. Su XiaoRan couldn’t help but to be a bit shocked – this guy’s recovery was really fast.

In Su XiaoRan’s mind, someone being beat that much would be in the hospital for at least three to five days, and at worst who knows how many ribs were broken. Though on Liu TianYi’s face a light bruise could be seen, but his body didn’t seem to have any differences.

“Teacher Liu, you…..are you okay?” Su XiaoRan after all was too kindhearted. Even if she despised Liu TianYi’s hara.s.sment, but by no means would she consequently stop her practice of asking.

Liu TianYi smiled slightly. “XiaoRan, looks like you’re still so concerned about me. I’m fine. This kind of small injury doesn’t count for anything.”

Su XiaoRan saw Liu Tianyi’s face of smiles, and quickly came to her senses. Alertly she said, “Why are you here?”

Liu TianYi looked all around the neighborhood Su XiaoRan lived in. “XiaoRan, this neighborhood is already old. I have a brand new house that was just renovated, a 240 square meter(2583sqft) duplex. It’s always been empty. If you like, you can move there! A hundred times better than here!”

“I’m sorry, Teacher Liu. Thank you for your good intentions, but I’m used to living here.” Su XiaoRan scrunched up her brow.

Liu TianYi disdainfully looked at the houses here, and scornfully said, “The biggest houses here are 120 square meters(1291sqft). How is that enough?”

Su XiaoRan’s face had no expression. “I’m not used to living in such a big home. If it’s just one person it will be very empty.”

“Su XiaoRan, if you feel it’s empty, I can move over and live with you together.” Expectation flashed across Liu TianYi’s eyes, seeming to be a fanciful thing from long before.

Su XiaoRan’s eyes glared angrily, “Teacher Liu, you had best be a little more careful of your words. I’ll stress it to you one last time, between us we are only colleagues. If you want to continue like this, then between us I’m afraid even a relationship of ordinary friends can’t be done.”

Liu TianYi suddenly dropped the politeness, and in his eyes arrogantly from his high place he stared at Su XiaoRan, “Oh? Is that so? Hehe, Teacher Su, didn’t you always want me to call you Teacher Su? Then today I’ll fulfill your desire. But I will also tell you, I completely don’t intend to be ordinary friends with you.”

Su XiaoRan saw Liu TianYi’s disgusting expression, and she couldn’t help but to tense up, “What are you going to do?”

“I want you to become my woman.” Liu TianYi suddenly put a handkerchief on Su XiaoRan’s face.

Not a match, Su XiaoRan resisted, but within three seconds her consciousness lost the ability to resist. With her resistance stopped, she was directly thrown by Liu TianYi into the car.

Liu TianYi coldly laughed, this kind stunning attack composed of isoflurane in fluorine ether was quite vicious. Who would’ve thought that so quickly it would be effective? It seems like the guy that sold it to him hadn’t tricked him – this five hundred Yuan spent was too worth it.

Because there were people in the neighborhood, Liu TianYi didn’t dare to delay for long. While frantically throwing away the handkerchief he quickly drove to leave, but while frantic he hadn’t noticed that when Su XiaoRan fell unconscious, she dropped her bag.


After Qiu Yan brought GuoGuo back to the panacea restaurant, without waiting for GuoGuo to exaggerate Xu Yun’s afternoon deeds, she urged GuoGuo upstairs to do homework.

In this moment GuoGuo suddenly thought of something. “Oh no, I forgot my backpack in Teacher Su’s car!”

When Su XiaoRan was preparing to send GuoGuo and Qiu Yan home, GuoGuo didn’t intend to refuse, so she directly threw her book bag into Su XiaoRan’s car. Afterwards Qiu Yan refused Su XiaoRan’s good intentions of offering them a ride, and GuoGuo entirely didn’t even think of the book bag.

Now that she was back and had to do homework, GuoGuo only then discovered that she was missing something.

“Ah? You’re sure?” Ruan QingShuang spoke while taking out her cellphone, preparing to give Su XiaoRan a call to confirm.

GuoGuo was absolutely sure. “Absolutely sure. It’s in Teacher Su’s car.”

Ruan QingShuang rubbed GuoGuo’s head while making the call, and to GuoGuo she said, “Don’t worry, if it’s with Teacher Su, mommy will get it for you.”

Xu Yun laughed, looking at Ruan QingShuang calling he said, “Directly have Teacher Su bring it here, we’ll just handle a meal and it’ll be alright. Right now is rush hour, the people in buses can be packed to death. I really need them to get me a car to drive.”

“No answer.” Ruan QingShuang the whole while waited until the busy tone, then dialed again.

This time someone answered, but it was a man’s voice. “h.e.l.lo?”

Ruan QingShuang paused, “I’m looking for Su XiaoRan, who is this?”

“I’m from Yu Peng Neighborhood’s security office. This cellphone was in a bag picked up in the neighborhood. If you know the owner, then find a way to let her know. I think she should be the owner.” The man on the phone said, “The owner of the lost cellphone’s phonebook is encrypted, and we have no way to contact acquaintances. Since you have called, then help out.”

“Oh, okay.” Ruan QingShuang hung up the phone, then described the situation.

Qiu Yan acted as though it didn’t matter, directly going upstairs. She definitely wouldn’t do this kind of thing. Right now the panacea restaurant was full of people, and she didn’t need to serve as a waitress.

“I’ll go. Where’s her house?” Xu Yun said, “I can only go to knock on her door and find her. We have no other method of contacting her.”

GuoGuo took the initiative and energetically said, “Yu Peng Neighborhood 16th Floor, Building 2, Room 808.”

Xu Yun wrote down the address, and then shortly left.

Xu Yun had only left ten minutes, and Ruan QingShuang saw the Ponytail from the afternoon coming into the panacea restaurant. “h.e.l.lo, you came again. What would you like to eat tonight?”

“Anything.” Ponytail lightly smiled, she again sat in that spot from the afternoon. Her gaze swept the crowd of people, and discovered that the person she was interested in wasn’t there.


Xu Yun knocked on door of the address GuoGuo gave for half a day. “Teacher Su? Is Teacher Su here? If she is here open the door!”

Since knocking didn’t bring Teacher Su out, and instead the knocking brought out the person from across, the plump auntie from across the way impatiently said to Xu Yun, “I say youngster, are you done yet? If someone was home they definitely would’ve come out. This obviously means they hadn’t come home yet! Why are you still knocking?”

“Sorry, auntie, I’d like to ask, is across the way Teacher Su? Su XiaoRan?” Xu Yun asked, uncertain.

“Of course. If it wasn’t, I would’ve long come out and told you.” Even though the fat auntie was impatient, but indeed she was a well-intentioned person.

Xu Yun frowned. He saw the car downstairs, this clearly showed that Su XiaoRan came back. Why wasn’t she at home?

Inside the home there wasn’t the person he was looking for, so Xu Yun directly went to the reception lobby. Sure enough, he saw Su XiaoRan’s bag. After he explained to the guard, he then had the guard take him to the place where the bag was picked up. The place where it was picked up was next to Su XiaoRan’s car.

This time in Xu Yun’s mind, the haze of doubts and suspicions became even more heavy. How can it be like this? Inadvertently Xu Yun found a handkerchief, a very new one.

These days people for the most part use paper towels. People that used handkerchiefs were mostly older people, and those older people were unlikely to have such a clean handkerchief – so clean of a handkerchief that they would be unwilling to use it.

Xu Yun thought suspiciously as he picked up the handkerchief. Suddenly a kind of an ether-like smell entered his own nose, and Xu Yun hastily held his breath and threw the handkerchief away!

This handkerchief was clearly soaked in isoflurane! Xu Yun was very sure, isoflurane was used in every kind of whole body surgeries, a drug for that numbed half of the body. Getting this stuff to use on a handkerchief, clearly had one function.

c.r.a.p! The inside of Xu Yun’s brain sent out a dreadful thought. “Does the inside of here have monitors?”

The security guard frowned, “Here there isn’t monitoring, only the doorways have it.”

“Take me to go look at the monitors!” Xu Yun said. According to calculations, he could easily obtain Su XiaoRan’s approximate time of return.

“This isn’t something that if you say you want to see, then you get to see it.” The security guard was somewhat displeased.

Xu Yun directly bluffed him, “I’m telling you, I’m a police officer! Right now I suspect the owner of this bag has been kidnapped by someone! If you don’t coordinate with me and provide a.s.sistance, be mindful that if something bad happens, you will bear the responsibility!”

This really was very useful – Xu Yun scared him stiff in one line, and the security guard immediately brought Xu Yun back over to look at the monitoring.

Very quickly, Xu Yun calculated the time based on when Su XiaoRan’s car drove into the streets. Closely following her car’s rear was a Grand Cherokee car that looked extremely familiar. Xu Yun’s brains hummed for a moment, and after approximately 3 minutes, that black Grand Cherokee also then left the neighborhood.

“Stop!” Xu Yun readily concluded; afterwards he quickly dialed Qin Wan’er’s phone number. On one hand carefully and attentively watching the computer monitor, on the other hand to Qin Wan’er he said, “Qin Wan’er, right now I suspect that something bad happened to Teacher Su. Can you contact the traffic department, help me check a vehicle that started going out of Yu Peng Street that is a Grand Cherokee, license plate number is, HeA63…… The street monitor isn’t clear, I can’t see the license plate, the car is black!”

Qin Wan’er still hadn’t gotten off of work, and after hearing what was said she was in a daze, “Xu Yun, you aren’t joking right? Right now I’m still at the office, I’ll bring some people over right away.”

“Even if you dispatch the police, this is only my speculation. Just in case it really is true, waiting for when you call the police it will be too late. Cooperate with me, I absolutely won’t let Teacher Su have any accidents.” Xu Yun still had this bit of confidence in himself. If it really was that one b.a.s.t.a.r.d that kidnapped Teacher Su, then today he was going to make him know not to mess with him!

Towards Xu Yun, Qin Wan’er really didn’t have any doubts. Since he said this much, then she would coordinate with him with all of her might. After hanging up the phone Qin Wan’er rapidly called the traffic police department. Fortunately inside she had several friends, otherwise it wasn’t likely that there would be people that would really look at this matter carefully for you.

Xu Yun hung up the phone and directly picked up Su XiaoRan’s bag that she dropped. Fortunately the car key was inside of the bag – he could directly rush towards the place where Su XiaoRan’s car was parked.

The security guard felt that he was a police officer, and didn’t dare to again say much, plus it involved a kidnapping case. After he saw Xu Yun drive the car of the person who lost the bag, he even hastily raised the lever to let him pa.s.s.

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