Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 107

The Villa’s Secret Room

Fifteen minutes before, Xu Yun and Qin Wan’er finally hurried to the eastern suburbs, at this villa district.

This place at that time was developed exactly intended for rich people – only thirty houses were developed, and the people living here were all of HeDong City’s truly wealthy and powerful people. Of course, the people that had power were unlikely to live here personally – all of their children lived comfortably and that was all.

So this place’s property management was also the highest rate. Security personnel were all soldiers discharged from military service, and furthermore they were all that kind that was fairly talented. Absolutely this wasn’t some security company, that sort of fake force.

Xu Yun barely arrived at the entrance of the neighborhood when he was stopped.

“I’m sorry, please give me your pa.s.s to examine for a bit.” The security here clearly was good quality, after all it was a watch tower that was for rich people, they couldn’t easily display that kind behavior of dog eyes looking down on people.

The security guards stopped Xu Yun’s car, simply because this district never had cars that came in and out that were worth less than 500,000. Apex Audi A6s in this district completely weren’t cars that turned people’s heads – S cla.s.s Benzs and 7 Series BMWs also could only be considered to be common goods. Three million Yuan and above cars even appeared.

“Is this enough?” Qin Wan’er conveniently fished out her police identification credentials, directly and clearly giving it to the security guard to see. “Police handling a case, I hope you can coordinate with law enforcement.”

“Yes!” This security guard was from a soldier’s family, therefore he very cooperatively saluted letting them pa.s.s, and also vigorously said, “If you need our security unit to help, please don’t hesitate to instruct us. If it is something that you want us to do, we absolutely won’t have any complaints.”

Qin Wan’er saw that Xu Yun didn’t have any expression, so she tactfully refused, “No need, thanks.”

Xu Yun just now opened his mouth, “You just need to tell us, where that black Grand Cherokee vehicle that carries the license plate number starting with HEA63 is and that’s all.”

The security guard faintly stared blankly, seeming to remember. “Just now I indeed saw it, the vehicle owner is this district’s owner. If I remember correctly, seems like it is the number 18 villa, inside go onto the 3rd row.”

“Are you sure?” Qin Wan’er asked specifically.

The security guard was stumped for words – he truly was so sure, but he didn’t painstakingly go and record it, so he also didn’t dare to say those kinds of words of a.s.surance.

“He isn’t sure, but I can be sure.” Xu Yun faintly said, he said thanks to the security guard and drove the car to go in.

“What if it’s wrong?” Qin Wan’er helplessly said, “I don’t have a search warrant, if we go looking for the wrong door, they could say we’re illegally invading into a citizen’s home.”

Xu Yun disagreeably said, “I believe that a veteran soldier’s memory won’t be wrong, and even if it’s wrong it doesn’t matter anyways – China isn’t America, the people don’t have the right to open fire and kill a person invading their private homes.”

Even though Qin Wan’er was exceptionally helpless, but she could only follow along Xu Yun’s intentions.

Security wasn’t convinced, after waiting for the two people to drive inside, half an hour later, they finally they still hurried over. Of course, this is a later discussion.

After Xu Yun parked. No one knew when he had a metal wire in his hand, and he calmly crossed the villa’s courtyard wall, and skillfully used the metal wire to crack open the villa’s security doors. By the time Qin Wan’er strenuously climbed up the villa’s courtyard wall, Xu Yun already broke inside and entered.

“Did you used to be a river pirate?” Qin Wan’er said in surprise, “Hey, there’s no one here. Let’s not do this okay? What if we got the wrong house, then we’ll really be breaking the law.”

After Xu Yun calmly a.n.a.lyzed, he found a door that led to the garage. Quickly opening it, indeed, that black Grand Cherokee was parked inside of the garage.

Qin Wan’er the whole while was silent and didn’t speak. Quickly pulling out the gun at her waist, her expression very quickly tensed up.

“~Bang.” Xu Yun directly closed that door.

“Can you be a little quieter!” Qin Wan’er instantly nervously said. If the suspected criminal was upstairs and heard them what would they do!

But Xu Yun didn’t think so at all. “They definitely aren’t in the rooms. If they were, just now when you came in and spoke, the sound would be enough to let him be aware.” After Xu Yun went inside the building he sensed a bit, but completely couldn’t discover a person’s breathing.

“Then where are they?” Qin Wan’er couldn’t help but to be surprised.

Suddenly some faint, extremely weak vibrations came through the floor. These kinds of vibrations couldn’t be detected by an ordinary person, but Xu Yun knew, soundwaves could cause these weak vibrations. For example, if someone yelled loudly in your ear, your ears would tremble with the same buzz.

Xu Yun knew that this kind of weak vibration was the kind that was created by a person bellowing in a completely enclosed place.

“There’s a secret room here.” Xu Yun suddenly brought up his own suspicions.

Qin Wan’er’s pupils became bigger by a whole size – this wasn’t playing a detective game right? A villa’s secret room? Why does it sound like the kind of movie where a psycho killer is the main character…..

Xu Yun turned on the living room lights, carefully looking at the floor. Indeed, the villa hadn’t been cleaned by anyone in a long time, even though the dust wasn’t clear, but it was enough for Xu Yun to use his naked eye to distinguish it.

Following the spots that had been brushed up against, Xu Yun very quickly saw a thick hidden door in the kitchen storage room.

This perhaps was the entrance to the underground secret room.

Once he thought that Su XiaoRan possibly already suffered from evil acts inside, Xu Yun instantly exploded with killing aura, suddenly viciously kicking the thick metal door. The metal door had no way of sustaining such a ma.s.sive impact force, directly ripping from the door frame and literally smashing into the inside of the room’s floor.

Following behind Xu Yun, Qin Wan’er was so shocked she nearly yelled out. If she didn’t personally see it, she truly wouldn’t dare to believe in the existence of such a secret room.

“Xu Yun!” Su XiaoRan’s extremely glad and teary voice surged through, directly tearing the gloomy s.p.a.ce.

Liu TianYi’s widened his eyes staring at this b.a.s.t.a.r.d that suddenly broke in. He couldn’t believe that someone had actually come looking for him here! Even if he found it, how did he manage to get in?!

“XiaoRan! You’re really here?!” Qin Wan’er heard the calls and quickly urged Xu Yun to go ahead.

Su XiaoRan heard her friend’s call and nearly broke down mentally even more. “Wan’er, quick, save me! Save me!”

Xu Yun and Qin Wan’er ran to the underground room and Liu TianYi’s nerves immediately tightened. He quickly grabbed the scissors he used to cut Su XiaoRan’s bindings and put them at Su XiaoRan’s neck.

“Don’t you come here! If you dare to take one step forward, I’ll kill her!” Liu TianYi’s heart pain had long twisted and mutated. In the instant that he kidnapped Su XiaoRan, he had already lost his humanity.

Qin Wan’er quickly reached for her pistol. “Put down the scissors! I’m a police officer. You already have no way out. I advise you to best give up without a fight!”

Liu TianYi’s gaze shone with a fierce light. Qin Wan’er’s words completely didn’t have the slightest effect, instead they excited Liu TianYi’s rage. “I’ll count to three! If you don’t put down the gun in your hand, I’ll stab into her stomach! One! Two!”

“Wait!” Qin Wan’er angrily yelled. “Then we’ll make a deal! Let go of her, and I’ll let you go!”

“Do you think I’ll believe a cop?” Liu TianYi lifted his head and laughed a few times. “I would rather believe pigs live in trees, and I still wouldn’t believe in a cop’s mouth! Hehe, but now I’ve changed my mind! I want you to fire that gun on that man beside you!”

Qin Wan’er and Su XiaoRan were each shocked.

All of Liu TianYi’s mental disturbances were because of this man’s doing. He angrily glared at Xu Yun, to Qin Wan’er he said, “I want you to open fire on this man! Shoot his leg! If you don’t shoot him, I’ll use these scissors to stab her leg!”

This choice directly made Qin Wan’er go into a panic – she had never come across this kind of situation.

“Don’t!” Qin Wan’er and Su XiaoRan cried out simultaneously. Qin Wan’er didn’t want the twisted Liu TianYi to do anything to Su XiaoRan, and Su XiaoRan didn’t want Qin Wan’er to shoot Xu Yun.

Liu TianYi raised the scissors, coldly laughing he started to count. “One!”

“Can’t….” Qin Wan’er holding the pistol began to tremble, because Liu TianYi was hiding his whole body behind Su XiaoRan. She completely didn’t dare to fire at Liu TianYi.


Qin Wan’er’s mind had gone completely blank, she had no choice – to shoot Xu Yun wasn’t something she could do, but to watch as Su XiaoRan was stabbed, she also could not do that.

Su XiaoRan gritted her teeth to prepare for the ma.s.sive pain. She would rather she herself get hurt than to have Qin Wan’er shoot Xu Yun for her. The two of their minds were already a sheet of blankness, quietly waiting for Liu TianYi to call out the last number.


But this voice was clearly not Liu TianYi’s.

Just in the instant that Liu TianYi opened his mouth, Xu Yun’s body flashed, directly appearing in front of Liu TianYi. Not waiting for Liu TianYi’s surprise, the scissors in his hand were already grabbed in Xu Yun’s hands.

After Xu Yun called out “three”, Liu TianYi felt a surge of ma.s.sive pain on his thigh bone!

He lowered his head and looked – Xu Yun had actually brutally stabbed the scissors inside! The scissors containing Xu Yun’s True Qi directly stabbed into Liu TianYi’s thigh flesh, literally stabbing into his bone. The pain of splitting bone made Liu TianYi completely unable to take it.


Liu TianYi painfully fell to the ground and Xu Yun without the slightest hesitation kicked on the wound, literally knocking Liu TianYi five meters away, directly knocking over some white liquor stored in the bas.e.m.e.nt. The bas.e.m.e.nt immediately smelled of liquor.

Qin Wan’er quickly went forward cutting the rope that tied Su XiaoRan. Su XiaoRan instantly had the feeling of recovering the sky and the sun, tightly hugging Qin Wan’er and crying.

This time Xu Yun acted without mercy. A kick containing True Qi directly struck Liu TianYi into a daze, and his whole body’s organs all felt stirred together. In this one kick, Liu TianYi directly lost consciousness, and didn’t breathe again.

“Leave the rest to the police.” Qin Wan’er didn’t want Xu Yun to enact personal justice. Finally she had better speak up.

Xu Yun nodded. “This is an eastern district, it’s not like you don’t know what kind of person the eastern districts’ Qi YiShan is like.”

Qin Wan’er faintly smiled. “Didn’t his uncle Jin Biao already pay respects to QingShuang-jie’s faction? I’m also worried about Qi YiShan engaging in malpractice, so I hope you will have Jin Biao also come out to handle his nephew.”

“Um….this is a pretty good idea.” Xu Yun nodded and said, “I didn’t think that you’re also pretty smart.”

After Xu Yun threw him out of the villa, the security guards of the entrance had just arrived, and didn’t even need him to call the police. The security had already directly alerted police, but Qin Wan’er still personally said some things. Once Steep Mountain District’s Superintendent Qi YiShan heard it was Qin Wan’er, he directly gathered all the useless people of the eastern branches, and personally brought people to handle it.

Xu Yun also got busy and had Shan HongNing contact Jin Biao, telling Jin Biao to go and wait at Steep Mountain District’s police station, saying Xu Yun had something for him to handle. How would Jin Biao dare to say anything? That day the way they treated Ma PingHai was something he remembered very clearly, and right now Ma PingHai had mysteriously died, so Jin Biao directly went driving over.

Because he still hadn’t discovered who Ma PingHai’s real killer was, Jin Biao always suspected it was done by that woman called Qiu Yan.

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