Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 111

The Dragon’s Edge

The Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit – troops that were the blade of China’s Divine Dragon Army. Within, each person had secret supreme skills. Their ident.i.ties were hidden, no one knew; what background they had was also unknown, such that they even had forgotten where they themselves had come from.

Each and every person that had the ability to be selected for the Divine Dragon Army had extremely high innate physical abilities, with especially good comprehension. In addition, they were under guidance since childhood by an Ultra Elite of terrifying strength, so each of them had skills beyond the ordinary.

To be able to enter the Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit from the Divine Dragon Army, they were even more the cream of the crop. When Xu Yun was very small, he broke through into the realm of 2nd-tier elites, and so he became the youngest member of the Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit. After he broke into the realm of 1st-tier elites when he was eighteen, he was under focused tutelage of the Grandmaster Elite w.a.n.g Yi, and only needed one year’s time to go from a 1st-tier elite into the apex 9th-rank elite. So, an exception was made to promote him as the Captain of Dragon Fury.

In the same year, the appointed Instructor left his post because of health reasons, and the Lieutenant General w.a.n.g Yi that commanded the Divine Dragon Army directly promoted Xu Yun to be the Instructor of Dragon Fury. Even though Xu Yun was young, within the Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit he was considered an “old person”, and with his strength there, no one would be unsatisfied.

In the next few years, Xu Yun led the Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit to undertake hundreds of difficult missions big and small, and each time they were able to return victorious, arousing the respect of members even more. And Xu Yun was also versed in pharmacology and medicine – nearly all of the members that had suffered serious injuries were personally pulled back from the gates of h.e.l.l by him. This incomparably strengthened Xu Yun’s status in Dragon Fury’s Special Combat Unit.

Because of everyone’s meritorious toil, Xu Yun had become the Divine Dragon Army’s youngest Major General, and his Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit became the undisputed sharpest blade of the Divine Dragon Army!

If it weren’t for that one mission where police betrayed them causing a siege; if it weren’t for Yin Long protecting Xu Yun and losing his life; if it weren’t for Xu Yun ragingly killing the person clearly ordered not be killed as a result……perhaps he wouldn’t have come to this little place called HeDong City.

Everyone in Dragon Fury thought that Xu Yun only left to recuperate – but what they didn’t know was that because of that event, Xu Yun was kicked out of the Dragon Fury Special Combat Unit.

Xu Yun only knew that the day of understanding had come. He had already been in that place since he was small till he had grown up, and he had only faced endless training and missions.

So when Xu Yun heard from his honored master w.a.n.g Yi’s mouth that he absolutely had to leave, he didn’t argue. Perhaps leaving wasn’t a bad choice. At the very least, he could live for himself.

But what Xu Yun hadn’t thought of was that after he left, he actually incomparably missed that annoying place.

Only after Xu Yun left did he discover that after being used and betrayed, he had to face such a result, and also had a bit of a depressed period. If it weren’t for his strong state of mind, perhaps long ago he would’ve been unable to take the pressure and self-destructed.

Xu Yun hadn’t thought that without him even knowing, he had already left Dragon Fury for so long.


In a bright, gorgeous, but noisy bar with pa.s.sionate music, Qian Feng ordered two bottles of Chivas, and without saying anything they downed three gla.s.ses. With an expectant expression he said to Xu Yun, “Boss, when are coming back?”

Xu Yun faintly smiled, and didn’t say anything. Raising up a gla.s.s he changed the subject. “Is everyone doing well?”

Qian Feng nodded, but his expression had a bit of a knot. In the end he still chose to tell Xu Yun. “Mmh…..still good…..just that, Black Dragon took a serious injury in a solo mission. Even now he’s still lying in a bed.”

Xu Yun’s brow turned into a knot. Black Dragon’s strength was absolutely above the 7th rank, how could he be easily wounded? “Who wounded him?”

“I don’t know about that. At the moment he still can’t speak.” Qian Feng was worried that Xu Yun was worried, and quickly explained, “But we can already be sure that his life isn’t in danger.”

Fan Shuang’er was just quietly listening to the conversation of the two. She truly didn’t like this kind of noisy setting, and the eyes of those intoxicated, smoking men, as they they simply wanted to take her clothes off.

Xu Yun gulped down his whole gla.s.s of whiskey, his voice becoming bitingly cold, “What mission? Since they knew the mission was dangerous, why didn’t they arrange for several more people to go…..Shadow Dragon set it up right?”

Qian Feng nodded. Even though he didn’t like Shadow Dragon, but he still explained. “This can’t be blamed on him, no one would’ve thought Black Dragon would get defeated.”

Fan Shuang’er finally couldn’t help but to speak. “A short time ago, a very big shock began in Suzhou’s Underworld, and Black Dragon was sent to go probe it. But no one would’ve thought that when he came back he was already practically dead. The doctor said that that he was able to persist on and return was already a miracle, so in order to recover consciousness, he might need two to three months.”

A shock in Suzhou’s Underworld…..Xu Yun’s eyes flashed with a cold light – could it be because of the event with Millennium Feng?

In discussing Suzhou’s Underworld, Millennium Feng couldn’t be excluded. He was the tyrant there, and in the current fighting of the Suzhou and Hangzhou Underworld, he was the person who took the heaviest losses. Could it be that Black Dragon had a connection with these events?

“According to the current theories, we suspect this matter is connected with Blue Ghost.” Qian Feng spoke, and frowned. At the moment to their Dragon Fury, this was highly cla.s.sified among highly cla.s.sified things, but to Xu Yun he didn’t have any secrets, because in his mind Xu Yun was still Dragon Fury’s Captain and Instructor.

Fan Shuang’er slighty frowned, and in a low voice said, “Azure Dragon, you can’t recklessly discuss these things.”

Qian Feng scoffed, “Boss isn’t an outsider.”

Xu Yun lightly smiled, he had pretty much finished calculating. “So you guys were to take the initiative to come to HeDong to investigate Crimson Scorpion right?”

“Right.” Qian Feng nodded, “We were very surprised because Crimson Scorpion is the number one elite under Blue Ghost, and at the moment he isn’t staying in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but ran all the way to HeDong City. In fact, when the top received a request for help in HeDong City, we had already requested before to come here to investigate this matter.”

On this point, Xu Yun had already guessed it.

“Azure Dragon.” Fan Shuang’er was a bit unhappy.

Qian Feng rolled his eyes, how was this bringing a partner? It was simply bringing a mother!

“It’s reasonable to say that Crimson Scorpion indeed shouldn’t come to HeDong.” Xu Yun smiled with a squint, but he didn’t bring up GuoGuo’s matter. Even though he believed Qian Feng wouldn’t recklessly talk, but he had no way of being sure that Fan Shuang’er, this newcomer, wouldn’t inform the matter to Shadow Dragon.

After all that guy Shadow Dragon did things excessively by the book, and by the rules, without a bit of flexibility. If it wasn’t done right he would really give the order to have people come and take GuoGuo away.

If there really would be such a day it would hard to bear.

“But, to be able to see the Venerated Violent Fox, it seems we can explain the situation clearly.” Qian Feng lightly said.

Xu Yun squinted a smile. Everyone knew that Qiu Yan was the great general of Suzhou and Hangzhou’s Great Owl, Millennium Feng. There was no need to doubt this.

“Flame Dragon, why would you be with the Venerated Violent Fox?” Fan Shuang’er always endured this question. In her eyes, no matter what was said Xu Yun was a member of Dragon Fury. Even if at the moment he already wasn’t one of them, but he still couldn’t a.s.sociate with people of the Underworld.

Qian Feng glared at Fan Shuang’er. “Is that name something you can just spit out? Little girl, when Boss led us struggling through life and death, you didn’t even know what Dragon Fury was!”

“Of course I know.” Fan Shuang’er righteously and imposingly said, “When I was in the alternative unit I heard about Flame Dragon, but I didn’t see it myself. Who knows if they are exaggerations distorting the truth.”

“You!” Qian Feng slammed the gla.s.s on the table, he couldn’t stand seeing others being disrespectful to Xu Yun and changed on the spot. If it wasn’t for Fan Shuang’er being a woman, he would’ve already smacked her with his palm.

Xu Yun was actually quite calm. “Hahaha, what a distortion of the truth. Used quite appropriately.”

“Boss, don’t worry, that little girl doesn’t understand things. When we go back I will definitely teach her.” Qian Feng finished and viciously glared at Fan Shuang’er.

Fan Shuang’er wasn’t convinced one bit. “Don’t talk nonsense. I only want to know where did you see Crimson Scorpion. And is it true that you crossed fists with him?”

Xu Yun pointed at that gla.s.s of whiskey on the table. “I’m no longer a member of Dragon Fury, so I have no obligation to tell you. Today if I drink happily, maybe I can still leak a bit of information. If you can drink this gla.s.s of booze, then maybe I’ll be especially happy.”

Qian Feng gloatingly looked at Fan Shuang’er, without the slightest intent to stand on her side. “Drink, for the mission. Yin Long, you had better not lose face for us of Dragon Fury.”

Fan Shuang’er angrily glared at Qian Feng, “Drink in place of me!”

“He’s separate,” Xu Yun said lightly.

“Fine! It’s just a drink!” Fan Shuang’er let out a deep sigh. With one hand lifting the gla.s.s of whiskey on the table, the strong scent choked her till she didn’t even want to open her mouth. After all, she truly hadn’t drank alcohol before, and completely couldn’t enjoy unmixed whiskey.

But even so, in order to get a clue for the mission, Fan Shuang’er still drank the whole gla.s.s down!

Bam! After drinking it dry, Fan Shuang’er smacked the gla.s.s onto the table, with the manner of a woman competing with men.

Qian Feng couldn’t help but to lament and said, “Alright you, hiding your stuff huh. I didn’t notice that you’re quite the drinker. I really shouldn’t underestimate you as my partner eh, not bad, not bad. In the future when we go drinking, we definitely have to bring you.”

Fan Shuang’er strongly suppressed that hot glare at Qian Feng, then to Xu Yun she said, “Now can you talk about it?”

“Sure.” Xu Yun had always been true to his word. “I came across Crimson Scorpion……”

“Wait!” Fan Shuang’er suddenly shouted, then covered her mouth. Without saying anything she directly charged to the bathroom. Not being able to hold down liquor is exactly that – one gla.s.s was enough to have her stomach rolling for a while.

Qian Feng gloatingly laughed out loud.

“Azure Dragon.” Xu Yun didn’t laugh. After Fan Shuang’er left, instead he became serious. “My advice to you is to leave immediately. You’re not a match for Crimson Scorpion, and for her it is even more impossible.”

Qian Feng’s smile instantly became serious. “Boss, we’ve investigated Crimson Scorpion’s strength. His strength and mine shouldn’t be too big of a difference. If I have Yin Long helping, getting him shouldn’t be a problem.”

Xu Yun’s gaze became grim and as cold as ice. “The problem isn’t that, but that he used the Yin Yang Pill.”

Qian Feng’s pupils instantly became larger by several times. “You’re saying…..that forbidden medicine that if eaten, could quickly make a person’s power rise by a whole realm?!”

“That’s right.”

Xu Yun’s definite response directly made Qian Feng sink into helplessness. If Crimson Scorpion took the forbidden medicine, he was absolutely beyond him and Yin Long.

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