Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 113

Crimson Scorpion’s Plan

After some joy and some tears, here Xu Yun and his brother drank and chatted, freely enjoying life.

While on another side, the Liu family was angry and stunned.

When Jin Biao took Liu TianYi in front of Liu Sheng at the HeDong Grand International Hotel, Liu Sheng was so angry he nearly spat blood. After hearing about the situation from Jin Biao, Liu Sheng was even more enraged till his hairs stood on end. First his son didn’t live up to expectations, and unexpectedly had done such a thing for a woman, then afterwards he was angry that someone dared to step on his Liu family’s table.

“Old brother, it’s not good to mess with the other side.” Jin Biao added embellishment, “At the moment both I and Wu Lei have to be wary of them to do things, and I suspect that Ma PingHai was killed by them.”

Crimson Scorpion who had been hidden inside of a room came out. “Who is so arrogant?”

Jin Biao froze. He hadn’t thought that there were other people in the home. When he looked carefully, he unexpectedly recognized the criminal facing him that had caused alarm to all the people in HeDong City, and instantly he became dumbfounded.

For half a day, this heinous, evil guy was actually hiding in Liu Sheng’s Hotel! Jin Biao felt a burst of chills – it seems Liu Sheng indeed was no mere simple person. Fortunately in these years he didn’t make him an enemy, or else, he guessed he would’ve lost his life. No wonder in the past Ma PingHai and Wu Lei had also not provoked Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng saw that Jin Biao was nervous and lightly said, “Old brother Jin, I won’t introduce this man to you, I believe you have already heard about him.”

“O…….Only heard……..in……pa.s.sing.” Jin Biao was suddenly so nervous that he couldn’t even kiss a.s.s. Of course he would be nervous. Even if he was an evil person that had done every evil in HeDong City, but the guy in front of him completely wasn’t human – he was a man-slaying demon!

Before an evil demon, evil people were worth a fart!

Crimson Scorpion coldly looked at Jin Biao. “Ma PingHai was killed by me because I didn’t want any other people to know about my situation.”

Jin Biao’s heart was instantly hanging. “I….I definitely won’t speak of it!”

Crimson Scorpion scoffed and then laughed darkly.

“Old brother, Liu Sheng old brother, help me a.s.sure him. I, Jin Biao’s lips are very tight!” Jin Biao felt terror inside. He suspected this evil demon’s meaning was that he wanted to kill him.

“Crimson Scorpion, Old brother Jin is my friend. He absolutely won’t speak out on the issue. Besides, today he even saved that dog.” In the end, Liu Sheng still took into account Jin Biao’s favor of saving his son, and spoke some words for his sake.

Seeing his son in a partially conscious state, Liu Sheng felt waves of anger bubbling up again.

“Since he’s Sheng-ge’s friend, of course I won’t do anything.” Crimson Scorpion lightly chuckled and said. He knew, even if he lent this fatty in front of him two b.a.l.l.s, this fatty wouldn’t dare to go to the police station and recklessly chew his tongue.

“Yesyesyes, we’re all on the same side!” Jin Biao quickly played along.

Crimson Scorpion coldly snorted, and no longer concerned himself about Jin Biao. Walking straight in front of Liu TianYi; after looking at Liu TianYi’s wounds, Crimson Scorpion couldn’t help but to frown. “HeDong City truly is place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Sheng-ge, it seems that not just one elite has settled here.”

Liu Sheng’s patience had finally come to an end, he grabbed Jin Biao and said, “Jin old brother, just who beat my son into this?!”

Jin Biao put on an act to have Liu Sheng calm down while he said, “The person who beat up TianYi is called Xu Yun. He also beat up my son before……and even forcefully occupied my family business.”

Liu Sheng still didn’t have any kind of reaction, but Crimson Scorpion was surprised. He suddenly turned around and grabbed onto Jin Biao’s collar. With his hand gathering force, he directly lifted up Jin Biao’s 200lb fat body up in the air. “Xu Yun? Is what you’re saying true?”

Jin Biao was scared out of his mind from the sudden situation. He didn’t know how he had offended this evil demon – this man’s killing intent made both his legs go soft, completely unable to resist. “Of course it’s true, I absolutely haven’t said any false words!”

“Crimson Scorpion, you recognize that person?” Liu Sheng scoffed, raising his gaze at Crimson Scorpion. “Old brother can’t swallow this!”

He felt that at his command he had a 1st-tier elite. If he didn’t use him to display his might, it would simply be a pity. So Liu Sheng decided to have Crimson Scorpion help his Liu family go out to handle this grievance – after all his son was his disciple; the disciple had been beaten up, as a shifu of course he couldn’t just sit and watch.

“I don’t recognize him.” Crimson Scorpion said in a complete change. He suddenly let go of Jin Biao’s collar, and then very disappointedly glared at the half-dead Liu TianYi, inside thinking that this b.a.s.t.a.r.d could’ve p.i.s.sed off anyone, but he just had to p.i.s.s off that person!

“What? Are you unwilling?” Liu TianYi immediately saw that Crimson Scorpion wasn’t acting normal.

“Not that.” Crimson Scorpion superficially said, “Since it’s come to this, then tomorrow I’ll go meet him.”

Even though Crimson Scorpion had said that, but Crimson Scorpion hadn’t told Liu Sheng that Xu Yun was the man that pretty much almost killed him that night! If Liu Sheng went, it was merely going to die.

Liu Sheng’s expression instantly shone as though justice had penetrated the clouds. “Alright!”

Jin Biao also followed suit, secretly pleased within. He exactly wanted for them to destroy each other, however, he truly hadn’t thought that Liu Sheng actually had such an evil demon at his disposal – definitely a sure-kill card.

“Will you also stay tonight? Even though I trust Sheng-ge, but I still don’t like to trust strangers.” Crimson Scorpion’s face revealed a dark smile.

Jin Biao froze – this guy was actually afraid he’d betray him.

Liu Sheng nodded, he also didn’t want to have any other complications. Tomorrow he wanted Jin Biao to experience Crimson Scorpion’s power. This way he definitely wouldn’t dare to go and report this to the police. “Jin old brother, then I’ll have wronged you.”

“No, no, not wronged! Not one bit wronged!” Jin Biao hurriedly replied. He decided it was better to not provoke that kind of man-slaying evil demon much. Even if he had the chance to go to the police station, he wouldn’t want to lose his life over that bit of money.

Liu Sheng prepared a room for Jin Biao, then brought someone to look at his son’s injuries, the whole while cursing the person that heavily injured his son into this state.

Crimson Scorpion returned to his room quickly. He had just made his decision: tonight, no matter what, he would leave HeDong City in the middle of the night. He had originally thought that it was safe here with Liu Sheng, and that he could constantly train and nurse his body back before returning.

After all Crimson Scorpion had been defeated. If Blue Ghost wanted to punish him, Crimson Scorpion’s body at the moment couldn’t withstand a random palm from Blue Ghost.

But no matter what, Crimson Scorpion hadn’t thought that this b.a.s.t.a.r.d Liu TianYi would actually provoke Xu Yun.

Liu Sheng without even knowing had actually just been hooting about how he couldn’t swallow this grievance. Hmph, if Crimson Scorpion told him that the person who beat his son was that person from the panacea restaurant that heavily wounded him, he wouldn’t even know what kind of expression he’d have on his face.

Crimson Scorpion had skimped through the situation with Liu Sheng, only so that tonight he could leave a little more smoothly. If Liu Sheng knew that he had no way of dealing with Xu Yun, and he still wanted to leave, then maybe Liu Sheng would really send him to the police and get the reward money.

Even though Crimson Scorpion didn’t think it would go so far as being stuck into the police’s hands, but with his body’s current condition, he would have to endure some difficulties.

From the very beginning, Liu Sheng was hanging onto the idea of using him – this was something Crimson Scorpion was very clear about. He stayed only thinking for himself, and now he was still thinking for himself.

Go back and face Blue Ghost and give a good explanation, and maybe he might even be able to keep his life.

And to face Xu Yun again in HeDong, that was only a path to death.

Since the situation had developed to this current state, Crimson Scorpion could only lower his tail and act like a homeless dog. If he could stay alive, there would be hope. At present, preserving his life was the most important thing.

As long as he was alive, he would always look back at the shame of today.

When the time comes for Blue Ghost to personally come, even if Xu Yun had broken through the mental state into an Ultra Elite, then all the same, he will be kneeling!

Kept in the dark about everything, Liu Sheng completely didn’t know Crimson Scorpion was preparing to leave tonight – he was still wondering how he would avenge his son tomorrow!

At night, Jin Biao secretly laughed as he was sleeping. Tomorrow’s battle, no matter who won or who lost, he wouldn’t have the slightest loss anyways. Who knows, maybe like the battle between the snipe and the clam, he could gain some benefit from it.


The next morning, Fan Shuang’er drove the hung-over Qian Feng directly back to Yanjing without half a bit of hesitation.

Xu Yun was also exhausted as he went back to the panacea restaurant. Just as he went inside he ran into GuoGuo face to face.

GuoGuo looked at Xu Yun full of surprise. “Daddy, Wan’er-jiejie hasn’t come home yet, and you also didn’t come back?”

GuoGuo’s shouting wasn’t urgent, but Ruan QingShuang immediately came out from the room. With puzzlement in her eyes she looked at Xu Yun, seriously suspicious of why Xu Yun would go with Qin Wan’er and stay in Teacher Su’s home.

Even though Qiu Yan knew Xu Yun came back last night and just that he ran into some trouble at the entrance of the panacea restaurant, but of course she wouldn’t be so bored as to help Xu Yun explain this.

“Did Wan’er-jiejie want you to teach her how to fire a gun again?” GuoGuo’s little head c.o.c.ked to one side, with a confused expression. “Um, it couldn’t be that Teacher Su also wanted to learn right?”


Xu Yun truly wanted to crack his head and die!

Even though Ruan QingShuang knew that it absolutely wasn’t like what GuoGuo was saying, but thinking that Xu Yun stayed with two ladies, she still slightly blushed. “Did Teacher Su’s home have an extra bed?”

Xu Yun helplessly smiled. “Shuang-jie, last night I was at that bar over there and saw two friends. The boss there can bear witness.”

“I don’t mean to question you, you don’t have to explain to me.” Ruan QingShuang said a bit embarra.s.sed. She wasn’t something to him, of course she didn’t have the right to question him.

But GuoGuo had an expression full of suspicion. “Daddy, could it really be that flowers in the home aren’t as fragrant as wild flowers? Mommy and Qiu Yan-jiejie can’t beat those stupid girls that go clubbing every day right, and even let men eat tofu as they please?”

Qiu Yan dragged GuoGuo into the bathroom. “Wash your face, brush your teeth, and go to school.”

GuoGuo could only obediently comply.

“I’ll go make you ladies breakfast.” Xu Yun said.

“You didn’t sleep all night right? Quickly go and rest for a bit. I’ll go fry a few eggs.” Ruan QingShuang said with concern, “Drinking alcohol at night definitely isn’t good. In a bit I’ll make some honey water for you.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yun felt endless emotions!

What is happiness?

Happiness isn’t a cat eating fish and not a dog eating meat, and even less like Ultraman beating up a small monster.

Happiness was even if ge stayed out all night, after coming back he could still have so much of Shuang-jie’s gentle concern. Life was this, and he could die without regrets.

Because it was truly too long since he saw his brothers, so Xu Yun indeed drank a little too much yesterday. The two of them, he and Azure Dragon seemed to have together drank eight bottles of whiskey and five bottles of vodka right? Fortunately he was still able to stay awake, while Azure Dragon that b.a.s.t.a.r.d was directly carried by a little girl into the car.

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