Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 115

The Disparity of Heaven and Earth

When Shan JiaHao was done carrying all of the fresh produce, Xu Yun came downstairs.

Xu Yun saw that Shan JiaHao had bought the wolfberries, and directly threw them at Liang Shan. “ShanZi, use this to make him a rib soup.”

“Mmh.” Liang Shan took the order with a smile. He now no longer hated Shan JiaHao, this somewhat headstrong kid.

Ruan QingShuang was very surprised. She still thought that Xu Yun would continue fighting this guy. In fact Shan JiaHao’s performance was indeed commendable, just that they didn’t know if this guy would get c.o.c.ky from this.

Shan JiaHao froze for a second, then instantly became excitedly happy. “Yun-ge, you mean that….you’re willing to teach me?”

This truly gave Xu Yun a headache – truly if this kid was given a bit of sunshine he would glitter. “I’m just afraid you’ll die at my place here. By then when your brother comes for your body, what would I do?”

Shan JiaHao’s surging little heart had just withered, and dispiritedly he went to the bathroom. Two minutes later, after washing the mop he came out to mop the floors, making his position clear – he was bearing it willingly, and didn’t believe that Xu Yun wouldn’t relent.

“Little Hao, go rest.” Ruan QingShuang was truly afraid of tiring him to a breaking point. She had a good heart, and there was no getting around it.

“This clearly shows he still has strength. Let him do it.” Xu Yun wasn’t the slightest bit soft. “I’ve seen a lot of people that can do work. To be able to stick with it, now that is what I call ability.”

Shan JiaHao didn’t say another word, picking up the mop. In his ears, Xu Yun’s words were a kind of encouragement.

When Liang Shan held the wolfberry and rib soup and came out from the back kitchen, suddenly a Benz S350 directly pulled up across the panacea restaurant’s entrance.

Xu Yun glanced over, a bit puzzled. Why would that grandson Jin Biao come here? When Liu TianYi came out from that car, Xu Yun understood – it seemed Jin Biao this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was thinking of something sinister again. Since he wasn’t honest, Xu Yun wasn’t about to let him go back.

After Jin Biao and Liu Sheng, father and son got out of the car, they had the att.i.tude of certain victory on their faces.

Liu Sheng frowned – why was this place a bit familiar? Because that night when he rescued Crimson Scorpion he was too nervous, plus having watched the soul-shocking scene of elites in battle from afar, he completely didn’t remember this was exactly the place he took Crimson Scorpion away from.

If he knew, then even if his son died, he absolutely could not come here for some kind of d.a.m.nable revenge.

Liu TianYi noticed his father’s surprised expression. Even though his whole body ached, but he still took big steps to meet them.

“Coming for trouble again?” Xu Yun squinted a smile.

Liang Shan didn’t even have time to put down the rib soup in his hands, and directly went to the door. With his whole body exuding the imposing manner of a single guardian that denies ten thousand pa.s.sage to whoever wanted to attack Xu Yun, they could go only after they stepped past his body!

Shan JiaHao threw the mop aside even faster, and ran faster than Liang Shan with the strength of a kid putting his life on it.

The no-good Liu TianYi was a 3rd-tier elite that had Crimson Scorpion open the fundamental meridians. Seeing Shan JiaHao stepping forwards, without another word he directly whipped his leg, kicking his whole body flying!

Because yesterday Xu Yun had stabbed into his leg, Liu TianYi’s single kick wouldn’t severely hurt Shan JiaHao.

Liang Shan saw them attack, and without even caring who they were, he directly clamped the boiling hot rib soup onto Liu TianYi’s head! Just as Liu TianYi roared from the extreme heat, Liang Shan’s heavy leg shot out like a cannon, and firmly kicked Liu TianYi flying out the door!

Xu Yun’s eyes shone, ShanZi was indeed a fierce person. Even though he didn’t have a First Glimpse, but he was still able to kick Liu TianYi flying. With his body’s innate quality, bones and perception, if someone had guided him since he was small, at the moment he would also be at the level of a 2nd-tier elite – truly a pity.

In the blink of an eye as Liu Sheng stepped out of the car, his son had actually been badly scalded and kicked outside. Losing all of the earlier worry, in a burst of fury he charged at the door, directly at that person that kicked his son flying that must be that Xu Yun, and a burst of killing aura surged.

“Xu Yun! Today the Lius will take your life!” Liu Sheng angrily yelled, carrying his palm in a slap towards Liang Shan’s face.

Even though Liu Sheng was already over fifty years old, but no matter what, his speed and momentum wasn’t something Liang Shan could have expected.

Xu Yun was shocked, the winds around this person’s palm actually contained powerful dark energy!

Only a 2nd-tier elite could train and fold energy, Xu Yun was very certain about this. Even if Liang Shan’s innate qualities of his body were exceptionally good, it was impossible for it to take a single full-power attack from a 2nd-tier elite.

If this one palm were to smash into Liang Shan’s face, it was heavy enough to kill him on the spot – at best the concussion would directly turn him into a vegetable.

In the critical moment, Xu Yun got up and went forward, his left hand grabbed Liang Shan’s shoulder and pulled him back, and his right palm directly met Liu Sheng’s palm wind and connected!

Wham! The two palms struck!

Jin Biao’s inner surprise very quickly turned into secret happiness. In his eyes, that Xu Yun that had caused him such a sorry state that day, finally would lose his life to the Yellow Springs here! After all, he had personally seen Liu Sheng’s single punch penetrate a load-bearing wall! No matter what was said, that day of his disgrace wasn’t endured for nothing.

Afterwards Jin Biao’s secret pleasure barely lasted one second. In the eyes of Xu Yun who had become an Ultra Elite, what was a mere 2nd-tier elite like Liu Sheng worth?

With just one palm, Liu Sheng felt his greatest folded strength completely being disintegrated by True Qi – afterwards, one surge of strength a hundred times what he could take forcefully charged into his heart and lungs!


A mouthful of b.l.o.o.d.y pus sprayed out. Liu Sheng’s earlier energetic billowing momentum was completely destroyed without a trace, and just like it had struck his soul, he fell down heavily outside of the panacea restaurant.

Jin Biao’s eyes maximized, and his pupils shrank to a speck; the terror in his eyes was simply indescribable!

Liang Shan behind him exuded a cold sweat – Liu Sheng’s earlier forcefulness was directly pressuring him. If it wasn’t for Xu Yun coming to save him, perhaps it would’ve been truly hard for him to escape harm. Lingering fear made his back leak a cold sweat without stopping, and he only gratefully glanced at Xu Yun.

Shan JiaHao who had been kicked to the floor by Liu TianYi, got up shaking and trembling, the pain making him grimace.

Xu Yun bitterly laughed, this guy’s ability to resist strikes was truly pretty good. To be able to get up after being kicked flying earlier was some determination. Luckily Liu TianYi was injured and weakened, or else Shan JiaHao would’ve at least had a few broken ribs.

Everything happened too suddenly, and Ruan QingShuang completely didn’t react. Looking at everyone in a daze, even though Lu WenYi had seen gangsters fighting, but she truly hadn’t seen this kind of match like the movies, so she could only follow Ruan QingShuang, both starring in a daze.

“Jin Biao, what happened? Aren’t you ready to explain it to me?” Xu Yun gripped both hands, making cracking noises.

Jin Biao was completely listless, and he used all his strength to shake his head. The scene in front of him was already a reality that he had no way of changing.

Shan JiaHao was encouraged in elementary school to be a gangster, of course he’d heard about the fierce men and fierce deeds of Jin Biao. But right now in front of Xu Yun, Jin Biao was like a homeless dog, without one bit of the bearing of a G.o.dfather. This even further added to Shan JiaHao’s conviction of having Xu Yun become his master.

Jin Biao’s expression was fl.u.s.tered, his mouth muttering, and he already didn’t know how to talk about it. “Yun……Boss Yun, I was forced, they forced me to come!”

Xu Yun didn’t have the energy to listen to his bullsh*t. Yesterday when he took Liu TianYi to the Steep Mountain police station, he even specifically asked Jin Biao to watch his nephew closely. Today this grandson came to the entrance of the panacea restaurant looking for trouble. If he, Jin Biao hadn’t done something, then it meant yesterday Xu Yun was just dreaming.

“Who are they, with so much strength? That you as the G.o.dfather of the East was still forced by them?” Xu Yun’s brow wrinkled. “Make it clear, and maybe I’ll let you live.”

In order for Jin Biao to protect his little life, what would he care about? “Yun-ge, yesterday the punk you beat up is this Liu Sheng’s son. He is the boss of HeDong Grand International Hotel, and in HeDong City, no one dares to touch him….”

Yo, the boss of HeDong Grand International Hotel, huh.

Xu Yun sneered inside, daddy hasn’t even gone to your place looking for trouble over your panacea restaurant, and instead you came here looking for daddy. But this was good too, on the bright side it saves daddy the trouble. Today the old debt and the new debts will be settled together.

“So yesterday the person I wanted you to watch closely, you took him away and gave him to his dad?” Xu Yun lightly laughed. “Jin Biao, you’re truly on the fence. Was it that you felt that this old coot’s strength was extraordinary, and used the opportunity to have him deal with me while you sit and reap the benefits?”

“I wouldn’t dare, I wouldn’t dare!” Being exposed by Xu Yun, Jin Biao quickly waved his hands. “Yun-ge, originally I wanted to do a little thing for a favor……how would I know, I….” Jin Biao suddenly thought quickly, “How would I know that after I left, this guy would actually be hiding that wanted criminal! They forced me to come!”

Wanted criminal? Xu Yun stared at Jin Biao. “That S-rank wanted criminal?”

Jin Biao saw Xu Yun’s intent changing, and quickly used all his energy to nod his head. “Yesyesyes! Exactly that person! That man is an evil demon, I didn’t dare to not listen to them. If I didn’t obey, they would kill me.”

“Where’s that criminal?” Xu Yun at the moment was already too lazy to care about this fart business, finding Crimson Scorpion was most important. “Jin Biao, I’m warning you, if you dare to say half of a lie, I’ll make your life worse than death.”

Jin Biao heard and his whole body had cold shivers. He truly knew what a fierce person was, of course he wouldn’t dare to speak carelessly. “That person….ran, he ran away!”

“Ran away?” Xu Yun brow knotted up into a bunch. “Jin Biao, you dare to play with me?”

Jin Biao nearly knelt down and said, “Yun-ge, even if you gave 100 guts, I wouldn’t dare to say half a lie to you. I’m truly, truly not lying to you! Last night that person promised that today he would come to take care of you…..uh no, come looking for you, but this morning he was gone!”

Xu Yun went forward and lifted Liu Sheng by his collar, completely without treatment for the elderly. “Tell me, where is Crimson Scorpion?”

Liu Sheng coughed twice. He knew that he was beyond hope, and realized that that night he saved Crimson Scorpion was exactly here, and the person that beat Crimson Scorpion into that state was this young man in front of him.

“The Lius hadn’t thought that HeDong City was actually concealing dragons and hiding tigers…..*cough*!” Liu Sheng coughed while slowly speaking. “Seems like Crimson Scorpion had long known we would come here, and unexpectedly fled……*cough*…..seems like I truly chose the wrong person……”

Xu Yun listened with surprise, “So that night the person that saved him was you.”

“That’s right, just that my old eyes didn’t see clearly. Earlier I unexpectedly didn’t notice that this place was the place of that great battle that day…..*cough cough cough*!” Liu Sheng was already struggling to breathe. “This life was worth it, today being defeated by an Ultra Elite’s hands, can be honoring my ancestors…..*cough cough cough*……at my age, give me the honor!”

Xu Yun knew that Crimson Scorpion had already left, and threw him to the floor. “Kill you? What you want is not bad. Wait for the cops.”

Ruan QingShuang heard Xu Yun and quickly gave a phone call to Qin Wan’er.

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