Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 155: Those Who Drown Are All Capable of Swimming

Chapter 155: Those Who Drown Are All Capable of Swimming

Tang ZhengTian also stood up. “Little Jiu, Xu Yun, help me see the guests off.”

“Yes.” Then Tang Jiu turned and looked at Xu Yun, her face full of worry. In a low voice she urged, “Is it okay? Can you do it faster?”

Sh*t! Xu Yun nearly spat blood, no matter how it was heard, it wasn’t like ‘it’ wanted for him to take apart his pitched tent! What was this ‘could it be faster’? d.a.m.n, this was looking down on ge too much…..ge is known as the Silver Spear Little Warlord! Bah, Xu Yun secretly cursed that this means of t.i.tle was too c.r.a.ppy, suitable for the old fashioned singer Li MouMou.

With no choice, Xu Yun forced a burst of True Qi into his Hui Yin Meridian, only by using this kind of method could he make his valiantly vigorous ‘little brother’ lay down the flag, to wait and put away the army to battle another day. Ai, only that he didn’t know if in the future this would affect his s.e.x life…….

Tang Jiu only felt that hard thing poking her instantly disappear. She couldn’t be bothered with blushing or thinking astray, quickly standing up, fearing that one careless thing would make Xu Yun uncontrollable.

“Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Seventh Uncle, Eight Uncle, travel safely, I’m worried about my dad’s health, and won’t see you off too far.” Even though Tang Jiu got up, but she didn’t really have the intent of seeing the guests off. In her view, these uncles who especially doted on her when she was small were now only wolves, unrelentingly eyeing the Tang Family a.s.sets.

“Then stay here.” Tang WanHe was the best talker, and immediately replied.

But Tang SanGuo wasn’t so easily dismissed, with a faint smile he said, “Since Xu Yun is already approved by you as a member of the Tang Family, then the first time at the very least he should have to come out and see these uncles and brothers off right?”

“Naturally, in the future when Xu Yun is in JiBei, I will look forward to much help from everyone of the elder generation.” While speaking, Xu Yun already walked right up to the several of them, and with one hand extended in front he said, “Third Uncle, please.”

Tang SanGuo lightly scoffed, then strutted out of the door, Tang ShaoFeng and Tang Yi closely followed behind their father. Tang ZhenFeng saw the situation and also left before Xu Yun, and afterwards Tang WanHe and Tang HuaZhong with each of their respective children of the new Tang Family generation, Tang XianDai and Tang JinSheng also said their goodbyes to Tang ZhengTian and left.

Tang Qun and TangWanXin, the children without fathers could only follow behind them, vividly showing the phrase of ‘a child without a father is like a blade of gra.s.s that no one cares about’. Especially in this kind of family, there wasn’t even the most basic support, if they weren’t parasites what could they do?

The only one of the Tang Family who hadn’t left yet was Tang Long. Tang Long was just like Fifth and Sixth, a person without a father, but the difference between him and them was that he didn’t want to become a parasite. As the eldest of the fourth generation of the Tang Family, of course he had his own big ambitions.

After Xu Yun saw the several important guests off, the other family members also each said their farewells. Tang ZhengTian only waved his hand, motioning for everyone to be off. He hadn’t thought that today when Tang ZhenFeng and his son as well as Tang SanGuo and his sons would sing that kind of show, and unexpectedly besides Tang Long, no one else dared to dispute with them.

After seeing that everyone had left the room, Tang ZhengTian’s expression changed, raising his hand and clutching his chest, and lightly saying, “Water…….”

Tang Jiu’s expression ma.s.sively changed – in the s.p.a.ce of the blink of an eye, her father’s expression had actually become so pale, it seems that the rush of blood earlier to his heart had been constantly strongly resisted by him in order to not show this exhausted expression.

For so many years of Tang ZhengTian’s words carryied enormous weight when he spoke, to actually have a nephew of a younger generation talk back in front of a crowd – even though on the surface he didn’t fuss over him, but inside of course the anger wasn’t so easily controlled.

Tang Long saw the situation and quickly ran to the servant’s room and heavily knocked onto the door. “Aunt Xue! Aunt Xue! Where is Uncle Tang’s medicine?!”

Within the servant’s rooms, an auntie about 60 years old quickly came out, but her complexion absolutely looked younger than her age. Her expression was of worry, and quickly she took out all of the pills to save Tang ZhengTian’s heart that he currently needed to take.

Qiu Yan also immediately helped by bringing a gla.s.s of warm water to help Aunt Xue help Tang ZhengTian take the medicine. To the side, even though GuoGuo was anxious but she really couldn’t help in anything, and could only watch.

Tang Jiu’s eyes reddened, and with her face full of worry she said, “Aunt Xue, is my dad okay?”

“Miss Jiu, you don’t need to worry, as long as he takes the medicine in time there is no worry. Lately he’s been overworked, as long as he rests he will be fine.” Aunt Xue lightly said, “Ai, Little Tang’s sickness came too quickly.”

In the Tang Family, perhaps in the entirety of the servants in the Tang Family villa, only Aunt Xue dared to directly call Tang ZhengTian ‘little Tang’. Even though Aunt Xue was a servant, but she had been with the Tang Family for a full forty years. Back when Aunt Xue entered the Tang Family to work at twenty years old, Tang ZhengTian was just a ten+ year old child, the others like Tang ZhenFeng were less than ten years old.

So even though Aunt Xue was a servant, her position in the Tang Family was absolutely not so simple. Without mentioning the young generation like Tang Jiu, they all had to respectfully call her Aunt Xue. Since they were small even Tang ZhengTian’s generation had called her Aunt Xue and she was very respected.

After taking the medicine, Tang ZhengTian’s complexion improved a lot. He faintly smiled, and slowly said, “Xue-jie, thank you.”

“Ai, just how many times do I have to tell you before you really take care of your health?” Aunt Xue helplessly shook her head. “Jiu, even though Aunt Xue has aged, but I heard what happened inside of the hall. After all Aunt Xue is an outsider, and don’t dare to partake in the disputes of the Tang Family, but I really hope that you fight for you dad’s face.”

Tang Jiu was already a tear-stained beauty. “Aunt Xue, you’re not an outsider. In my eyes you’re closer than anyone else, you care more about the Tang Family than my Second Uncle and the others!”

Tang Long stood to one side. After seeing Tang ZhengTian drink the water he quickly took the gla.s.s, his brow deeply furrowed, as though he was internally struggling he said, “Uncle Tang, I really didn’t think that YiFei would do such a treacherous thing, if I knew earlier I…..I……”

“It’s alright, Tang Long, you don’t need to blame yourself. Go home.” By now Tang ZhengTian already had no energy for the infighting of the younger generation. For these things he believed with certainty that Tang Jiu could handle them.

Tang Long shook his head. “Uncle Tang, your health is already in his situation, how can I leave! What if…..”

“There is no what if!” Tang Jiu snapped. “It’s enough for me and Aunt Xue to be here, all of you leave!”

Tang Long’s heart stopped, but he told himself, in history Han Xin was able to crawl between someone’s legs, what was it to tolerate this? “Okay okay, Jiu-mei, you must help Aunt Xue take care of Uncle Tang. If anything happens you must immediately give me a call.”

“Tang Long, go on. I want to talk with Jiu alone.” Tang Zhengtian gave the last order to expel the guest.

Tang Long got up and nodded. “Yes, Uncle Tang, then I will go back.”

“Bye.” Tang Jiu bluntly said.

Tang Long no longer stayed. He knew there was no sense in staying here, might as well go back and explain to Tang YiFei. Currently Tang YiFei definitely hated him to his bones, but there was no choice, who made him so clueless about the height of the sky? Tang ZhengTian hadn’t breathed his last breath, and he wanted to rebel – it was simply insanity.

Tang Long walked out into the great courtyard of the Tang Family, and Xu Yun was amidst seeing the guests off at the entrance. In this instance he was flooded with the urge to kill him, once he thought of the day that Tang ZhengTian would willingly give the Tang Family to Tang Jiu and an outsider without a thought of having this eldest succeeding, his heart was full of countless jealous flames.

Before leaving, Tang SanGuo left some words with Xu Yun. “Young man, I can see that you are very capable. I can see that your abilities are not simple, but you should get it that the Tang Family isn’t that type of small family in a small cottage. The waters are very deep. If you really step inside, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out.”

“Thank you Third Uncle for your pointers, Xu Yun will definitely be cautious, and be as careful as I need to. Heh heh, I’m not afraid of how deep the waters of the Tang Family, I can swim.” Xu Yun faintly smiled, without the slightest intent to yield. For this old fox to tell him things, of course he wouldn’t be so obedient. If it weren’t for this old thing, Tang Jiu’s third uncle having blood relation, Xu Yun would’ve already slapped him. Sh*t, you’re no relative with daddy!

Tan SanGuo saw Xu Yun so unappreciative of favors and inside he coldly laughed. “Alright, then I’d like to see just what kind of tricks you can throw out in the Tang Family.”

“SanGuo, young people full of energy is a good thing. Why do you want him to give up his enthusiasm?” Tang ZhenFeng lightly spoke up. Seeing that these people would ordinarily absolutely not get along, even in this situation Tang ZhenFeng wasn’t helping his own blood brother.

Tang SanGuo glared at Tang ZhenFeng. “Second Brother, what do you mean by that? Talking for an outsider and speaking against me?”

Tang ZhenFeng laughed loudly and didn’t reply.

Xu Yun also followed with a smile, saying, “Second Uncle, you’ve really flattered me by saying that. I will definitely work to be worthy of it, and help Tang Jiu rectify the Tang Family.”

“Hmph.” This sound of Tang ZhenFeng couldn’t be heard as a laugh or anger. “Having momentum is good, but be mindful of your Third Uncle’s words earlier. The waters of the Tang Family are very deep. Don’t think that just because you can swim that you can overturn the seas. I’ll give you some advice here, all of those who have drowned can swim, those who can’t swim don’t have the courage to get in the water, and those who dare to get in are all confident they’re good at swimming – until that instant when they drown to death, they will know if in the end their swimming was good or not.”

Xu Yun nodded. “Second Uncle’s words are brilliant!”

Your sister! Xu Yun closely followed with a burst inside, at first he didn’t think this old fox would be so overbearing, who would’ve thought this b.a.s.t.a.r.d would directly threaten him. Drown to death? Hmph, if you have the ability then bring it on, ge still doesn’t know a place that he can’t pa.s.s through.

This was exactly why Xu Yun used ‘brilliant’ to praise, uneducated people tend to hear ‘fart’ instead.

Obviously, Tang ZhenFeng’s good nephews Tang ShaoFeng and Tang Yi were exactly that kind of people with no cla.s.s. Just as Xu Yun said ‘brilliant’, the two of them spat out laughs, with absolutely no intent of letting their Second Uncle keep any face.

Tang SanGuo could also see that this punk Xu Yun had a venomous tongue, and didn’t want to go looking for pain himself, leaving a ‘wait and see’, and directly driving his Audi A8 away.

Tang ZhenFeng’s face went through a series of color changes, but he wasn’t able to say a word.

“Goodbye Second Uncle!” Tang ShaoFeng leading a group of the children of the Tang Family’s fourth generation also each bid farewell, each going into their Porsche Cayenne or BMW X5 etc luxury cars and left.

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