Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 157: Hidden Secrets of Tang ZhengTian’s Illness

Info About WSK (YNBW)About UsChapter 157: Hidden Secrets of Tang ZhengTian’s Illness

“This isn’t an issue about an apology or not!” Angrily breathing GuoGuo said, “Little Jiu-jiejie, this has nothing to do with you, I can keep my tone down, but I can’t watch my dad being called useless.”

Tang ZhengTian suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly. “Hahaha, what family is this little girl from, she really has presence. Xu Yun I don’t believe this is your girl, where did you find such a treasure?”

“Master Tang, thank you for the praise. My family’s girl indeed has a great presence.” Xu Yun faintly smiled, “What she said were words when she was angry, don’t mind them, her tolerance ability is lacking a bit.”

GuoGuo heard it unhappily. “Daddy, this is a problem of principle, not some problem of ability to tolerate.”

“Right, right right! This is a problem of principle, this was our Tang Family’s hospitality being unreasonable. Heh heh heh, Xu Yun, for this I will solemnly express regret to you.” Tang ZhengTian said, “I believe that the person my daughter has chosen definitely wouldn’t be that kind of boastful person, since you have said so, I believe you have a very fine understanding in medicine right?”

Xu Yun faintly smiled, “It can’t be said to be fine, but I know a thing or two.”

Tang ZhengTian smacked the table. “Alright! Indeed the learned have many talents, a promising young man! Today give me this old man a look-over, and see how long I can live. Hahaha, and let Jiu know in advance to prepare for my funeral, hahaha!”

“Dad! What are you talking nonsense about!” Tang Jiu was so anxious she nearly freaked out. This att.i.tude, if Tang ZhengTian said anymore inauspicious things, she was about to lose her mind.

Tang ZhengTian only laughed hollowly, seeing his daughter so anxious over him, he really didn’t regret this life.

“No, as long as I’m here, I absolutely won’t let an outsider make trouble.” Aunt Xue once again coldly rejected, saying, “You are the master of the Tang Family, how can you let just anyone examine your health? I only believe in doctors! I don’t trust anyone else!”

GuoGuo was instantly filled with hate towards Aunt Xue. “How can you be so unreasonable? Even Master Tang said my daddy can examine his illness, why are you saying you don’t believe it? My daddy hasn’t even taken a look, how do you know he’s no good? Do you make the calls in this family or does Master Tang? You auntie are so old fashioned, a doctor definitely isn’t more amazing than my daddy!”

“Xue-jie, I believe in Little Xu. Let him try.” Tang ZhengTian lightly smiled and said.

Tang Jiu also said, “Yeah Aunt Xue, Xu Yun absolutely doesn’t have any improper thoughts towards our Tang Family, I can guarantee it, really. He and I together absolutely isn’t because he is eyeing anything in our Tang Family. Xu Yun, hurry and explain to Aunt Xue.”

“There’s nothing to explain. Master Tang said he believed in me, then I’ll take a look for him. I’m afraid other people aren’t qualified to block me.” Xu Yun faintly smiled, “Aunt Xue, I’ve offended you. It’s not that I’m not listening to you, it’s because I get along better with Master Tang.”

Aunt Xue’s expression instantly became ugly. “You’ll regret not listening to me. Jiu…..you were always very docile to Aunt Xue since you were little, today unexpectedly……”

“Aunt Xue, please don’t think like that!” Tang Jiu being spoken to by Aunt Xue like that was particularly hard for her to take.

“Master Tang, let’s go to your room to take a look okay?” Xu Yun no longer paid attention to Aunt Xue’s obstruction – he wouldn’t be like GuoGuo a little child, really getting into an argument with an old person. Seeing Tang Jiu so respectful of Aunt Xue, surely Aunt Xue had also toiled hard in the Tang Family.

Tang ZhengTian faintly smiled and stood up.

Aunt Xue couldn’t stop it, and let out a heavy sigh. Her face was full of worry, just as though once Xu Yun came into contact with Tang ZhengTian, their whole Tang Family would be stolen away by an outsider.

Tang ZhengTian said nothing more, directly taking Xu Yun into his room. He was really curious about this versatile talent that Tang Jiu brought back for him, if he really was a master in many things.

Tang Jiu could only comfortingly say, “Aunt Xue, don’t worry. In this aspect Xu Yun really knows a thing or two, he wouldn’t have randomly come.”

But even though Tang said that, Aunt Xue’s frown was still unrelentingly furrowed, and she got up and said, “Jiu, what do you want to eat? You’re hungry right? Aunt Xue will make you some panacea porridge okay? Seeing that in this period of time outside, you definitely weren’t eating well. Your complexion isn’t well, Aunt Xue is pained.”

The more GuoGuo heard the more she felt it was unpleasing to the ears. “The panacea porridge Little Jiu-jiejie eats at our house is definitely better than yours. How is her complexion not good? You’re talking like we haven’t been taking care of Jiu-jiejie, hmph.”

With a slight smile, Aunt Xue went to the kitchen, Tang Jiu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and picked up GuoGuo. “Alright, jiejie will first prepare a room for GuoGuo okay. Once we prepare a room we’ll go eat. GuoGuo, in a bit you can try it, Aunt Xue’s panacea cuisine is comparable to the panacea cuisine your daddy makes.”

GuoGuo heard that she could rest and soon there would be good things to eat, and was no longer mad, immediately happily following Tang Jiu and becoming excited. Qiu Yan said nothing, quietly following behind Tang Jiu. It had to be said that the Tang Family villa was extremely large. The third floor was for Tang ZhengTian’s sole use, and the second floor was completely Tang Jiu’s dominion, so wherever GuoGuo wanted to stay at, she could.

After Xu Yun followed Tang ZhengTian into his study, Tang ZhengTian told him to take off his coat and sit down, then extended his wrist to Xu Yun. Seeing that at fifty-something, Tang ZhengTian was still able to maintain this kind of figure, Xu Yun admired him a bit more. This wasn’t something that ordinary people could do when they were middle-aged, his eight-pack was unexpectedly still clearly visible.

One of Xu Yun’s hands was probing his pulse, and two fingers of the other hand were pointed at Tang ZhengTian’s chest. Sometimes when there were heart problems, it would affect the frequency of movement and the pulse would be different. If it was this kind of situation then fundamentally he could not be saved, so Xu Yun had to first confirm this, however fortunately, Tang ZhengTian hadn’t gone to the point of no return.

However, this pulse was also a bit strange. This kind of pulse was absolutely not due to illness of the heart – it obviously was due to an external force, causing there to be insufficient blood in Tang ZhengTian’s heart that caused his problem of a bad heart.

“Master Tang, can you tell me how you feel?” Xu Yun said, “When did your heart problems begin? Specifically what kind of reactions are there?”

“About a month ago, without any signs, at once the sickness arose. I went to the hospital for examination, and they said it was a heart attack. As for the cause, I don’t know. Ordinarily I pay more attention to my health, heh heh, who would’ve thought I would get heart problems at this age?” Even though Tang ZhengTian said it indifferently, but inside, more or less he was a bit uncomfortable.

Xu Yun shook his head. “Master Tang, I don’t know which doctor examined you, but what I want to say is, according to the examination of your pulse, this is absolutely not a problem of the heart, and absolutely not a problem of your body itself.”

“Oh?” Tang ZhengTian frowned. “Not a problem of my body itself. Xu Yun, what do you mean?”

“Master Tang, I really don’t dare to say these words.” Xu Yun’s face had no intent of joking. “If I say this, without even mentioning you, perhaps even Tang Jiu will turn against me.”

Tang ZhengTian seemed to have realized something. “Then I want Tang Jiu to come and hear it even more.”

Xu Yun didn’t avert Tang ZhengTian’s gaze. “Are you sure?”

“Sure.” Tang ZhengTian said, “Go and call her over here, after all this is a matter of the Tang Family, I think she has to know this in more detail even more. If the reason for my heart problems aren’t because of my own body, and rather someone else causing them, then she needs to know the truth even more.”

Xu Yun said with an admiring tone, “Master Tang, do you believe me that much?”

Tang ZhengTian lightly smiled. “Since the time you stepped through the door, I believed you, because you’re the person my daughter brought back. If I’ve really seen wrongly, heh heh, then I’ve lived for several decades in vain.”

Xu Yun heard and got up. “I’ll go and call Tang Jiu now.”

Xu Yun left Tang ZhengTian’s study and came to the second floor. Tang Jiu already prepared a room for GuoGuo and Qiu Yan. There was nothing to say about the room GuoGuo picked, this room was more than 50 square meters, an untold size, and within the room it was full of all kinds of stuffed toys.

“Tang Jiu, come with me.” Xu Yun said, “Some things have to be said in front of you.”

Tang Jiu was surprised, and then her face instantly became pale. “Is my dad’s illness really serious?”

“No.” Xu Yun didn’t want her to worry. “Not only is it not, I am confident I can help him heal but, before that, I have to say some things, and your dad wants you to hear it.”

“It can really be cured? Then, say it, what do you want? I’ll agree to whatever you want! Really! You don’t need to ask for my opinion!” Tang Jiu’s mood was abuzz.

Xu Yun was speechless. “Do you think I came looking for you to get something?”

Tang Jiu blushed, if Xu Yun was that kind of person, perhaps he would’ve already said some big things. “Let’s go, I’ll go with you.”

“I want to go too!” GuoGuo the busybody said, “I’m your sister, do I also have to hear it?”

“Okay okay okay, you can also come.” With that Tang Jiu pulled GuoGuo’s little hand, and turned to Qiu Yan and said, “Qiu Yan, come also. Since you’ve come, then we are all one family.”

Qiu Yan shook her head. “I won’t go. I’m a bit tired and want to rest.”

“Mmh, okay then, rest. When it’s time to eat, I’ll call you.” Tang Jiu didn’t insist again.

GuoGuo sighed and shook her head, ai, it seemed that earlier Qiu Yan was irritated, if not how could she feel tired? Definitely it was seeing that kiss between Xu Yun and Tang Jiu, and inside she was feeling strange.

Xu Yun glanced at Qiu Yan, and knew that she had a problem, but he didn’t know it was because of himself. Since Qiu Yan wanted to be alone, then it would be better to let her be alone.

The three of them left the room, and went straight for Tang ZhengTian’s study in the third floor. GuoGuo seemed to be very satisfied with this villa, seeming to have thought of the place that she lived in before was very much like this place.

Tang ZhengTian fixed his clothing in the study. Seeing Tang Jiu had also brought GuoGuo, he couldn’t help but to smile. To her he said, “It looks like you and this little sister are very fated, hehehe.”

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