Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 16


Xu Yun suddenly extended a palm pressing on the table top, and the long-haired guy felt enough strength to suppress nine cattle and two tigers. With all his strength he couldn’t flip the table, and his face went red with shame!

At this time the long-haired guy reached the conclusion that he wasn’t his equal, and turned his head wanting to run. In one step forward Xu Yun caught his collar, pulled him back and punched him in the face!

This fist struck right on his nose, and the long-haired guy’s brow was broken with fresh blood flowing. The bridge of his nose leaked out liquids that he lay in, and his front teeth were smashed out, fallen like two grains. His mouth was really full of every flavor of the joys and sorrows of life!

Xu Yun dealt with this type of little ruffian with only one word, ‘thrash’!

The long-haired guy didn’t resist the hits, and kept on begging for forgiveness. Since he lost his front teeth, each word came out with a whistle. “I was wrong! Wrong! Stop hitting me!”

Xu Yun threw the long-haired guy aside like garbage on the ground. “How did this housefly problem happen? Who taught you that dirty trick?”

“Ge, please big master disregard this little one. Let me go please?” The long-haired guy of course didn’t carelessly say anything.

“Your mouth is pretty stubborn.” Xu Yun laughed softly, “GuoGuo, bring the knife over here!”

Ruan QingShuang knew in her heart that Xu Yun was trying to scare them, so she allowed GuoGuo to happily charge to the kitchen and bring a vegetable knife over.

The long-haired guy, seeing the gleaming vegetable knife, couldn’t hold back the numbing sensation in his scalp. “Ge, what are you going to do? If you have something to say let’s discuss it well. I put the house flies in. I fried them at home. Just treat me as a fart and let me go!”

“You’re as immoral as dancing with the devil, man.” Xu Yun lifted the vegetable knife in his hands, it flashed, gleaming. “Then I’ll release that hand?”

“Ge, I don’t want you to cut off my lowly hand. Give me a chance, I will definitely change!” The long-haired guy’s adam’s apple trembled, his legs and belly trembled – scared till he almost peed.

Xu Yun laughed coldly. “I already gave you a chance, you wouldn’t talk. I’ll count to three…..”

“Four Wolves Gang! It was someone from the Four Wolves Gang that wanted me to do it!” The long-haired guy didn’t wait for Xu Yun to start counting and shouted it out. He even frantically dug into his pockets for the 4 or 5 small bottles with fried house flies he had left. “This was also given to me by them!”

Everybody seeing the situation confirmed the truth. Each cursed these little flunkies and the Four Wolves Gang a.s.sholes. Just now the panacea restaurant’s hygiene problem worries were swept clean.

The restaurant had gone through such a disturbance, but it didn’t disturb its popularity. Instead, it made even more people believe in the panacea restaurant’s sanitation. GuoGuo even publicly revealed the kitchen while making food, only so much that it didn’t affect Xu Yun working. Any customer could enter the kitchen as they wished!

Ruan QingShuang’s smiling face relaxed more and more. After coming alone to HeDong City, she never had it as smooth as today. Right now she didn’t regret her choice of running away from that marriage even more.

Who would’ve thought that right now, not only did she not lack in anything, she owned her own panacea restaurant and even had a naturally innocent, cute, lively, and clever daughter, and even met a man whom she admired.

After kicking out those five b.a.s.t.a.r.ds looking for trouble, the business of the panacea restaurant exceeded yesterday’s scene even more! Xu Yun made dishes until his legs felt like jelly, and GuoGuo counted money until she had cramps!

The last wave of guests finally left, and Xu Yun at last let out a breath. Very quickly, he made three servings of Chinese artichoke quail soup together with steamed duck and yams, before calling Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo to eat together.

At this time, Qin Wan’er suddenly opened the door and entered.

“Wan’er-jiejie!” GuoGuo slowly jumped over to welcome her.

“GuoGuo was missing me huh!” Qin Wan’er pulled GuoGuo’s small hands and giggled *hehe*.

Ruan QingShuang’s good mood also gave an especially warm welcoming, and she said, “Wan’er come, did you eat yet? Come eat with us.”

“Hehe, QingShuang-jie knows me, I really haven’t eaten yet!” Qin Wan’er cutely stuck out her tongue.

GuoGuo looked confused at the two people. “I call Wan’er-jiejie, and Wan’er-jiejie calls my mommy jie-jie, then am I supposed to also call mommy jiejie?”

“You should just call me mommy!” Ruan QingShuang was already in a good mood and laughed.

Qin Wan’er was amused by GuoGuo’s cuteness. “Then GuoGuo, what should you do? Maybe GuoGuo can change and call Wan’er-jiejie Wan’er mama yeah?”

“That won’t work!” GuoGuo looked seriously at Xu Yun. “That’s too favorable for my dad. Won’t he have two wives then?”

Ruan QingShuang and Qin Wan’er were suddenly rendered speechless in a flash by GuoGuo’s words!

“Ahem!” Xu Yun softly cleared his throat. Changing GuoGuo’s topic, “Qin Wan’er, I didn’t see you at working hours, and only now arriving right at meal time. Have you done odd-jobs before?”

Qin Wan’er snorted, today during noon at the station there was an honor ceremony, and everyone praised the great merit she set up!  Shutting down the Four Wolves’ casino was absolutely an exceptional accomplishment. Not knowing if Qin Wan’er would be promoted, nevertheless the entire WenHui District police station would be greatly commended. Superintendent Liu felt great, and gave Qin Wan’er a half day off to let her go home and report good news.

Qin Wan’er didn’t go straight home and instead coincidentally, came to the panacea restaurant, because she was very clear that all the work was done by Xu Yun himself, while she didn’t even put in something worth half a penny!

Originally Qin Wan’er came to say thanks, but seeing Xu Yun had an att.i.tude, she said, “I came looking for Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo to say something okay? What’s the matter with you?”

“Daddy, how about you go make two more dishes.” GuoGuo instructed, “It’s inconvenient for you to interrupt women talking.”

Xu Yun understandingly smiled. This was like the finest woman getting sisters and thus was a good situation. At the very least Ruan QingShuang would have someone to rely on. He wouldn’t have to worry that she would suffer bullying.

After all, Xu Yun still didn’t know if he would stay in HeDong City and settle down – things change. He even left places before that he hoped to stay for the rest of his life. What other place could make him reluctant to leave in this lifetime?

Three women are enough for a drama’s worth of conversation. Obviously, GuoGuo’s age is small, but her heart isn’t. She and Qin Wan’er unexpectedly chatted really well. Also the three of them set a date to go shopping tomorrow and buy some nice clothes!

In the blink of an eye it was already 4 pm. In the morning they had negotiated about buying some more produce and meat and now it had been delivered. Even though Qin Wan’er was a treasured only child, nonetheless she was completely humble and helped Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun unload together.

Xu Yun was very satisfied with Qin Wan’er’s performance. He proudly pulled GuoGuo over to his side, “How is it, G.o.dfather finding this free odd-jobs worker ain’t bad eh?”

“Daddy, why do I get the feeling you want to find a second mom for me?” GuoGuo looked suspiciously at Xu Yun.

Qin Wan’er’s face was made completely red by GuoGuo.

Ruan QingShuang stared at GuoGuo, “Is your b.u.t.t itching again?”

“I’m only saying what’s in daddy’s heart!” GuoGuo earnestly said.

Luckily Qin Wan’er received a call, easing the embarra.s.sing situation. She ‘mmh’d’ several times and hung up the phone. “I’m going back to the office, they said that the boss of the Four Wolves Gang came to pay bail!”

“Wan’er-jiejie, 30,000 Yuan!” GuoGuo hurriedly stretched out 3 chubby fingers.

“Mhh!” Qin Wan’er didn’t waste any more time. After she said her goodbyes to Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun each, she speedily rode her bike to return to the police station.

But Qin Wan’er hadn’t left for long, and the panacea restaurant’s insane business started again. The people who had eaten here all praised nonstop – so one pa.s.ses it to 10 people, and 10 to 100. In a short time, the panacea restaurant turned into the hottest restaurant in HeDong City’s WenHui District.

At night it was busy till 8 or 9 pm. Finally there were no more people inside.

For the first time, GuoGuo didn’t even finish counting the money and stuffed it into the purse, not wanting to count it! Tired!

“Shuang-jie, if there’s nothing else I’ll head back first. You and GuoGuo should close up early and sleep.” After hanging up his ap.r.o.n, he changed into his outfit of pants and a sleeveless shirt. “From now on we won’t have to get up early to buy produce anymore. Sleep some more in the morning.”

“Then…. go a little slow on the road.” Ruan QingShuang still couldn’t open up and tell him to stay and live there.

GuoGuo saw her mom looking like she wanted to say something and said *ai*. The little boss shook her head, “Too reserved, ai…”

Without waiting for Xu Yun to exit, a bunch of xenon gas lights pierced through the gla.s.s door. Right now, inside the panacea restaurant, the flashing on Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo caused their eyes to go dark for a moment. Soon after a polished black Audi A6 turned off its lights. A skinny, tall guy jumped out of the driver’s seat. He quickly opened the back pa.s.senger door, and a middle-aged man stepped out. His hair was greying and he had triangular eyes, giving a sense of dark fierceness and an uncomfortable feeling.

Closely following, several vehicles behind the Audi came to a screeching stop. Stepping out of each of the cars came a type of dragon-tattooed big guy. They immediately almost completely surrounded the panacea restaurant.

Xu Yun’s keen sense of smell allowed him to sense these people, and he worried that they may have come with ill intent. Ruan QingShuang’s beautiful brow knitted up with a bit of tension. In GuoGuo’s eyes was a touch of anxiety. Immediately Xu Yun hid his body.

Even though the middle-aged man was full of smiles, instead it made people feel that there wasn’t the slightest bit of honest kindness. He walked straight to the panacea restaurant, and the tall, skinny guy that opened the door for him quickly came over and opened the restaurant door.

Xu Yun dashed towards the fierce and savage middle-aged man and called out, “Eating?”

“I’ve eaten.” The middle-aged man had a hoa.r.s.e voice, he looked for a place to sit by himself. “Herbal medicine cuisine is an amazing thing; it is a fused product of traditional medical practices and cooking experience. Since using medicine to make food also has the benefit of medicinal use – medicine borrowing food’s power, and food a.s.sisting medicine’s might, both of them complement each other and each, bringing out the best of each other.”

As he spoke, the middle-aged man looked over Xu Yun, revealing a darkly fierce gaze. He opened his mouth and hoa.r.s.ely said, “Don’t you think it is so?”

Xu Yun immediately recognized this man’s hoa.r.s.e voice, and let out a cold laugh. “Originally I should’ve been looking for you, instead I didn’t think you’d come by yourself.”

The middle-aged man stroked his spa.r.s.e hair. “Xu Yun, you have skill and even stomped my three brothers. I very much admire your power. That is to say, a wise man submits to his circ.u.mstances! Join me, and I guarantee you, it will be more comfortable than now by a hundred times, a thousand times.”

“I’m not an outstanding talent, but I actually want to send you a message.” Xu Yun smiled his eyes squinty.

The middle-aged man wrinkled his brow. In the past he if he took the initiative and threw out the olive branch of peace, there weren’t many who wouldn’t welcome it. “What?”

Xu Yun’s face was full of disapproval, “A bat stretches out stabbing a bird’s feather, and you’re the bird? Looking at your age, if I hit you I will feel shame. I’ll give you a chance. Get out!”

“Smelly old man, don’t waste your tongue wagging! My daddy won’t become a gangster!” GuoGuo heavily snorted, right now she was using all her strength. We have friends at the police station!

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