Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 30


But Xu Yun laughed *haha*.  “I think, this little issue is definitely not a problem for Qin Wan’er.”

“Right!”  GuoGuo clapped her small hands.  “I wanna go to find Wan’er-jiejie!  Ooo, if she can help GuoGuo get into school, then GuoGuo will also buy underwear for her!  Hehe!”

Saying this, GuoGuo then suddenly thought of a question.  “Quickly, let’s quickly go buy mommy’s underwear!  Qiu Yan-jiejie, you also want a pair right. Since daddy is paying, should we go to La Perla or Dior first?”

Oh my G.o.d!  Xu Yun heard and nearly wanted to cry. Worthy of being the Millennium Feng’s clan’s treasured granddaughter, she really knew about goods!  Her mouth was full of the world’s top brands – a cheap set would amount to 1000 bucks man!

“GuoGuo, do I look like a rich person huh?”, Xu Yun wanted to cry but there were no tears.

“Fine, daddy, you don’t have to pretend.” GuoGuo moped, “So stingy and you still want to hook up with my mom and Qiu Yan-jiejie?  If you don’t even have this level of realization, then I can’t help put in a good word for you.”

Qiu Yan completely ignored GuoGuo’s words. It seemed that she long ago already trained in the remarkable feat of blocking one’s ears and not listening.

“One shirt from La Perla is really expensive.” Xu Yun pitifully whimpered, blinking his eyes.

GuoGuo disapprovingly shook her head, “Pops, do you not want to force me to say that in your pack you have a World Bank issued platinum card?”

Forget about Qiu Yan being stunned, even Xu Yun was stunned.  This little girl really understood too much.

Qiu Yan had to closely examine Xu Yun anew.  The World Bank’s platinum card wasn’t something anyone could have.  Millennium Feng that year wanted to get a card and was flatly refused.  To say it plainly, this card wasn’t something that simply money could get!

Just how big was the thing that was backing Xu Yun!

“I indeed have a card, but its too bad it has no money. What do we do?” Xu Yun also didn’t hide anything.

GuoGuo’s eyes turned shifty.  “Daddy wants me to say what the overdraft limit is right?”

“Sure, you’re amazing, I lost to you!” Xu Yun really had to submit prostrating, but by buying a few undergarments, he was unlikely to brush with the World Bank platinum card overdraft limit. That would be the highest loss of face.

GuoGuo firmly believed in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and robbing the rich of food in times of famine.  In one breath she chose five undergarments: one for Qiu Yan, one for Qin Wan’er, and two for mommy Ruan QingShuang.

And there was another pink cute one that she chose chose for herself – who knows how many years of growth before she could wear it.

Xu Yun was silent, then you don’t need a 36G size huh!?  This kid really had a lot of confidence towards her future body.

Several sales representative girls in the underwear store couldn’t help but cover their mouths and secretly laugh.  Wherever this little girl went, she always attracted peoples’ fondness like a princess, but her father looked like a disgrace.

Qiu Yan was worried GuoGuo would pop out some shocking words, so she didn’t deny her anymore. She could only let this little witch run amok.

When Xu Yun swiped the card his heart hurt.  Five pieces of underwear, which altogether weren’t even 3 pounds of material, actually forcefully spent nearly 30,000 bucks… this world was too crazy!

The trio just left La Perla’s underwear flagship store, when Xu Yun’s phone sounded.  With one glance he saw it was Qin Wan’er, and he answered rudely, “What, did you get tied up again?”

“Where’d you go!  The panacea restaurant has been wrecked!” Qin Wan’er had no energy to joke with Xu Yun.

After the police station received this emergency call, Qin Wan’er was a bit muddled.  The panacea restaurant had Xu Yun and Qiu Yan, two freaks sitting there guarding.  How could some small gangsters bust it up!?

Immediately she thought that Xu Yun and the others could have gone out, so she first called Xu Yun on the phone.

Xu Yun’s face was originally a huge smile that slowly vanished.  “What did you say?”

“I’m heading over right now!  No matter where you are, get over there immediately!” Qin Wan’er finished talking and hung up the phone.  Swiftly squeezing into a police car, she urged the driver Little Wu, “FASTER!”

“What daddy?” GuoGuo saw that Xu Yun’s facial expression was hard to bear, and couldn’t help but ask.

Xu Yun put down the phone, and narrowed his eyes into slits, like two cold blades for the first time.

If Xu Yun’s brothers were there, they definitely would know that the boss was p.i.s.sed -and extremely p.i.s.sed.

“Something happen at the panacea restaurant?” Qiu Yan guessed right on the first try.

Xu Yun nodded.  “I’m going back first, watch GuoGuo well.”

While talking, Xu Yun already took large, violent steps away.  That speed instantly stunned pa.s.serby – dressed in flipflops, he actually ran like Usain Bolt!  The shoppers in the street instantly wanted to record and upload it on the internet, but by the time they opened their phones and started recording, they couldn’t even find a shadow of a person.

GuoGuo wowed, very excitedly she yelled, “Worthy of my Superman Daddy!”

Qiu Yan wasn’t crazy enough to hang onto GuoGuo and follow the Xu Yun and Wan’er hurricane.  She walked to the road and hailed a taxi.  She didn’t need to anxiously get there, Xu Yun would definitely handle it well.  After all, the ones that smashed the restaurant were definitely only small fry that weren’t even in a tier, nothing more.

When Xu Yun rushed back to the panacea restaurant, he could only see a complete wreck.  Gla.s.s doors and windows were all smashed to splinters, the whole floor was covered in gla.s.s shards.  Of the restaurant’s 20 or so tables and chairs none escaped, all were flipped over and hacked to pieces.  Even the ceiling lights were all broken; the front reception desk was even more devastated with nothing remaining.  Almost everything was beyond recognition….

The panacea restaurant was Ruan QingShuang’s blood and sweat, she alone endured how much suffering before persisting to this hope.  Xu Yun was especially clear what the panacea restaurant meant to Ruan QingShuang.  The panacea restaurant even symbolized her everything!

Ruan QingShuang stood in the middle of the wreck, even though she suffered such a severe trauma, she still gazed firmly at her own panacea restaurant.

But a woman was still a woman, when Ruan QingShuang saw Xu Yun appearing, all of her strength turned into two grieving tears.  “Xu Yun…..”

Xu Yun didn’t say anything, and just came up and gave Ruan QingShuang a hug.  Ruan QingShuang never felt this kind of warmth, Xu Yun’s embrace gave her infinite courage and security.

From when she first met Xu Yun, perhaps this kind of blow was enough to make Ruan QingShuang completely lose her confidence.  But not anymore. Even if she was alone, she believed that she could keep her head up and endure. Moreover right now, there were still many more people who cared about her.

Qin Wan’er also hastily rushed over, the scene in front of her was unbearable before her eyes.

“Where are those people?” Qin Wan’er’s heartbroken expression looked at Ruan QingShuang as she asked.

Xu Yun with a cold gaze once more swept the utterly wrecked panacea restaurant.  “They left.”

Qin Wan’er’s heart was restless, but there was nowhere to vent.  “When sh*t was happening where did you go!  Instead of staying and doing good you left and blindly wandered around doing what!”

Xu Yun also darkly regretted that he shouldn’t have left, but he really didn’t think that the Four Wolves Gang would really so quickly retaliate!

Seeing the several police officers behind Qin Wan’er in a *hehe* laughing mood and offering each other cigarettes, a demonic fire erupted out of Xu Yun, with mockery he said, “What’s so good about HeDong City’s Public Security? Still not paying respects to all that grant you your position?” 

“Be more polite little boy!!” Little Wu heard it clearly, he walked over and violently shoved Xu Yun!

This push really shocked little Wu, the strength he used was not at all small, but Xu Yun didn’t budge at all.

“What did I say wrong?” Xu Yun’s courtesy towards Qin Wan’er was completely a special case – to other police officers he wouldn’t suffer them at all.

Little Wu’s adam’s apple trembled, and he didn’t say half a word, but behind him Xu Fan, one of the many police officers behind him was unhappy.  One after another they came up encircling him!

Xu Yun coldly laughed wordlessly, he was sure that Qin Wan’er wouldn’t let them recklessly come.

“Kid!  Why don’t you try saying that again!  Believe it or not we can take you to the station and have you taste what its like!” Xu Fan heard what was said and was furious!  Other than him the several cops one after another glared.

“Everyone shut the f*ck up!” Qin Wan’er turned her head and angrily rebuked.  “Grow up!  If you have the ability then take that anger and go catch those that smashed the shop!  I had you come to handle a case, not to do violence!  What are you roaring about!  If you have the ability then roar towards those hooligans!”

With just one outburst, Qin Wan’er shook the several police officers completely listless.

Ruan QingShuang was furious that they intimidated Qin Wan’er. She wanted to comfort Wan’er, but she really didn’t know what she should say that would be good.

Ai, there was no other way, who made her nature like this? Everyone in the panacea restaurant was forced on a knife’s edge – even GuoGuo was.  Ruan QingShuang just wanted to live well and nicely as a lady owner.

Xu Yun also didn’t say much of anything. After all, Qin Wan’er already got his approval. She was of law enforcement, a selfless and honest cop.

“Xu Yun, I have to make something clear to Ruan QingShuang!  I will definitely never let these lawless people go unpunished!” Qin Wan’er’s heart was rising in righteous fervor, she wanted to make herself worthy of the national emblem!

Having said those words, Qin Wan’er was doing right by Xu Yun. He was thinking that he didn’t judge her wrongly.  Xu Yun indifferently said, “This case doesn’t need to be investigated.  It was the Four Wolves Gang’s doing. The first time they came to the panacea restaurant to make trouble was the bald Wei 4th that you took away.  The one inside BoWen Street’s casino, Chen San Pao was also arrested by you.  They were all from the Four Wolves Gang. Their boss is called w.a.n.g ShunXi.”

Xu Yun’s one statement made thousands of layers of waves.  Behind Qin Wan’er, the mult.i.tudes of police officers were all looking at each other, the Four Wolves Gang!  Certainly this gang was a menace to the public doing many evils, but the police station had really done nothing to oppose them.

Just like last time with the situation with the casino, w.a.n.g ShunXi very easily found a scapegoat. Yet he himself still hung around with the t.i.tle of top-dog breeder, Tibetan Mastiff specialist, flaunting throughout the city.  

“Alright!  I will definitely arrest them!” Qin Wan’er snorted, she turned around and waved, “Return to base!” 

Xu Yun saw Qin Wan’er and the group of cops leaving, but the rage in his heart by no means diminished.

Because Xu Yun very clearly understood how cops operate and how they pay attention to principles, therefore this would definitely restrict Qin Wan’er’s ability to act.  With this matter they would most certainly have to rely on themselves.

Ruan QingShuang saw the gloom on Xu Yun’s face, and gently patted his shoulder.  “It’s okay, it already happened, and we can’t change anything.  Fortunately we have some money on hand now and can renovate it.  Who knows, maybe business will be even better.”

Seeing how Ruan QingShuang was so optimistic, Xu Yun’s heart lightened up a lot.  It seemed that Ruan QingShuang’s degree of inner strength distantly exceeded his estimates of her.

Qiu Yan and GuoGuo finally arrived on taxi.  After GuoGuo saw the panacea restaurant’s wretched state she couldn’t help but start crying, half crying and half calling out mama, then plunging headlong into Ruan QingShuang’s arms.

“Those little thugs did it?” Qiu Yan’s gaze flashed with a dense and deep murderous hue. Ruan QingShuang was GuoGuo’s savior and also Qiu Yan’s benefactor.  To bully Qiu Yan’s benefactor was to disrespect her!

“A group of rotten fish and shrimp.” Even though Xu Yun’s tone was casual, his eyes were flooded with a frigid light.

In the midst of this calm, Qiu Yan still sensed a dimly obscured ma.s.sive whirlpool!  It seemed that to offend this guy Xu Yun, perhaps the aftermath was even more terrible than to offend the venerated Fox.

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