Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 32


When the driver of the taxi heard that the trio with Xu Yun wanted to go to the Tibetan Mastiff kennel, he didn’t dare to be disrespectful – all along the road he drove carefully. Xu Yun saw that the driver thought that they were Four Wolves Gang members. Ordinary people couldn’t afford to offend the Four Wolves Gang, that group of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of all evils under the sun.

Half an hour later, the trio arrived at their destination.

The development zone’s Tibetan Mastiff kennel base had a grand and imposing entrance gate.  Both doors were about four meters tall and five meters wide of huge metal gates that were tightly shut.  Even seams weren’t visible.  At the entrance on the right and left were two large stone lions, stern and imposing, creating an awe-inspiring presence.

“Wow, really big.” After GuoGuo got out of the car, and she very adoringly charged off to the stone lions in front.  Using her small hands to touch their exposed backs, her face was full of disdain.  “Pfft, it’s not jade. Too inferior.”

Once Xu Yun heard he almost spit blood – if such large lions were made of quality jade, it would be sky-high in price!

*Bang Bang Bang!* GuoGuo charged and kicked the front door.  Inside the kennel, it instantly caused the sounds of dozens of vicious and fierce dogs barking to erupt. Hearing the amount of sounds from inside really wasn’t small.

GuoGuo was scared of the barking sound and with quick steps, ran to Qiu Yan’s side; one hand grabbing Qiu Yan’s clothing around the waist, and one hand patting her little chest.  Letting out a relaxed breath she said, “Scared the daylights out of me.”


With a tremendous sound, Xu Yun raised his leg and fiercely kicked the heavy gate open!  Both sides of the ma.s.sive metal gates were both set into concrete walls with concrete pillars sticking up straight, and unexpectedly they collapsed horizontally over!

The Tibetan Mastiff kennel base was instantly blasted into, and the commotion of a hundred dogs simultaneously barking in this heroic atmosphere was absolutely hard to imagine!

The bellowing rage of those fierce dogs with each more vicious than the last – if they weren’t locked in their cages as thick as a person’s thumb, perhaps they would have already all charged outside tearing up the uninvited guests.

GuoGuo and Qiu Yan were each completely stunned, with alarmed eyes all staring out, their shocked chins couldn’t be closed!  In the center of the metal gates was a deep imprint of a flipflop that the two of them could clearly see.

“What the heck!  This is unscientific!  Daddy did you just use your foot to kick it?  Are you human!?”  GuoGuo believed that if all their little friends were here, they would definitely all be stunned.

Qiu Yan was comparatively silent. Why would he insist on using such a brutish way to open the door…

The Tibetan Mastiff kennel base’s front gates loudly crashed, and naturally it made the people nearby all shocked and scared.

This place was after all, the Four Wolves Gang’s den. After hearing the ruckus, the courtyard very quickly filled with more than a hundred people!  Every person had a surprised and confused expression, estimating that their opponents were one male and two females.  How would two adults and a child manage to do that to the entrance gate?

GuoGuo scoffed, her little hands at her waist.  “I’m don’t want to bother to waste words with you bunch of thugs. You dare to mess with my mommy’s panacea restaurant!  Have your big brother come out, it seems that he doesn’t want to live!”

Over a hundred hooligan punks stared wide-eyed at her little eyes, not knowing what to do.  Looking at the small little dot in front of them, she had a really furious tone!

Xu Yun originally brought a body full of murderous tyrannical rage but now, seeing this little wicked imp’s manner, right now he really couldn’t take it out.  “You all heard my daughter?  Have w.a.n.g ShunXi roll out.”

“You little sh*t, do you know where this is huh!?  Since when could you come here and run wild!”  One person took charge, and instantly over a hundred people started yelling in a craze. The whole kennel instantly turned as chaotic as a pot of porridge.

In the midst of the chaos, already several people came up to them and surrounded them, with their faces showing expressions of cold light like fiends and devils.

The crowd’s leader, a man with a bare chest came up to them. On his back was a fierce coiling dragon.  With seemingly unmatched fearsomeness he said, “The panacea restaurant was wrecked by me leading!  Wanna see my boss? Then I wanna see if you have the ability to!”

Seeing this person standing out, over a hundred of people couldn’t help but to hugely roar out, “Han Que!  Han Que!  Han Que!”

The tremendous scope of the Tibetan Mastiff kennel base was a huge campus.

On his office chair in the office, w.a.n.g ShunXi scrunched his brow – he didn’t know why there was such a huge uproar outside.  Sitting opposite of him on a sofa and drinking tea was Wei Bing.  “Fourth bro, go outside and find out what happened. It can’t be that guy Han Que provoked some kind of trouble.”

“Bet it’s because today we wrecked the panacea restaurant gloriously, a show of our might.”  The bald fatty Wei 4th certainly complained, but didn’t hesitate and just stood up.  Snuffing a cigarette, he got up and walked out of the office.

“Boss, that guy Han Que is just a thorn. Why did you pay money to get him out?” Chen San Pao took a puff and blew out a fog as he asked.  He had just had fake teeth put in, and talking was all a bit uncomfortable.

“Hmph, of course I wouldn’t waste money on him in vain.” w.a.n.g ShunXi laughed darkly.  “That little punk doesn’t care about his life. From now on he definitely has a use to obtain his territory.”

“Sweet!  Boss you’re amazing!” Chen San Pao endured his mouth’s pain and smiled, then frowned his brow.  “These dogs barking is really annoying.  Boss, when are we gonna sell this place?  Follow after and learn from that guy Fan NanJie, that little punk, and open a bath center. I’ll go look for a few pimps I know and bring a whole bunch of northeastern and southern girls over and pressure them.  Business will be absolutely on fire!  More interesting than raising these beasts?  And with those girls however we wanna play, we will just play!”

“The h.e.l.l with playing!  You just wanna f*ck around and play with women!” w.a.n.g ShunXi scoffed and cursed.  “Those things I will naturally have, but the kennel is my foundation.  This will forever remain one of the eight businesses I can be public about!  Get it?  I’m not like Fan NanJie and the others – they are just hoodlums.  I, w.a.n.g ShunXi am a cultivator!  A cultivator is exactly an entrepreneur!”

Chen San Pao started choking from the smoke.  “*Cough! Cough cough!!*  Entrepreneurs? Boss, you’re teasing me right?  Can entrepreneurs send people to f*ck up a restaurant?  Hahaha, you, this entrepreneur, can be considered a pioneer with no one doing it before you.”

“You won’t even get it if I talk to you about this. Third bro, I’m telling you, right now this society depends on not just might alone to win the day!” w.a.n.g ShunXi’s wild ambition was not at all small.  “I want HeDong City to be an impressive city, and I can’t be like that guy named Fan and them alike messing with that route. Do you get it yet?  I smashed that panacea restaurant because that kid named Xu wasn’t tactful!  And because you guys all couldn’t live up to expectations!”

“I get it….get what huh?” Chen San Pao puffed the cigarette happily, he only knew life’s pleasures of eating, drinking, and messing around with women – everything else he was too lazy to care about.

w.a.n.g ShunXi was silent, talking with him was just like playing the lute for a cow. It was better to talk about these types of matters with Er Hei. Right now the G.o.dfathers of the Eastside, Westside and Northside – all three territories, were all supporting Fan NanJie as the two southern districts’ boss, of course he wasn’t content. “When you go see second brother at the hospital, if his wounds have recovered then have him hurry up and get discharged. I need to discuss with him how to teach that punk named Xu!”

“Mmm.” Saying this, Chen San Pao just thought of that day he was treated like a sandbag by that ferocious stomping b.a.s.t.a.r.d, and unconsciously clenched his fists.


The office door was pushed open by Wei 4th.  He was just like he saw a ghost and lost his soul, gasping for breath, he howled, “Boss! It’s……it’s not Han Que provoking sh*t!  It’s……it’s……it’s that punk from the panacea restaurant, he came!!  He……he our gate…he smashed our gate to the kennel!”


w.a.n.g ShunXi instantly exploded, and smacked the table with a bang!

The sound just now was actually the sound of his own kennel’s gate!

Wei 4th’s entire face was covered with panic. Really he couldn’t be blamed for being fearful like this.  Since that day he had half his teeth smashed out in a single punch by Xu Yun, he was completely traumatized.  He had never seen such a violent person!

Afterwards, there was deathly silence in the office.  Chen San Pao’s fingers trembled, the cigarette in his hands fell on the ground.  When talking about fear, he and Wei 4th both shared the same life-and-death experience.  In this lifetime he didn’t want to ever see that guy again, he was simply a demon!

“Hmph!  This is your father’s domain, not somewhere for him to run around wild!!  Go, come with me outside to go see!”

Nevertheless w.a.n.g ShunXi was the most calm. After all, he was a long time gangster, and this was still his turf.  He simply didn’t believe that Xu Yun was that tough – after all he was merely a single person. Just what could he throw out in his own territory!

Chen San Pao and Wei 4th’s legs were both jelly, but their Boss gave orders, and no matter what they would have to follow.  This was a kennel. Even if they released the dogs, they could have Xu Yun mauled to death!


Han Que was recognized publicly three years ago in HeDong City as an iron fist of the criminal world.  He did things with absolution. When acting he was ruthless enough – he was also a promising person of the younger generation that could possibly unite all of HeDong City.  But because he was way too arrogant. He once severely beat someone and was sentenced to prison.

w.a.n.g ShunXi used money to buy a relationship and get him out of prison, nothing more than to add a bargaining chip for his own ambitions.

“The panacea restaurant was destroyed by you?” Xu Yun finally indifferently spoke.  He slowly raised his gaze. Dropping it on Han Que in an instant, it suddenly emitted a biting cold, bone-piercingly icy light!

Han Que originally had a fearless manner, but seeing the opposing side gaze upon him, he couldn’t help but tremble all over!  He had never seen such a sharp gaze. His opponent with just his gaze was like he could get killed by it alone just the same….

“Daddy!  Beat him!  Go and I’ll give you mommy’s photos, I’ll photograph them!” GuoGuo’s little hand commanded. With a serious reward, there will definitely be brave men!

And this time, Xu Yun was truly enraged. Even without pictures of Ruan QingShuang, he definitely wouldn’t let go of the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that did that to the panacea restaurant!

Suddenly Xu Yun’s eyes flooded with a dull killing intent, the coldness like ten thousand cavalry surging forward, with the force of a thousand armies swarming over!

Wrath suddenly exploded in an instant – like the seas suddenly attacked with a tempest without any warning towards Han Que in front!  Han Que didn’t even see clearly what happened before his very eyes – suddenly arriving at his abdomen, making him feel tremendous pain like the tearing of the heart and splitting of the lungs!

Just a second ago, Xu Yun was still several meters away from Han Que’s front. Now he suddenly started attacking with a punch – a tight fist with violent wind without warning smashed into Han Que’s belly.  Han Que’s body in the wake of a tremendous twisting force directly rose high in the air!

His entire body heavily and brutally fell seven or eight meters. Han Que just landed and cried out *wah* before continuously spitting out three mouthfuls of fresh blood!  Two rows of ribs were already completely and viciously snapped by one punch by Xu Yun!

However, the furious Xu Yun didn’t have any intention to stop, following up with a kick directly center on the just collapsed Han Que. The half-dead Han Que was just like a sandbag flying up again.  With a crash, he firmly smashed into the wall, then like a puddle of mud, he lay as though paralyzed near the wall, and didn’t get up again…

Instant kill!

In the entire kennel, besides the savage dogs who as beasts don’t understand human affairs, all other living things held their breath!  Three years ago, the legend of HeDong’s Duelist King Han Que, surprisingly he didn’t even qualify as a dead dog against a totally nameless guy’s hands!

Xu Yun stood defiantly in the center of a hundred or more gangsters from the Four Wolves Gang, his entire body exuding disdainful arrogance as he looked out the corner of his eye – all under heaven, besides me, who can dominate it!  The hundred or so people around him didn’t dare to breathe too loudly!

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