Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 40


At QiangZi and Xiao Fei’s lead, Xu Yun saw Pang Gang. The three people literally squeezed in the orthopedic ward with seven beds.

A room full of plaster-covered, beaten workers all had faces full of gloom. They didn’t suffer by their own hand, but they had to consider the huge impact their injuries would have on their families. If they weren’t working it meant there would be no income, and without income they would have no way to survive.

“Uncle, Yun-ge has come.” Xiao Fei pushed open the door and entered.

Xu Yun and QiangZi followed immediately after, and directly stepped into the ward.

Pang Gang trembled, slowly got up and turned his body over. The corners of his eyes were red and swollen, his cheeks bruised. With his swollen lips shuddering he said, “Friend Xu Yun, I simply wronged you…..the work on the panacea restaurant, I really don’t have the ability to do anymore.”

QiangZi pulled over a chair and put it behind Xu Yun. Xu Yun wasn’t overly polite and sat his b.u.t.t down. “Pang-ge, I already heard the cause of it from QiangZi. Why would you give up when you hit some trouble? Then I misjudged you.”

Upon hearing Xu Yun’s words, the injured workers in the ward were all a bit angry. They had already been injured to this state, and he still came over looking for Pang-ge to do work. Even though this couldn’t be said to be bullying, but this was simply too unsympathetic wasn’t it?

“Hehe……” Pang Gang laughed hollowly, “It’s not that I want to give it up. You can also see, my room is full of my brothers lying here.”

Xu Yun pushed QiangZi with one hand, and dragged Xiao Fei in front of Pang Gang. “Don’t you still have workers, or are you willing to let your nephew be a thug? I don’t hope that they would waste their days away like this.”

QiangZi and Xiao Fei were both stunned.

Pang Gang was finally understanding why Xu Yun came over.

“Yun-ge, we…….” QiangZi swallowed saliva. “We can do odd jobs, but to do renovation….isn’t this a bit of using people of little talent for a big job?”

Xu Yun laughed, and looked at QiangZi. “Is me having you learn Pang-ge’s craft a waste of a talent?”

“Of course not!” QiangZi didn’t dare say a second word. “Tomorrow I’ll tell all the fellas to group up with Pang-ge!”

Xu Yun took out the 30,000 bucks that he borrowed from Ruan QingShuang, and put it beside Pang Gang’s bed. “This money can be considered paying for the renovating fee in advance. Pang-ge, if you feel that the people I’ve found for you can work, then tomorrow take them to start working. With you guiding them, I don’t think they will work poorly.”

Pang Gang’s entire body froze, and the injured workers were also silent. Inside the entire ward it immediately became quiet.

Because before Xu Yun came, some nurses came urging Pang Gang to hurry up and pay for the hospitalization fees tomorrow.

Just for pieces of boards and plaster as well as a whole mess of expenses already exceeded 10,000 Yuan. Right now both of Pang Gang’s hands were empty of cash, and seven patients in one sickroom was already unfortunate for the hospital to deal with. Right now they hadn’t paid any money, so of course they wouldn’t get any politeness.

There wasn’t enough for the hospital fees, not to mention other costs. Putting the seven people together, how would they have 20 to 30,000 Yuan? The workers following him to do contract work were all the lowest of the low of society. This little foreman had lived through such hardship, of course his workers would have even less money.

Xu Yun suddenly showed up and brought money like some desperately needed coal during snow. To Pang Gang, this money was absolutely life-saving money.

Even though Xu Yun had only got to know Pang Gang for just one day, but he very clearly knew the temperament of the kind of people like Pang Gang. If Pang Gang wasn’t an honest person, doing contract work would make him a fortune, but because he was too honest, he drifted along with a touch of misery.

With such people, if you directly gave them money, they absolutely wouldn’t want it! So Xu Yun thought of the excuse of paying for the renovations in advance. Like this he would take the money, and could also have him immediately start working – two birds with one stone.

Pang Gang thought for quite a while before he took the 30,000 Yuan. He raised his head and said to QiangZi and Xiao Fei, “At noon you guys both heard Wei WeiMing’s words. If I bring workers to work again, they will attack us. You’re not scared?”

“Not scared!” Of course Xiao Fei would stand up for his little uncle!

QiangZi scoffed, with a n.o.ble expression that would have preferred peace, “To come out thugging, who would be afraid of trouble? Pang-ge, forget about Wei WeiMing’s words, even if Fan NanJie said it personally, I’ll still take up this work! Why the h.e.l.l are we afraid of him, he ain’t sh*t!”

After QiangZi had personally witnessed Xu Yun’s daring to crush the Four Wolves Gang, his own backbone had increased dozens of times!

“Pang-ge, you guys simply handle the renovation. For other things, let me take care of them.” Xu Yun’s smile was actually as tranquil and calm as before, just as though nothing had happened at all.

“Alright!” Once Pang Gang bit down, he didn’t fear anything. The h.e.l.l with being afraid, at worst they would smash his arms and break his legs, worthy of taking Xu Yun’s 30,000 Yuan. “I’ll go pay the hospital fees. Let’s go directly go back and start working!!”

Even before his voice faded, Pang Gang went out of the ward and paid the money. The injured workers on the beds each threw grateful gazes at Xu Yun. If it wasn’t for his timely rain, who knows if right now they would have to start preparing to leave the hospital and recuperate at home.

“Boss Xu, thank you.” A young little chief representative gratefully said.

“Me?” Xu Yun smiled his eyes squinty. “Don’t think about me, the fees to tend your wounds wasn’t paid by me, it was by your boss. I just paid in advance for the renovation.”

The several people understood, but their faces were still grateful.

After Pang Gang paid the fees, he very quickly returned, and then directly followed Xu Yun and the others to return to the panacea restaurant. The renovation of the panacea restaurant resumed its normal course, only the workers changed to a group of part-time workers. QiangZi’s little brothers hadn’t ever done this kind of work, and each of them were very careful, fearful that they would mess it up.


After rushing about for half an hour, the bearded man was taken by the taxi driver to HeDong City’s north suburbs at Nine Cliffs Mountain.

The taxi driver pointed at a European style villa halfway up the mountain and said, “That’s Secretary Ma’s home, but if he’s there or not, I’m not sure.”

Secretary Ma? The bearded man again used his finger and combed his hair, and chuckled. Ma PingHai’s t.i.tle is really quite cool, ‘Secretary’….hehehe.

The taxi driver fearfully trembled as he watched the bearded man get out, then quickly turned around preparing to leave Nine Cliffs Mountain. Years ago, Nine Cliffs Mountain was a great place to go hiking, but right now the whole mountain was owned by Ma PingHai, and turned into some vacation base. To enter the mountain was fifty Yuan!

Thinking of that, the taxi driver couldn’t help but be suspicious of the ident.i.ty of this stranger, and couldn’t resist glancing at the rearview mirror.

Where’d he go?!

Just now the bearded guy just got out of the car, and in an instant he disappeared?!

The taxi driver rubbed his eyes, and turned around to look. Forget about a person, there wasn’t even a shadow!

Was he dreaming?

But in the middle of the table there were actually several checks that were all genuine!


The European-style villa was very impressive – the villa was surrounded by three meter tall stone walls and a four or five meter artistically wrought metal gate that was especially imposing. Between the villa and the metal gate was a carved marble pond. Inside of the pond, a huge amount of precious stones in the backdrop made an even more prominent charm.

The bearded man went in front of the gate. Inside of the gate, two bored looking guys in black t-shirts stood. Seeing somebody, they immediately watched alertly as they walked over, and with an impatient tone they asked, “What do you want?”

“Looking for someone.” The bearded man said smiling.

The two black t-shirted guys’ faces showed disdain, “This doesn’t have the person you’re looking for. Quickly get the h.e.l.l out, don’t be an eyesore at the entrance! Do you know whose place this is?”

The bearded man’s smile vanished instantly, and he lightly said, “This isn’t Ma PingHai’s home?”

“You dared to f*cking say Secretary Ma’s name!” The two black t-shirted younguns were agitated into a rage, and directly pushed open the metal gate and walked out.


In an instant, the two young guys directly hit the floor badly bruised and beaten – they didn’t even see the bearded man attack!

“This kind of useless guards – Ma PingHai, you really don’t fear death.” The bearded man coldly laughed, and then walked to the villa in big strides.


Time very quickly pa.s.sed, and in the blind of an eye noon pa.s.sed. QiangZi could already skillfully use a nail gun and an electric saw, and Xiao Fei learned how to calculate materials from just a ruler. Pang Gang really didn’t think that these guys would have such innate talent, and the construction pace distantly exceeded his expectations.

Originally Ruan QingShuang wanted to wait and eat with Pang Gang and QiangZi and his friends, but Pang Gang said he was worried about the workers at the hospital and then left. QiangZi and Xiao Fei also followed slipping out. To eat every day with Yun-ge, they didn’t have the nerve.

By the time Qin Wan’er listlessly returned to the panacea restaurant, the sky was already dark. A big table of people were waiting for her to eat.

“Wan’er-jiejie, why did you come back so late?” GuoGuo’s hungry stomach had already deflated. Holding her pink little hands in protest, “Huuu, we were waiting for you to celebrate my success in enrolling.”

Ruan QingShuang also used the same puzzled expression, looking at Qin Wan’er. “What happened?”

Because Qin Wan’er had achieved consecutive achievements that shocked people everywhere, she had already been promoted to the eighth Sergeant 1st Cla.s.s – from WenHui District’s deputy director directly promoted into an Instructor, and into the dignified second-in-command! The next step was immediately to enter office in the city and become part of the leadership, how would she keep her overtime job?

Qin Wan’er said with a sighing tone, “The Bureau held a meeting because the Provincial Bureau sent down a secret doc.u.ment. It said that there might be an S-ranked criminal that entered my city, but they couldn’t connect the person to an ident.i.ty. Further, they couldn’t connect the person to any photos. They said everything was suspected, and they wanted us to take first cla.s.s precautions.

No one noticed as Qin Wan’er spoke, but Qiu Yan’s expression had already turned gloomy. She of course clearly understood the concept of S-ranked criminals! They absolutely were definitely 1st-tier elites!

She had obviously already let the three position-tracking chips respectively fly towards Western Europe, South America, and Africa! Why did Blue Ghost dispatch people here!?

“d.a.m.n, then you guys definitely have to stay alert – what kind of concept are S-rank criminals?” Xu Yun smiled with a grimace, out of the corner of his eyes he had long ago seen the deathly pale look on Qiu Yan’s face.

Qin Wan’er had a dignified expression, and there wasn’t half an intent to joke around as she looked at Qiu Yan, looking again at Xu Yun, “You still remember that Gos-hawk Gong You?”

“Of course.” In his heart, Xu Yun flooded with that bitter meaning. Of course he was clear about what kind of concept S-rank criminals were, sheesh, that was absolutely an extremely fierce kind of existence.

Qin Wan’er said in a single sentence, “S-level criminals at the very least are three times as hard to deal with as Gos-hawk Gong You.”

Xu Yun pretended to look surprised, but in his heart he had an agonized smile, saying,‘Qin Wan’er, oh Qin Wan’er, don’t you also look down on S-rank criminals too much? Are three Gong You’s worthy of much? I’m afraid 10 Gong You’s aren’t enough to hurt the shoes on an S-rank criminal. To become an S-rank criminal, they definitely must be a 1st-tier elite….’

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