Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 43


Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan sent GuoGuo to school on time, and Qiu Yan insisted on waiting at the school until it was over. Ruan QingShuang was worried about the restaurant and came back alone. Xu Yun knew Qiu Yan wasn’t a.s.sured of the school’s bad surroundings. After all, yesterday Qin Wan’er brought some news that may be half- true, half false. Even if it couldn’t be considered reliable, it was enough to make Qiu Yan stay alert for 3 or 5 days.

Ruan QingShuang entered the panacea restaurant. In her first glance, she saw the guys that Xu Yun beat up with blue-green, swollen faces. She quickly called out to QiangZi. “Little Qiang, what happened to these people?”

“They are Xu Yun’s captured, able-bodied men.” QiangZi grinned, and didn’t explain anymore. “Yun-ge is upstairs, you can ask him.”

Ruan QingShuang briskly went upstairs. With one glance she could tell those black and blue faced guys were thugs and she was really afraid Xu Yun again went and provoked someone. Meanwhile Xu Yun was in the middle of boiling a pot of tea, leisurely reading the newspaper.

Xu Yun found the newspaper was in Wei WeiMing’s Honda Highlander, and he didn’t even know which little printing company printed it. It was just some gossip news as useless as chicken skins and garlic peels. Some guy met a G.o.ddess on WeChat for some shady dealings and was scammed out of a ton of money, and stories of the like.

“Xu Yun, what happened to those people on the first floor?” Ruan QingShuang couldn’t even take a drink of water and hastily asked.

Xu Yun saw that Ruan QingShuang had returned, and folded the newspaper. “Shuang-jie, yesterday it was exactly them that attacked Pang-ge and his contractor workers. All I did was an eye for an eye.”

Ruan QingShuang was surprised. “They were the group of guys that attacked yesterday? Then why didn’t you call the police and let Wan’er arrest them!”

“Nah, it wasn’t easy to get GuoGuo that call-the-police-happy kid to school. Don’t bother the police.” Xu Yun dryly said, “Even if Qin Wan’er brought people, it wouldn’t change what already happened yesterday. I would rather deal with it myself. At the very least, I could have these people stay as workers and make use of ’em.”

“But….” After all, Ruan QingShuang couldn’t think of a problem with Xu Yun’s idea.

Xu Yun shook his finger, pointing at three piles of money on the table top. “Don’t think too much, take the money on the table. Yesterday I borrowed from you, today I’m paying you back.”

Ruan QingShuang looked at the 30,000 Yuan on top of the table, and then asked concerned, “The workers in the hospital are okay right? Right now I can’t even use the money. If you have a use then take it first.”

Xu Yun smiled his eyes squinty, “The workers are alright. Right now there’s enough money. If you don’t need it, then store it. If I have a need for it, I’ll again call you.”

Anyways, this money was all found by Xu Yun in Wei WeiMing’s car, a total of 50,000. Using a newspaper to wrap around it in a neat package, after Xu Yun took 30,000 to give to Ruan QingShuang, he gave all of the remaining 20,000 to Pang Gang.

Pang Gang in the beginning said he didn’t want anything. After all they already paid pretty much all of the hospital fees, but afterwards he was simply unable to dissuade Xu Yun. He took the money, but he didn’t put a share of money in his own pocket, and he himself added 1000. Each of his seven workers would get 3000 Yuan to subsist on.

Pang Gang took the money and went to the hospital. QiangZi oversaw the group of Blade Axe Crew members working, while Xu Yun happily and leisurely sipped tea and read the newspaper. Right now the panacea restaurant wasn’t open for business and there was nothing for Ruan QingShuang to do, so she packed up the laundry and went to go wash it.


The Bilingual International School was definitely an extravagant school ten times over, just look at the clothes the students wore in a cla.s.s of Su XiaoRan’s – Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs – they were all wearing luxury branded children’s clothing.

GuoGuo’s tutu dress was obviously not as expensive as her cla.s.smates’ clothing, but her qualities were far above the other wealthy kids. Within two lessons, she basically became as powerful as the local child empress.

On the first day Su XiaoRan tasted GuoGuo’s formidable power. After chatting for a day, from the bottom of her heart she felt that the word ‘cute’ couldn’t be used to describe this little child, this was a wicked one….

“Teacher Su, can I call you sister?” After cla.s.s, GuoGuo ran over to Su XiaoRan’s desk, and didn’t have the slightest fear.

“If you also call Official Qin Wan’er sister, then you can call me jiejie too.” Su XiaoRan was really fond of GuoGuo and her bursting geniusness. “But you can only call me that off-campus.”

GuoGuo was completely astonished, “So Teacher Su knows Wan’er-jiejie?”

“Of course.” Su XiaoRan smiled deeply, “Way more than just knowing, back in highschool the two of us were best friends that could eat out of the same bowl of instant noodles.”

GuoGuo’s eyes sparkled like she was full of worship, “You two have a great relationship, then in the future will you also marry the same husband?”

“Uhh….” Su XiaoRan’s eyebrows scrunched, what kind of problem was this?

But GuoGuo gravely said, “Teacher Su, I want to have Wan’er-jiejie to be my little mom, and right now she even already lives with us.”

After hearing all that, for half a day Su XiaoRan didn’t quite understand what she meant. “GuoGuo, are you saying Qin Wan’er lives….. lives together with you?”

“Right, with me and mommy, and daddy, and Qiu Yan-jiejie all live together.” GuoGuo said proudly. “The panacea food my daddy makes is really good. Teacher Su, when are you going to go try it?”

Wait…Su XiaoRan was very confused.

Why would Qin Wan’er live with a whole group of other people? And being GuoGuo’s little mama….. the more Su XiaoRan thought of it, the more dizzy she became. The relationships in this family were too complicated.

GuoGuo stroked her chin and said, “Since Teacher Su and Wan’er-jiejie are good friends, you can also become GuoGuo’s little mommy.”

“Oh…… about that… that would….. I think I’ll be GuoGuo’s sister.” Su XiaoRan had already become aware that before her was a little imp.

But GuoGuo didn’t think that. If Su XiaoRan could become her little mommy, then wouldn’t she be able to rampage fearlessly in cla.s.s? Then those stinky brats wearing luxury brands would definitely not dare to strut their might and prestige in front of her, and they would all submit before her command.

“But GuoGuo still thinks it’s even better if you become my little mom.” GuoGuo was very persistent. “In fact, my daddy is a really good person.”

A moment of soothing music sounded out – Su XiaoRan captured the chance for a big escape. Luckily the bell for cla.s.s to start sounded out, she need not stay entangled with this problem. “GuoGuo, quickly go to cla.s.s, keep going for one more cla.s.s and school will be over.”

Seeing GuoGuo bounce and hop as she left, Su XiaoRan exhaled a sigh of relief, she wanted to call Qin Wan’er and ask just what kind of situation this was! Such a cute little girl, why was her family so messed up?

Since Qin Wan’er was promoted to the police station’s instructor position, she no longer needed to trouble herself with a whole bunch of small matters. Ordinary police departments didn’t need her rushing about.

Her everyday main responsibility was to a.s.sign summarized missions down the chain of command, and then everyday, make a report to the bureau. Besides many more headache-inducing meetings, everything else was pretty good.

Su XiaoRan’s phone call made Qin Wan’er’s mood improve hugely, “Teacher Su, why would you suddenly think of me?”

“You’re not thinking of me, then am I forbidden from thinking about you?” Su XiaoRan snorted. “Comrade Qin Wan’er, I have something that I urgently need to warn you about. You need to take note of your lifestyle problem. Right now it seems like you’re under suspicion for destroying another person’s family. I want to seriously say to you, stop before you go too far!”

Qin Wan’er really wanted to stretch out her fist, go over and knock on Su XiaoRan’s head. “What are you talking about? My lifestyle has problems? Did you get your head caught in a door?”

“Hey, if I didn’t have evidence would I just wildly say something?” Su XiaoRan’s tone turned seriously asked, “GuoGuo said you and her parents all live together, do you still not admit it?”

“What the h.e.l.l!” Even though Qin Wan’er wasn’t the quiet and gentle type, she definitely wasn’t the easily angered type either. “Why would you believe everything a child says! Su XiaoRan, are you an idiot?”

Su XiaoRan scoffed, “You’re the idiot. A child wouldn’t trick someone.”

“GuoGuo was picked up off the streets by QingShuang-jie, don’t you know that? How can you be a teacher.” Qin Wan’er didn’t hold back her anger, and directly exposed GuoGuo’s ident.i.ty.

Following that, she even told Su XiaoRan details of the situation between Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo, including the panacea restaurant coming across that bit of trouble – she didn’t hide anything.

But Qin Wan’er didn’t mention that her staying at the panacea restaurant was because she was interested in the mysterious Xu Yun, she only said she wanted to protect both Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo.

Su XiaoRan heard and teared up. She pitied GuoGuo and admired Ruan QingShuang at the same time, and also became strongly curious about Xu Yun. Before in her eyes, Xu Yun was an improper father who drove a second-hand Citroen, and she didn’t think that he actually willingly helped Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo for free like the benevolentComrade Lei Feng.

Ai, those who didn’t find out about Xu Yun would forever not realize it. Free of charge? How could that be, GuoGuo promised this G.o.dfather to help him hook up with her mom!


The renovation of the panacea restaurant progressed like a raging fire. Ruan QingShuang was upstairs washing clothes while Xu Yun went downstairs.

He used his toe and kicked Wei WeiMing like a pool of a mud. “You still haven’t called for help? Sh’t, ge is tired of waiting!”

Wei WeiMing really wanted to bite this insufferably arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d to death in front of him. “Your people took my phone!”

“Yun-ge, do you really want him to call for help?” QiangZi took out Wei WeiMing’s cell phone and went in front of Xu Yun. “Fan NanJie isn’t like w.a.n.g ShunXi. Even though he’s young, his heart is cruel and ruthless. If you really want to let him call for rescue troops, Fan NanJie will really bring hundreds of people to cause trouble….”

After getting over the joy of stomping on people, QiangZi realized the terrifying consequences of messing with Fan NanJie.

“Then what do you think we should do?” Xu Yun narrowed his eyes, in his heart he already had an idea.

For a while QiangZi didn’t say one, two, or three. He really didn’t know how to deal with the aftermath of this. Did they really have to wait for Fan NanJie to come for revenge? According to the style of that vicious man Fan NanJie, he absolutely wouldn’t be like the Four Wolves Gang and wreck the shop, he definitely would wreck the people!

Wei WeiMing saw the struggling expression on QiangZi’s face, and coldly laughed, “Now that you know to be afraid, it’s already too late…. my older cousin…..”


Xu Yun had no interest in listening to him continue blabbering on… grabbing Wei WeiMing’s face, a sudden force bashed the back of his head on the wall. Wei WeiMing vision went black, and he completely became unconscious of everything.

“Since it’s like that, then it would be better for me to strike first.” Xu Yun touched his chin – right now wasn’t Qiu Yan’s plan to control all the surrounding thugs and gangsters? Then he would do her this little favor, directly seizing the Blade Axe Crew.

At the very least, with these people were under their control, GuoGuo and Qiu Yan would have another layer of safety, and Ruan QingShuang and the panacea restaurant would have far fewer troubles. What was there to lose?

“Yun-ge, what are you thinking about?” QiangZi swallowed some saliva.

“At night I want to invite a guest to the take a bath, and you’re coming with me.” Xu Yun laughed *heh heh*. “We’re going to that Tropical Rainforest Bath Center.”

Summer time and going to a bathing center to shower?


But why were there still so many bathing centers that didn’t close shop in the summer? The answer was simple: it was a scam like hanging a sheep head, but selling dog’s meat instead.

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