Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 51


Once the panacea restaurant had the fighting strength that Lu Feng brought over, renovation progress speed could be said to be very fast. Ruan QingShuang looked at the interior, and she was happy to the bottom of her heart. She made tea upstairs and carried it over downstairs. This made the people working on the floor feel overwhelmed by favor from a superior. At the minimum, Lu Feng and Shan HongNing didn’t dare to drink such blessed tea.

QiangZi took the BMW and sold it. He drove the Citroen and delivered 150,000 Yuan to Xu Yun’s hands. Xu Yun had no opinion; he returned upstairs to put the money down.

“Shuang-jie, Little Shan especially wants to get panacea cuisine into his hot pot restaurants. You produce the recipes, he’ll provide the manpower and the venue, splitting profit 50-50. What do you think?” Xu Yun’s mood was pretty good – with a smile he left downstairs, just as he mentioned a particularly special affair normally.

Ruan QingShuang didn’t dare to believe it. Yesterday, she still thought it was still a fantasy, and today Xu Yun directly let her stride out in such a large step, “Really?”

Shan HongNing hurried to the front, “That is a must, Shuang-jie, if you think that it is appropriate, then it would be better if we choose the launch day. Today we can settle the affair, and I’ll immediately find someone to introduce several chefs. You can go with me to personally go select people!”

“You guys aren’t joking around?” Ruan QingShuang’s head was spinning a little.

“How would we still be joking around? Little Shan invites you to select chefs, go with him to accomplish it. On this side you can’t help. Xu Yun waved as he said, “Take our restaurant’s panacea recipes.”

Shan HongNing exerted all of his strength to nod his head, “Yes, Shuang-jie, if you just bring the secret recipe cookbook, then the chefs can make the food according to your preferences. You just pick whoever.”

At the moment, Ruan QingShuang could be said to have overcome the shame of letting Xu Yun support the wicked. Generally it would be hard for her to recruit cooks that made panacea cuisine.

“Go on.” Xu Yun looked at Ruan QingShuang, raising an eyebrow.

For Ruan QingShuang the echoing in her brain started again – the words that yesterday Xu Yun said; go just go! If she wanted to change the current situation, she had to promote and develop panacea cuisine. “Then I’ll go take a look, I’ll let you handle this affair here.”

Lu Feng’s workers that were heaped inside came walking out, “Ge, you can also go, I’ll attentively watch here.”

Xu Yun shook his head, “You guys don’t understand Shuang-jie. On Shuang-jie’s personal matters, she doesn’t wish for people to meddle in.”

Ruan QingShuang’s delicate body shook – Xu Yun reminded her, by letting her make the decision that she was the great Big Sister – whatever she says, is whatever happens, and no one was to say thoughtless remarks to her.

Shan HongNing heard these words, and thinking it over, hurriedly he ran over to start the car.

After the two people left, Lu Feng lit a smoke and walked over to Xu Yun’s side. “Yun-ge, I think these floor tiles are pretty dated. How about we change them out at the same time? The carpenting was finished today, and there isn’t much modeling work left.”

“Change the floor tiles?” Xu Yun looked towards the ground at the polished bricks on the ground – indeed they were a bit old. “Is the cost considerable?”

Lu Feng grinned, although compared to Xu Yun he was older by at least 10 years, but then he was very gracious. “Yun-ge, what do I dare to do? Could this small amount of bricks still be used to spend money? I have a brother that makes building materials, and brand name ceramic ones! With one word I can have him come over!”

“Okay, then tell him to do it.” Xu Yun didn’t stand on ceremony – if there were free stuffed pies, and you didn’t eat them you were a fool.

“I’ll get Kong Zhong to send 2 vehicles over. Let my workers and the construction yard make a little cement and carry it over. This isn’t entirely a small matter.” Lu Feng was indeed experienced in small building projects. These matters were arranged neatly and in order.

Xu Yun was too lazy to tax his brain, “I’ll hand it all over to you, thanks for the trouble.”

After making several phone calls, Lu Feng’s facial expression was dark green. He went to Xu Yun’s side and said, “Yun-ge, something bad happened to Kong Zhong in the sand pit.”

Even though Xu Yun saw that Lu Feng’s complexion turned entirely dark green and his looks changed, he was as before. With a calm and composed manner, he asked, “What happened?”

“At dawn, someone brought over a lot of thugs to smash up the sand pit. Kong Zhong is still inside.” Lu Feng spoke and couldn’t help but to readily swallow saliva, “Listening to his meaning, it seems like it was Fan NanJie’s doing……”

Xu Yun became interested. Fan NanJie really wasn’t simple, yesterday wasn’t he arrested? Surprisingly, he could still strike in retaliation. Thinking about it, yesterday it was Kong Zhong that brought people to block the secret doorway. The first person that Fan NanJie wanted revenge against naturally was him.

“QiangZi, let’s go. We’ll both head over and take a look.” Xu Yun said with an eye looking out the door – the little Citroen quietly waited at the door way. “What the, what happened to Fan NanJie’s BMW? You can’t allow ge to sit in this to go.”

QiangZi’s face was black-lined, “Ge, you had me deal with that car. I dealt with it at dawn and gave you all of the money, did you forget?”

Xu Yun clapped his head, “I didn’t use my brains enough these past few days.”

“Yun-ge, you’re prepared to have just the two of you go?” Lu Feng doubted that he was the one that didn’t use his brains enough. Although he also listened to Shan HongNing say that Xu Yun was really good at fighting, but listening to Kong Zhong’s att.i.tude, the opposing side had a lot of people that could fight – otherwise Kong Zhong wouldn’t have suffered losses.

Xu Yun looked at Lu Feng, suddenly realizing, “Right, you have a car, you send me over. Jeep Wrangler, this car isn’t bad at all, a man’s big plaything.”

“Yun-ge, don’t joke around with me, it’s a little hard to endure.”Lu Feng said while rubbing the pit of his stomach. He wouldn’t just foolishly go alone to follow after him. Granted that they were going to help Kong Zhong, then he would also want to bring 100+ brothers. “I called up some people.”

“You think that it was a gang or triad that carried out revenge?” Xu Yun opened his eyes wide, glancing at him. “But I heard Qin Wan’er say that recently they are strictly investigating gangs and triads – so long as they dare to cause disorder, they will all be destroyed at the roots without exception.”

Lu Feng had an expression full of surprise, “But, Yun-ge your affairs…… Officer Qin also looks after them?”

“She’s not my wife, of course she looks after them.” Xu Yun said while already striding towards the side of Lu Feng’s Jeep Wrangler, “Go start the car.”

Although in Lu Feng’s heart he was 1,000,000 times unwilling, but nevertheless he grit his teeth, opened the door and got in the car. Go just go. At worst, it was just walking on a line of life and death in a circle. To put this kind of business in order, it wasn’t like he didn’t have any experience going through it before.

This car, compared to the city’s other cars was far more wild to use when off-roading. Not talking about its performance, even if it went on a gravel pit’s muddy road, it would still certainly have traction!

Very quickly, Xu Yun could easily see Kong Zhong’s sand pit, the scale wasn’t small. But in the middle of the river, a capsized sand mining boat was a bit ugly – even the dredging boat had been smashed by people until it sank. These people were quite venomous, even though this boat wasn’t something great, but the price was emphatically not cheap.

The surrounding areas around the sand pit came to a halt; there were several bread vans. Lu Feng’s mind couldn’t help but to perk up – the opposing side’s number of people really wasn’t small.

Noisy voices were sounding out, and Little Qiang was shocked, stretching his finger to indicate outward, “Ge! Look at that side!”

A crowd of ferocious big guys each gripping all kinds of guys in their hands fiercely smashed them on a sand washing machine. The group of workers under siege very quickly arrived! But that crowd still had no intent to stop, and each of them shifted their gaze to the other machines.

Finally Lu Feng also saw the battered b.l.o.o.d.y nose and swollen face of Kong Zhong. On the ground were 20+ of Kong Zhong’s thugs. It could already be seen that Kong Zhong had given up.

“Hurry up and go over.” Xu Yun said indifferently, but inside the tranquil voice, QiangZi could hear a small amount of fury.

Yesterday Kong Zhong also hurried to help him so much, Xu Yun wasn’t the kind of person that just used people. Today helping Kong Zhong – it could be said to be compensation to him for yesterday when he had helped block Fan NanJie. That is to say, if Xu Yun didn’t order them to block the door, then today they wouldn’t have come across this kind of trouble.

Lu Feng wavered, to go down and rush against this, what could it change? In his mind he was already making his own plans, contemplating how many brothers he would have to call over before they could have a chance to win.

But just at this time, Xu Yun refused with one hand pushing against Lu Feng’s right knee. Lu Feng’s right foot immediately and firmly pressed against the top of the gas pedal! Just listening to this vehicle’s performance, it was like a King issuing like a roar of a flock of birds humming. Immediately, they breached the river’s edge’s steep slope limit, rushing straight towards the scene of their objective!

It was already too late waiting for Lu Feng to come back to his senses and react to release the accelerator. With such a sharp slope, even though his foot was braking to stop, the momentum still continued to carry the car in front of the group of scary big guys.

Xu Yun didn’t say anything further and opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at Kong Zhong beat up, the corners of his mouth and eyes bruised he asked, “How come you can handle this, how can you keep operating your sand mining?”

QiangZi also clapped Lu Feng and told him to get out of the car. Lu Feng still somewhat hesitated, then at once he jumped down to get off the vehicle.

Though Kong Zhong was beat into such a miserable state, but he still had a smiling face. “Yun-ge, you don’t recognize me, no matter who I see I always say good things with a smile. The people who came for trouble aren’t many…..”

“I am to blame for this. I’m to blame because yesterday I made you go and block the secret pa.s.sage. Today I’ll deal with these thugs.” Xu Yun said, then changed the direction of his gaze at the pack of people before him.

This big hulking pack, with a savage presence saw Xu Yun’s contemptible gaze like needle tips from his eyes. Suddenly their hearts all felt malice, and filled with hideous sneers – this little boasting kid actually said he would take care of them?

“Who’s in charge?”Xu Yun he patted Kong Zhong’s shoulders, before he calmly and unhurriedly took a step towards the front.

Directly opposite of the rude and unreasonable guy, one after another rubbed his fist against the palm of his hand, seemingly at any time, they all wanted to ruthlessly ravage the insignificant little kid before their eyes.

“Big daddy is the leader!” Abruptly in the middle of the crowd of big guys stood a tall and st.u.r.dy guy. That thick arm was similar to a city wall. Even the back of his hand was like some woman’s thighs – all of it was thick, just that there was absolutely none of a woman’s thighs fairness or smooth tenderness. At a glance they were dark and crude.

Xu Yun was calm as before. He didn’t have a scared expression at all. “You’re Fan NanJie’s dog? I was the one that caused yesterday’s bath center affair. If you have a problem then come at me.”

Once these words came out, it gave a jolt of surprise like 1,000 waves! The crowd of ferocious and barbaric big guys completely raised their pressure. “F’ck, ShanZi-ge the guy in front is still f’cking reckless!”

“ShanZi-ge this little kid is courting death. Let’s help him.”

“Yeah, today let’s remove his arm. This kid doesn’t know what kind of person ShanZi-ge is!”

One guy said a line that completely didn’t take Xu Yun seriously. Naturally he was too lazy to do anything about the bullsh’t words – he immediately pounced to strike! The guys seeing this att.i.tude at the scene wanted to rip Xu Yun apart!

Xu Yun leaned sideways to dodge, sending his fist mercilessly at that person’s chin. On the spot that person’s mouth filled with blood, directly dropping him on the ground without him uttering a single sound! This really rather astonished people, several guys that were saying some fierce words swallowed those words to their stomachs.

“Hmph, I didn’t see that this f’cker was a runt!” The person known as ShanZi-ge of the pack was the most tall and st.u.r.dy of the big guys. He very coolly lit up a cigarette. “You want to die, then big daddy will help you! Brothers, play with him good. Toy with him and when you tire of him, then throw him into the river to feed the fish!”

The pack of fierce tiger-like guys came surrounding him without the slightest bit of hesitation. They didn’t care about some honor with many against a few – as long as they beat down the person they wanted to beat down it was fine. The 30+ surrounding under his command, all went towards Xu Yun to take him out!

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