Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 55


“If we don’t move, what can you do?” Xu Yun walked out of the kitchen, directly refusing. This landlady’s request was like throwing stones down a well when someone had already fallen in. “You’re already an old aunt that’s quite large in years. You wouldn’t not know that the principle of being a good person is to be kind and honest. Give yourself a few points of good character, and give the young a few blessings.”

A fierce person was exactly a fierce person – with just a phrase the whole crowd was alarmed. Weng Qing was Jin Biao’s wife, a G.o.dfather that not many in HeDong City could cross!

The South City Tiger Trio mingling in the crowd could be regarded as good, but they were barely confined to WenHui District and HongNan District – compared to the drowning dogs w.a.n.g ShunXi and Fan NanJie, they were still lacking.

But even those two people, before Weng Qing’s eyes weren’t worth seeing.

Just now Xu Yun actually opened his mouth and said she was an old aunt that wasn’t small in the years, and then said she was lacking in moral sense…… shhh – clearly he didn’t prepare for her to keep the least bit of face.

Without a word or gesture, Weng Qing’s face slowly flushed red. Practically gritting her teeth she said, “Quite the child. For a person that hasn’t been born yet to dare to talk to me like that……”

“Aunt Weng, please give me a chance to explain this situation.” Ruan QingShuang didn’t hope to offend the landlady. When she rented this property the price wasn’t expensive. She truly was unwilling to return the place, and had just paid so much money to renovate it.

“Explain? Whatever you want to explain to me is useless.” Weng Qing coldly and indifferently said. “Tomorrow, if you are still here, don’t blame me for being heartless.”

Urgency like fire attacked Ruan QingShuang’s heart – unexpectedly she raised a gentle and sweet voice, loudly yelling toward Weng Qing, “Will you listen to me explain or not!”

This had truly scared Weng Qing. At the scene, besides Xu Yun and Qiu Yan, everyone else was simultaneously startled. GuoGuo had really never seen her mother like this. She quickly hid in Qin Wan’er’s bosom, making Xu Yun jealously envious for a bit.

Weng Qing coldly laughed, “To be angry with me? Little Ruan, when I rented the property out to you, you didn’t have so much anger. Seems like your wings have hardened.”

“It’s not like that…..” Ruan QingShuang also became conscious of her loud voice just now, and inwardly was a bit shocked.

“No need to explain, she didn’t come to hear you explain. She came to take back the property.” Xu Yun went up front, covering the soft-tempered Ruan QingShuang with his back. “Even if she didn’t have this reason, she would just the same look for another reason.”

Done speaking, Xu Yun glanced at Weng Qing. “What I said wasn’t wrong right? Aunt?”

“Tomorrow I’ll see if your mouth is so tough, hmph!” Weng Qing internally very quickly hated Xu Yun down to his bones. What she despised the most was men saying she was old. With a snort, Weng Qing flung her fist angrily and turned to leave. After she entered the interior of a white Lexus near the entrance, it abruptly sped away.

The panacea restaurant’s originally jubilant mood became especially depressing and heavy. It took a while for Ruan QingShuang to calm herself down. She raised up an expression of injustice, and finally couldn’t help but to look at Xu Yun with teary, hazy eyes. “Xu Yun, what should I do? Help me…..”

“Well of course, you’re my boss. If I don’t help you, who would I help?” Xu Yun still had an easy-going smile, and then subsequently looked at GuoGuo and Qin Wan’er with a meaningful look.

Qin Wan’er quickly ran over. “Shuang-jie, these few days will definitely be really tough. Let’s go upstairs.”

“Right mommy. You still haven’t looked over GuoGuo’s homework.” GuoGuo was especially sensible.

After waiting for Qin Wan’er and Ruan QingShuang to go upstairs, the South City Tiger Trio and the others couldn’t sit still.

“Yun-ge, she’s Jin Biao’s woman, G.o.dfather of the Eastside – not good to provoke…..” Shan HongNing frowned. “Who would’ve thought that this was actually her property.”

Lu Feng cursed, “F’ck, it seems Jin Biao and Weng Qing had long ago had plans to gain territory in our Southside!”

“No mistake.” Kong Zhong loosened a cold breath. “w.a.n.g ShunXi and Fan NanJie both capsized consecutively. Everyone along the way thinks that our two southern districts are like headless dragons. Even though Shuang-jie’s fame at the moment isn’t weak, but after all she’s a newcomer. Those G.o.dfathers won’t put her in their sight. Perhaps Weng Qing heard that there was change in our Southside and so she came.”

QiangZi seemed to finally revive and came over, “If it’s like that, then she really came to purposefully pick a fight?”

The corners of Xu Yun’s mouth minutely rose, “Of course she came prepared. Seeing a crowd of you guys en ma.s.se in a panacea restaurant and not be shocked, apparently she was already informed.”

“Then she would dare to come alone?” QiangZi gritted his teeth, sh’t, she looked down on them too much!

“Her coming alone, would you dare to touch her?” Xu Yun threw out the question very simply.

Everyone froze for a second, then each of them swallowed some saliva and then lowered their heads. Indeed, even with Weng Qing’s arrogance, they wouldn’t dare to touch her. After all, she was Jin Biao’s wife, no one would want to become a G.o.dfather’s enemy…..

QiangZi didn’t say anything for a while. Yun-ge said things too directly, simply making him have no face.

Kong Zhong weakly opened his mouth and asked, “Yun-ge, then what should we do? Could it be that…… we just opened and have to move the shop?”

This problem was too cruel. They didn’t want to offend Jin Biao, but besides moving the shop, what else could they do?

“Ge will definitely not move.” Xu Yun said cleanly.

“Ge, then you would really want to oppose Jin Biao?” Lu Feng’s thumb and his index finger opened up like the character 8 (八). With a lingering fear he said, “Jin Biao truly has many guys, he really has shot a lot of people.”

Shan HongNing heard this subject and went soft. “Of HeDong City’s east, west, south, and north, our Southside is the weakest. If we really go at it, we will definitely take the loss.”

“I actually have two guns. But if we use guns, the police here…..” Kong Zhong couldn’t help but look at the staircase. “Can Officer Qin cover for us?”

“If you dare to shoot a gun then she would dare to arrest you, and pay special attention to seize your c.r.a.ppy guns.” Xu Yun waved his hand. “Future problems are future problems, what you should eat, then eat it. If you should play, then play. This matter and you guys have no connection.”

With a pause, Xu Yun continued saying, “Also, tomorrow, no one needs to bring people over. Get my meaning?”

This boldness!

It truly made people whole-heartedly convinced!

Weng Qing had already came for a visit, and tomorrow she was to come and end this joint. Right now Xu Yun could still say such things – how could it not wholeheartedly convince this group of fierce gangsters? A person that they wouldn’t even dare to offend in Xu Yun’s eyes wasn’t even worth taking seriously.

Sometimes, one person’s courage really can impact a whole group of people. Not knowing who went to go buy booze, 100+ people toasted a salute to Xu Yun. The drinking went on for 2 or 3 hours, each one of them seemed to have simply forgotten Weng Qing’s threat to them as Jin Biao’s wife.

After Qiu Yan ensured the safety around the panacea restaurant, at the moment Xu Yun had already drank himself into a stupor. After all, more than a hundred people were toasting him! Even if he was the G.o.d of Wine he would have a limit, and moreover Xu Yun was a person.

“Enough!” Qiu Yan suddenly said sternly. “If you aren’t afraid of shortening your life then keep having him drink!”

The Fox Lady’s anger was naturally enough to terrify people. The South City Tiger Trio looked at each other, then to the crowd they said, “Today everyone is dismissed. Everyone has eaten their fill and drank their fill, and Shuang-jie wants to rest. Yun-ge has also drank to pretty much his limit. Let’s withdraw!”

The crowd quickly dispersed, and the panacea restaurant finally returned to its peacefulness.

“Yan-jie, let’s take Yun-ge back up.” Kong Zhong and Shan HongNing lifted up Xu Yun. Inside he was thinking that Yun-ge’s physique wasn’t that big and strong, but who would have known that he would be so heavy. The two of them struggled, and even needed Lu Feng in back to put in a hand.

Qiu Yan coldly said no need. With a single hand she intercepted the drunken Xu Yun and supported him. “You guys can all go.”

The three of them didn’t say any nonsense and quickly left.

Qiu Yan brought Xu Yun upstairs. Because Ruan QingShuang and Qin Wan’er were thinking hard, they still hadn’t slept. GuoGuo on the contrary had long before went to bed to go wrangle with the Master of Dreams, Duke of Zhou.

Ruan QingShuang saw Xu Yun had become like this and was both angry and pained. Qin Wan’er saw him and like hating iron for not meeting expectations to become steel, she kicked Xu Yun in the leg saying, “You really don’t have any future prospects. How did you end up drinking so much?”

“Say no more. I’ll go warm up some honey to sober up some of that alcohol for him.” Ruan QingShuang got up and got busy.

“No need.” Qiu Yan said, “I have an even faster way to get him sober.”

With that, Qiu Yan went straight to the bathroom, directly opening the door and throwing Xu Yun into the shower. Without another word, she turned on the cold water and turned to leave. With a *bang* she closed the door.

What the F’uck! Xu Yun had the shivers from the cold water turning him to ice – to actually be seen through by Qiu Yan! Ai, Xu Yun gave a long sigh. Ge had no other way but to pretend to be drunk, or else that crowd of guys would really have him drunk till he was crawling.

After Qiu Yan went out, to Ruan QingShuang and Qin Wan’er she said, “Go to sleep, he’ll be fine in a moment.”

Hearing Qiu Yan’s words, the two of them half-believing and half-doubting nodded their heads.

Xu Yun adjusted the water temperature, and then directly took off his clothes and comfortably showered. He still wasn’t worried about what that landlady might do tomorrow – anyways he definitely wouldn’t be flexible about it. If that woman dared to play hard, then she couldn’t blame him for being impolite.

After showering Xu Yun just thought of a problem – Qiu Yan that b.a.s.t.a.r.d was willing to kill him but not bury him! To throw him in here and release the water, she hadn’t given him a change of clean clothes – did she want him to walk out naked?

Ai, with the water drops on his washed body, Xu Yun secretly celebrated that they were already asleep, or else how could he go out like this?

Like returning back to primitive dress, Xu Yun quickly opened the bathroom door, then he tiptoed with quick steps back to his own room – the whole sequence was like flowing water.

But how would he know that because Ruan QingShuang was worried, that she kept the door open the whole time, and was watching outside! So each of Xu Yun’s moves, whether a frown or a smile – each step was printed before Ruan QingShuang’s eyes.

From the whole time until Xu Yun disappeared inside of his room, Ruan QingShuang finally regained her senses, and quickly closed the door! Her heart was just like a little deer venturing off into the world, *badump* *badump* thumping without stopping.

Just now she had actually seen Xu Yun not wearing clothes, and she had even muddle-headedly stared until Xu Yun disappeared behind a closed door. Just when did she become so…… so…. the whole time Ruan QingShuang felt her head had become stupefied.

“Mom.” GuoGuo suddenly opened her mouth, scaring Ruan QingShuang into a jump.

“GuoGuo why aren’t you asleep?” Ruan QingShuang had panicked and was still shaky, then with even bigger eyes she stared. “You…… you just now didn’t seen anything right?”

GuoGuo had a confused expression. “Eh? What’s wrong mommy?”

Hearing GuoGuo say that it seemed that she hadn’t seen anything. Ruan QingShuang seemed relieved. “Nothing, quickly go to sleep. Tomorrow you still have to get up early for school.”

GuoGuo rolled over, and with a very indifferent tone she said, “Not long ago daddy that had just showered came out without wearing clothes. What’s so embarra.s.sing? It’s dark without lights, I can’t see anything clearly……”

A bolt from the blue came crashing down, and Ruan QingShuang’s body instantly went stiff. Her unintentional peeping activity had been discovered by this little imp….. she as a mother felt very uncomfortable!

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