Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 57


Xu Yun looked up at the flamboyantly dressed Jin WenWu. “Bluffing me? You got the wrong person kid.”

Jin WenWu’s cheek muscle clearly twitched. As the Eastside prince in HeDong City, when had he ever taken this kind of contempt? Furthermore, even if he didn’t have Jin Biao as his daddy, he would still be someone that 10,000 people would admire.

“Help them move.” Weng Qing didn’t give her son a chance to speak. With a wave, 10+ tiger-looking big guys directly broke the door and entered menacingly and with expressions like they wanted to tear everything apart.

Only ten days ago, Ruan QingShuang’s blood and sweat had been destroyed by the Four Wolves Gang. Ten days later, she just re-opened and again some people wanted to mess with it. Of course Xu Yun wouldn’t let it happen. Right now in the panacea restaurant, unless Ruan QingShuang said she didn’t want to, Xu Yun absolutely wouldn’t allow anyone to damage it a tiny bit. Forget about the property lease not expiring, even if it expired with this type of unkind landlady, he wouldn’t leave.

A stern aura of rage swirled out suddenly like a raging storm. Like it could topple the mountains and invert the seas, it attacked the intruding tiger-like big guys in the panacea restaurant. The gang of tiger-like big guys instantly felt a bone-chilling cold. Under Xu Yun’s t.i.tanic, boundless pressure, they simply couldn’t move their feet – this power was too terrifying.

Jin WenWu’s expression sank: Killing aura! Even though in his heart there was also a spell of cold, he didn’t lose his morale. After all, Weng Qing threw him to a shifu in the Underworld to train for a few years – he had seen the market, and had seen so-called elites.

But Jin WenWu still didn’t seem to know that so-called elites were also ranked. The skill from battling for a few years wasn’t done in vain. Suddenly he fearlessly attacked, kicking towards Xu Yun’s left ear!

Xu Yun’s left arm subconsciously blocked Jin WenWu’s attack, his mouth showing a hint of a smile. Who would have known that the guy in front of him was a bit interesting – no wonder the Jin Family could have ambitions to expand their power, because they had a son that had studied some skills.

After the kick, Jin WenWu’s calmness clearly decreased some. He didn’t expect that his kick with all his might actually couldn’t even budge the opposing side one bit. This poor-looking guy in front of him could still actually smile.

Perhaps he really couldn’t stand it – Jin WenWu again threw out a fist. Xu Yun raised his left wrist and easily deflected Jin WenWu’s fist – his right fist nearly simultaneously exploded out. Seeing the explosive force entirely concentrated on Jin WenWu’s chest, the spell of oppressiveness made him practically unable to breathe.

Xu Yun didn’t intend to give him any chance to maneuver. Driving straight in, without any restraint the fist struck towards Jin WenWu’s brains. Even though Jin WenWu took a heavy punch to his chest, but he still maintained the sense to dodge his head to the side. But Xu Yun’s fist turned into a palm, and chopped towards Jin WenWu’s neck.

That hand chopped with profoundly huge strength; Jin WenWu stumbled and directly fell far away, heavily smashing onto the ground.

Xu Yun wasn’t finished – like lightning he appeared in front, directly kicking Jin WenWu’s ribs. Jin WenWu directly flew out of the panacea restaurant. Heavily falling at the entrance, his mouth sprayed out blood as he vomited it out.

Weng Qing had a face full of panic – she completely didn’t dare to believe it. It must be known that the shifu that they invited for their son was Zuo Leng, definitely a powerful person. Their son had followed Zuo Leng for several years and indeed matured a lot – she was to rely on this son to conquer all of HeDong City!

“I’ll kill you…..” Jin WenWu who was kicked flying out the door by Xu Yun actually stubbornly crawled back up. His eyes locked onto Xu Yun, just like an unintelligent, wounded beast. Even though he was wounded again and again, he still wanted to desperately fight.

Jin WenWu’s body was swaying. Using all his might to stand up, he went into the panacea restaurant. His gaze was very sinister – Weng Qing was already shocked till her brains were in chaos, and simply didn’t stop her son from marching to his death.

“Wanna die? I can do that for you.” Xu Yun already had no intent to play around. Originally he had thought this guy had a bit of skill, but he didn’t think that he couldn’t even reach the beginning of prying into the 3rd-tier.

Jin WenWu suddenly dropped both arms wide open; with astonishing speed he pounced at Xu Yun with his mouth open, revealing a row of sharp teeth beyond an ordinary person. This behavior was like he wanted to bite Xu Yun’s throat.

Making sense of it, Xu Yun acc.u.mulated a hundred layers of energy into a heavy fist and directly hit Jin WenWu’s face – that roaring charging body flew back like a disconnected kite, directly flying backwards and falling into the ground.

This fist put the lid on the coffin for everything. Before Xu Yun’s eyes, the whole time Jin WenWu was simply a moth throwing itself at a flame. When Jin WenWu was desperately trying to bite, Xu Yun thought of a person in the Underworld – Hyena.

The color on the faces of the 10+ tiger-looking big guys had completely changed – in their eyes the prince wasn’t an ordinary playboy. On ordinary days when there was a fight, he was like a fierce tiger. He could handle a group of little gangsters in almost seconds, but before this guy in front of them, he didn’t even have a chance to fight back.

Suddenly, Jin WenWu’s black Prado door opened and a pair of polished leather shoes stepped out, closely followed by a tall and skinny figure getting out of the car.

Weng Qing’s eyes suddenly regained their senses. As though she was insane she ran over and hugged her half-dead son. With rage towards the tall and skinny man she said, “Zuo Leng! I gave you so much money, and my son has nearly been beaten to death, and you actually come out now!?”

The tall and skinny man with a stubby beard all across his face, had an expression like he just woke up from a hangover. “You gave me money so I could be your son’s shifu. I took him to practice and get experience. Getting hit is a normal thing, he won’t die from it.”

“I want you to kill that man inside!” Weng Qing’s beloved son – her heart was torn seeing her son being beaten by Xu Yun into this state. Suddenly her heart was full of anger, and couldn’t wait for Xu Yun to be torn to shreds!

The tall and skinny man’s voice suddenly turned cold. “Do you think that I’m your family’s servant?”

Weng Qing suddenly reacted – how would she have the qualifications to command this person in front of her? Suddenly she stowed away her bossy att.i.tude, and beggingly she said, “Zuo Leng, I’ll pay 1,000,000, kill that person inside and I’ll give you 1,000,000!”

Xu Yun had already heard and walked out from inside the panacea restaurant. With a squinty smile he said, “1,000,000? Sh’t, is ge worth so little?” Following up, Xu Yun saw that tall and skinny man, and his tone with a bit of disdain said, “Hyena, I advise you not to take up this job.”

The tall and skinny man suddenly shook from head to toe – the hangover look on his face completely vanished. With a look of surprise at the seemingly un.o.btrusive little guy in front of him he asked, “Who are you?”

“Who I am is unimportant.” Xu Yun waved his hand and with disapproval he said, “But I advise you to not do anything stupid. It’s not worth it to die for so little money.”

The tall and skinny man called Zuo Leng was once a resounding figure in the Underworld. When he did things it was decisive and vicious – people gave him the t.i.tle of Hyena. However for the past few years he disappeared without a sound.

That year at Xu Yun’s place, his organization always had a lot of friction with the Underworld – naturally he came to know of a lot of people of the Underworld. Hyena had once provoked a major event in the Underworld, and after a reward was posted for his capture, he disappeared. Who would have known that he would have fallen to the state of becoming a family’s tutor.

“Hmph, at first I didn’t wanna bother killing you….. but you’re looking to die.” Zuo Leng revealed brutality in his eyes, just like a vicious hyena. “Everyone who knows I exist, all of them must die!”

Xu Yun’s eyes slightly narrowed, and a biting cold exploded out. A guy in the mere 2nd tier realm actually dared to rant wildly. Of course Xu Yun would let him know what it meant to court death.

Zuo Leng’s feet stored up boundless strength – suddenly in one step he charged at Xu Yun, and in one move was directly facing Xu Yun’s front. That speed definitely frightened the crowd – no one had thought that such a thin and weak body could actually erupt with such tremendous force.

However, Xu Yun also wasn’t afraid – his body with a flash easily blocked Zuo Leng’s strike with irresistible force. Calmly taking the advantage, he raised his leg high. Zuo Leng’s entire body was off balance, and Xu Yun instantly crossed his arm smashing down!

Zuo Leng’s tall and thin body directly exploded, smashing down into the cement floor. Waiting for him to flip over to try to get up, Xu Yun suddenly already shot out like lightning grabbing his neck, and then not giving him any chance to breathe, his right fist directly smashed into his face!

A true elite can see it – if it was said that Xu Yun dealt with Jin WenWu with only half his strength, then dealing with Zuo Leng definitely only used a fifth of his strength!

Xu Yun was very clear – even though Zuo Leng’s strength had a difference between himself of one tier, he had a habit of never underestimating his opponents. Because his honored master once said, as long as the opponent reached the elite level, if you dare to look down on him, then he has the ability to hurt you.

Zuo leng only knew that the pressure on his throat didn’t let him breathe, and his face was rapidly turning into the color of eggplant with sauce. Very quickly his retinas increased blood flow because of the pressure – a hot wave rushed to his head as both of his hands were using all their strength to try to pry apart Xu Yun’s vice-like fingers, and both legs pedaled in the air. Even his chin was nearly dislocated – his mouth gulping and gasping could only get a tiny flow to his lungs. Zuo Leng felt his entire body’s five organs and six bowels twisting together, and an intense premonition of death washed over…..

Suddenly Xu Yun picked up Zuo Leng, and instantly raised his leg right into Zuo Leng’s lower gut. A nearly 1.8 meter body flew horizontally outwards, heavily smashing onto the black Prado with a tremendous sound – crashing into the huge monster, it nearly flipped over.

Zuo Leng slumped on the floor with intense coughing. Completely forgetting the horrible pain tearing his entire body, he greedily gasped, breathing for air. Innumerable red blood cells carrying oxygen charged and loosened the blood vessels and his big artery, and rushed into his brain, his four limbs and each of his body’s organs…..

After he was sure he was still living, Xu Yun already stood in front of him.

An intense sense of dreadful oppression made Zuo Leng’s fingers tremble. He fundamentally wasn’t a worthy opponent of the person in his sight – the person before his eyes had far, far exceeded him by how many times he didn’t know!

“Didn’t I say it before huh? For so little money, to lose your life isn’t worth it.” Xu Yun said to Zuo Leng lightly. “I won’t kill you, but you can go kill that woman that almost caused you to die.”

Zuo Leng heard and came to his senses, then with a blade-like gaze suddenly shot at Weng Qing – the direct gaze on Weng Qing made her coldly tremble from head to foot – that was a killer’s gaze!

Weng Qing no longer had that despotic expression and her hips went soft, nearly kneeling on the ground.

“However, if that woman wants to transfer this property to me, then you absolutely can’t touch her.” Xu Yun changed the topic, stretching out his hand and fiercely whipping Zuo Leng’s mouth. “Don’t you think so?”

Zuo Leng hadn’t said another word – he nodded, and *mmh’d*.

Like she had just caught a great amount of mercy, Weng Qing with a trembling voice said, “I will immediately go back and get the t.i.tle deeds….. immediately give them to you…..”

The one she was facing was someone who could kill the people at the levels of devils in her eyes, a monstrous person. Between the choice of life or the power of money, Weng Qing didn’t hesitate to choose life – if you were alive then everything was good. Without life, what was there to think of?

There is a saying that says it well, a good death isn’t better than a bad life.

“Really?” Once Xu Yun heard, he immediately smiled, absolutely without half a shred of intent to threaten. “Auntie, I’m also not a robber. How about this, I’ll give you 100 Yuan cash, you write an agreement, and it’ll count as selling the property to me, does that work?”

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