Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 75


Shan HongNing was burning with urgency. Xu Yun’s silhouette barely appeared at the stairs and he couldn’t wait. “Yun-ge, hurry, there’s an emergency!”

“Coming, coming!” Xu Yun half-called out and half-charged down the stairs. “What’s so urgent? Something big?”

“Ge, today Jin Biao’s little brother came over looking for me, wanting me to pa.s.s you a message.” Shan HongNing couldn’t wait. “He said tonight he’ll play host. He wanted to entertain Shuang-jie and you in HeDong’s Grand International Hotel, and the Northside G.o.dfather Ma PingHai and Westside G.o.dfather Wu Lei will be present!”

Xu Yun stroked his chin, that old fox had just been beaten by him, and now he wanted to invite him to dinner? His banquet of butchery was a bit too obvious right?

Could it be that Jin Biao was wanting to show off his own ability, telling him that even though he committed a crime, no one would dare to arrest him? If it was that shallow, Jin Biao would definitely not be able to conquer all of the Eastside as a G.o.dfather. This was of course impossible.

Also the two G.o.dfathers from the Northside and the Westside were also partic.i.p.ating – this seemed a bit strange.

“Yun-ge, I think they want to make amends to our Southside.” Shan HongNing said, “Jin Biao, Ma PingHai, Wu Lei, these three are each the Eastern, Northern, and Western G.o.dfathers of those regions. Right now they want to invite you and Shuang-jie, then of course they want to have the Southern G.o.dfather decided.”

Xu Yun helplessly smiled. “You mean to say that they want Shuang-jie to become the boss of HeDong’s Southside?”

“Mmmh!” Shan HongNing nodded.

But Xu Yun slowly shook his head. “I think otherwise. Hehe, right now in the Southside, who dares to show disrespect to Shuang-jie?”

“Whoever dares, I’ll be the first to cut him!” Shan HongNing’s anger showed his devotion.

“This kind of matter is a bit obvious. Since Shuang-jie is already our two southern districts’ leader, it isn’t up to those three to point fingers and tell us how it is.” Xu Yun coldly laughed – he figured it out. “Jin Biao is only afraid that we’ll expand into his territory, so he united the Western and Northern G.o.dfathers to give us some pressure that’s all.”

Shan HongNing suddenly had a realization – what Yun-ge said made sense. Jin Biao, that old fox, wasn’t trying to set up some kind of good relations.

This banquet was clearly a banquet of butchery. The three of them certainly were thinking of revealing their intent during the dinner, wanting to have HeDong’s criminal powers to continue balanced growth. Speaking plainly, this was for everyone to mind their own business. If Xu Yun had the idea to cross the borders, then the three of them must unite.

“Yun-ge, then will you go or not?” Shan HongNing didn’t dare to infer.

Xu Yun didn’t rush to a decision. Whether he went or not, to him didn’t matter. Anyways he didn’t put the three of them in his eyes. “We’ll talk again in the afternoon. To make a quick decision would make them think we’re too arbitrary.”

Shan HongNing nodded, he knew this Yun-ge was called unfathomable. “Then I’ll have that person tell Jin Biao to wait for Yun-ge’s word.”

“Right. The thing Qiu Yan had you guys do, did you finish it?” Xu Yun suddenly changed the subject.

Shan HongNing stared blankly. “Yun-ge, you’re talking about that matter of that person on the wanted posters?”

Xu Yun didn’t deny it, and nodded his head.

“Ge, I also don’t mind. We know that you and Yan-jie wanted to help Officer Qin gain some merits, but the brothers simply kinda don’t want to provoke this criminal.” Shan HongNing frowned. “Even though it’s said that with a big reward, there must be brave men, but everyone is afraid that if they’re alive and get that money, they won’t be alive to spend it. The cops wouldn’t give 500,000 for nothing. When that happens the media will definitely publicize this model person. Whoever wants to get that 500,000 definitely would be the bird that sticks its head out.”

Xu Yun laughed inside, this guy really does say everything in his heart.

Shan HongNing continued, “Think about it, how could such a vicious killing G.o.d that killed six police soldiers be good provoke? That time he launched the prison escape he was also a nationally wanted criminal. The friends at his side definitely aren’t good to mess with. Everyone is afraid of retaliation.”

“I happen to want to mention something to you guys. You guys don’t need to help search,” Xu Yun said. “This matter is also not at the level that you guys can operate at. The police also aren’t paying us, so we don’t have need to sell our lives.”

Once he heard Xu Yun say that, Shan HongNing internally let out a breath. Originally it was Qiu Yan’s orders, and they didn’t dare to not obey.

“Sure, then I’ll go tell Kong Zhong and Lu Feng and the others.”

After Shan HongNing left the panacea restaurant it was time for lunch. The afternoon only had him and Ruan QingShuang; it definitely would be busy till it was unbearable. This lifestyle truly seemed to need some hired help, or else sooner or later he would be exhausted to death.

After all, at the moment the panacea restaurant’s business was like the wind blowing big waves. Even if Ruan QingShuang and the others didn’t do anything, one month with the other sources of income wasn’t a small sum – just at Shan HongNing’s hotpot restaurants with a 50/50 split in one month was 50 to 60,000 Yuan.

Just when the afternoon was about to get busy Qin Wan’er suddenly returned. Without another word she pulled Xu Yun upstairs. Fortunately downstairs there weren’t too many customers. Ruan QingShuang at most had to tidy up the tables.

“What big important news is so urgent?” Xu Yun was a bit surprised.

Qin Wan’er drank a gla.s.s of water and out of breath she said, “Many days ago a police squad got involved with the investigation. Following the evidence, right now we can basically confirm that after the suspect came out of HeDong airport, he stopped a taxi with the license plate H20156. The taxi went towards the northeast suburbs of HeDong near Nine Cliffs Mountain.”

Xu Yun was quite proud of his judging capabilities. He had truly not seen wrongly about the Criminal Police’s ability to investigate – so quickly there was a clue. “Then how about summoning that taxi driver in for questioning?”

“That’s exactly the problem.” Qin Wan’er frowned, “This taxi driver only said that he didn’t remember anything. We used all our methods and couldn’t get just exactly where the suspect wanted to go.”

“And then?” Xu Yun lightly asked.

Qin Wan’er again breathed a sigh. “Since there was an award of 500,000, we felt that driver perhaps really didn’t remember, or perhaps after the suspect got in the vehicle, he didn’t show his face. In short…..this clue only goes to here. We only know that there is a high possibility that the suspect at the moment is hiding in Nine Cliffs Mountain.”

“Ok, I got it.” Xu Yun smiled. “Do you know the address of that taxi driver?”

Qin Wan’er took out a piece of paper and gave it to Xu Yun. “I knew you’d ask. Here. However, I think that it shouldn’t be that he lied, who wouldn’t want to earn 500,000?”

Xu Yun only memorized that address on that paper, and didn’t answer Qin Wan’er. Shan HongNing’s words sounded out in Xu Yun’s ears: “Even though with a heavy reward there must be brave men, but anyone would be afraid to be alive to get the money and not being alive to spend it. The cops wouldn’t give 500,000 for nothing. By then the media definitely would publicize this model person, whoever takes that 500,000 is absolutely the bird that sticks his head out.”

Because of these words, Xu Yun instead didn’t think that the taxi driver didn’t recognize Crimson Scorpion – on the contrary the driver was very clear. It was exactly because he was afraid he would have money but not be alive to spend it that he bit down hard on not remembering anything.

Xu Yun lifted his head and said, “Did you eat yet?”

“Mmh….I ate instant noodles with the rest of the Criminal Police team.” Qin Wan’er said unenthusiastically.

“Go, go downstairs and let’s eat together.” Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders, “Shuang-jie and I just happened to not have eaten yet.”

After the three of them randomly ate some stuff, Qin Wan’er left. Since she became a member of this case she was truly busy all day, focused on her direction without thinking of the outcomes.

Xu Yun gave a call to QiangZi who was at home recuperating to come and watch the shop, surprisingly QiangZi again drove a brand new car – an Audi A6.

“Where’d you get that from?” Xu Yun really suspected where this kid got the money from.

QiangZi cracked a smile happily. “Lu Feng taught that little footsoldier punk a lesson. This is that punk compensating for my new car. Haha, how is it Yun-ge? Let’s go for four laps!”

Xu Yun was silent. “How is a shady car without any kind of identification good to show off? Gimme the keys, I have to use it to go handle some business.”

QiangZi gave the car keys to Xu Yun. “Ge, what business? I’ll go with you.”

“I had you come to watch the shop. Don’t bother Shuang-jie resting upstairs, got it?” Xu Yun rolled his eyes at QiangZi, “You follow me? What would I have you come for?”

“Hey hey, I got it, I get it!” QiangZi laughed stupidly twice.

Xu Yun drove the brand new Audi A6 and with one step on the gas he went towards the address on Qin Wan’er’s paper in the North Shoulder District. Whether he would be able to find Crimson Scorpion, he must first find that taxi driver that knew his first objective coming here.

WenHui District to North Shoulder District could be considered directly going from HeDong City’s south to north. 130+ km of a journey to a fast driver like Xu Yun took nothing more than a little over an hour, but after all Xu Yun wasn’t too familiar with the city of HeDong. When he reached the North Shoulder District he was even less clear, asking around for half an hour before he found the place of the address.

This was North Shoulder District’s rural resettlement housing. The area was a bit remote – that Xu Yun could actually find it wasn’t considered easy.

Originally Xu Yun still thought he still had to wait several hours for the person he was looking for, but he didn’t think that just as he succeeded in finding this place, a taxi with a license plate with the number H20156 drove inside.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Yun immediately caught up.

The taxi was parked in front of three rows of cars, and within the car was a thirty year-old male.

“Dude.” Xu Yun parked the car and called out.

That taxi driver stared blankly. First he was a little nervous when he saw Xu Yun’s Audi’s fake license plate, afterwards his view shifted to Xu Yun’s person.

By now Xu Yun already got out of the car. With his expression completely like he didn’t care he said, “License plate is fake. You memorizing it is useless.”

The taxi driver’s facial expression distinctly changed, “Who are you?”

“I’m looking for you to ask about something, no need to be so nervous right?” Xu Yun spoke as he opened a package of HongTa Mountain that QiangZi left in the car, and very casually threw one to the taxi driver. “I’m Xu Yun. You?”

“Feng Wei.” The taxi driver took the cigarette. He wasn’t overly polite with Xu Yun and lit the cigarette himself, but he still had a nervous expression. “It seems like we don’t know each other? What did you look for me for?”

Xu Yun put the cigarettes in his pants pocket, and with a squinted smile he said, “Just a small thing, hehe. The thing that cops couldn’t get you to say.”

Feng Wei’s expression suddenly discolored, and he pressed the cigarette from both sides with a very obvious tremble. The just ignited cigarette immediately fell down to the ground, and everything was seen by Xu Yun’s eyes. If this taxi driver didn’t know anything, then why was he so nervous?

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