Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 88


The next morning, GuoGuo saw the two crookedly collapsed big trees outside the panacea restaurant, and couldn’t help but to cry out alarmed, directly nearly scaring Xu Yun stupid after a night without sleep. Xu Yun ran out and discovered that it wasn’t any big thing and then let out a sigh of relief.

“Mommy, was it really windy yesterday?” GuoGuo asked with a face full of doubt.

Ruan QingShuang also had an expression of surprise. She shook her head, she hadn’t heard that yesterday night would be windy.

“Then it can’t be that bald-headed QiangZi would come here to cut down trees right?” No matter how, GuoGuo couldn’t dare to believe her eyes. “Mommy, maybe GuoGuo is dreaming again?”

Ruan QingShuang had vaguely heard some voices last night, and she completely didn’t give it any thought. Because the panacea restaurant during the day was too busy, during this period Ruan QingShuang fell asleep especially quickly, and slept very deeply.

Because GuoGuo went to sleep last night a bit late, she was sleepy to her limit, thus such loud voices outside didn’t noisily awaken her.

Xu Yun truly admired GuoGuo’s strong imagination. “There were neither big winds nor bald Qiang.”

“Then I’ll make a call to the relevant departments for a response.” Ruan QingShuang slightly smiled, “Qiu Yan still hasn’t got up from bed? GuoGuo should be going to school.”

“Um.” Xu Yun hesitated, and looked at Qiu Yan’s room.

At nearly the same time, Qiu Yan came out from her room. The color on her face was better than the deathly paleness last night by a lot. It seemed like the Ten Thousand Poisons Ointment teamed up with Xu Yun’s True Qi suppressing the poison was especially effective.

Apparently last night’s events made Qiu Yan not know how to face Xu Yun. She hadn’t thought that once she went out she would see Xu Yun, and instantly felt awkward not knowing what to do.

After all yesterday Xu Yun directly tore her clothes, and even personally put medicine on her. The places Qiu Yan had been sc.r.a.ped by Scorpion Tail Needles were all quite private places on a girl. being seen so completely exposed and touched completely exposed of course she would feel troubled feelings.

Even if Qiu Yan was that grim, emotionless venerated Violent Fox, in the end she was still a woman.

“Ahhh~ahh~” Qin Wan’er opened her mouth wide yawning as she appeared behind Qiu Yan. Last night for the whole night she hadn’t slept, grumbling one line, “Tired to death, the whole night I didn’t sleep.”

GuoGuo widened her eyes gawking at Qiu Yan, suddenly her little hands covered her mouth. Looking at Qin Wan’er in amazement she said, “Could it be…. that you two were doing ‘lesbian’?”

Qiu Yan was so angry she nearly rolled her eyes, and Xu Yun with a *~pffft* laughed out loud.

“You’re a lesbian!” Qin Wan’er directly went over and twisted GuoGuo’s ear. “Little thing, if you dare to say any more nonsense, be careful that I cut you.”

“I don’t dare, Wan’er-jiejie I’m wrong.” GuoGuo quickly begged for forgiveness.

Ruan QingShuang with her face perplexed looked at Xu Yun. “What’s ‘lesbian’?”

“Uh…..” Xu Yun’s face black-lined. “Should be a principle of being with a great friend right?”

“Explain your sister! You’re teaching Shuang-jie wrong!” Qin Wan’er turned and angrily glared at Xu Yun, and unintentionally in between, saw the clock on the wall. Then she again squeezed GuoGuo’s pink soft face. “Little thing, wait till I get back from work to handle you!”

Even though Qiu Yan was basically recovered, but her body still was a little bit weak. Yesterday she had already heard Qin Wan’er mention the thing about Crimson Scorpion being rescued, and a bit embarra.s.sed she said, “Xu Yun, today help me take GuoGuo to school.”

“Sure.” Xu Yun promised neatly and happily. He knew Qiu Yan definitely was clear about the situation of her own body, perhaps she still needed some time to recuperate. After all yesterday she had been injured by this kind of 1st-tier elite like Crimson Scorpion – if by chance on the road she came across some kind of situation, it would be very difficult for her to ensure GuoGuo’s safety.

“Hey, daddy, this is a good chance for you to seduce Teacher Su.” GuoGuo’s eyebrows jumped three times with a lot of hidden meaning.

Ruan QingShuang stared and said, “At school, nicely study. Don’t cause Teacher Su trouble.”

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue. “Mommy what are you getting jealous for, just get married.”

Ruan QingShuang was completely speechless.

“Go! Go to school.” Xu Yun directly picked up GuoGuo and went downstairs. “Too bad G.o.dfather’s car is wrecked, or else we wouldn’t need the bus.”

GuoGuo dryly laughed twice, in her heart she said: Thank goodness that Citroen was wrecked. Sitting in that car and going out definitely would be embarra.s.sing again…..

HeDong City’s International Bilingual School was the most famous school in the province. The patriarchs sending their kids to school at the very least would drive a Camry. How would they drive that kind of reject Citroen?

Each to their positions, Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan remained in the panacea restaurant, and Qin Wan’er headed straight for the police bureau. Xu Yun held GuoGuo with one hand directly getting into the bus and left.

If someone was unlucky and drank cold water and got something stuck in their teeth, this was also the first time Xu Yun was taking GuoGuo to school. Without even saying the bus was both hot and stuffed, breaking people mentally down, but also with a bang, it broke down halfway on the road.

The driver got out and looked, then returned and said, “The vehicle can’t start. Let’s all get off, I’ll give the company a call to have them bring another one here to pick you up. Wait 10+ minutes for it.”

Suddenly the vehicle packed with pa.s.sengers complaints sounded, filling the road.

“d.a.m.n, really?” Xu Yun frowned. If they waited here for 10+ minutes, GuoGuo would be late.

Seeing a vehicle full of disheartened people beginning to get out the car, GuoGuo’s big eyes blinked. “Daddy, let’s also get off. Get a taxi?”

“I’ll listen to you.” Xu Yun could only do this. He couldn’t always hold onto GuoGuo and play around for 100 meters like a forceful hurricane.

The morning rush hour was all people going to work and this bus broke down, and the pa.s.sengers crowded into groups. As long as an empty taxi went towards the curb and stopped, then they would flock coming like a wave-like formation.

Even though each time relying on his exceptional physique’s qualities, Xu Yun could squeeze open between the digging feet of those big guys, but always as they opened the door a miserable girl would appear and to him and say, “Handsome, help me out okay? Let me go first, my company has an emergency.”

Even though Xu Yun wasn’t some kind of gentleman, but he wouldn’t shamelessly s.n.a.t.c.h a taxi from a white-collar girl wearing high heels and neat hip-high skirts – anyways he felt that he definitely could get the next vehicle, so he let them.

But this time allowing them was allowing them to death. Five girls, without mentioning that each time those big guys were speechless with their digging feet that couldn’t beat Xu Yun to the s.n.a.t.c.h, even GuoGuo was also speechless.

“Daddy, if you keep being nice to women again, then I’m afraid I’ll really be late.” GuoGuo was hugged by Xu Yun in his arms, and helplessly shrugged, her little hands spreading out.

Xu Yun cracked a smile, “Hey, the next one will definitely be ours.”

The result…..

“Handsome, if I’m also late, the company will fire me…..”

d.a.m.n, such a beautiful little sister, why didn’t she say anything to me earlier?!

Oh well, a good person to the end, Xu Yun’s position again collapsed.

GuoGuo’s face black-lined. It seemed that from now on, it was better to not have dad send her. If Qiu Yan-jiejie came, she wouldn’t even need to block the taxi – definitely those big uncles with their digging feet would rush to block it and then to them would say: Beautiful, how about you go first?

Just as GuoGuo settled in her heart preparing to be late, a red beautiful Volkswagen Golf stopped in front of the two people.

Xu Yun frowned his brow, in his heart he thought perhaps it was Crimson Scorpion’s a.s.sociates wanting to kidnap them?

The car windows went down, and a graceful and beautiful face wearing big sungla.s.ses with a smile showing a neat row of spotless teeth said, “How is it you guys?”

“Teacher Su!” GuoGuo was instantly overjoyed. “Earlier the bus broke down. All the taxis my daddy hailed he let pretty jiejie’s have, eh, Teacher Su, could we possibly……”

“Get in!” Su XiaoRan slim and beautiful white hand waved.

Ai, with this finally they wouldn’t be late, GuoGuo finally let out a breath.

Xu Yun wasn’t polite, directly pulling open the back door and putting GuoGuo inside, then he himself followed sitting inside. “Teacher Su, truly we’ve troubled you.”

Su XiaoRan smiled, “Please don’t be polite with me, it’s as easy as lifting my hand, that’s all.”

In fact Su XiaoRan had a very favorable impression towards Xu Yun, because she heard from Qin Wan’er’s mouth about Ruan QingShuang’s and GuoGuo’s situation. Xu Yun, a rather handsome youth, could in their time of difficulty stretch out a helping hand – not every person was capable of possessing such virtue.

Even if it was after GuoGuo told her that Daddy certainly coveted and pa.s.sionately desired mama’s good looks and done this, but Su XiaoRan however still felt that a person that could for someone they didn’t know, offend the Four Wolves Gang that was notorious at the time, was still an act of exceptional courage.

Men’s courage is an enormous weapon for attracting women. Of course, this kind of courage isn’t the same kind as what you would call very foul-tempered, but is when you should act you immediately act, not at all minding the punishment from the aggression of evil forces.

Su XiaoRan drove the car to leave, and on the roadside, those big guys with their digging legs that had been fighting with Xu Yun for taxis felt a burst of jealousy and hatred in their hearts.

GuoGuo secretly laughed *hehheh* in the car. Personally brought by the teacher to go to school, that was equivalent to having a lot of face. The best part was that the moment when she was getting off the car she could come across her cla.s.smates.

However GuoGuo wasn’t proud of herself for long, because Su XiaoRan’s foot urgently braked and she hit the front seat.

“Eh…… about that, I’m sorry, I just got a driver’s license not to long ago, and yesterday got the car license plates. Today can be considered my first time on the road,” Su XiaoRan said with a guilty expression. Just now the front car braked because it was a red light, and her head was somewhat absent-minded because of Xu Yun, so Su XiaoRan’s reactions were somewhat slow, and so she stepped on the brake so heavily.

GuoGuo’s back directly gave off cold sweat – no wonder she didn’t see Su XiaoRan drive a car to school before, “Teacher Su, you can’t kill people on the road……”

Su XiaoRan had an embarra.s.sed smile, “Hey hey, I’ll drive a little slower. It should be alright.”

GuoGuo rolled her eyes, it’s over, this time they definitely will be late. “Daddy, you go sit in the front pa.s.senger seat alright?”

“Mmmh.” Xu Yun also didn’t hesitate. He didn’t want to be late the first time sending GuoGuo to school. Directly on the road he opened the door to get out of the car, quickly entering the front pa.s.senger seat. To Su XiaoRan he said, “Rest a.s.sured and fearlessly drive.”

Su XiaoRan didn’t know why she suddenly felt a bit embarra.s.sed, and somewhat nervous. Perhaps it was the man that she herself always felt curious about abruptly sitting too close to her was the reason.

Xu Yun used all of his might to make his smile have even more manly charm. Although Su XiaoRan was beautiful she didn’t have Ruan QingShuang’s refinement, nor did she have Qin Wan’er’s domineering figure, and her temperament also didn’t have Qiu Yan’s n.o.bility. But her in regards to the three people, she was in no way weaker, and that kind of gracious touch really made it hard for a man to resist, indeed worthy of being a primary school teacher.

Two people and four eyes met, unexpectedly still n.o.body withdrew their gaze first.

“*Cough*!” GuoGuo finally a coughed, both of these people still really completely didn’t place herself in their eyes, “Teacher Su, green light.”

Only then did Su XiaoRan suddenly come to her senses, unconsciously her face completely flooded with a blush.

GuoGuo again reminded Xu Yun, “Daddy, I let you go in front was in order to allow you to guarantee my safety, you can’t only focus on looking at Teacher Su……”

Being told by a child, Xu Yun was quite a bit embarra.s.sed, however this absolutely didn’t impede the reason why he looked at beautiful women.

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