Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 91


“Let’s go?” GuoGuo was completely unaware how much destructive power her own words had, and she strutted by herself, without knowing just how embarra.s.sed Xu Yun and Su XiaoRan were.

Xu Yun was wronged, d.a.m.n, ge swore he only touched a knee that didn’t even have meat!

When the three of them arrived to the staff parking lot, Liu TianYi had already been waiting here for a long time. He wanted to invite Su XiaoRan to go eat and have a good chat with Su XiaoRan, and not come into contact with that sketchy person from earlier.

But what Liu TianYi hadn’t thought was, that sketchy person from earlier actually also brought a little student and was shamelessly thick-skinned as he followed Su XiaoRan over, seemingly like he really was going to go with Su XiaoRan together!

“XiaoRan, where are you going?” Once Liu TianYi opened his mouth, his brow creased up. But he still persisted saying, “I heard that a new elegant Parisian restaurant opened with especially authentic ethnic cuisine. I reserved for two, I want to invite you to go together.”

Su XiaoRan didn’t want to bother stressing for him to call her Teacher Su, and she pointed at GuoGuo. “This is my student. I have to go with my student to do a home visit. Sorry, I can only politely refuse your good intentions.”

Of course Liu TianYi wouldn’t give up just like that. “XiaoRan, I have sincere intentions to invite you to go eat, just as a friend’s status to invite you to eat. If you don’t agree, isn’t that giving me too little face?”

“Did you not hear Teacher Su say she wanted to go to my house to do a home visit?” GuoGuo looked at Liu TianYi in total seriousness. “Sorry, your invitation was a bit too late.”

Apparently GuoGuo already put this tall, rich and handsome teacher into her dad’s rival-in-love bandwagon. She absolutely wouldn’t allow for any guy she didn’t like to be at Teacher Su’s side. GuoGuo clearly didn’t like this tall, rich and handsome teacher, because his entire person radiated a whiff of vanity and hypocrisy.

Liu TianYi used the corner of his eye to look at his Su XiaoRan, and so with a face of smiles he said, “Little beauty, if you can convince Teacher Su, then Teacher Liu will take you and Teacher Su together. French food is very delicious, and also has good desserts.”

In Liu TianYi’s eyes, a small child couldn’t possibly resist the temptation of food – if she really went with them, then he would precisely give her a cake she wanted quickly.

But was GuoGuo someone who hadn’t experienced big storms before? French cuisine? Tch, she was someone who had gone to the Seine River in Paris’ La Tour d’Argent in person.

“Uninterested, jie got tired of those things long ago.” GuoGuo waved her hand, without giving any face.

Su XiaoRan in her heart secretly laughed, but on the surface she still calmly said to GuoGuo. “I hadn’t thought that GuoGuo was really a little gourmet.”

Liu TianYi’s brow completely scrunched, “XiaoRan, aren’t all home visits at night? How would there be home visits in the afternoon? Since you want to go do a home visit, then you have to eat then go right?”

“You don’t have to worry about it. Teacher Su coming to my house definitely won’t go hungry.” GuoGuo was out of patience – this man could really blabber on and on.

Xu Yun also didn’t bother to listen, opening the front pa.s.senger seat door intending to sit inside.

“What are you doing! Who let you sit in the car? Didn’t you hear she wanted to go to a home visit! What’s the meaning of you following?” Liu TianYi with a belly full of evil fire vented at Xu Yun. Right now he completely treated Xu Yun as a kind of personal driving instructor.

Xu Yun was too lazy to care about him, directly sitting inside.

GuoGuo shot a glance at this guy loudly yelling at her dad, and her heart was especially unhappy. “Teacher Su, why are we wasting time with him? I’m hungry.”

“Mmh, get in.” Su XiaoRan touched GuoGuo’s face, turning to Liu TianYi she said, “Sorry Teacher Liu, that was my student’s parent. I was going to go to their house for a home visit. Good bye.”

Liu TianYi was frozen for half a day before he came to his senses. That guy was a student’s parent?! Such a young person and his child was already in elementary school? Bulls.h.i.t! Swindler!

Deserving of death! In Liu TianYi’s heart arose an intense jealous flame; he had chased Su XiaoRan for so many days, and Su XiaoRan was neither hot nor cold to him, but to this guy with a whole body of street peddler goods she didn’t have this kind of feeling.

Liu TianYi truly wanted to ask Su XiaoRan whether or not she was blind.

Seeing Su XiaoRan driving that newly purchased red Golf driving out of the school, Liu TianYi felt a burst of flaming anger in his heart. He definitely wouldn’t swallow this kind of tone! A person who dared to take women from him in HeDong City hadn’t been born yet!

Liu TianYi’s father was Liu Sheng, a genuine overlord in HeDong City’s Underworld – at his side, elites were as common as clouds. Ordinarily those three regions’ G.o.dfathers seemed high and mighty with their heads high, but in his father’s eyes they were just merely farts and nothing more.

If he wanted to teach a lesson to someone, it was just a matter of a single word.

With his heart unresigned, Liu TianYi clenched his teeth, driving his car straight for HeDong’s Grand International Hotel. This was his Liu Clan’s flagship property; in this period of time his dad always lived there.


Compared to Xu Yun’s flavorful morning, Qin Wan’er was insanely busy. Early in the morning just as she got into the police bureau, she still hadn’t even sat down to rest when she received news of Ma PingHai’s death.

Everyone in the special investigation team quickly rushed to scene of the crime. No one had thought that the killer would actually dare kill someone in the park forest less than 100 meters away from the police bureau. The killer had to be a vicious and extremely evil person.

Qin Wan’er’s brains buzzed, instantly thinking of the words Xu Yun said to her “If Crimson Scorpion wanted to kill Ma PingHai, he would only need a few seconds. If my guess is right, Ma PingHai definitely should already be dead near the Police Bureau.“

Was it actually just as Xu Yun guessed, that Ma PingHai was killed by that guy?

“The victim had their cervical vertebrae twisted till it snapped, leading to severing of the central nervous system, causing the victim to be paralyzed and suffocate. It definitely wasn’t the killer’s first time committing the crime.” The forensics officers that came to the scene had grimness all over their faces; finally speaking up, “The human cervical vertebrae is generally speaking very st.u.r.dy. A person that hasn’t gone through training or perhaps a person that doesn’t have a certain amount of strength can’t possibly do it. The killer absolutely wasn’t an ordinary person.”

Because the distance of the murder was so close to the police bureau, so the effect of the matter was especially nasty – Bureau Chief Chen Wei personally came to the scene.

After listening to the a.n.a.lysis, Chen Wei had a somber face, in his head he immediately thought of a person. “Could it be that because he went into the police bureau, so the killer thought he betrayed him, and so he would kill him so viciously?”

The leader in charge of the Crimson Scorpion case, the Criminal Police’s captain couldn’t help but to open his mouth and ask, “Chief Chen, you mean that, the person who killed Ma PingHai is……”

“Mmh, right now the biggest suspect is in fact Hao Kai.” Chen Wei’s center brow scrunched into a bunch – such a difficult case, for him this was truly a ma.s.sive challenge. After being a cop for so many years, it was his first time coming across such a dangerous person.

Even though Chen Wei had prepared for everything, he hadn’t thought the opposition was actually the vicious and extremely evil type to the point where he wouldn’t even let “his own people” go.

The whole while Qin Wan’er was restraining herself. She really wanted to tell yesterday’s events to Chief Chen, to have Chief Chen give up the investigation because the police were fundamentally not a worthy opponent of this person. In order to handle those kinds of criminal types, they definitely must send specialized fighter members before it was fine.

But Xu Yun had said that he hoped she wouldn’t inform those things to the police side, plus he convinced her. Of course Qin Wan’er would believe Xu Yun, because that evil person had already been defeated by Xu Yun. What really made Qin Wan’er worried was the opposition appeared to have gang characteristics – if three or five of his vicious and extremely evil comrades appeared at the same time, perhaps all of the police strength in HeDong City wasn’t a match for them right?

“Is this an S-rank criminal? Simply a demon that kills without blinking, insane……..” Finally a member of the special investigation team couldn’t handle the pressure and fear.

Chen Wei saw the panicking pale expressions of the members on the scene – naturally he understood why they would have this kind of a reaction; he wasn’t the kind of leader that was imperious, tyrannical, and vicious. “If right now any of you are afraid you can quit. I guarantee you will not be penalized or demoted, after all the opponent isn’t the kind of dreadfulness we can imagine. The lives of each member on the special investigation team for Hao Kai can be endangered at any time, on this one point I hope you are all clear.”

The bunch of words came down. The people at the scene were all silent without speaking – such a frightening reality of things was indeed difficult for people to take.

Qin Wan’er understood better than anyone else on the scene of the severity of Chief Chen’s words, because she had personally seen just how much power and danger the opposing side possessed – even someone as powerful as Qiu Yan nearly lost her life to that guy.

“After all each of us all have families, we have our elderly parents waiting for our filial care, and some colleagues also have their own children.” Chen Wei continued saying, “None of us who are people who stand alone, that in our society are only living in this for themselves, therefore I want you to think it over clearly.  If you can’t sacrifice yourself at any time, I hope you had better take the initiative to leave, because I don’t want to see that because some kind of situation might happen, my subordinate’s family…”

After choking with sobs Chen Wei wasn’t able to again continue talking.

“Chief Chen, are you okay?” Qin Wan’er asked nervously.

Chen Wei shook his head.

Finally, the first person that was unable to take the pressure stood up. He also didn’t want this, but he didn’t want to let down his own less than a year-old daughter. “Chief Chen, I’m sorry, my family really has no way of getting by without me.”

“I understand.” Chen Wei was smiling as he nodded his head, for a young person that was just a father for less than one year, saying that he didn’t fear death was of course impossible. His kind of choice also was wanting to take on better, different responsibilities.

Closely following behind there again were people standing that came out saying, “Chief Chen, I’ll also withdraw, the opposition is too horrible, my mental endurance capacity is already unable to continue going.”

Chen Wei still with his smiling expression nodded his head, “Hehe, yes, I worked for so many years as a police officer. My own heart’s ability to endure is a bit hard to maintain, understandable, understandable!”

Very quickly 4-5 people all opted to quit.

“You guys shirking like this will only help encourage the brazenness of criminals!” Qin Wan’er suddenly angrily rebuked – she indeed didn’t have a way to accept seeing so many colleagues quit one after another!

Everyone was completely silent.

Chen Wei still calmly smiled saying, “Little Qin, you still haven’t married – do you have a boyfriend?”

“Chief Chen, I won’t quit.” Qin Wan’er didn’t directly respond to Chen Wei’s question, directly throwing the answer facing Chen Wei. “I only know that I am a civil police officer; my duty is to protect the people’s security and I won’t be shirking for my own safety!”

Chen Wei didn’t at all approve of Qin Wan’er shaking his head as he thoughtfully looked at the sky. He said with a profound overtone, “Police officers are also people, police officers also have feelings…… police officers also have their own families. The words of the ancients indeed make sense, since ancient times loyalty and filial piety both cannot be fulfilled……”

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