Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 10


Xu Yun looked at QiangZi, but didn’t say a word. His gaze alone told QiangZi that he definitely meant to go.

“Yun-ge, Sky Wolf Casino is the Four Wolves Gang’s territory, it’s completely justified in its reputation as a wolf’s den!” QiangZi couldn’t help but swallow saliva. “You don’t really want to… Brother, how about we talk it over? Let’s see if there’s another way?”

“You guys eat, I’m full.” Xu Yun already got up. “Where is that place?”

QiangZi really didn’t want to say – he was really worried that Xu Yun would ride solo and not live to see the next day, but he didn’t have the b.a.l.l.s to fight the Four Wolves Gang. He had so many underlings at hand, but the Four Wolves Gang could crush them with a finger.

“BoWen Street.” In the end, QiangZi couldn’t break Xu Yun’s firm gaze.

Before leaving, Xu Yun again left them 2 packs of beers and three pounds of barbecue. QiangZi and the others sincerely lost their appet.i.te. Xu Yun had been loyal to them, but in all honesty they really didn’t dare to p.i.s.s off the Four Wolves Gang. They felt torn!

BoWen Street in WenHui district was near Old Town’s famous little alley. Above the street was the most splendid row of orange neon lights above medical and herbal supplies stores. Past that are shampoo rooms* one after another were hanging sheep heads but ripping people off by selling dog meat instead.

*Poses as a place to wash your hair. Extremely thinly disguised wh.o.r.ehouse.

Even though the city was exerting especially tough efforts in anti-p.o.r.nography and anti-organized crime, these shampoo rooms were like wild weeds that couldn’t be eliminated with fire. Everyday the spring winds would blow and they would come back.

“Yo handsome, all by yourself? Why don’t you come in for a wash?” Every shampoo room had a girl at the entrance calling out to Xu Yun.

Xu Yun went from the south side to the north side of BoWen Street without seeing another Majiang hall or arcade, much less a casino. It couldn’t be helped, he went to a shampoo room to ask around.

“Handsome, if you want to come in then come. After a ma.s.sage you’ll feel totally relaxed, our girls are all very capable. Young and beautiful, satisfaction guaranteed! s.e.xy and alluring girls are dressed gorgeously, just say it and they will be right up on you.”

Xu Yun lifted his hand and blocked her. He firmly and justly asked, “Not free?”

“Cheh, and you weren’t bad looking either. Do you want young also, and even want us to give you red envelopes too?” Seeing Xu Yun’s outfit and the fact he didn’t have money, that girl was no longer so mindful of him.

Xu Yun took 100 Yuan out of his wallet and waved it around. “I’m inquiring about a place.”

With one glance, she bluntly took the money. “Coming to BoWen Street but you aren’t here for girls… Then it’s definitely to gamble right?”

Xu Yun nodded. He curtly asked, “Where is Sky Wolf Casino?”

She pointed at a pool hall not far away. “Inside that pool hall there is a secret door at the southeast corner. After entering it, go down a floor and there is the Sky Wolf Casino. Handsome, if you win some cash, remember to come to little sister’s place to play!”

Xu Yun no longer paid attention to her. In big strides he went to the pool hall.

The pool hall couldn’t be considered big – it only had 6 pool tables. It had 7 or 8 absentminded young guys playing pool. Seeing Xu Yun come in, they would throw glances at him from time to time. This crowd all had bare upper arms with dragon or tiger tattoos. Basically, they didn’t seem like good people.

Xu Yun didn’t say anything, going straight for the southeast corner of the pool hall’s bathroom. That girl didn’t lie after all. Tightly against the bathroom wall was a wallpaper secret door of the same color as the surrounding wallpaper.

Just as Xu Yun was about to go in, the guys playing pool threw down their pool cues and surrounded him. One of them with a wolf tattoo on his chest and looking like a devil shouted, “What, you want to play? If you aren’t playing pool then get out!”

Xu Yun pointed to the casino’s secret door. “I want to go in to play for a bit.”

“What playing, who told you that there was something to play in there! Hurry and roll out of here, don’t make me force you! The wolf-head tattoo guy crinkled his forehead, obviously suspicious of Xu Yun’s ident.i.ty.

After all, inside was a place for gambling and HeDong City was not like Las Vegas – casinos weren’t something to be proud of at all. If they didn’t run it carefully, they definitely would get their nest ended by the Department of Public Safety. So, unrecognized strangers wanting to get into the casino wasn’t so easy.

“I’m Lu Bao’s friend. He doesn’t have money so he asked me to help bring some over.” Xu Yun patted his pants pocket.

The wolf-head finally unfolded his forehead, looking for Lu Bao eh. Today that kid just brought in 10,000 to pay his debt. He never would have thought that that his new friend was rich.

“Then you follow me.” The wolf-head guy motioned with his head, and one of the sharp underlings closed the door of the pool hall.

With the wolf-head guy leading him, Xu Yun entered the Sky Wolf Casino.

Inside the casino was a huge commotion of voices – there were at least hundreds of people inside gambling! Even though this place was called Sky Wolf Casino, compared to the casinos Xu Yun had been to in Las Vegas, the difference was huge. At best, it was a small underground casino.

Even though a sparrow was small, it had a complete set of of organs to survive. Inside has everything: Baccarat, Blackjack, French Roulette, Fan Hung**, Poker, High or Low, YaoYinJi, Run Fast, slot machines, Majiang….etc. As long as you want to gamble, if you want it it’s there!

**1. Might be Fan Tan, with a mistyped character. Not sure though, since typing it would not bring up such an error; Poker, seems to refer to a specific type of poker, not Texas Hold’em; 猜大小 Cai da xiao, Lit. Guess high low; 摇银机 YaoYinJi is “silver shaking machine”, some kind of gambling machine; Run Fast is some card game.

“Lu Bao has only paid half his debt, so I locked him up.” The wolf-headed guy glared at all the other people so that they would disperse away. They were looking to see if there was a conman that would get beaten. He continued to lead Xu Yun into a secret pa.s.sage. “Who are you to him, that you would pay for him?”

Xu Yun sighed. “I am his older brother.”

“Yo, brotherhood eh.” As he talked, the wolf-head guy already brought Xu Yun to the center of the hidden pa.s.sage. He dug out a key and opened a heavy metal gate, stepping forward he entered.

Xu Yun went inside, and saw Lu Bao sitting on a chair. His hands were bound, and his mouth was stuffed with a rag. In front of him was a pile of money on a table, roughly 10,000.

The second Lu Bao saw that the wolf-headed guy brought Xu Yun inside, on the spot he could not sit still. His eyes shown with panic and confusion and his mouth shouted “Wu wu wu wu” non-stop!

“Seeing your brother, you don’t need to get that excited right?” The wolf-headed guy laughed ‘hehe’.” He’s paying for you. Today, it can be considered that your fingers have all been spared.”

“Wu wu wu wu wu!” Lu Bao stared like he wanted to say something.

The wolf-head guy took money from the table. Shaking it at Xu Yun, “Your little brother only had 10,000. Still need another 10,000.”

Xu Yun stretched out his hand and grabbed the stack of money the wolf-head guy was holding in his face. Right in front of the astonished wolf-head guy, he stuffed it in his pants pocket. He even smiled politely to the wolf-head guy, “Thanks, ha.”

“What’s the meaning of this?” The wolf-head guy’s face tightened, his face completely ferocious!

“Wu wu wu wu!” With great effort Lu Bao tried to spit out the rag in his mouth.

The wolf-head guy creased his brow, with one movement he pulled the rag out of Lu Bao’s mouth. “What the f’ck do you want to say!?”

“3rd Pao-ge, yesterday it was him that beat up LiangZi-ge and the others. Today at noon Wei 4th-ge also fell to his hand!” Lu Bao panic-stricken, looked at Xu Yun, “He’s the boyfriend of the lady boss of the panacea restaurant!”

The wolf-head guy was suddenly shocked pale. He could never have imagined that this afternoon, Wei 4th-ge and the 30+ comrades he brought were done in by this kid!

Xu Yun gently closed the metal gate as he pa.s.sed it. “The 7000 bucks were stolen. The other 3000 I’ll just treat as reparations for the gla.s.s. You can come with me to the police station, or I can call the police over to come and arrest you, you choose.”

Hearing this, Lu Bao was scared till he trembled, his helpless body was still bound and he couldn’t move at all. “3rd Pao-ge, you have to save me!”

“Hmph. You think you can take money out of here?” The wolf-head guy laughed coldly. “Then yo daddy is going to have to teach you what a wolf’s den is!” His voice was firm, the wolf-head guy with a ‘pa’ hit a secret alarm device inside the room!

Instantly, the entire casino fell into chaos. Gamblers focusing on escaping fled out the secret tunnel. The rest of them noticed steel bars rushing down!

“This sh’tty doghouse.” Xu Yun laughed disdainfully. With a clang, he shut the heavy metal gate! Exerting force with his wrist, he twisted the handle crooked! With this, whether it was from the inside or outside, it couldn’t be opened!

The wolf-head guy saw this and was furious, but inside he couldn’t believe how surprised he was! What monstrous hand strength!


“Bang bang bang!”

“Bam bam bam!”

Beyond the gate the sound of nonstop banging and loud cursing continued for a minute, but all along, there weren’t any people capable of protecting the gate! Because 3rd Pao-ge was inside the all the other people outside were feeling anxiety.


Following a tremendous sound, the whole metal gate came crashing with a boom. In the center of the gate, was an impressive, terrifying imprint of a footstep!

The wolf-head tattooed 3rd Pao-ge was like a dead dog, laying like someone had just thrown him from inside. Almost all the teeth in his mouth had been smashed out, his nose was crooked, and his eyebrow was also split. His entire face was indistinguishably covered in blood, and his body twitched and trembled, making the people wonder just what in the h.e.l.l happened inside.

Xu Yun dusted off his hands. Laughing, he left the room, “Who else wants to die?”

Standing in the very front, a reckless fellow roared with a yell and a club came smashing down! Xu Yun stepped left into bow stance. His right fist instantly, vigorously spun forward with a straight punch right into the chest! Blasting him 5 meters away, he fell on the ground, groaned once and then didn’t move.

What a heavy fist!

Everyone looked at each other, they couldn’t blame the gang for being beat up as miserably as 3rd Pao-ge.

“Next.” Xu Yun stretched his fingers out, his mouth showing a provocative smile. “Or how about, everyone come at once?”

Ah, Oww, Aiya, Oof…

After the wave of screams, Xu Yun calmly stopped and kneeled in the center of a fallen crowd, digging out a cellphone. “h.e.l.lo? WenHui District’s police station, um, can I speak to Officer Qin?”

Qin Wan’er, for the sake of beating Xu Yun to finding the criminal, was constantly working overtime, hearing that someone called the police looking for her, she really thought that this guy went crazy. “This is she, who are you?”

“Your actual voice sounds way better than on the phone.” Xu Yun laughed. “Officer Qin, how’s the overtime? Find out anything about the robbery yet?”

“Xu Yun!?” Qin Wan’er knew who it was. “Why is it you? Do you have some kind of defect! Dialing an emergency call for me just to chat?”

Xu Yun clicked his tongue tsk tsk. “I had spare time! I got an emergency, at the pool hall on BoWen Street, there are some gamblers. Come over quick.”

“If you dare to trick me, you’re dead meat!” Qin Wan’er said, glaring.

“Love, believe it or not.” Xu Yun didn’t say anything else, and directly hung up the phone.

Qin Wan’er was so p.i.s.sed she stomped her feet. “d.a.m.n Xu Yun! Just you wait for me!”

At the moment Qin Wan’er couldn’t focus on going to research the robbery case. She got up and got ready, BoWen Street was a place where dragons and snakes mixed, where good and bad people mingled, and was commonly known for gambling and prost.i.tution. However time after time, the conflict remained, and they were unable to stamp out the roots.

Because of this, Qin Wan’er didn’t dare to completely disbelieve Xu Yun – taking care to sort the truths out, she would first take a look and then decide. If Xu Yun dared to trick her, she would definitely fix him up good!

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