Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 123

Panther Lady

“Xu Yun, those who come are guests. Aren’t you about to send me off?” Tang Jiu had already walked to the entrance, but discovered that Xu Yun didn’t even have the intent to stand up. Inside she felt a burst of unhappiness, this kind of neglect made her completely unable to accept it.

Ruan QingShuang pushed Xu Yun, “Quickly go send her off.”

Xu Yun was soon about to be constricted to death by his clothing, and could only endure for a little longer. Just send her off, it’s not like it was some big undertaking.

Seeing the two of them walk out, GuoGuo clutched her waist and said, “Mommy, it’s come to this point, and you’re still letting daddy go out with an unfamiliar woman? Aren’t you jealous?”

“……” Ruan QingShuang’s head blacklined as she looked at GuoGuo. “Quickly go upstairs and put on some clothes…..”

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue, and quickly ran back upstairs.


The two of them walked out of the panacea restaurant, and came to the car – Xu Yun had finished his mission. “Drive safe on the road. If you have a chance, you definitely have to come for panacea cuisine.”

Because Tang Jiu’s demonic charm was truly too great, and Xu Yun could only avoid being alone with her. It’s not that he was a vegetarian – if he didn’t want to make a mistake, then it had to be handled like this.

“Of course, although the people in your restaurant aren’t too welcoming of me.” Tang Jiu scoffed, “I won’t waste an opportunity for free delicacies. I have heard that panacea cuisine is the craze in HeDong City, I very much look forward to it.”

“How about right now you pick two dishes to-go?” Xu Yun bitterly laughed, ge was just being polite as he offered so directly. If Tang Jiu had this kind of personality, GuoGuo would definitely would be fighting with her till the end. By that time if she also fought with Qiu Yan…… ai, the consequences couldn’t be imagined.

Tang Jiu rolled her eyes at Xu Yun. “Only fatties would be eating at this time of day.”

Xu Yun lightly sighed. Worthy of a famous little Miss’ demeanor – even eating was controlled. The requirements towards her own eating was too high; he was no longer comfortable, at the moment he was very hungry, very much wanting to eat.

After Tang Jiu got in the car she was in no hurry to leave, rather from the car window she pa.s.sed the bicycle’s receipt to Xu Yun. “Don’t worry, what I eat definitely won’t be worth this much money.”

Xu Yun held the receipt and bitterly laughed – it truly was a bicycle worth more than 30,000. d.a.m.nable Jin Biao, if he still had a chance, he definitely had to go looking for him to settle this. Now that Jin Biao had gone to prison he already was very miserable, if he knew Xu Yun was still thinking of him, perhaps he might even think about dying.

Watching Tang Jiu drive the car far away, Xu Yun felt that something was a bit off with the air in the vicinity of the panacea restaurant. Logically Qiu Yan shouldn’t have gone too far, but now she didn’t seem to be in the surroundings of the panacea restaurant.

Xu Yun frowned, and a burst of foreboding arose. Since Blue Ghost had already come, indeed he had no reason to not attack……could it be that the level of Blue Ghost’s strength overshadowed them? No way right?

This kind of foreboding feeling made Xu Yun’s brow tighter and tighter. Just in the instant Tang Jiu’s car was about to disappear from Xu Yun’s eyes, the brake lights suddenly lit up. Xu Yun watched unable to clearly see the tail of the car roughly swerve.

Busting a drift?

No way right? After all Tang Jiu didn’t look like a senseless person, she also had no need to go drifting by herself in the middle of the night right?

Xu Yun couldn’t be bothered to think too much, directly breaking into a run straight forwards. His keen sense of smell made Xu Yun feel a distant threat, and he was very clearly aware that Blue Ghost had already begun to attack. He didn’t want to have Tang Jiu pulled into this storm without any reason.


Tang Jiu was scared silly. After driving and leaving the panacea restaurant, in less than two hundred meters, suddenly a woman with tight leopard-print clothing appeared in the middle of the road, scaring Tang Jiu into slamming onto her brakes. But after all it happened too suddenly, even though she braked in time, this woman suddenly stood within the distance of the braking.

Seeing that she was about to crash the woman in front of her flying, Tang Jiu’s heart had jumped into her throat. She didn’t want for any to provoke any more trouble at this critical moment for the Tang Family, that way her uncles would have more reason to weaken her position in the Tang family.

The Tang Family’s current soaring rise today was nearly all because of Tang ZhengTian alone, and now that Tang ZhengTian’s health had problems, the rest of the people in the Tang family wanted to weaken Tang ZhengTian’s position in the Tang Family.

Lately the only person able to help Tang ZhengTian was his only daughter Tang Jiu. Because of her defending her father’s standing, Tang Jiu had always not been good to her uncle’s generation for anything, and lately they were really overbearing. Tang Jiu could only think of first looking for a place to allow her father Tang ZhengTian to recuperate, and then think of a way to rectify the blowing trends of the Tang Family.

If today Tang Jiu had crashed someone to death, then everything was lost.

However, just in the instant the front of the car was about to crash into that woman, that woman suddenly used a single hand to smash the front of Tang Jiu’s car. Finger imprints were engraved into the hood of the car, and the car came to an instant halt, turning the body to the side, violently stopping it in the middle of the road.

Originally shocked with her whole body covered in a cold sweat, Tang Jiu was stunned even further – this woman before her was absolutely no ordinary person. Relying on just a single move, it was enough for her to be sure that her opponent was an elite. This made Tang Jiu even more scared – just who would use an elite to attack her?

Tang Jiu couldn’t think too much, directly opening the door and getting out of the car to escape.

But that woman didn’t give Tang Jiu a chance to escape, directly leaping into the air towards Tang Jiu’s back!

Just as Tang Jiu was sure she was dead, a silver shadow flashed past, and a booming fist solidly struck the woman’s palm claws attacking behind Tang Jiu.

The woman with her whole body covered in leopard tights quickly leapt into retreat with her right foot stepping in front into a bow stance and her upper body remaining unchanged into a defensive stance, locking her gaze on the man that suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Your opponent should be me right? It has nothing to do with her.” Xu Yun looked at the woman in leopard clothing, and looked at the woman’s ten fingers refined into steel. Then with squinted smile he said, “Panther Lady, if you can’t even figure out who your opponent is, I’m afraid your death isn’t too far.”

The might of a panther didn’t reach a tiger’s, and the difference in strength was far from a tiger’s. When practicing leaping, panthers absolutely had to have a short horse stance that could rise and fall, rousing all of the strength in their body, with both fists clenched with the five fingers like copper hooks of bent iron. In one glance Xu Yun recognized his opponent – to be able to use Panther Fist with such skill, besides Panther Lady, who else could it be?

Tang Jiu was shocked, seeing Xu Yun counter like lightning, she finally understood the reason why that day the cycling captain wouldn’t be able to chase after Xu Yun – it turns out Xu Yun completely wasn’t an ordinary person! He was an elite separate from ordinary people!

The Panther Lady opponent had been recognized by Xu Yun, nor did she deny. With a cold laugh she said, “Worthy of someone our Boss has noticed, indeed you are not simple.”

Panther Lady, an elite of the 1st-tier realm, fifth-ranked. Like the Underworld’s Black Widow, she was a venomous woman. Even though she became famous late, but she did things venomously, and her notoriety was far far above the Venerated Violent Fox, Qiu Yan. Ever since Qiu Yan entered Millennium Feng’s faction, within the women who stirred up great winds of trouble in the Underworld, the name Panther Lady was also added.

“She has no relationship with me, so you’d better not get the wrong opponent.” While Xu Yun spoke, his True Qi was already forced out of his body, and an enormous pressure attacked towards Panther Lady.

Panther Lady slightly paused, her thinking was like Blue Ghost’s – when Crimson Scorpion said that he had come across an opponent that had stepped into the realm of an Ultra Elite, they completely didn’t believe it, only thinking that at the very worst it was a 1st-tier elite in the ninth rank, and that Crimson Scorpion was exaggerating for fear of their boss’ blame.

In Blue Ghost’s view, even though a 1st-tier elite of the ninth rank was terrifying, but if three 1st-tiers were left that avoided risks, he could only die. Joining their hands to resist they would have an absolute chance of success, so he chose to leave without fighting.

Moreover, this kind of elite was like a treasure, and Blue Ghost was unwilling to kill him so he set up a plan – have three people separately control the people around him, and then use a threat to force Xu Yun to enter their banner. This way the Blue Ghost faction would become even more terrifying.

Panther Lady’s objective was originally Qin Wan’er, but she hadn’t thought that half-way there would be such a change in events. Nearby Qin Wan’er there were truly too many police. If she had done it, it would have been too easy to expose herself, and in this moment Tang Jiu had taken the initiative to get in contact with Xu Yun and even drove Xu Yun back to the panacea restaurant. This caused her to get the idea to grab Tang Jiu.

At the moment, Tang Jiu still hadn’t figured out what happened, and even thought that this woman’s original objective was herself.

“It seems that the Boss leaving was truly looking down on you…….hmph, our objective is just the Venerated Fox and that child, it has nothing to do with you. Why are you helping them?” Panther Lady quickly tensed up – an Ultra Elite, that was an elite in the same realm as the Boss Blue Ghost. She definitely wouldn’t rush to fight with an Ultra Elite. That was the equivalent to an egg striking a rock.

Even though she was also carrying a Yin-Yang Pill, but she was very clear that even if she relied on medicine, she could only contend against an elite in the 1st-tier realm, ninth rank. Against a true Ultra Elite it was absolutely useless, after all an Ultra Elite’s internal power had already transformed into True Qi, not something she would be able to injure.

“Blue Ghost left?” Xu Yun paused – he completely hadn’t thought that Blue Ghost would actually be so trusting, but Xu Yun still cautiously thought over the credibility of Panther Lady’s words. “Why should I believe you?”

Panther Lady lightly scoffed, “Do you think that if the Boss was here, I would need to waste time with you like this?”

These words were indeed not false, Xu Yun suddenly squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth revealing a devilish, frosty cold smile. Since Blue Ghost underestimated him, he didn’t need to show any mercy. To those who were of threat, all will be punished!

After sensing her opponent’s enormous killing aura, finally Panther Lady lost her cool. “Killing me is no use. Right now perhaps the Venerated Violent Fox is already under the Flower Monk’s control, only I know where they are. If you kill me, don’t even think about finding her.”

“What did you say?!” Xu Yun’s fists erupted with loud crunching sounds. No wonder after Qiu Yan left she hadn’t come back – so she had come across an opponent.

Flower Monk was a 1st-tier elite as powerful as Crimson Scorpion. If it weren’t for Crimson Scorpion’s hidden weapons being superior to the Flower Monk’s Dharma Beads, perhaps the t.i.tle of the number one elite under Blue Ghost’s faction would be the Flower Monk’s.

Qiu Yan coming across Flower Monk was perhaps more dangerous than coming across Crimson Scorpion. After all, Crimson Scorpion was merely vicious and evil, while s.e.x with women was like a drug addiction for Flower Monk. Xu Yun didn’t dare to imagine the one situation of what would happen to Qiu Yan if she was defeated at Flower Monk’s hands.

“Let’s make a deal.” Panther Woman could see the rage in Xu Yun’s heart. If she wanted to protect her little life, she absolutely had to give Xu Yun a reason to spare her life. “Let go of me for now, and I’ll take you to go find the Venerated Violent Fox and Flower Monk.”

How would Xu Yun not be able to see Panther Lady’s little scheming? As long as he followed after, then at that time she could join forces with Flower Monk, and if two great 1st-tier elites took the Yin-Yang Pill at the same time, they still had a possibility of being able to fight him.

With this being the situation, then Xu Yun would let them know what it meant to be a true Ultra Elite, and he also wanted to taste Panther Lady’s Panther Fist, and Flower Monk’s Dharma Beads. So with one word he agreed, “Fine!”

Panther Lady’s mouth revealed a cold smile, if only she and Flower Monk joined forces, perhaps they would have a 40% chance of succeeding. But if they also included the Swordscar Clown, then their chances would perhaps rise to 70% eh?

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