Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 127

An Unromantic Kiss

After Qiu Yan regained her senses, instantly her eyes widened – she looked at the people who had saved her with surprise.

“We’ll talk about what happened after everything is over.” Silver Dragon Fan Shuang’er’s face wasn’t the slightest bit relaxed, because she and Azure Dragon Qian Feng’s strength were absolutely not a match for three great 1st-tier elites.

Qiu Yan came to a sudden realization and quickly got up to look at the other side. Inside she was violently shocked – initially two enemies had actually gained Panther Lady. Even more shocking was that not too far away on the floor, Xu Yun lay on the ground without any reaction.

“What’s wrong with Xu Yun!?” Qiu Yan was greatly shocked, naturally she was most concerned with Xu Yun’s condition.

Qian Feng coldly laughed, “Don’t worry, Boss wouldn’t die so easily. They definitely must’ve used some kind of trick. I, Azure Dragon, truly hadn’t thought that I would actually come across an old acquaintance in small little HeDong City.”

After Flower Monk saw Qian Feng he had become even more sure. “I truly hadn’t thought that the Venerated Violent Fox would actually be able to find this kind of backing. Swordscar, I’m afraid we really have to be careful, they’re all people from some military organization in China, and aren’t so easy to deal with.”

“Strike first for the upper hand!” Swordscar Clown’s twin blades directly struck towards Qiu Yan.

Qian Feng’s eyes flashed with a cold glint. Within an instant the dagger Autumn Waters was already in his hand, and without the slightest hesitation, one stroke of Drawing the Magpie’s Tail waved the blade to meet Swordscar Clown – the short edges met, and between the electrifying brightness of sparks they’d already clashed with each other more than ten times!

“Since you want to play with daggers, then how about I accompany you in playing?” Qian Feng coldly laughed, of course he knew Swordscar Clown’s power. With the situation before his eyes, the power of the other women wasn’t up to his – he was the only one that could resist Swordscar Clown.

“Then I’d like to see what you’ve got!” Swordscar Clown also coldly laughed, suddenly rising to the sky, with one motion of the Scooping the Moon from the Seafloor directly stabbed towards Qian Feng’s Hundred Convergences Meridian!

Qian Feng didn’t dawdle, retreating one step. He turned around with the Divine Dragon Waves its Tail, stubbornly dissolving Swordscar Clown’s attack, and immediately after Autumn Waters followed precisely with a direct dashing thrust for the enemy’s throat. With this kind of opponent, since the beginning Qian Feng didn’t spare the slightest amount of strength.

Nor did Swordscar Clown be the slightest neglectful – after all, after having just taken a palm from Xu Yun, it left him with inadequate qi in his body. Several times, a beautiful opportunity for a one hit kill had been missed because of the wound from earlier.

Between the two great elites using daggers was an electrifying light of sparks, completely not allowing other people to get involved. With several attacks, Qian Feng could see the condition of his opponent’s body, and after learning about his own advantages, Qian Feng attacked further like smooth winds and smooth waters.

“Heh heh, let’s not do nothing little sister that just came out. This poor monk truly has romantic luck tonight.” Flower Monk’s eyes flashed with a malicious look. “Since the Venerated Fox can’t be touched, then if this poor monk sleeps with this chick, you guys wouldn’t be bothered right?”

Fan Shuang’er heard and directly became seething with anger. Angrily she said, “Brave, you lewd criminal. Today I definitely won’t let you off!”

“I’ll handle this one.” Qiu Yan’s gaze sparked with cold tyrannical killing sharpness. She absolutely would not let this person leave alive, and the Dragon Abyssal Blade in her hand seemed to know of its master’s fury, emitting a clear and bright sword cry!

Flower Monk waved the pure steel Dharma Beads in his hands, “Heh heh heh, no matter who you are, this poor monk definitely will be gentle!”

Qiu Yan erupted with fury, and the Dragon Abyssal Blade in her hand flashed horizontally. A tidal wave cry of lightning flashed past into a Phoenix Strike directly striking a triangle at her opponent’s face! How would Flower Monk expect that Qiu Yan had such a fast and fierce speed? Not at all able to dodge, he could only resist with the prayer beads in his hands as a block.

But the Dragon Abyssal Blade pierced through the gaps in the prayer beads and still struck towards Flower Monk’s face. Flower Monk was greatly shocked, and quickly reversed the prayer beads in his hands. Since the Dragon Abyssal Blade was a soft, flexible sword, naturally it was twisted and wound up within the prayer beads, and Qiu Yan could only pull her hands down.

Panther Lady wasn’t much for words. Suddenly with one leap she reached the front of Fan Shuang’er, and at the same time her two fists changed to claws. The left claw pushed out from the waist and went towards Fan Shuang’er’s left abdomen, the right claw from the waist went towards Fan Shuang’er’s chest in a horizontal swipe, forming the attack stance of the Bagua Style!

Fan Shuang’er had trained in Swimming Dragon Bagua Palm, and naturally tightened, transforming her footwork cleanly. Her eyes watched the hands and feet first, and without the slightest inferiority she blocked away Panther Lady’s Golden Leopard Hand. Immediately sinking her shoulders and dropping her elbows at her dantian, sc.r.a.pe, smash, hack, and destroy – the palms swirling around craftily striking onto Panther Lady’s crucial point on her chest!

If not for Panther Lady’s nimble agility appearing like a fierce wind, perhaps it would be hard for her to escape. Evading the remainder, Panther Lady’s whole body gathered strength, and with angry opened eyes, one stroke of Golden Leopard Lifts the Skies once again struck towards Fan Shuang’er. Fortunately Fan Shuang’er’s figure was like a swimming dragon – her waist was like an axle, her body exquisitely twisting and moving across. Even though it was dangerous, it would also evade Panther Lady’s full powered attack.


Six powerful 1st-tier elites, a three on three confrontation – each person had their respective specialties, and additionally the internal strength of the two sides couldn’t be distinguished from higher or lower. For a while, unexpectedly no one was losing to the other!

Perhaps because of the auras, even though Qiu Yan had been injured, but she still wielded the Supple Dragon Abyssal Sword well, one stroke of Wind Destroys the Gra.s.s forced Flower Monk with nowhere to hide, and he could only pathetically dodge.

Meanwhile after Panther Lady spent her strength, she began to vary her steps and movements dexterously and not sluggishly. Fan Shuang’er, with her palms adapting and her body changing her steps according to her palms performed dazzlingly. Several times she nearly hit in critical points.

The most desperate was Swordscar Clown. He hadn’t thought that one punch from Xu Yun would unexpectedly affect him so greatly. Several times in raising his qi, because of the ma.s.sive pain in his chest there was no way to accomplish it smoothly. Even more beyond his expectations was that this kid in front of him was actually using a dagger so dexterous and freely, and for him to cut a hole in a human body was as easy as a butcher dismembering an ox – his comprehension was extremely lucid.

So he didn’t dare to be any bit neglectful. He was very clear that any mistakes and he could lose his life.

After a hundred moves, the two of them had wounds, but soon after Qian Feng used one move of Jing Ke Stabs Qin, and amidst the danger of seeking victory, one attack pierced into his opponent. If not for Swordscar Clown thinking quickly and using his left arm to block, perhaps now he would’ve already gone to see Yama the King of h.e.l.l.

He, a grand 1st-tier elite of the 9th rank being forced into this state, of course he would be unhappy.

Finally, he couldn’t resist the temptation to use the Yin Yang Pill. Just in the instant Azure Dragon evaded a thrust, without the slightest hesitation Swordscar Clown already took out the Forbidden Medicine!

Boom – ! Qian Feng was unable to stab into his opponent, and instead his opponent blasted his chest with a punch! That kind of strength was absolutely far above the strength of a 1st-tier elite – Qian Feng was greatly shocked, he knew that his opponent had definitely used that kind of thing.

Panther Lady and Flower Monk both narrowed their brows – no matter what they hadn’t thought that the first to use the Forbidden Medicine was actually Swordscar Clown.

“If you don’t want to incur trouble than fight fast for victory fast!” Swordscar Clown suddenly angrily yelled to the two, “If the three of us can’t complete this task, do you think that in the future we’ll have s.p.a.ce to stand under Blue Ghost!”

Flower Monk’s face fiercely trembled. Already he narrowly evaded Qiu Yan stabbing a crucial point several times, now he was thinking he should have long fought fast to win fast! While he was still thinking, Panther Lady already quickly took the Yin Yang Pill.

Fan Shuang’er was shocked, inside saying this was not good.

How could Flower Monk spare time to think? The two of them had already used it, if he also delayed it there would be no point. Then just in the instant he drew out the pill, Qiu Yan with one stroke of Gentle Swallow Rushes to the Clouds directly skewered his wrist!


Under the ma.s.sive pain, the pill in his hand responded with falling, and of course Qiu Yan wouldn’t give this evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d a chance. Flipping over the sword, one stroke of Collapsing Destiny rawly stabbed through her opponent’s brow!

A depraved evil, three years ago fleeing in a sorry state from Dragon Fury’s attack and pursuit, was finally punished today on the spot. Qian Feng felt a rejuvenating burst, and completely wasn’t aware of the danger coming close. Impelled by the Forbidden Medicine, Swordscar Clown was completely a different person from the beginning – a silhouette flashed behind Qian Feng in an instant, and without waiting for Qian Feng to turn around, his back already took a palm!

Earth-shattering internal strength rushed into Qian Feng’s internal strength protecting his heart, and his whole body flew forcefully like a kite, heavily falling to the ground. He finally understood, even if lifespan was shortened by taking the Yin Yang Pill, even if it was repeatedly forbidden – the instant upgrade it gave people was a state of exaggeration.

“Azure Dragon!” Fan Shuang’er was greatly shocked, her own side had just cut down an opponent of the other side, but closely after they followed with a loss of their general.

“I’m afraid at the moment you don’t have the time to be concerned with others right?” Panther Lady laughed darkly next to Fan Shuang’er’s ear.

Fan Shuang’er was greatly alarmed, but it was all too late. With her hand and step in unison, her whole body gathered strength, and consecutively struck three punches at Fan Shuang’er, and Fan Shuang’er quickly used both arms to block! But Panther Lady’s twin fists blasted vigorously with the Golden Leopard’s Triple Cannon, brutally beating her several meters away, directly crashing beside the unconscious Xu Yun. Because of the block, Fan Shuang’er’s arms were seriously wounded by internal strength, just like they’d been cut off.

With Forbidden Medicine, the two had become completely different people. Qiu Yan had immediately seen the two of them sustain wounds but completely didn’t have the ability to help stop it.

Swordscar Clown coldly glanced at Flower Monk’s corpse, inside thinking that this kind of arrogant person dying, it happens. As long as they could capture all of these people and go back before Blue Ghost it was an outstanding deed, and a dead Flower Monk completely wasn’t worth anything.

Panther Lady locked her gaze at Qiu Yan. As long as she dared to have half a thought of something else, she absolutely would not show mercy.

Qian Feng wanted to get up, but a burst of evil spewed up, and his mouth directly sprayed out pus and blood. They were no match for Ultra Elites stimulated by Forbidden Medicine. Now if Yun-ge still didn’t awaken, then perhaps they really would be completely defeated.

Fan Shuang’er fell on a spot only one step away from Xu Yun. She used all her strength to extend her hand to nudge Xu Yun’s Human Center Meridian, but because her arms had been injured earlier, she couldn’t release any strength.

“Hmph, you still want to awaken him?” Panther Lady coldly laughed, “I’ll count to three. If you still can’t awaken him, then don’t blame me for being merciless.”

Fan Shuang’er was gritting her teeth till she was about to bleed from them, but her arms still had no way of exerting force, and were completely unable to awaken Xu Yun! Even if she clearly knew she only needed to pinch him and it was enough, but no matter what she could not use any strength. This kind of feeling of helplessness made her close to insanity.

“One.” A smile emerged on Panther Lady’s face. She knew that in this contest they had won. Even though they had eaten Forbidden Medicine, and Flower Monk had died, but they could still return and report their task.

How Fan Shuang’er wished that someone could help her now!

Qiu Yan’s heart trembled. As long as they could awaken Xu Yun, it wasn’t a big deal if she died! Just in that instant, Qiu Yan suddenly got up and flung herself towards Xu Yun, and just in the same moment she moved, Swordscar Clown instantly blocked her, the twin daggers in his hands pointed in front of Qiu Yan.

“I won’t give you the chance. Venerated Fox, you were originally a person of the Underworld, coming with us is much more agreeable than mingling with them.” Sword-scar Clown said with a cold smile.

Panther Lady already spoke again. “Two.”

Fan Shuang’er mind hummed, she suddenly thought of the only method! Without waiting for Panther Lady to call out the word “three”, Fan Shuang’er suddenly exhausted all the strength in her body to throw herself forward, opening her mouth and biting Xu Yun’s upper lip on the Human Center Meridian location…….

Once Fan Shuang’er bit down, inside arose endless grievances – her first kiss was really too unromantic right!

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