Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 141: Sharing a Bed With Tang Jiu

Chapter 141: Sharing a Bed With Tang Jiu

Tang Jiu suddenly blushed shyly, quickly leaving Xu Yun, and then quickly used the bath towel to surround herself tightly, her voice also becoming shy. “Xu Yun, despicable!”

The sound of this yelling made Xu Yun stupefied, nearly to the point of surrender. “Well, looks like I need another room huh……”

“No need. I know you’re not that kind of person. In one room you won’t do anything.” Tang Jiu faintly said.

Xu Yun bitterly laughed, inside thinking, don’t you know what the meaning of giving into animal nature is? That wasn’t a function you could control.

“Let’s sleep. I’m tired.” Tang Jiu was truly bold, with that she directly lay beside Xu Yun, then turned off the lights, lightly saying, “Xu Yun, really, thank you.”

Xu Yun bitterly smiled inside, just what did this mean?

Let’s sleep…….saying this was too normal – no matter if it was the time of saying sleeping together, or the act of sleeping together was pointedly vivid, but finally stressing to sleep, not doing something else.

Ai, there was only one bed here, Xu Yun helplessly shook his head. Tang Jiu, oh Tang Jiu, you’re really treating ge like a certain Liu who could have a woman on his lap and not stray his mind……anyways no one else knew about this, no need to fear other people condemning him as not a man.

“Tang Jiu, you’re really not scared I’ll do something? Xu Yun turned with a faint smile and asked, but the soft reply was filled with exhaustion.

In the instant between blinking eyes, unexpectedly Tang Jiu laying on the bed had already fallen asleep. Xu Yun really wanted to grab onto her, and ask her on what basis she could be so relaxed, why wouldn’t she be afraid if he would just eat her up! Said nicely this was confidence, not said nicely this wasn’t treating him as a man.

Whatever, she’d already been so confident in him, if he let her down again, that would really be too damaging of something beautiful. Xu Yun didn’t know just how deep the waters were in the Tang Family, still thinking that pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend for a few days would settle the matter.

Xu Yun had also considered that this matter wasn’t so simple, after all, if an ordinary person could do it, Tang Jiu completely wouldn’t have to ask anyone else. Why would a guy that wanted to be her man have to be as far as a person from a special combat brigade?

Drinking that liquor, Xu Yun had quite a feeling. Seeing Tang Jiu sleeping so well, he also got up and showered, washing away most of the alcohol stench on his body, then went back to bed. Even though there was a sofa in the room, but if he didn’t get the big privilege, at the very least he should get the small privileges, sleeping on a bed and not doing anything is alright…….

If Xu Yun knew earlier that once he woke up he would nearly die without sons, even if he was beaten to death he wouldn’t have prepared to take this little privilege.

In the morning, apparently Tang Jiu had forgotten just what happened last night – seeing Xu yun sleeping beside her, instantly she flipped out. After all she drank a lot of alcohol last night, half a moment later she still didn’t react.

To elaborate this matter truly couldn’t be blamed on Tang jiu, who let Xu Yun pitch a tent early in the morning; even though Tang Jiu hadn’t experienced the thing between a man and a woman, but she knew that when men have this kind of reaction they weren’t thinking of good things! At that time, one foot kicked across, and Xu Yun without any preparation instantly felt tightness in his crotch! Sh*t! This sneak attack was excessively vicious, directly a killer move!

Xu Yun’s whole body was literally kicked off the bed by this one strike of Tang Jiu, clutching his crotch his whole face was full of two words – “ball pain”!

“Are you crazy?!” Xu Yun nearly flipped out on the spot, something was really wrong with this d.a.m.n person, yesterday she insisted on s.e.xual favors – today first thing in the morning it was the complete opposite, he hadn’t done anything. If yesterday he really did something, then this morning wouldn’t he have been directly stabbed?!

Xu Yun yelled Tang Jiu into awareness, and stared at Xu Yun with innocent, widened eyes.

“Are you crazy? Where are you kicking in the morning? G.o.dd.a.m.n…..if my future wife knows she’ll have your life!” Xu Yun painfully smiled, this one kick without warning or guard against was a bit too ruthless.

With a face of shock and surprise Tang Jiu looked at Xu Yun, wrapping the blanket ruthlessly around her body, she nervously said, “Why are you here! What is this? Where did you take me to!”

Xu Yun was speechless, still baring his teeth in pain. “You’re really a smart person with short memory, turning against your own. Yesterday didn’t you insist on calling me out to drink, if I didn’t stop it, you would’ve already been taken by some second brother back to JiBei! I said to get a room, you said there was no need, d.a.m.n, now you don’t remember anything right?”

Tang Jiu’s head hummed, only now did she start to recall events from yesterday – indeed, she had suicidally competed with Xu Yun in drinking, each person drank a ‘108 Generals’ that could take a man’s life.

And Tang Jiu indeed remembered that second brother Tang YiFei had appeared, but she wasn’t clear how Tang YiFei had left afterwards, she only remembered saying that she didn’t want to go, and Tang YiFei definitely wanted to take her away, afterwards she didn’t remember anything. Everything else in her memory were things in the hotel.

She remembered Xu Yun’s gentleman’s display yesterday, then quickly blushed a bit, why would a gentleman in the morning also have this kind of ** reaction…….this should only be something that big s.e.x animals have. “I’m sorry, I’ve never had someone else beside me when I sleep, so I’m really not used to it, really, really sorry……..”

“Sorry?” Xu Yun strongly resisted sitting on the bed. “If I grab your chest once, then also say I’m sorry, would you forgive me?! Easy to say, but that’s my life line!”

“I really didn’t do it on purpose, I……how would I know you would be in the same bed as me. Of course I would be afraid…….” Tang Jiu said.

Xu Yun was silent. “It was you that said one room was okay!”

Tang Jiu saw Xu Yun wasn’t listening to excuses and then rolled her eyes, “I said one room was okay, I didn’t say one bed was okay.”

“Are there any other beds in the room?” Xu Yun pointed around the room. “Have a good look, in this room, besides this bed are there other beds?”

“There is a sofa.” Tang Jiu said with guilt.

Xu Yun nodded his head. “Alright. Alright alright. You’re amazing. I serve you right? From today on the two of us will have you have it easy, and I’ll take all the hard stuff. Not interfering with each other, this works right? I’ll serve you.”

Once Tang Jiu heard she was unwilling. “No! Yesterday you promised to help me!”

“Why didn’t you also forget this?” Xu Yun really wanted to spit blood, she’d forgotten everything about daring to make love yesterday – he didn’t promise to be like a horse and cow for her, and completely forgot the thing about sleeping on the bed, truly quite something.

“You’re fussing with me a girl, isn’t it just a kick, how is it a big deal.” Tang Jiu stuck out her tongue. “I already apologized, it already happened, what can we do. How about I treat you to eat roasted lamb tonight?”

Xu Yun immediately hit the gavel. “Two servings!”

Tang Jiu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this guy was too easily handled, and could only agree. “Alright…..”

The pain in Xu Yun’s crotch finally disappeared, he pointed at the clothes coiled in the blanket that Tang Jiu wrapped around herself and said, “What? Still haven’t seen enough? How about you first give me my pants back?”

Tang Jiu’s little face flushed red, and softly reprimanded, “Turn around! I’ll change!”

“Mmh, then I’ll help you get them.” Xu Yun said and then got up, and went into the bathroom under Tang Jiu’s completely stumped gaze.

Just when Xu Yun disappeared, Tang Jiu came to a sudden realization, yesterday all the clothes she took off were all in the bathroom hamper!

Not right! Inside, Tang Jiu cried in shock that this was not good, even her underwear was placed inside! If Xu Yun saw then that would be even more embarra.s.sing, Tang Jiu instantly blushed, what should she do?

But Xu Yun wouldn’t give Tang Jiu a chance for a breather, directly getting her clothes, and of course the underwear as well, carrying them out of the bathroom, and while throwing them on the bed he said with a wicked smile, “Yo, alright, I couldn’t tell you were the legendary G-cup type.”

Tang Jiu’s eyes stared, if it was someone else then she’d probably already have gone to aggression, but with Xu Yun talking like that, instead it made her whole body feel a special kind of bashfulness from top to bottom – besides her face reddening, everything else also blushed.

Tang Jiu who had all along was neither afraid of heaven or earth unexpectedly revealed the shyness of a little girl at the moment – if this was spread out, perhaps even her own father Tang ZhengTian wouldn’t believe it.

“Blushing? No way right?” Xu Yun had no intent to stop teasing Tang Jiu. “They say big chest no brains, don’t you think I’m praising you, I’m making fun of you, why are you so embarra.s.sed?”

“Xu Yun!” Tang Jiu’s face flushed deeper red, and delicately scolded, “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d……I’ll kill you!”

Xu Yun shook his finger, “Come on then, I’m right here, don’t say you’ll kill me, you won’t even dare to get off the bed right?” Facing Tang Jiu who still hadn’t put on clothes, of course Xu Yun had nothing to fear.

Tang Jiu clenched her teeth and glared at Xu Yun, and several words came from her bared teeth. “Xu Yun, you better turn around……or else, you’ll die a horribly…..”

Xu Yun indifferently waved his hand, turning around and sitting down, saying, “I’ve already seen what I ought to see last night, don’t mind, you should take the time to put on clothes. I still have to go back to the panacea restaurant for a look, since I agreed to help you, I definitely have to go with you to JiBei, of course I have to go tell them.”

“Even though I’m in a hurry to go back, but I think it’s better to first handle the HeDong City’s Grand International Hotel and then talk.” Tang Jiu faintly smiled, “Yesterday GuoGuo already signed, I will arrange for someone to directly transfer the hotel to you, consider it as compensation for borrowing someone.”

Even though Xu Yun guessed that the Tang Family a.s.sets were immense, but he was still a bit surprised over Tang Jiu’s generosity. “I’m not worth that much money.”

“No, you’re worth it.” Tang Jiu said, “Originally HeDong City’s Grand International Hotel was purchased as a back up plan for me and my father. At first I thought that if I couldn’t protect the Tang Family, then I would take my dad over here to retire. Obviously, now there is already no need, so giving it to you all is most appropriate.”

Xu Yun faintly smiled, “Then up to you, anyways your sworn little sister won’t be ceremonial with you.”

Tang Jiu also faintly smiled, “Of course, I also won’t be formal with my little sister. I’ve already borrowed her dad, giving her a hotel isn’t considered an unfair thing.”

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