Since GuoGuo easily earned 100 Yuan, her entire little face was excited. “So, daddy, how about you give me another 100 Yuan?”

“Huh, you still want more?” Xu Yun couldn’t help but feel conflicted. Didn’t he just give her a first-meeting gift?

“You stupid, of course it’s the fee for helping you get employed by my mom!” GuoGuo’s face displayed an expression of iron resolve as she said it.

Hearing this immature child’s voice, Xu Yun felt that it was more intimidating than five blasts of thunder from the G.o.d of Thunder – the shock was stronger by a whole order of magnitude…

Stealthily looking in the direction of the kitchen, Xu Yun decisively took out another 100 Yuan and handed it over.

GuoGuo s.n.a.t.c.hed yet another 100 Yuan and excitedly jumped from her chair and dashed into the kitchen.

Xu Yun still sat on his chair. Just as he was thinking that money had incredible power, a child’s voice from the kitchen made him immediately feel like he had exploded into bits.

“Mommy, mommy, Uncle Superman gave me 100 Yuan so I could help him pick you up!”

Even if he was the adoptive father he couldn’t be so indecent!  GuoGuo first took the money, and then betrayed Xu Yun! GuoGuo really made Xu Yun admit thorough defeat.

Ruan QingShuang was busy in the kitchen and now with what GuoGuo said her face flushed red. Glaring at GuoGuo she said, “GuoGuo, what are you making trouble about now? Quickly, give the money back to Uncle.”

“Nooo, I already recognized Uncle Superman as my adopted father. It wasn’t easy to do. He’s a daddy that can protect GuoGuo……” As she said it, she felt a sense of grat.i.tude, her quick-witted big eyes swelled with tears.

With a motherly expression, Ruan QingShuang tenderly looked at GuoGuo for a moment. In her heart, she deeply sympathized with and felt pity for GuoGuo’s pain. Truly, GuoGuo and her were entirely on their own; no one really stood up for them.

Thinking of that, Ruan QingShuang’s reprimanding expression lessened quite a bit, the fire in her having died down. She came out carrying a bowl of panacea cuisine, with her pretty face still slightly red. Towards Xu Yun she smiled apologetically and said, “This child GuoGuo is too naughty, those words just now, don’t take them to heart…”

“Actually I am concerned about it, but what could I do about it? This little girl just blew it all…”  Xu Yun was internally very depressed, but he said, “*Sigh*, no problem, haha, just a child…”

“GuoGuo, give that money back to Uncle.” Ruan QingShuang very patiently stroked the small girl’s head. As she saw it, just now recognizing Xu Yun as her adopted father was most likely the little girl’s fanciful dream.

GuoGuo pouted her small mouth. With reluctance, she took out the 100 Yuan and put it on the table, slowly handing it back to Xu Yun.

How could Xu Yun take back money he fully intended to give the kid? He narrowed his eyes, and laughed like a big bad wolf, “GuoGuo, keep it and buy some candy, how’s that?”

“No, eating candy is bad for the teeth.” said GuoGuo as she sighed – she didn’t dare to take it and shook her head, “Mommy said kids who eat candy are bad kids.”

From her expression it could be seen that inside, she didn’t think that way. But in front of her mother, she had no choice but to accept the situation.

Xu Yun started to like this cute kid more and more, he petted her head, “Then how about you give it to your mom so she can buy some tasty food?”

“This reason might work!” GuoGuo’s eyes brightened with her new objective.  Whoosh! And she slowly took the money back.

Ruan QingShuang wasn’t sure what to do about GuoGuo, and just looked sheepishly at Xu Yun. GuoGuo cheered and started eating, then started a wiggling celebratory dance as she washed her hands.

“Give the money here.” Ruan QingShuang saw GuoGuo leaving. She speedily pulled out her wallet from her pocket.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as she likes it it’s fine.” Xu Yun smiled, that little evil genius was a cute mess.

Ruan QingShuang wasn’t so easy going, “No can do, GuoGuo is young and doesn’t understand things. But it’s not like I want to take your money. Earlier today, I wasn’t even sure how I could ever thank you.”

“Thank me eh?” Xu Yun saw an advertis.e.m.e.nt plastered above the entrance of the panacea restaurant looking for chefs and waiters. Pondering it he tapped his stomach and said, “Invite me to eat some of your panacea dishes. How about ginseng orchid soup with lean meat?”

Ruan QingShuang paused. She had managed her restaurant for so long and yet had never met a person who could pick a dish without looking at the menu. Distracted for a moment, she quickly nodded her head, “Sure!”

After Ruan QingShuang returned to the kitchen, GuoGuo already finished washing her hands and ran over. She saw Xu Yun guardedly look at her and tilted her head and asked, “Adopted daddy, what’s wrong?” I’m not a bad person, so why are you looking at me like that?”

Look at this child – she threatens people happily, and then calls me adopted father easily and gently! If Xu Yun wasn’t so calm and stable – he concluded that even if he were to sell her he would lose money.

“GuoGuo, us two, aren’t we meeting through fate?” Xu Yun raised his eyebrows at GuoGuo as he said it.

GuoGuo alertly looked at Xu Yun. She looked at him a good while before reluctantly nodding her head, “Do you have something you need help with? Just say it. But I definitely won’t tell you if mommy is wearing the same design of pink underwear as me today.”

What the h.e.l.l pffft! Xu Yun almost spit blood. What is this little kid thinking about in that brain? But he still quickly glanced at Ruan QingShuang in the background. Indeed there was a faint hint of hot pink clothing underneath Ruan QingShuang’s clothing. What GuoGuo was saying couldn’t be wrong.

Xu Yun glanced briefly at GuoGuo’s small clothes, the front of which featured an embroidered cute cat. Xu Yun couldn’t picture that Ruan QingShuang would wear such cute underwear.

But as it was just a fleeting desire in his head, Xu Yun very quickly recovered his thoughts. Pointing at the advertis.e.m.e.nt above the door, he asked, “GuoGuo, did your mommy find a chef for the restaurant yet?”

“Not yet.” GuoGuo unhappily nodded her head. She drank a spoonful of her White Jelly Pear soup, “Nothing we can do about it, 1500 is too low for anyone to want to work for, but mommy doesn’t have any more money to give for their salary.”

Xu Yun chuckled, “Then what do you think of Uncle becoming the chef?”

“You?” GuoGuo put down her chopsticks and stood on top of her chair. Her big eyes stared bewildered at Xu Yun, looking him up and down, measuring him several times. Still, he didn’t look anything like a chef, “Can you sing?”

“Sure can!”

“Can you tell ghost stories?”

“For sure!”

“Will you play Truth or Dare?

“No problem!”

“Can you make mommy happy?”

“Absolutely settled!”

At this time, Ruan QingShuang was carrying the ginseng orchid soup with lean meat out, and seeing the two of them with strange expressions, she couldn’t resist and said, “What are you two doing?”

“Mommy, I found your chef! Monthly salary 1000!” Guoguo tooted loudly, exceptionally proud because she had successfully scouted Xu Yun.

Xu Yun was stunned, standing beside GuoGuo he asked, “Wasn’t it 1500?”

GuoGuo stood on a chair, just high enough to reach Xu Yun’s ear and with a small voice only the two of them could hear she threatened, “Do you want to pick my mommy up, or do you want another 500 bucks?”

*Stab*!  This tactic was definitely a killer’s deathblow! Xu Yun was afraid that this little girl would shout out and expose all of his hidden objectives. Shocked, he didn’t dare to try to negotiate pay, 1000 would just be 1000.

“The child is outspoken, it’s just nonsense. Please don’t take it seriously.” Ruan QingShuang didn’t hear any part of their conversation. Immediately she picked GuoGuo up from the chair and put her down. She didn’t know that these two had skillfully communicated to each other through their eyes.

“GuoGuo didn’t misspeak.” Xu Yun went up to the table and drank some of the ginseng orchid soup and tasted, “Pretty good. But the ginseng and orchid have a bit of uneven mixing, and if you add another two slices of ginger it will cover up the medicine taste and drinking it will improve the texture further.”

Ruan QingShuang was immediately shocked by Xu Yun’s evaluation, “You really know about panacea cooking?”

Xu Yun nodded. Now was a great chance GuoGuo gave him, so that he could have the opportunity to work for the finest boss lady.  Of course he would seize the opportunity and show off a bit, “I know a little, just a little bit.”

GuoGuo secretly gave Xu Yun a thumbs-up motion: smooth!

“Then…are you really sure you want to work here?” Ruan QingShuang still didn’t dare believe those words, and probed him out a bit. Inside she hoped that since Xu Yun promised, after today’s incident with that scoundrel’s debt, she felt that if the restaurant didn’t have a man, if anything else happened, she and GuoGuo would be pretty screwed…

Xu Yun “Mmm-ed”, testing the air, “If you believe in my skills, you can give me a try.”

“Really!?” Ruan QingShuang was ecstatic. She never thought she would ever come across this much luck!

Xu Yun nodded, “Mmm.”

“Oh yeah!” GuoGuo also excitedly jumped up and down, raising her brilliant innocent face. Towards Xu Yun she winked her left eye, “Monthly salary of 1000 bucks, this is something we agreed on.”

This little money grubber really can help her mom save money!

Ruan QingShuang lovingly patted GuoGuo’s head. She said to Xu Yun, “The cash I have on hand is tight… If you don’t mind waiting until next month and when business is good, I’ll pay you double wages, sound good?

Without waiting for Xu Yun to respond, GuoGuo already responded and made the decision for him, “No need, no need. Daddy coming to work here is only to be at the ‘pavilion closest to the water enjoys the most moonlight first’ to enjoy benefits and advantages. He isn’t worried about wages.”

Daddy?! Ruan QingShuang stiffened from shock.

Xu Yun also had an expression of shock. This little trickster clearly betrayed him !

“Eat your dinner!” GuoGuo didn’t understand the two embarra.s.sed adults in front of her.  With seriousness she sat down, in front of her were her mom’s delicious dishes, and with a teasing tone said, “New chef, you’re not going to show off your skills? I’m not the type to support idle people.”

This little girl really seemed like the boss of the three… There was a silence once again, “Alright then, I’ll show a thing or two.”Xu Yun said.

Actually Ruan QingShuang was also wondering how good Xu Yun’s cooking was, and was hoping that he would be competent, or else her panacea restaurant would be finished. However bringing it up may be rude, but since GuoGuo went and said it she didn’t stop her, since it allowed Xu Yun to put on the ap.r.o.n and go into the kitchen.

GuoGuo dashed over to Ruan QingShuang and winked, seemingly waiting for her mother’s praise. She had such keen eyes, of course she could see through her mom’s inner thoughts.

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