Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 59


HeDong’s two Southside regions, WenHui District and HongNan District, were now basically under the South City Tiger Trio’s lead like how the soldiers watch the general’s horse. Everyone was worried whether or not Weng Qing would take back the panacea restaurant. Because Xu Yun had given orders, Shan HongNing then sent a footsoldier to stealthily inquire about the situation. When several people heard that Xu Yun had bought the panacea restaurant, their eyeb.a.l.l.s nearly popped out staring.

When that property’s owner, Weng Qing, bought the property perhaps it wasn’t worth much. But afterwards, the city constructed Yi River Plaza and then they constructed three large neighborhoods nearby, so the cost of real estate absolutely surged. Even if they were to all pitch in and buy the land, it would be a bit strenuous.

“Yun-ge truly is a wealthy lord.” Lu Feng couldn’t help but feel, ‘ai, someone trying to strangle someone else to death, to force payment to force them to waste money’. Before when he first set eyes on Xu Yun, he completely treated him like a little thug that was out of the loop – right now thinking of that was truly laughable.

Kong Zhong frowned, “There’s something I’m definitely suspicious about – even if Weng Qing was stupid enough to want to sell the property, Jin Biao has no shortage of money. They appear to want to expand their influence into our Southside, so why would she sell it?”

“Makes sense.” Shan HongNing nodded. To his spy underling he said, “You’re certain that when Yun-ge said that he wasn’t kidding?”

That little underling shook his head. “I don’t know about that……”

“Right, my little cousin works in real estate. I’ll give her a call and ask her. Maybe she knows.” Thinking of that, Kong Zhong then got up and walked out of the dark, gloomy, and pandemonius atmosphere of the room and made a phone call to ask.

Several minutes later he returned, and his face was full of amazement.

“How was it? Did you find out?” Lu Feng and Shan HongNing asked at the same time.

“Everyone at the Real Estate Bureau had all heard that someone spent 100 Yuan and bought a property.” Kong Zhong’s whole face was filled with an exaggerated expression. “That person was wearing colorful flowery beach shorts with a skull print T-shirt. If that isn’t Yun-ge then who is it…..”

Holy sh’t! Everyone was shocked! Truly the world was big, and there were all kinds of people! Even with Weng Qing’s property, Yun-ge actually dared to do shady stuff – Jin Biao definitely wouldn’t let it go at that.

“Hehe…..” Shan HongNing bitterly laughed. “Brothers, at the time when we followed Yun-ge, that was the road of no return. This road might go to heaven, and might go to h.e.l.l.”

Lu Feng gnashed his teeth. “What else is there left to do? If Jin Biao dares to come, then we can only duke it out with him.”


Jin Biao, this man was emphatically not the type of small person like the South City Tiger Trio in HeDong City. That he could dominate HeDong City’s Eastside’s two districts definitely wasn’t because of dog sh’t luck. Speaking of his past deeds was enough to make gangsters of the later generations fearful with their galls trembling.

Ten years ago, the gun battle on Heavenly Flower Road shocked the entire city. Each side had more than 10 cars and 100 or so people – the Steep Mountain District boss died on the spot from gun blasts. Public Security received the alarm but didn’t have the power and didn’t dare to send officers. Jin Biao became famous from that one battle, and Steep Mountain District’s Flourishing Shop Street District was completely controlled by him alone.

Everyone in HeDong should remember five years ago when shotgun blasts occurred in Steep Mountain District’s Flourishing Shop business street and the arson, as well as the incident of armed killings in movie theatres in Calm Pavilion District – these were all big cases that shocked the whole city. They were the first high-profile attacks from some force that had come from elsewhere to HeDong City’s two Eastside districts.

Another attack resulted in some powerful boss being strangled to death just at the 13th floor of Fragrant Residence Hotel. The body was thrown from the building – the plummeted corpse was a horrible spectacle to endure. Everyone knew very well who was doing all of this, but even the police couldn’t find any evidence.

Then there was also when Jin Biao was besieged at some big hotel. In the end the Public Security Chief personally appeared, and that hotel’s boss promised to withdraw from HeDong City before it ended. Of course, because of this incident that chief was dismissed, then proceeded to a.s.sign Chen to lead the office.

Only within the Chen administration, Jin Biao hadn’t stirred up any big activity. Right now in the two Eastside districts, all of the entertainment bathing centers were all under Jin Biao’s sphere of influence, as well as Steep Mountain District’s most prosperous commercial street. These were all enough for him to ama.s.s a fortune.

Even though these few years Jin Biao hadn’t provoked a big situation again, his deeds were still in everyone’s memory. He steadily resided in the forefront of the three thrones in the gangster world of HeDong City!

With barely any hairs on his head, a saggy, fierce-looking face, a bit of a fat body, and sword-like eyebrows with a red nose with b.u.mps underneath small eyes he was extremely ugly – this was Jin Biao, one who could control the two Eastside Districts in HeDong City.

The fifty year-old Jin Biao didn’t have the scathing killing aura of the kind that young people have – knowing that his wife and son had lost face and tripped up in the Southside’s WenHui District, he still maintained an unperturbed face.

“Boss, with one word, I’ll immediately bring people to the Southside and butcher the people who dare to oppose us!” Zhao SanLai depended on Jin Biao for 20 years. From when Jin Biao was still a nameless, unknown little thug they had joined up – it could be said he was the most competent a.s.sistant at Jin Biao’s side.

Jin Biao sucked in a mouthful of tea. The s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows constricted; he thought for a while before he spoke. “Didn’t you hear your sister-in-law say that this time they had come across a tough crop? Even WenWu’s shifu wasn’t a worthy opponent. Hmph, who would’ve thought that Weng Qing would also have a time where she kicked a rock.”

Zhao SanLai pulled his mouth apart, and with a bit of objection he said, “Boss, I’ll say something you won’t love to hear: about that Zuo Leng that you and sister-in-law are treating as grandpa and providing for, if he’s a tough guy then what? His daddy here can just use a gun and pop him!”

Jin Biao let out a deep sigh – thinking of that battle on Heavenly Flower Street ten years ago, if it wasn’t for Zhao SanLai’s one shot that offed the opposition’s boss, maybe right now the one lying in the cemetery would be him, Jin Biao. Fast forward ten years, time truly pa.s.ses quickly.

“SanLai, now isn’t ten years ago.” Jin Biao seemed like he had a thought and said, “Now gun investigations are stricter, not like you don’t know. How did w.a.n.g ShunXi in the Southside capsize? Wasn’t it because he concealed guns in that rundown dog kennel? If he didn’t have those things, the police couldn’t simply nab him just like us. There simply is no way.”

Zhao SanLai refused to accept it in his heart. “Then just let me take 200 good brothers, if I don’t f’cking stomp their panacea restaurant flat, then my name isn’t Zhao!”

Jin Biao again sucked in a mouthful of tea. “Brother, you can’t take too few. Take guns too. I want to meet that person, and see just how ferocious he is to actually scare big daddy’s woman into that state.”

With his own wife he had his own understanding – of course Jin Biao would be more clear about his wife than anyone else. When he was young he joined a triad; Weng Qing had been abducted by the opposing gang and stripped of all her clothing and she still dared to curse at them – and now she was actually frightened….. this to Jin Biao was simply a fairy tale right out of the Arabian Nights.

“Who would’ve thought that the Southside’s Fan NanJie and w.a.n.g ShunXi would capsize, and a woman has actually come up to the stage, and that woman still isn’t Su YanQing.” Zhao SanLai coldly laughed. “Before the South City Tiger Trio wouldn’t follow anyone, but now I wouldn’t have guessed that they submitted to a woman.”

Jin Biao had drank enough tea. He pulled out a smoke and held it in his mouth, Zhao SanLai got up and lit it for him.

“Tomorrow at noon, call up all of the brothers who can fight. I’ll have lunch at Jade Hall Restaurant. After eating enough and drinking my fill, come with me to seize the Southside.” Jin Biao smoked a breathful of his cigarette, and slowly spitting out smoke he said, “What dogfart South City Tiger Trio? In their daddy’s eyes they’re just three dogs is all.”

Zhao SanLai looked up with a smile – seizing territory was his favorite thing to do of everything, but ever since Jin Biao controlled the Eastside’s two districts five years ago, it seemed like he didn’t have that vigor from when they were young. And the Public Security Bureau Chief Chen wasn’t as un-bright as an oil-saving lamp – this had kept them down for a long time.

“Boss, it’s fine just to let me handle this. Does it really need you to personally ride the horse out?” Zhao SanLai got up and walked over to make a sacrifice in front of Guan Yu – getting a stick of incense, he bowed three times before he respectfully went up and placed it.

Jin Biao dismissively scoffed coldly. “What’s the use of praying? What has big daddy done that didn’t rely on his own strength?”

Thinking of his son being pummeled by someone until he was half-dead, Jin Biao’s heart filled with a demonic flame. For someone that would worship Lord Guan Yu the first and fifteenth of every month to suddenly say these kinds of words, this really shocked Zhao SanLai jumping.

The next thing Jin Biao did was even more horrifying to Zhao SanLai. Jin Biao actually got up and went before the Lord Guan Yu that he had worshipped for twenty years, and threw his foot out at it! The entire G.o.d’s statue came crashing down, and with cracking sounds it shattered into fragments on the floor. The dust of the incense burner flew up with a poof, and the entire room was filled with an ashen gray.

“B….. boss……” Zhao SanLai was shocked speechless – for a person in a triad, this was simply an unspeakably blasphemous thing!

And then Jin Biao coldly laughed, looking at the shattered figurine’s fragments. He thought ‘even my son and woman couldn’t be protected, what’s the use of worshiping you?‘

“SanLai, do you know why I always didn’t tattoo my body?” Jin Biao’s sharp gaze flashed with a chill.

“I don’t know.” Zhao SanLei was stumped by the question. This was also something that he really wanted to know. When they were young they all had dragons and tiger inked, but on Jin Biao’s body, there wasn’t even a bit of a tattoo. No matter how one looked, it seemed like he didn’t want to be in a gang.

Jin Biao snorted. “Then today I’ll tell you. From the first day yo daddy became a gangster, I swore that I had to become someone that could compete with Lord Duke Guan! At first I wanted to conquer all of HeDong City and then tattoo Lord Duke Guan on my body, but it looks like today the day jumped ahead. From now on daddy won’t worship. Daddy wants for himself to become Lord Guan!

With this statement Zhao SanLai didn’t dare to spit out half a word.

“Let’s go. Come with me to the tattoo parlor.” Jin Biao directly stepped with big strides.

The fragments on the floor lay silently, and Zhao SanLai’s heart felt a surge of coldness, and his whole body shivered. Lord Guan Yu inked onto someone’s back necessitated a hard life. Ordinary people couldn’t bear it…without discussing this superst.i.tion, at the very least Zhao SanLai knew that those people who dared to ink Guan Yu on their backs, practically none of them had a good ending.


On one hand, Jin Biao prepared an all-out attack on the two southern districts. While the people in the two Southside districts weren’t gangsters for nothing, many years of experience in the political arena told the South City Tiger Trio that they had to prepare well in advance – or else they would be slaughtered by a misstep without a chance.

Of course, they hadn’t dared to mention this to Xu Yun. Afraid that Xu Yun might reprimand them for making a big deal out of nothing, the safety-first Kong Zhong nevertheless worked out a plan. The South City Tiger Trio summoned up every one of their brothers, and each person brought their own underlings. Like this, at least they could guarantee tomorrow’s battle strength.

Lu Feng and Shan HongNing knew Jin Biao wasn’t the kind of person that would take sh’t lying down, so they agreed to let Kong Zhong make arrangements. Tomorrow they would gather up people and make arrangements near the panacea restaurant’s vicinity. If Jin Biao’s people dared to come, then even if they couldn’t battle to win, then they would let him know the people of the Southside districts weren’t soft eggs!

It was at the eve of a war. This was about who had the power to control the two Southside districts. If Jin Biao won, then he would become the most powerful gang leader in HeDong City, and if he lost, he would be left with nothing.

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