Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 61


Yesterday Xu Yun didn’t allow them to come, so today the South City Tiger Trio used the excuse of eating to come and join them. Of course it was only the three of them. If the other brothers also came, the panacea restaurant would definitely be crammed till it exploded.

“What did you guys come to do?” Xu Yun glanced at the three of them. Qin Wan’er had left to go out to accompany her friend, and hadn’t done the odd jobs. “Just perfect. Come over and one of you wash vegetables. The others don’t stay idle, greet the guests!”

The three that had originally come to eat had blacklined faces. The three of them didn’t think twice – when coming to Shuang-jie and Yun-ge’s shop, would there be a share for the three of them to eat? Even the little ancestor GuoGuo helped them receive money, so they could only have the odd job existence.

The panacea restaurant’s business was still fiery hot. The flow of customers made Lu Feng’s brain swell – if the branch that he opened could have such good business, that would be awesome big time. The three of them were all familiar with the procedures of a panacea restaurant, so when they got to work, they weren’t completely clueless and worked very skillfully.

The sky’s color slowly darkened, and when the crescent moon was hanging high, the small groups of threes or fives of customers had all left until the restaurant was empty – and the fiery flow of the panacea restaurant finally returned to tranquility. The South City Tiger Trio also had a hard time. They were so tired that they were half-dead, and Xu Yun felt that the three of them had toiled quite a bit, and kept the three of them to eat dinner together.

“Were the three of you so bored that your b.a.l.l.s hurt and you came here to do odd jobs?” At the dinner table, Xu Yun was quite perplexed and asked.

Lu Feng wasn’t good at lying, his face turned red. “In fact we were worried……worr……hey, it’s nothing!”

GuoGuo’s ears were very sharp. “Worried about what?”

“Hahaha, what worry huh? GuoGuo-jie heard wrong maybe?” Shan HongNing interrupted the discussion. They guessed that today Jin Biao would definitely come to cause trouble, however up till now there hadn’t been a single stir. It seemed that they had really miscalculated – since Jin Biao hadn’t come, then they didn’t have to mention it to Xu Yun.

Kong Zhong cracked his lips in a smile. “We just wanted to freeload off of Yun-ge’s cooking.”

When there were few people, Qiu Yan that didn’t like to talk actually spoke up to the three of them. “You guys placed so many people around the panacea restaurant. Just what exactly are you planning?”

How could those few guys escape Qiu Yan’s eyes? Because of the news that dangerous people had entered the market, wherever wind blew the gra.s.s around the panacea restaurant surroundings, Qiu Yan watched all of it very, very carefully. The South City Tiger Trio brought more than two hundred people at once – how could they not be discovered by Qiu Yan?

This bit of news Qiu Yan had mentioned to Xu Yun before, but Xu Yun was as busy as a bird, and had no energy to mention it to the three of them. Now that they were resting, naturally they would ask what the three of them had in their minds.

“Yun-ge, perhaps we were being overly cautious.” Lu Feng no longer held his words, and embarra.s.singly said, “We brought people because we were worried there would be an incident……”

Xu Yun glanced at Lu Feng. “Continue, I’m listening.”

“We were worried that Jin Biao would come for revenge.” Lu Feng’s heart trembled. “Ge, you don’t know Jin Biao that piece of work….you, you buying Weng Qing’s property for 100 Yuan, we have already heard about. We also know that Yun-ge isn’t an ordinary person, but Jin Biao is also a very ruthless crop. Five years ago half the big troubles in HeDong City were caused by him.”

Shan HongNing explained, “Yun-ge, we were worried that Jin Biao would retaliate over the issue of you blackmailing his wife.”

“I understand your feelings about the property transaction. d.a.m.n! And it wasn’t like daddy didn’t give her money!” Xu Yun still didn’t care.

“Daddy, you bought this property with 100 Yuan?” GuoGuo looked at Xu Yun with a face full of amazement.

Xu Yun nodded, “Mmmh, just like that. Is G.o.dfather living it up or what?”

“I’ll give you 200, sell it me okay?” GuoGuo looked at Xu Yun with a face full of a brilliant smile. “If you don’t agree, then I can’t guarantee I’ll give mommy any pillow talk, and by then you aren’t allowed to marry mommy either…..”

Eh…..when this little thing puts on the moves they’re too ruthless right?

Ruan QingShuang remained quiet, picking up a piece of stewed eel with her chopsticks she quickly popped it into GuoGuo’s mouth. “Don’t talk when you’re eating. Does GuoGuo not remember how mommy taught you?”

However, rushing with GuoGuo’s words, on Xu Yun’s end, he also had to directly cup his hands obediently to his own treasured G.o.ddaughter. “Daddy will transfer it to you tomorrow, how about it?”

“Daddy with these words my heart will be content!” GuoGuo sneakily smiled, “Daddy, since you’re so awesome, then I definitely have to be generous. About what we discussed when we first met, I will definitely keep my word.”

Of course Xu Yun remembered when he first got to know GuoGuo – this little imp wanted 200 Yuan from him – 100 Yuan as a meeting gift and 100 Yuan as an employment fee…..

The South City Tiger Trio saw that Xu Yun still didn’t care about what kind of person Jin Biao was, and their hearts basically hit a rut. Oh well, after all Xu Yun wasn’t an ordinary person like them. Whatever problem he came across, he would calmly make them click their tongues.

Xu Yun’s phone suddenly rang, and he pulled it out. Seeing that it was Xiao Fei calling, he answered it asking, “What’s up?”

“Ge! Qiang…..Qiang-ge got f*cked up by someone, our shop…..someone set a fire…..I…..” Xiao Fei after all was young, having just experienced the matter seemed to have scared him silly, he stuttered as he spoke.

Xu Yun’s face suddenly sank, “Where are you?”

Xiao Fei on one hand felt victimized and on one hand said, “I……I’m at the shop, someone nailed both of Qiang-ge’s hands……ge, I…..I don’t know what I should do!”

“I’ll be right there.” Xu Yun finished and hung up the cell, directly getting up and saying to the South City Tiger Trio, “Bring your brothers. Immediately come with me to QiangZi’s branch in HongNan District.”

The three of them saw Xu Yun’s imposing face and absolutely knew that something big had just happened. Without another word they got up and pulled out their phones to start contacting their brothers.

Xu Yun didn’t waste the slightest time. He went upstairs and grabbed his car keys, and from his infantry pack he took out two small bottles. After going downstairs he drove the Citroen directly to HongNan District. After hearing Xiao Fei’s voice he just knew someone definitely didn’t injure QiangZi lightly.

The whole time Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo didn’t even speak up to ask, because they saw that right now Xu Yun’s heart definitely had a fierce blaze.

The originally beat-up Citroen in Xu Yun’s hands drove like a Ferrari. Drifting on the road, he blazed out a stunning maneuver, making those people driving Benzs and BMW’s cry out insufferably enviously.

Xu Yun rushed to the panacea restaurant branch in HongNan District. QiangZi’s newly purchased Pa.s.sat at the entrance had directly been smashed into a piece of useless metal. Xu Yun immediately stepped inside the entrance – inside it was obvious that someone had started a fire. Very many places all had smokey-black scorch marks. Apparently it was quickly extinguished, or else the result would have been unimaginable.

“Yun-ge!” Xiao Fei saw Xu Yun and promptly wanted to start crying. Even though he himself was beaten till his nose was blue and his face swollen, but he didn’t care. “That group of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds nailed up Qiang-ge inside the kitchen!”

How would Xu Yun still care about the wreck out here? In big strides he went into the kitchen. Both of QiangZi’s hands were penetrated by sharp paring knives, directly nailing him onto a cutting board; the spectacle was too horrible to bear.

Half of QiangZi’s face was swollen like a dumpling. Seeing Xu Yun he actually still cracked a smile and said, “Ge, you’ve come……”

No matter who did it, he really angered Xu Yun. Even though Xu Yun’s rage was already burning, but he still calmly said to Xiao Fei. “Out the door to the left for 500 meters there is a medical clinic. Go buy two bottles of hydrogen peroxide, two rolls of gauze, and a whole box of painkillers!”

“Yes!” Xiao Fei directly turned his head and flew rushing out.

“Hang on for a bit.” Xu Yun pulled out the two little bottles he brought from his pocket. Opening a bottle, Xu Yun scattered medicinal powder around the area where QiangZi’s hands had been pierced. This kind of medicinal powder could quickly stop bleeding.

QiangZi was irritated by the medical powder until his eyeb.a.l.l.s nearly popped out, but the irritating pain only lasted for a few seconds.

“When I pull out the knives there will definitely be a second moment of pain. If you’re a man then bear it.” Xu Yun smoothly grabbed a handful of chopsticks, directly putting it across QiangZi’s mouth. “Bite onto it!”

Bite down! QiangZi didn’t even frown! If you were a man then just f*cking bite down! QiangZi already wasn’t a little thug from two weeks ago. Since he followed Xu Yun, he vowed to be just like Yun-ge, to become a genuine man!

Xu Yun let out a breath – even though he had done this kind of treatment of pulling out knives from people while on a.s.signment many times before with his brothers, but those people were already at the level of freaks. To treat an ordinary wound from a cold weapon, they directly chewed on panax ginseng or agrimonia herbs. After smearing it on the wound, they could immediately restore their fighting strength.

Of course QiangZe wasn’t like those fierce people. QiangZi was just an ordinary person – he had to lower the second dose of harm as much as possible.

When Xu Yun’s hand grabbed the handle of the knife, QiangZi’s forehead was already forming a bead of cold sweat. He closed his eyes, just bite down on the chopsticks! Inside he said: Bring it! If daddy cries out in pain, then he isn’t a man that can lead!

Xu Yun seemed to hear QiangZi’s voice in his heart – suddenly he used strength, and just like lightning he drew out the paring knife from QiangZi’s left hand! QiangZi’s two eyes darkened – with a crack in his mouth, he held a breath in his chest – it didn’t relax for half a minute.

“Keep it up.” Xu Yun looked at the sharp blade covered in blood, and his eyes projected shreds of icy light – he wanted a tooth for a tooth…..

QiangZi biting on the chopsticks couldn’t say words, but only nodded exhaustedly. Xu Yun wasn’t careless – step by step, he drew out the knife from QiangZi’s right hand.

With this QiangZi finally completely relaxed. He loosened his jaw, the 10+ chopsticks in his mouth had been bitten till they broke 7 or 8 pairs, but he still cracked a smile, and popped out a word. “Cool…..”

Xu Yun couldn’t help knocking him in the head. “I see that people didn’t play with you viciously enough!”

Of course QiangZi knew he was saying angry words. He again cracked a smile. Right now he really didn’t want to say words – being made to this state, even opening his mouth was quite difficult. Right now even smiling practically used up all his strength.

Xiao Fei bought the stuff and ran inside. Xu Yun let him use the hydrogen peroxide to clean QiangZi’s wounds, then he took out the other little bottle. Inside had a kind of black medical paste.

“This thing is amazing towards wounds, but will leave a scar.” Xu Yun looked at QiangZi. “Wanna try it out a bit?”

QiangZi used up all his body’s strength and nodded, barely opening his mouth he said, “Ge, I ain’t a b*tch. I ain’t afraid of scarred hands. Use it……”

If QiangZi knew that this dark black paste called Heavenly Fragrant Ointment could be sold on the black market for seven digits, even if he was beaten to death he still wouldn’t be willing to use it! If the Nine Revolutions Revival Pills were super pills for treating internal injuries, then the Heavenly Fragrant Ointment was a super miracle medicine for treating external injuries.

Both sides of QiangZi’s wounds were entirely smeared with a layer of the black, dark Heavenly Fragrant Ointment. QiangZi suddenly felt a surging refreshing feeling. Just now the pain that the medical powder brought had pretty much vanished, of course to say that it didn’t hurt one bit was false, after all both hands had been penetrated.

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