Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 67


Although at the last moment Xu Yun still caught Jin Biao, but this place wasn’t WenHui District after all and Qin Wan’er wasn’t in the local police station here. Jin Biao was escorted by people to go to the hospital, while Xu Yun was to be brought to the local police station.

It was already more than 9 pm at night, and the local police station had three people on duty. Looking at their ages, they were all young with the appearance of twenty somethings. He estimated they were all temporary police officers on short-term contracts. They seized Xu Yun and returned, directly throwing Xu Yun into an interrogation room, and with severe voices they barked, “Wait first!”

Xu Yun didn’t stand on ceremony. Swaggeringly he sat on the chair, but his ear didn’t let any sounds escape from outside.

That one that brought Xu Yun here with a voice like a shrill eunuch was the first to speak up. “This punk is crazy, directly hitting our Superintendent Qi’s uncle in the middle of the street. That big Benz has even been wrecked by this punk.”

“Sh*t, no way right? This punk has that much backing?” Another voice asked, Xu Yun hadn’t heard this voice before – perhaps he was one of the three left on duty in the station.

“Who knows, anyways he’s dead for sure. To actually dare to act against Jin Biao in our Steep Mountain District, truly he’s done living.”

The shrill eunuch voice again spoke. “Who’s to say, hmph.”

Suddenly the station’s phone rang, and the eunuch voice absentmindedly answered the phone. “Who’s speaking?”

Once he heard the phone’s response, the eunuch voice’s face immediately turned grave. “Superintendent Qi sir! What are your orders? …..mh! ……mh! ……Rest a.s.sured, I guarantee I will do this matter well! ……yesyesyes, goodbye Superintendent Qi!”

After hanging up the phone, the eunuch voice laughed vulgarly and whistled, saying to the others, “Brothers, Superintendent Qi has ordered: this punk is a tough crop – on the big highway he dared to steal a car. We must carefully investigate this matter.”

The several of them smiled inside – one of them understood the essence more than the others and his brows jumped. “Seems like several days ago that Chevy Cruze that was stolen at River Fork Garden was also this guy’s doing right?”

“Even more than that one at River Fork Garden, there was also a BMW at Blue Mountain Bay Villas.” The shrill eunuch voice smiled, waving to the several people, “Brothers, get to work!”

Five of them went into the interrogation room and of them, the tallest one directly turned off the surveillance system.

Xu Yun sat with his hands behind his back on the chair, and watched the several of them with a smile. It seemed like of them, besides the eunuch-voiced guy, they really weren’t proper cops. To put it plainly, they were temporary hired workers without any planning, the kind with wages of just seven or eight Yuan.

“Will you explain the account yourself, or how should we do it?” The shrill eunuch deliberately used his eyes to look at the surveillance camera and to Xu Yun he said, “Our station’s surveillance camera goes out from time to time. Hehe, so whatever you do or say, we will use paper to remember clearly.”

The skinniest of the five directly sat on the interrogation room’s table. Taking out a record book and a pen, he raised his head to look at Xu Yun. “Alright, you can say your account.”

“What about Jin Biao?” Xu Yun completely didn’t care about what these people wanted to discuss, directly speaking up and asking.

They paused – this punk was still a thorn! On his face there actually wasn’t a bit of timidity.

But the shrill eunuch very quickly understood. To dare to directly get hostile with Jin Biao on the big highway, he definitely must not fear death – of course he wouldn’t be so easily tamed.

But he still wasn’t afraid. After all Xu Yun’s hands were cuffed – people who could fight were just like a crippled one when they were handcuffed.

The tall cop pulled out a rubber rod from somewhere, and with a cold laugh he lifted it up.

“Wait, give him a chance.” The shrill eunuch waved his hand, and said to the tall guy.

The tall guy grunted – beside him that short-haired one pulled out a police baton with a whoosh, and to the tall guy he said, “I’ve told you many times, when you hit people with that thing it doesn’t hurt.”

The tall one stubbornly insisted, “But when I hit with this thing you can’t see wounds.”

The short-haired scoffed. “We’ll just say he tried to run away from police. Anyways there’s no surveillance to prove otherwise.”

“Right!” The tall guy had a look like he suddenly understood.

The shrill eunuch saw the two of them had already said everything they were supposed to, and waved his hand. “Officers!”

Xu Yun saw the several of them putting on a show and, in his mind, he couldn’t help but to find it a bit ridiculous. If this was his first time coming across baby chicks at a police station, he estimated that people definitely would be scared stiff by their words. Intimidation and threats were the first move for a tough crop during interrogation.

The shrill eunuch saw that they had shut the interrogation door tight. Taking out a sound recorder, to Xu Yun he said, “I’m giving you a chance, and I’m hoping you’ll cooperate a little. Say it, why did you steal a car on the road?”

Xu Yun didn’t even look at the person, and disdainfully said, “You guys want to frame me with crimes?”

The shrill eunuch’s voice suddenly exploded, with a pop he stopped the sound recorder, glaring at Xu Yun. “Don’t think I don’t know you’re a gangster from WenHui District. I’m telling you, this is Steep mountain District, not your WenHui District. You want to come here and play the bada.s.s? Then I’ll tell you, no way!”

“Are you capable of that?” Xu Yun faintly smiled.

“You won’t talk, but I naturally have ways to get you to talk!” The eunuch voice glowered, to the other three he said, “If we don’t give him a reason, I’m afraid he doesn’t know what we cops do.”

The tall one thrust his foot outward, his gigantic leather shoes carried strong winds as it swept forward!

Xu Yun suddenly easily lifted up three legs of the chair, leaving only one leg on the floor and rotating calmly, he casually dodged the tall guy’s swift and violent kick! The other person saw the situation and how could he not be angry? Brandishing his fist, he wanted to punch right over at Xu Yun – Xu Yun just as before didn’t get up, and again with one chair leg supporting the chair, he easily swung it back to its original place.

The eunuch voice and recorder transcriber were both dumbfounded. They simply hadn’t seen clearly just how this guy did that!

The short-haired officer was mad – suddenly he raised the police baton in his hand, directly smashing to maim Xu Yun’s head! Anyways there was no surveillance camera, he wasn’t at all afraid of what might happen.

But before that pure steel baton fell on Xu Yun’s head, it stopped.

Xu Yun raised his left hand, and as though he very easily caught and held that police baton smashing down like lightning, he had a condescending smile on his face. This kind of feeling was exactly disdain. The short-haired guy used all of his strength to try to pull the baton back, but he couldn’t pull it back half an inch – enraged, he wanted to use both hands to pull back the weapon.

The eunuch voice was completely stupefied – Xu Yun’s two hands were personally handcuffed by him! How did he inexplicably get out of them?!

Xu Yun suddenly released the metal head of the baton in his hands. With this, in a flash the short-haired male using all of his strength went backwards two steps and directly crashed into the wall behind him, suddenly turning to an aggravated rage, “F*ck!”

After the cursing, the short-haired again picked up the baton and smashed downwards with a vile temper. How could he take the expression of such disdain from this person in front of him?

Xu Yun directly threw the handcuffs in his hand in the face of the short-haired guy. After hearing the short-haired guy scream out in pain, he threw away the baton in his hands. Covering his wrist in pain, he squatted on the floor.

Pah-! The eunuch voice angrily slammed the table, and howled, “You dare to a.s.sault a police officer! Do you know what kind of crime that is!”

Xu Yun coldly laughed and pointed at the surveillance camera, “There’s no proof. Wanna bite me?”

Despicable! The eunuch voice clenched his fist. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d actually wants to play with me for a round, alright, then let him experience their methods, and see who is more vicious!

“Brothers, this punk attacked an officer. Today even if we pummel him half to death, it can’t be called lack of discipline!” The eunuch voice coldly laughed, “Do it! If anything happens I’ll take responsibility!”

Once they heard this real police officer speak, the several of them didn’t care about anything else – raising the weapons in their hands they went towards Xu Yun roaring! Xu Yun didn’t even move his feet half an inch – only dodging left and right several times, without the slightest harm.

Not waiting for the several of them to attack again, Xu Yun used a weak, powerless-looking fist to punch the several of them in the gut. The bunch of them had evil intentions for him, but the cops that tried to force a confession each covered their bellies one after another and fell to the floor – their expressions were like they were suffering 10,000 shares of pain.

Particularly the eunuch voice, he was in so much pain his forehead was covered with sweat.

Suddenly the interrogation room door was pushed open, and that middle-aged police officer that Xu Yun had seen before appeared.

“Deputy Director Tian……this man attacked an officer…..” The eunuch voice said painfully.

The middle-aged cop frowned, but still didn’t open his mouth to speak. Qin Wan’er at his side boldly came out, seeing that it really was Xu Yun, inside she gloomily thought, why didn’t this guy stay his hand!

“Right, this is my informant!” Qin Wan’er stiffly said to the middle-aged officer. “Deputy Director Tian, Xu Yun is my informant in the world of organized crime that Bureau Chief Chen knows all about. If you don’t believe me you can give him a phone call.”

The middle-aged cop frowned. This girl was actually using the bureau chief card to pressure him – but after all, she was the slick fox of the police world. With a squinted smile he said, “I’m not the primary for this matter. Instructor Qin, I still think it’s better to wait for Superintendent Qi to come and talk again.”

After the two of them spoke, they heard the sound of a car parking at the entrance. Qi YiShan heard Qin Wan’er came for someone – originally he wanted to go to the hospital to see his uncle Jin Biao, but he directly turned around and rushed to the station.

“Aiya, I was still wondering who it was, so it’s the Great Beauty Qin. It’s so late, for you to honor us with your presence it definitely must be some important matter right?” Even though it was nighttime, Qi YiShan still wore his uniform. His police rank was higher than Qin Wan’er by one level, and his officer level was also higher by one level.

After Qin Wan’er saw Qi YiShan, with a polite smile she said, “Superintendent Qi, the person you’ve captured is my informant. I think we’ve had some kind of misunderstanding, so I hope you can release him.”

Qi YiShan’s slightly paused, “Informant?”

“If you don’t believe me you can ask Chief Chen.” Qin Wan’er’s expression was calm and composed as she spoke, but in reality there was no such thing – Qin Wan’er was also thinking quickly, using a method when there were no methods.

Qi YiShan frowned obviously. He knew that recently Qin Wan’er had done great merits in WenHui District in succession, and right now Chief Chen doted on her – so to Qin Wan’er’s words naturally he would prefer to believe that they couldn’t be trusted.

“Hehe, since it’s the Great Beauty Qin’s informant there definitely must be some kind of misunderstanding.” Qi YiShan smiled into slits, “Of course I’ll let him go.”

With that Qi YiShan then nodded to the middle-aged officer.

The middle-aged officer was apparently a bit surprised that Qi YiShan would be so forthright, but he had better do as he wanted. To Xu Yun in the interrogation room he said, “You can come out.”

The eunuch voice in thousands of pain shouted out, “Superintendent Qi! You can’t let him go! He a.s.saulted police officers, he attacked us!”

Qi YiShan heard these words, and his expression changed, with a faint smile to Qin Wan’er he said, “Qin the Great Beauty, this isn’t good. Even if he’s an informant, he still can’t attack an officer eh? He attacked my people, since it’s like that you should give me an explanation right?”

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