Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 97


In the evening at 7:45pm, a dark green sport utility vehicle suddenly drove into the police bureau’s courtyard. The gateway guard on duty basically was unable to stop them. With a beautiful turn to the side, it directly parked at the entrance of the police station building.

Three guards at the gate quickly ran towards this suddenly entering the car. One after another frowned – they wanted to properly educate these two people that entered the gate but didn’t give prior notice.

“Hey hey hey, what are you doing why are you so with swords drawn and bows bent in hostility? We’re on the same side.” From the driver’s seat jumped down a young man – 1.85m tall, with a strong and muscular build, and a dark green tightly fitting T-shirt which forced two huge pectoral muscles to be extremely distinct. His face was lightly smiling, and he didn’t in the slightest feel that anything he was doing was wrong.

Soon after from the driver’s pa.s.senger seat also came a young beautiful woman with a ponytail, and eyes like clear autumn water. Equally plainly dressed, her tall and straight twin peaks were sufficient to show disdain for the kinds of the ma.s.ses. The temperament of the girl was so n.o.ble and elegant, making the three guards at the gate not know how they should start to speak.

“Who are you people?” Several senior guards at the gate could see more astutely that these two youths absolutely were not the kind that came to look for trouble. Looking at how these people were dressed up, they absolutely were not ordinary people.

“We are looking for Bureau Chief Chen, where is he?” The young girl was very direct, completely without the intention of answering their question.

The guards at the gate were startled briefly. “You can look for Chief Chen, but you must first check in. What about your ID? Also, tell me who you people are, and what department. This is the police station, it isn’t your house’s backyard. It’s not like just anyone that wants to enter can just enter.”

The big and strong young man slightly chuckled, “It seems like your leadership really kept his lips like a sealed bottle, hehe……”

“Who we are, you don’t have the authority to be involved with.” The young girl’s face carried some seriousness, “Bureau Chief Chen’s office is on what floor?”

“Young lady, you mustn’t be overbearing!” After all it was the police station’s guards at the gate, this was exactly a place that ordinarily ensured public security. “If you people don’t cooperate again, then don’t blame us for not being polite to you.”

The young man hastily waved his hand to explain, “Don’t. Do not do not. Ten million times over don’t do anything, we are guests.”

“Guests also need to sign in! Aside from munic.i.p.al party committee secretaries, you’re the first that you entered without slowing down to greet us!” The guard at the gate showed unhappiness and displeasure. Today he could be considered to have carried these two people on his shoulders.

The young, beautiful, braided ponytail girl’s expression turned cold; in her heart she was in a bad mood. The people in here really didn’t understand how to be flexible. Some confidential matters could not be randomly spoken of.

Without a choice the young man could only fish out a cell phone and dial the phone. “Bureau Chief Chen, you should have received notice that we had arrived to HeDong City’s police station right?”


It was very soon 8 pm in the evening, and Chen Wei still hadn’t left the police station. After he handled the matter of Crimson Scorpion retaliating in HeDong City, the higher-ups gave him a clear response. Since the opposing side was already extremely vicious, then he should ten million times over not randomly come. The higher-ups would arrange for two people to come to HeDong City’s police station this evening, let him receive them, and talk with them about the situation.

Chen Wei continuously waited. Although early on his heart was restless with anxiety, but he still forced his heart to calm down and wait.

Suddenly his cell phone rang, and Chen Wei saw that the number didn’t show up. With no choice but to crease his eyebrows he answered the call, “Who is it?”

A lot of these scamming phone calls all had this kind of no-number phones. Chen Wei actually wanted to hear who dared to trick a member of the dignified police bureau.

“Bureau Chief Chen, you should have received notice of our arrival to HeDong City right?” The person calling was exactly that one young man downstairs, only Chen Wei still didn’t know.

Chen Wei’s heart had a burst of relief, finally they came. “Where might my n.o.ble guests be? I’ll immediately send people to receive you.”

“We are just downstairs of the police station, it’s just that comrades outside of the gate are too excessively serious, and we really could not enter.” The young man laughed lightly, “If you have rules that people must check in when they enter, then I could only say I’m sorry, we also have our own rules……”

Chen Wei immediately understood this calling person’s intent to immediately go downstairs to personally welcome them.

How could the three guards at the gate expect that they were people that Chief Chen would personally come down to welcome? These two people really were n.o.ble guests among n.o.ble guests, after all there were very few people that Chief Chen personally welcomed, and all were cadres above the level of department directors.

“I’m sorry, a small misunderstanding. I didn’t tell the people below me in order to……” Chen Wei laughed, instead of speaking to defend his own people and simply not saying it was clear, the two people understood his intention towards them. They knew that it was also for the purpose of maintaining secrecy.

The young man smiled, “I know. Then we’ll talk about it upstairs okay?”

“It is good that both of you understand.” Chen Wei slightly smiled, signaling to make the three guards at the gate to leave. Soon afterwards he very curiously glanced at that one young woman.

The higher-ups gave him the news that they had arranged for two people to come in complete secrecy to arrest the S-ranked criminal  Crimson Scorpion, but no matter how Chen Wei thought, he didn’t understand why there was a woman. That one young man it seemed to be what one might expect with a strong and muscular physique and several aspects of an elite, but a woman……

The young man seemingly saw Chen Wei’s frame of mind. “Bureau Chief Chen, you still don’t have confidence in the higher-ups’ arrangement?”

Chen Wei was slightly stumped for words, his face exposing an awkward expression. “No, I don’t have this opinion. It’s just that I feel…… hehe, it’s nothing, the two of you upstairs please.”

A man and a woman followed after Chen Wei’s back to go upstairs. The doubt in Chen Wei’s heart still wasn’t reduced, after all he was very clear about how extremely vicious of a person Crimson Scorpion was. He couldn’t understand why the higher-ups would arrange for a young woman to do this matter.

Acting as a worker in HeDong City’s police station, naturally his heart was uneasy. If the people that the higher-ups arranged for had something bad happen to them within his own boundaries, he felt that it would be trouble.

The three people entered the Bureau Chief’s office. Chen Wei closed the door, and pulled the curtains. Afterwards he again very much gave a host’s friendliness and poured tea for the two people respectively. Chen Wei was very clear, the people that the higher-ups arranged for absolutely would not be so simple. Although he didn’t know this man and woman came from that mysterious unit, but he could be sure that since they could be called a secret unit, at least they were Majors in rank.

“Bureau Chief Chen, don’t stand on ceremony with us.” The young man directly started to speak, interrupting the busy Chen Wei. “We came here to look for you not to drink tea. It is because we want to find out some useful intelligence from your lips.”

Chen Wei heard what was said and also sat down, “Em, I will definitely say all I know, just that how should I address you two?”

The young man faintly smiled, “You can call me Qing Long. Call her Yin Long.”

Chen Wei was startled for a bit – secret organizations were exactly secret organizations. Even their names were code names, “Qing Long, Yin Long, although I don’t know your abilities, but believe me, Crimson Scorpion is absolutely not so easy of a person to handle.”

“You ought not to have had the chance to face him and fight hand to hand right? Anyway how could you know Crimson Scorpion’s strength?” The one code named Yin Long with a ponytail mentioned casually, “If I was Crimson Scorpion, in no way would I let off any police officer that fought with me face to face.”

Chen Wei nodded his head, “I indeed would not fight him face to face, but I can be certain that he absolutely isn’t an ordinary criminal.”

The young man drank a mouthful of tea. He knew that Bureau Chief Chen wanted to talk about something, so he listened with respectful attention.

“Perhaps what I say, you won’t believe. HeDong City’s WenHui District sent out a female police officer. She is our HeDong City’s only person in police world that within the past few years, established continuous outstanding meritorious deeds.” Chen Wei said, “Can a woman alone overturn two gangs of dark power? Moreover, even shoot dead an A-rank criminal, Gos-hawk Gong You?”

Once they heard this, the young man and the Ponytail one after another raised their heads – they had a suspicious expression in their eyes towards Chen Wei. A single female policewoman, if she was capable of turning over two dark power gangs, they wouldn’t at all be shocked, but saying that she shot dead Gos-hawk Gong You that kind of 2nd-tier Underworld elite was too inconceivable.

Chen Wei lightly laughed, “Of course, I also don’t believe that my leadership could have this kind of genius, so I did some investigations.”

The young man opened his mouth saying, “Is it possible that behind her there is someone that is helping her?”

“Correct.” Chen Wei didn’t deny. “Although I don’t have any evidence, but I also can be certain that she doesn’t have this capability. Certainly there is a n.o.ble person helping her.”

This really is an interesting place – four eyes of the young man and the Ponytail met, they didn’t expect that this small little city could unexpectedly hide an elite.

“I already thought of drawing support from that person’s power to confront Crimson Scorpion. I thought the policewoman under my leadership could get that person’s help in arresting Crimson Scorpion. But it’s a pity, it has been so many days and I still haven’t gotten any answers, I’m worried that that person isn’t a match for Crimson Scorpion.” Chen Wei said, “Therefore even though I haven’t fought face to face with Crimson Scorpion, I also can just the same be certain that he is an extremely vicious person.”

The young man nodded his head. “Bureau Chief Chen, indeed it is so. Fortunately none of your people have fought with Crimson Scorpion face to face.”

The Ponytail tightly knitted her eyebrows – she was very curious about just what kind of elite was hiding in HeDong City. What was the intent in hiding here? Or possibly saying, that mysterious elite didn’t act against Crimson Scorpion, was it because he and Crimson Scorpion were the same guy?

Any bit of suspicious things, the Ponytail didn’t let off. “Bureau Chief Chen, can you tell me what kind of place that policewoman under your leadership lives in? I want to know everyone she comes into contact with usually.”

“I have investigated this. She doesn’t live alone. She lives in WenHui district’s most popular panacea cuisine restaurant. It seems like it is her jiejie’s shop.” Chen Wei said, “But inside the shop there also aren’t any suspicious people.”

Ponytail nodded her head even though she didn’t accept it as correct, because truly suspicious people were unlikely to reveal the suspicious things they want to conceal, especially if the other side was an elite.

“Yin Long, you had best not excessively go too much into matters outside of our task.” The young man apparently saw into Ponytail’s frame of mind, and he whispered to remind her.

Ponytail didn’t pay attention to the young man’s question, turning her head to look at other areas.

“Regarding Crimson Scorpion right now, I can say that I’m unable to find a solution. The person that just recently protected and sheltered Crimson Scorpion, shortly afterward Crimson Scorpion killed him.” Chen Wei sighed a breath, “Now we don’t even have a bit of a trail.”

“Chief Chen, it’s already late, we also won’t disturb you anymore.” The young man stood up, “Since the a.s.signment was handed over to us, we hope you police won’t get involved in it again. I don’t wish for innocent people to thus get killed.”

The s.p.a.ce between Chen Wei’s eyebrows twisted a bit, “Could it be that you don’t need our police force to provide a.s.sistance and act in concert?”

“You will only cause trouble for us.” Ponytail didn’t have a bit of intent to be polite, directly denying him.

The young man laughed helplessly, “If we need to, I’ll contact you at the first moment. Thanks for Bureau Chief Chen’s good intentions. We’ll take our leave.”

“Then, I’ll go prepare lodgings for two people!” Chen Wei hastily said. After all these people were the people that the higher-ups arranged for – from the perspective of receiving them, no matter what he also had to do something.

“There is no need to stand on ceremony. We can settle it ourselves.”  The young man got up soon afterwards and together with Ponytail turned around to leave, Chen Wei hurriedly chased after them to go out, but still couldn’t persuade the two people to stay.

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