34. CHIPPING SPARROW. 5-3/4 in.
(Spizella socialis. 560.)
Streaked; _plain ashy breast_; two faint white wing-bars; _chestnut-brown cap_; whitish line over eye; song, a strong clear trill. *Field Sparrow.
*Tree Sparrow.
35. MOURNING DOVE. 12 in.
(Zenaidura macroura. 316.)
Gray-blue, tinged with brownish; tail broadly tipped with white, _tapering to a narrow point_; sides of neck iridescent; marked with black on wings and sides of head; rapid whistling flight; note, "coo-oo."
*Pigeon. *Cuckoos.
36. WINTER WREN. 4-1/4 in.
(Olbiorchiles hiemalis. 722.)
Dark tawny-brown, barred on wings and tail; lighter below, barred posteriorly; pale line over eye; _stub tail, carried erect_; very fine song. *Other Wrens.
37. VESPER SPARROW. 6-1/4 in.
(Poaecetes gramineus. 540.)
Streaked above and below; underparts whitish, tinged with buff across breast and on sides; shows _two conspicuous white tail feathers in flight_; noteworthy song. *Female Purple Finch.
38. MYRTLE WARBLER. 5-1/2 in.
(Dendroica coronata. 655.)
Blue-gray, streaked; crown, _rump_ and spot on each side of breast, _yellow_; white below, marked on breast and sides with black; usually in small flocks. *Magnolia Warbler.
39. SWAMP SPARROW. 5-3/4 in.
(Melospiza georgiana. 584.)
Very darkly colored and heavily streaked; chestnut cap, sometimes indistinctly streaked; _black forehead_; plain ashy breast; shy; frequents bushes along the water"s edge. *Song Sparrow. *Lincoln Sparrow.
40. PURPLE FINCH. 6-1/4 in.
(Carpodacus purpureus. 517.)
Not "purple," but faded crimson-red, somewhat streaky; belly whitish; _large, heavy bill_; female mottled olive-brown, resembling sparrows; noteworthy song.
41. CEDAR WAXWING. 7 in.
(Ampelis cedrorum. 619.)
Smooth snuff-brown; _crested_; chin and line from bill to crest, black; end of tail banded with yellow; in flocks; "monotonous lisping note."
42. WILSON THRUSH. 7-1/4 in.
(Hylocichla fuscescens. 756.)
_Uniform tawny brown_; no ring about the eye; below white, faintly tinged and lightly spotted; shy, about bushes; sometimes sings in Lincoln Park.
*Other Thrushes.
(Falco sparverius. 360.)
Reddish-brown, usually barred or spotted with black; head bluish, _marked on sides with black_; tail white-tipped with one broad black bar; below white, more or less spotted; narrow pointed wings; female, much more barred, darker and _streaked_ below. _The smallest hawk._
44. BARN SWALLOW. 7 in.
(Hirundo erythrogastra. 613.)
Blue-back; chestnut shading to white below; _deeply forked tail_. *Tree Swallow.
45. BROWN THRASHER. 11-1/4 in.
(Toxostoma rufum. 705.)
Bright rusty red; white below, much streaked; long bill and _long, sweeping tail_; song, loud, bold and varied; about bushes. *Fox Sparrow.
46. HOUSE WREN. 5 in.
(Troglodytes aedon. 721.)
Brown, barred with darker; below grayish, tinged with brown, also barred; rusty-colored tail, _two inches long_; remarkable song. *Other Wrens.
(Polioptila caerulea. 751.)
Blue-gray; white beneath; _long tail_ edged with white; male has a black line over eye; fidgety, never long in a place; wheezy song.
*Black-throated Blue Warbler. *Cerulean Warbler.
(Zonotrichia leucophrys. 554.)
Ashy-gray; rump, tail and wings, brown, streaked with black; _crown conspicuously striped_ with black and white; no yellow; two white wing-bars; in flocks, often with _White-throated Sparrows_; scratches with both feet; notice the song. *White-throated Sparrow.
49. PALM WARBLER. 5 in.
(Dendroica palmarum. 672.)
Streaky olive-gray; _chestnut cap_; yellow line over eye; beneath yellowish (brightest on throat and under tail) streaked with brown; feeds on ground in flocks; constantly _tilts its tail_ up and down.