_To_ GLUNSH, _v. n._ to pout.
GOLACH, _s._ a beetle of any kind.
GOLDSPINK, GOUDSPINK, _s._ the goldfinch.
GOLK, GOWK, _s._ the cuckoo; a stupid fellow.
GOMRELL, _s._ a stupid fellow; a numskull.
GOOL, GULE, _adj._ yellow.
GORB, GORBET, GORBIE, _s._ a young bird.
GORMAND, _s._ a glutton.
GOUF, _s._ a stroke; a blow.
GOUD, GOULD, _s._ gold.
GOUPIN, GOWPIN, _s._ the hollow of the hand.
GOWAN, _s._ the wild mountain daisy. _Ewe-gowan_, the common wild daisy.
GOWANY, _adj._ abounding with daisies.
GOWK, _s._ the cuckoo.
GOWK"S-ERRAND, _s._ a fool"s errand.
GOWL, _s._ a hollow between two hills.
_To_ GOWL, _v. n._ to howl; to yell.
GOWP, _s._ a mouthful.
_To_ GOWP, _v. a._ to gulp.
GRAIP, _s._ a dung-fork.
_To_ GREEN, GREIN, _v. n._ to long for anything.
_To_ GREIT, GREET, _v. n._ to weep.
GREETING, _s._ weeping.
GRIEVE, _s._ an overseer.
GRILSE, _s._ a salmon not full grown.
GRIPPY, _adj._ disposed to defraud; to be quick at taking advantage.
GRIST, _s._ fee paid to a mill for grinding any kind of grain.
GROATS, _s._ oats with the husks taken off.
GROSET, GROSART, _s._ a gooseberry.
_To_ GROUE, GROWE, _v. n._ to shiver.
GROUSAM, GRUESOME, _adj._ frightful, uncomely.
GRUMPHIE, _s._ a vulgar name for a sow. People are said to be _Grumphie_ when in a bad humour.
GRUTTEN, _part. pa._ of cried.
GRYCE, _s._ a pig.
GUD, GUDE, GUEED, _adj._ good. Frequently used for the name of G.o.d, as _Gude forgie me_, G.o.d forgive me.
GUD-BRODER, GUD-BROTHER, _s._ brother-in-law.
GUD-DOCHTER, _s._ daughter-in-law.
GUD-SISTER, _s._ sister-in-law.
GUD-SYR, GUDSHER, _s._ a grandfather.
GUD-WIFE, _s._ 1. a wife; 2. a landlady.
GUDGIE, _adj._ short and stout.
GUFF, _s._ a vapour; a smell.
GUIDMAN, GUDEMAN, _s._ a proprietor of land; a farmer; a husband.
_To_ GULLER, _v. n._ to guggle.
GULLY, _s._ a large knife.
GUMPTION, _s._ understanding.
GUSEHORN, GUISSERN, _s._ the gizzard.
GUSTY, _adj._ savoury.
GUTSY, _adj._ gluttonous.
_To_ GUTTER, _v. n._ to do anything in a dirty manner.