Wind with Voices

Chapter 1: Shadow of the Full Moon

Chapter 1: Shadow of the Full Moon

It happened during daybreak, at the start of autumn-- I heard a gust of wind. That shouldn’t have happened in a dream… because…… I have not dreamed for a long time, Ever since I knew that I should become independent... It was the break of dawn. Light scattered like gold, and the birds chirped melodiously on the trees. This also means that I have awakened, and it was yet another morning. How long has it been since I have left home? My initial motive was only to look at the outside world…… The young man has a head of refreshingly short black hair. As he jumped down from the tree, he patted the dust off his body and raised his head. He has a very handsome face. The first impression he gives, is that he’s beautiful, and calm. His garments are simple, and reserved if you peer at them closely. His appearance and disposition deserves high marks, and he’s the type to attract a lot of attention. He seems to like quiet surroundings, and that is why he rested at this place. Where should I go next? It’s really frustrating to have nowhere to go. “Water spirit……” As he called out, drops of water appeared in the lake behind him. A few drops shined under the sunlight, floating in mid-air. These droplets reflected tiny spots of light that emanated the clear radiance of a gem. “Where can I go? Is there any… place that will interest me more?” The light twinkled, and answered through mental waves. “Thanks. You’re still hoping that I’ll go back? They are looking for me? But, I still want to play for a little while more… It’s been tough on you.” The water droplets fell back to the lake, flashing streams of light. The black-haired boy bowed towards the lake, and headed west. As the successor of the Cidelis Family, he has the ability to summon half of all the spirits of nature. Having shouldered this status, running away in secret is indeed irresponsible. However, I just wanted to be rebellious once before I become of age to succeed my position. I just wanted to explore the world outside! The Priests of G.o.d have served the deities right from the 1st generation. Marriage is forbidden, thus they can only rely on abnormal methods to pa.s.s on the family line. The priests we speak of have to sit demurely in their shrines, praying and worshipping from day till night! In short, I am the kind of person who has his life planned out from birth. Somewhere in this country, there will be at least seven people just like me. People carrying the blood of the Priests of G.o.d – Secaaj, Nomunde…… – there are a total of eight Priests of G.o.d, who can choose to form covenants with one another. As long as one party disagrees, the covenant cannot be established. The two Priests of G.o.d can choose to simply protect their own shrines, and collaboration was thus unnecessary. In contrast, once a covenant is set up, both parties have to shoulder the burden no matter what happens. It’s good to have someone to share your troubles, but in practice, it just equates to having another chain that pulls you down. As for me, I have never met any comrades, who are all of the same age and birth. I don’t even know their genders, even though that’s something for the future. Will I agree to a covenant? …… Like I said, that’s something for the future. I’ll worry about it when it comes. The water spirit told me it’s here… I wasn’t wrong, was I? This place has something of interest to me? It doesn’t look like anything special. The young man walks in absent-mindedly. The water spirit must have its reasons for suggesting this place, so I shall just believe in it for the time being. “Please stop. Would you like to come in, young man?” “Yes.” “To enter our city, please pay a fee of 300 thetas.” “…… I have to pay fees to sight-see? It’s not as if this place is a renowned tourism spot.” “You’re wrong about that, think about the merits of Thains– our age-old history……” The old man got very hyped-up upon talking about his city’s history, rattling on non-stop, as if intent on forcing people to know this place. The young man got bored, uninterested in listening to things that were of no use to him. “Okay, 300 thetas. Let me in, will you? I understand how great this place is.” “Wait, there’s also a fee for listening to my story. 50 thetas, thank you. An old man like me can’t earn much of a living. So other than being a guard, I rely on story-telling for profit.” “……” With the feeling that he was being extorted, he forked out another 50 thetas unwillingly, while muttering “I never asked you to say anything” in his heart. It’s better not to use violence in situations whereby small matters can be resolved peacefully. The internal workings of Thains had been planned very meticulously. As he looked across the distance, the houses were all neatly built. However, this place stresses on freedom, thus there aren’t many police officers, resulting in little order in this city. This place… Will it… have what I want? Give me a little antic.i.p.ation… Let my search, have some results…… After finding a place to stay in, he decided to first stroll around in this city. This place…… its only unique point I can think of is greed for money! He has been in a foul mood from the start…… The water spirit wasn’t wrong about it, was it? Is it really here? “Go, my master.” “Wherever you go, you can find what you’ve always been searching for……” …… Whatever, at least, this is still a place with nice scenery. This city is surrounded by forests on three sides, with an abundance of lush greens upon closer inspection. The state seems to follow a circular design, and there are even traces of an old magic spell. If I had known about this, I would have listened to that man rant about this city’s history. I may even find something meaningful, and since I’ve already paid money for it… What a waste. If I were to go back to him now, I’ll probably have to pay again… There’s no way I’d do that. The remnants of the magic spell on the floor have mostly faded away, probably because it hasn’t been used for a long time and because it wasn’t properly maintained. With most of the words gone and intelligible content missing, I can’t tell what the spell was used for. For war, or for worship…? If I ask the pa.s.sersby here, will I get the answer? …… Forget it. I’ll use my own methods. “Earth spirit.” At his summoning, a little patch of earth on the ground started to glow. He seemed unafraid of the attention, summoning spirits without qualms. “Do you know what spell this is?” The earth spirit sent mental waves to him, but, the answer left him momentarily shocked. Spiritual alluring spell……? It’s a spell that attracts people with high spiritual energy? The earth spirit added an explanation, and then requested to return to the earth. However, he halted this spirit. “Come back, earth spirit. Don’t think of slacking off, I haven’t finished asking. What? The spell is still working? Explain yourself clearly. How can the spell work when half of its diagram has been faded away?” After listening to the earth spirit’s explanations, the young man nodded, and it was only then that he released the spirit. “This is really peculiar……” He looked at the spell diagram, and was about to continue research on it, when he realized that a man was walking towards him. “Excuse me…... may I ask if you are a Priest of G.o.d?” He turned around cautiously. Even though he’s still a Priest-to-be, and not yet a Priest of G.o.d, for someone to be able to tell…… What he saw was a young man with a broad grin. Basically, he holds a dislike for this type of people. Someone who smiles often may not always have good intentions. This guy is very handsome, and has a polite demeanor. As for the red hair, that…… “How did you know?” “Ah, you really are one? That’s great. I managed to meet a ‘comrade’ so quickly. Hi, I’m from the Nomunde family, name’s Lloyd Nomunde. And you are…?” Comrade? He is indeed a Priest-to-be. “Mm, I’m from the Cidelis family, Aidric Cidelis. How were you able to tell that I’m a Priest of G.o.d?” Even though he froze for a moment due to shock, he still managed to answer pretty quickly. “Aidric Cidelis? So it’s you? The other party seemed shocked, and his stare gave me the impression that he was a.s.sessing me. Aidric wanted to ask him what the problem was, but he continued talking, answering the question Aidric just asked. “I saw that you were able to summon spirits, and you’re young, so I presumed you were the same as me.” Lloyd carried a natural smile, but his intense gaze seemed… dark. “You look like a person with pretty strong abilities. Do you want to consider forming a covenant with me?” He never expected this; that a comrade would bring the topic of covenant up on their first encounter. It really is surprising. “You want to form a covenant that much? It’s fine to not sign one, isn’t it?” “…… Don’t you know that the rules have changed?” The other party blinked at him, astounded, as he informed him of the matter. “The main shrine has received orders five days ago. From this generation onwards, all Priests of G.o.d have to form covenants. That’s why I’m here, trying to find an ideal companion.” …… Five days ago? I have left the house for almost a month, of course I won’t know anything about this. “But, haven’t you met any others? You may regret picking me as your partner after meeting them?” “I doubt so. Just consider it. I came here upon being drawn in by the magical spell, and you? “…… Mm.” Actually, I sneaked out on my own, and came here only after consulting the water spirit… But I didn’t… “Stay here for a bit longer! Other Priests-to-be may show up!” “That’s what I planned.” He"s not the one I"m looking for. I didn’t hear it… the voice of the wind that made me pursue it till now. “Then, have you met other comrades?” “Yeah, even though he doesn’t look like it.” “Doesn’t look like it?” “Mm, he said something about finding a place to stay after we just parted. Do you want to go to the inn to take a look? There’s only one in town.” “……You sure know a lot, it’s like you’ve looked into it.” Aidric walked alongside him, and it didn’t take very long before they reached the inn. While walking, they chatted, and it was then that he realized that the other party is pretty knowledgeable. He speaks with reason, and has his own opinions. He is meticulous and thorough, when contemplating and administering matters. Maybe it’ll be a good thing to choose him as the person to form a covenant with. But, I’ll decide only after meeting everyone… and besides, he is the type of person who is truly scary. If I have to choose, I’ll pick one that I like and not someone powerful. I can already cope given my own abilities; I don’t necessarily have to find a partner to help me. Wouldn’t he want to decide after meeting everyone? Also, judging from his reaction earlier on, it’s like he has already heard of me. Well, it’s already an honor to have someone pick myself to form a covenant with…… “We’re here… Mm, it’s that kid… in front of that counter.” As Lloyd spoke, Aidric looked over in the direction he pointed to, and spotted the person. “Him?” He turned around, staring at Lloyd. “That can’t be……!” “Don’t judge a book by its cover. You never know, he may be really powerful!” Lloyd shrugged his shoulders. But the words he just said didn’t seem that convincing, even to himself. The young man who was standing in front of the counter seemed younger than them. You can’t even tell his gender at first glance. The immediate reaction upon looking at the side of his face was that he is beautiful, and slender. That kind of appearance made him look weak, as if he could not withstand the winds. It’s hard to believe that this is a person with the same age and status as them. “But…… He looks really weak…” “That’s what I thought of as well, but then he really is from the Secaaj family. Indy Secaaj?” “……Indy? What a weird name.” “Aye, my brother, don’t be like this. Even if it is indeed weird, you don’t have to say it out loud…” After a while, that young man stopped talking to the innkeeper, looking disappointed. It was when he was turning around that he noticed their presence. “Ah… Mr Nomunde!” His voice is pleasing to the ears, crisp and melodious. This only made it harder for the two guys to accept that he was 15 years old. “Mm, Secaaj, we meet again.” “Yeah… this is?” “Aidric Cidelis.” Aidric offered his own name. “Cidelis ……? You’re also a Priest of G.o.d?? Please give me your guidance.” Indy smiled, and it was then Aidric realized that he is actually really cute. “Secaaj, you seem like… is it that you have met with some trouble?” “You’re right…… The inn’s full, and I don’t have a room.” He hung his head dejectedly, seemingly troubled. “Ah, a room……” Aidric pondered for a moment. “If you don’t mind, you can stay with me. I booked a twin room for a bigger s.p.a.ce, but since you have nowhere to stay……” “Can I? Thank you! Thank you!” Indy was over the moon. The worried look he had earlier was gone, and the smile he gave was really heart-warming. Light brown hair…… it looked really soft. Coupled with those crystal blue eyes, and that spiritual energy, Aidric realized that beautiful isn’t enough to describe this young man. He is like an intricate masterpiece carved by G.o.d. “Then, have you guys seen any other comrades?” After the problem of lodging has been settled, he started to get curious. “Nope.” Aidric looked at the backpack Indy was carrying. “I’ll bring you up first to put down your luggage—Nomunde, wait for us, will you?” “Mm, okay.” With that, he brought Indy upstairs, while Lloyd waited downstairs alone. The other priests…… I think, will all come! The spiritual alluring spell wasn’t just an accidental occurrence, and besides, I keep getting the feeling that I’m being watched. I should remind them to be careful later on. I wonder if they have realized it themselves… But…… Aidric Cidelis, is it? The man that was talked about, I didn’t expect to meet so soon…… I have found an interesting comrade…… “Eh…… why are your footsteps so weak?” Aidric asked him while they were walking up the stairs. “I walk just like any normal person!” “Normal? How can a successor to a Priest of G.o.d be like a normal person?” “Then……. Then what should I be like?” The other party seemed at a loss. He is indeed rather special. If Nomunde hasn’t mentioned that he is a Priest of G.o.d, there’s no way he can tell. Even if the other party reveals his ident.i.ty, he would still be suspicious of it. “Didn’t you practice martial arts?” “Martial arts? Ah…… martial arts, so you were talking about this. I didn’t.” “You didn’t practice? Are you serious?! That’s just the basics!” “Huh? But I……” Before Indy could finish his sentence, Aidric suddenly threw out his arm towards him without warning. He was taken aback, and before the fist hit him, it stopped. He backed away subconsciously. If he had not been held on to at the last minute, he would have fallen down the stairs. “You’ve really never practiced martial arts, have you Indy?” “I was telling the truth. Because of my weak const.i.tution, Mother never let me practice martial arts. I only have spiritual senses and magic abilities……” “How can a Priest of G.o.d just have these!” As they continued walking, he still found it ludicrous. Isn’t the education everyone received almost the same?” They entered the room, dumped the luggage, and went down to look for Lloyd. “Ah, are you guys finished?” “Mm, so what plans do we have next?” Staying here is fine with me, but there must be something to do at least. However, there really isn’t anything they could do now. “I guess, we could walk around, and see if other comrades have appeared.” “…… Are you really certain the others will come? How will you be able to tell whether it’s them?” “I am sure. As for the second question…… we will have to reveal our ident.i.ties first, and let them realize it by themselves.” “Reveal our ident.i.ties? Is that okay?” “I don’t mean that you guys should openly announce ‘I am a Priest of G.o.d’. As long as you flaunt some of your special powers slightly, insiders will be able to discern your ident.i.ties.” “What if there are some who are complete blockheads……?” As he said this, Indy shrunk in embarra.s.sment. “Then there’s nothing we can do. Actually, having our ident.i.ties blown doesn’t matter. This status is meant to be used, and it is really useful.” “In what way?” Ivan asked out of curiosity, and the other party smiled. “In the morning, when I was entering the city, there was a guard asking for entrance fees. I just had to tell him I am a Priest of G.o.d, and the guard let me in.” “……” What?! I actually paid 350 thetas for nothing! “Judging from your expression, Cidelis, have you honestly paid the money?” “…… That’s right.” “Eh? There’s such a thing like entrance fees?” Indy abruptly spouted these words, and the other two guys looked at him, confused. “Don’t tell me, you walked in through a special route?” “No I didn’t! I walked in through the main road. There is indeed a man who called me, an old man dressed like a guard……” “Then?” He hesitated, and his face turned into a ghastly shade of color. “He glanced at me, then said: My lovely lady, welcome to our beautiful city…… But I reckon, even if he wanted money, he wouldn’t believe me if I told him I am a Priest of G.o.d……” After hearing what he said, Ivan and Lloyd both had different reactions. The former frowned, while the latter roared with laughter uncontrollably. “Didn’t you beat him up with your fists?” “Uh, Mr Cidelis, I can’t hit people……” “Secaaj, you really have delicate looks, but to have been mistaken for a girl, it’s like he’s making fun of you on purpose… Hehe……” Ah—Mr Nomunde, don’t say any more……” After exchanging a few lines, they noticed that there were a number of people walking in the same direction. And the crowd of people gathering there, seemed to be watching something. “Hey, what is going on there?” Lloyd grabbed a pa.s.ser-by and asked him casually. The other party then answered that there was a brawl, and he wanted to go over and take a look. “A brawl…” The three guys looked at one another, and went over to join in the commotion. They squeezed in through the crowd, and saw two young men in a heated quarrel. They seemed to be of the same age; one kept long hair, the other short; and both of those brown. “I’m telling you to apologise, you’re the one who knocked into me!” “The sinner making the accusations first, is it? It’s obviously you who knocked into me.” “You’re still trying to deny it?!” “Like h.e.l.l I’ll want to waste my time with unreasonable people like you! I didn’t even pursue it when you didn’t apologise, and now you’re trying to climb over my head? I’m going off, so don’t block my way.” It seemed like the short-haired guy is more aggressive. It was probably him who started the fight, while the long-haired guy had a more indifferent att.i.tude. It displeased him to have everyone crowding around them. “You’re trying to escape? If we can’t settle this with words, I will be using force…” “I can’t believe that you would have no shame, and even after I gave you a chance to back down. All right, I’ll be happy to oblige.” It was as if he was agitated by the man’s nonchalant att.i.tude. The shorted-haired guy raised his hand, calling out: “Scorching spirit!” Everyone, including the long-haired man and Ivan was shocked upon hearing those 3 words. The scorching spirit is of a high level than the fire spirit. And a person who can easily summon spirits like that, must be…… Before they had the chance to speak out, red flames burst out of thin air. The civilians surrounding them backed away in fear. The radiance emanating from those flames penetrated souls, as if it was life itself. Direct summoning! And not summons through close matter…… Lloyd and Aidric watched intensely, and even Indy watched with great enjoyment. When the flames were about to close in on him, he softly uttered 3 words. “Snow spirit.” Silvery white snowflakes also appeared out of nowhere, flying towards the scorching spirits in huge blankets of snow. The two offset each other’s magic, and their spells vanished. The short haired guy seemed stunned, and stopped his attacks momentarily. The snow spirit is a level 2 spirit, higher than water, with the same level as the scorching spirit. This is also representative of his status. “…… You…… You’re also……” After stopping his attacks, his front changed from aggressive to seemingly confused, and it was then Lloyd rushed out to intervene. “My two companions, are you willing to drink tea with us, and have a talk?” “I’m Bayle Nile.” The long-haired guy spoke. “…… Xiev Ciernardo.” The short-haired guy also introduced himself. “Mm, Nile, Ciernardo, since we have all introduced ourselves, we are comrades now. Let’s get along peacefully!” As Lloyd spoke, the two men who have just fought exchanged glances. “As a Priest-to-be, picking a fight carelessly is childish, immature behavior. You’ll need to control your own temper more!” Upon hearing Bayle’s words, the onlookers cursed silently in their hearts, sensing something ominous incoming. Indeed, Xiev slammed the table, yelling furiously. “Didn’t you just as casually accept the fight? You thought you would win, didn’t you? Arrogance is also a devastating flaw!” “I accepted it because my pride won’t allow me to run away from a fight. Stop spouting trash when you don’t even know anything.” “The pot calling the kettle black.” “Okay, stop quarrelling…” Aidric couldn’t help but add another line. “Since you’re comrades, you should stop fighting! Who knows, you may have to sign a covenant with each other in future.” It was just a casual statement, but it hit a sore spot. “He started it first!” “I will never form a covenant with a person like him. Cidelis, Nomunde, do you want to consider establishing one with me?” “Oh, I will think about it.” Lloyd brushed him off with a simple insincere reply, while Aidric got dumbfounded once again. “Why do you guys never consider meeting other people before making requests for covenants?” “We do. But when you see someone ideal, it’s best to make reservations first, in case there are any problems.” Reservation? Using this word…… seems a little…… It was at this moment that he noticed Indy lowering his head, with a dejected look on his face. “Indy, what’s wrong?” “No…… nothing……” He doesn’t look too convincing, but since he’s unwilling to say anything, there’s nothing Ivan can do. Now that no one is speaking, the atmosphere is making him somber. Maybe…… this group of comrades that he is about to meet for himself, aren’t that easy to get along with. There’s still three more…… When night came, everyone returned to their rooms to rest. Aidric and Indy walked up the stairs together, and as Aidric observed his expression, it seemed like Indy was still unhappy, like there’s something troubling him. Walking into the room silently, he opened the windows and gazed outside. A bright moon hung in the night sky, like a gentle orb. It seemed different than when gazing at it at home. “It’s a full moon today…… Secaaj, do you want to come over and take a look?” “…. No need……” Indy was sitting on the bed, seemingly uninterested. “…… Secaaj.” Aidric walked over and sat beside him, scrutinizing his delicate face. “Are you in a bad mood?” “Judging from the present situation, amongst the four people he had met, in terms of personality, disposition, and way of thinking, the one closest to him, and the most easy-going is Secaaj, a guy who doesn’t look like he’s of the same age. “Yeah.” “Why?” “…… I have a feeling that there’s definitely no one who would want to form a covenant with me…” So that’s what he is getting upset about? Everyone wants to choose someone with the strongest ability…… “That’s not true, you won’t know for certain……” He tried to console him, but all Indy did was shake his head vigorously. “It’ll definitely end up this way. I am only good at magic, I have no fighting abilities whatsoever…… Why would you guys pick me then?” “But there’s still three more people……” “I’m definitely the weakest!” Indy closed his eyes, and continued. “Even if this year’s system has changed, and I’ll have to form a covenant with someone, ultimately the last person who’s forced to sign it with me would not have willingly done it. That’s because I would only be a burden to him!” His emotions were swaying, seemingly agitated, and even Aidric had no idea how to console him anymore. “…… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be telling you all these.” “It’s okay.” Is that what you’re troubling about……? I think…… I…… “Actually, you don’t have to worry about this, you have a great personality.” “…… But, ability is everything. There must have been someone who’s asked to form a covenant with Mr Cidelis, isn’t there?” “Mm, I’ve been asked twice.” “But I haven’t been asked even once.” Earlier on, Bayle had asked Lloyd and Aidric, yet he didn’t even ask him. It’s obvious that he thinks nothing of him. “There’s no one who would consider me……” He curled up his body, so that the other person would not be able to see his expression. And then, Aidric patted his shoulder. “Secaaj, you…… do you want to establish a covenant with me?” Startled, Indy jolted his head up, as if unable to believe what he just heard. “You’re willing to?” “But, why? The others are stronger than me! If it’s only out of sympathy, then I really don’t want to implicate you…” “I don’t think that a comrade’s ability is important, since I believe that my own strength is enough. What I want to find is a comrade with an easy-going personality, and you’re really ideal! This isn’t sympathy, so don’t worry about it.” He shouldn’t be a bad choice. At the very least, he won’t make me feel pressurized when we’re together. Indy Secaaj…… “Then what about Mr Nomunde? He’s also a nice person to get along with, isn’t he?” He…… has a heart so deep no one could understand. It’s like looking into a bottomless abyss…… “So, will you form a covenant with me?” “……Okay, thanks.” Indy smiled at him, even though in his heart, he still felt a little dejected. I waited, but I still hadn’t found…… that wind. * * * But, I guess it doesn’t matter…… that was only a meaningless pursuit on my part. If I can’t even make sense of the target I’m after, how can I expect results? “……Morning.” “Good morning.” At daybreak, Indy and Aidric awoke, and exchanged greetings before walking down to the lobby. The comrades they met yesterday were already there, and were sitting at the same table talking to someone they have never met. “Hey—Cidelis, Secaaj, here!” Lloyd saw them, and took the initiative to wave at them. After they walked to their table, Lloyd introduced them to the stranger they’ve just met. “This person here, is also a Priest-to-be, Bayle Nile. We’ve only met today. Everyone here is a comrade.” “Mm, Nile, nice to meet you.” “Mr Nile, please give me your guidance.” This young man seemed to have a piercing gaze, with eyes the color of ice. He doesn’t seem easy to get close to. “h.e.l.lo, everyone.” He didn’t say anything else, could it be that he’s shy? When one’s eyes is swept past by his gaze, it seems like the person is being looked right through. “Nomunde, where have we stopped at?” Turning back to question Lloyd, Bayle did not bother much about the others, and resumed his conversation with Lloyd on some profound topic. “Cough…… Lido, Ciernado, have you slept well last night?” Aidric directed his question at and Xiev. The long-haired former nodded his head dismissively, as if trying to ignore him as he pleased. The short-haired latter didn’t seem to be in a good mood. His brows were constantly creased into a frown, and there wasn’t even a reply. Aidric again turned to look at the cold Bayle Nile, as well as the Lloyd Nomunde who could still cheerfully converse with such a person as him. His heart reached a conclusion. …… I was right to choose the innocent, cute Secaaj. These people are rather abnormal…… Aidric has no idea how the other two Guardians-to-be, whom they have yet to meet, would be like. Nomunde said everyone would come, and he shouldn’t be wrong. Somehow, he felt that what Nomunde said wouldn’t end up as just a mistake. “Have you guys thought about the covenant? Cidelis?” Bayle appeared arrogant, as he turned around to ask Aidric nonchalantly. “Mm, I have already decided to form one with Secaaj.” Xiev froze, and even spun his head around. “You and… Secaaj?” “Did something happen between the two of you last night?” “You can’t just casually establish a covenant, it has to be practical! In a real battle…… You’re not even going to think this through?” Everyone a.s.serted their opinions, each with an expression of shock. At this moment, Lloyd leaned over. “What, what? Cidelis, you’re forming a covenant with Secaaj?...... Forget it, that decision came out of your own free will. But…… you actually didn’t consider me at all. My pride and confidence has taken a big hit……” “That’s such a pity……” Even the cold Bayle spoke up. Aidric was starting to doubt the amount of “value” he actually has. Meanwhile, the ever-neglected Indy sunk into depression. Even though everyone was stupefied, this has already become the truth, an unchangeable truth. “Then I’ll think of another partner.” Lloyd shrugged, as he looked at him. “As long as you don’t regret it.” “…… Yeah.” Upon hearing what he said, Aidric heard the sound of that wind again, despite having not heard it for a long time…… Would he really not regret it? He sensed Indy’s eyes on him, that unsteady gaze…… Is he worried that he will go back on his word? Since he has promised, he would do it. “Secaaj, don’t worry. I’ve already said that I wanted to sign a covenant with you. I won’t go back on my word.” “…… I’m not worried about this, it’s just that I’m afraid that…… Mr Cidelis may have already regretted it, yet because you care about your promise towards me, you can’t make a decision, and this is tormenting you…… You don’t have to care about me, it’s fine, really.” He is really thoughtful, but Aidric himself wouldn’t go so overboard like this. “I said I won’t. I think you’re the best choice, so be more confident about yourself.” Patting his shoulder, Aidric flashed a friendly smile, which could also be considered as encouraging. “I have no idea how those other two comrades would be like……” “I know one of them.” “Ah?” Upon hearing Indy’s reply, Aidric found himself momentarily unable to respond. “We know each other…… As our shrines are close to each other, the organization has permitted us contact. Her personality is nice, and I have already acknowledged her as my elder G.o.d-sister.” “Elder G.o.d-sister……? Isn’t everyone born on the same year, month and day? “…… But I just look younger……” Aidric was speechless. But, having a female comrade is…… “Everyone, how about we discuss about our plans for today?” Lloyd fired a question, and since he has great charisma, everyone automatically turned their attention to him. “What can we do?” Xiev looked at him and questioned. He stroked that carmine hair of his, as he flashed a wide grin. “Shall we see if we can find the two remaining companions?!” “…… We can’t do anything about it, if they just wouldn’t reveal themselves.” “That’s why I say, just take a look! It’s not like we have anything better to do here.” The six Priests-to-be walked out of the door together; the atmosphere awkward. Xiev and refused to look at each other, since they’ll probably start bickering without getting in more than three words. Not only will it be intolerable for the people near them, they themselves wouldn’t want to upset the atmosphere. Lloyd, on the other hand, was chatting with Bayle. To be more precise, he’s the one speaking most of the time, while the other party nodded. Aidric seemed to be deep in thought, and Indy did not wish to disturb him. Hence he remained silent, just like the rest of the group. The only person talking was Lloyd. He probably wants to form a covenant with Nile, isn’t it? That’s why he’s conversing with him so much…… Aidric’s thoughts were not without basis, even though he himself felt that he didn’t quite understand Lloyd. “…… So, speaking from this viewpoint, the magical field is still enormous. While summoning spirits simultaneously, with each successive spirit called, twice the energy needed previously is spent. Also, the average person can only use summoning spells of the same level—since they’re unable to summon spirits of a higher level. With the same level summoning spells as an example, three at a time is probably the limit. For Priests-to-be like us, the current record is seven. But, it seems that the people from the shrine were all of the mindset that there’s no one in this generation who can break the record…….” Indy admired Lloyd for his incessant talking. He hasn’t stopped once, and a majority of the things he mentioned were information Indy has never heard of. Mr Nomunde is indeed a knowledgeable, well-informed person…… In contrast to Indy, Aidric has his own opinions of Lloyd. Nomunde, he…… How many books has he memorized? The first dialogue was extracted from page 36 to 39 of ‘Research of the Last Century’, while the second part was taken from page three, line eight to page four, line eight of ‘Feroxal’s Energy Studies’. Meanwhile, the third, fourth, fifth dialogue was taken from…… He’s really not one to be underestimated…… As he flipped through his memory recesses, he seemed to have not realised that one who was able to point out the sources of information so precisely, could also be considered as a freak with photographic memory. The other three were also listening in, but only felt some of its context familiar. Most of the information mentioned wad unheard of. “Whoo, I’ve been talking for half the day. Have you guys seen anyone…… who may have been a comrade?” Lloyd stopped to catch a breath, his throat feeling a little parched. He turned around to interrogate the others. “Cough…… ah?” “This……” “We were listening too attentively, so we weren’t noticing. Let’s walk another round from the start!” “……” This is a really exasperating outcome. There has been no progress…… Or maybe it should be said that, for Aidric and Lloyd, an unprogressive day just went by. Everyone returned to the inn. After indulging in a feast of food and drinks, everyone was exhausted, and thus, they returned to their respective rooms. “I feel today’s really enriching!” Indy was obviously in high spirits, as he reminisced on the knowledge he had gained from listening to Lloyd. “Is it…… To me, it’s the same, they’re all stuff I already know.” Aidric felt uninterested. It would have been better if he had spent the time on further studies instead of revision. “Eh? Cidelis…… Aidric, you’ve heard of them all before?” Abruptly halting in mid-air to change to calling him by his given name, seems a little forced. “Well, yeah, I’ve read them all before…… They’re all references from books, I can remember.” “Amazing…… You’re indeed brilliant!” Indy, once again, wore an expression of awe. The other party may not think much of it, but in Indy’s case, he may not always remember the things he has come across. Moreover, the things he read are nothing more than what others already have. “There’s nothing admirable about it. It’s not like a priest’s duty ends here. Reading is only a hobby; a means of entertainment.” “Reading as a means of entertainment? Is everyone like this? Is it only me who doesn’t think so?” “To each his own…… then, what do you do in your free time?” As Indy was shot with this question, he pondered about it seriously. “When I’m bored, I……” Before he could finish, he suddenly froze. From the window, a snowy white feather had drifted in. “Floating Spirit?” Aidric immediately came to a conclusion. The moment those words left his lips, the candlestick beside him rose. “Ah, I wasn’t calling for you…… It just slipped out of my mouth. Please return, I’m sorry about that.” The candlestick landed back on the table, as Indy scanned the direction outside. “There’s someone on the moon……” To be more precise, it should be said that there were two figures obstructing the moonlight, afloat in midair. “Are they comrades?” “Mm…… It’s G.o.d-sister, along with another person…...” The two exchanged glances, before flipping the windowpanes out of the room. “G.o.d’s Decree, Flywings!” As they uttered the same command words simultaneously, activating the same spells, it seemed as if invisible wings have sprouted from their backs. Using this spell, they soared, and saw that the others have followed suit as well. The ones at the top also descended to meet with them. As they closed in the distance, they started to get a clearer image of one another. On the left is a young man wearing a playful smile. He doesn’t seem like the type who would obey orders seriously. His hair is a light chestnut brown, long enough to touch his shoulders, and a little unkempt. His looks are delicate, and there’s a certain mysterious charm about him. On the right, is a beautiful woman, whose looks can light up one’s eyes, where one can never take his eyes off of her. Her slim figure is adorned with a light, billowing garment. She wore a faint smile on her serene face; her every movement exuberating elegance. That clandescent, golden hair that fell along her back in waves dazzled under the moonlight. Coupled with ash-grey eyes, which held clarity likened to a drop of pure water, she was simply captivating. Everyone’s attention was evidently drawn to her. “Leanne sis!” At the sight of her, Indy leapt forward with ecstasy. The two embraced intimately. “Secaaj knows that beautiful lady?” Xiev muttered to himself, astonished. “A beauty is, indeed a treat for sore eyes…… Secaaj and this lady’s alluring features are comparable to the same level.” Lloyd gazed at them, deep in thought. That beautiful lady seemed a little taller than Indy, probably because of her hairstyle. She beamed and placed her hand, gloved in white, on Indy’s shoulder. “Indy, how are you doing these days? I never thought you would arrive earlier than me. Have you taken an interest in anyone for a covenant?” The beautiful lady’s voice was melodious to the ears. Indy replied. “Yeah, there is! I’ve already formed one with Aidric.” “Aidric?” She scrutinized the crowd, and her gaze fell upon the exact person. “Is it you?” “…… How could you tell?” Filled with surprise once again, Aidric couldn’t help but ask. “This name seems to fit you better……” While speaking, she laughed pleasantly. “I’ll introduce myself first. Nice to meet everyone, I’m Leanne Paleris. This beside me, is the one accompanying me on my journey.” “Ah—Paleris, I knew it. If I were to walk alongside you, I would be reduced to an insignificant being……” The young man scratched his head, seemingly exasperated. “My name is Vik Ichta. I don’t mind being neglected. Everyone here is a man; I can understand your feelings of meeting a beauty like this.” The crowd smiled awkwardly, as if his words had hit the mark. “Finally, the eight of us have arrived…… Why the h.e.l.l did we have to patrol the city so early in the morning for then?” Lloyd sighed inwardly, his eyes flitting to his back. In an instant, a black figure flashed past, and in the forests, night starts to fall.

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