Wind with Voices

Chapter 4: The Present Appearance of a Figure

Chapter 4: The Present Appearance of a Figure

The sun is hidden behind dark clouds, while night conceals the luminescence of the moon. A veil of mist, gradually obscuring vision— The shades of darkness approach. And only a thin ray of light remains. Have you found it? Within the deep recesses of your heart. The two ruling bishops, just by standing within the room, were able to promulgate the of their strength. It was close to suffocating. Even though they must have exuded that imposing aura on purpose; if their eyes were to meet, that gaze would definitely chill anyone to his very core. This is exactly where Indy was…… Here…… Aidric clenched his fist, with an impulse of charging over without heed of the consequences. Lloyd was able to guess what he was contemplating just by his expressions, and halted him immediately. “Cidelis, patience. Wait…… unless there’s no alternative but to strike. Otherwise, don’t be reckless.” “…… Would those two not have realised that we’re hiding within the cathedral?” “Probably. If they have already discovered us, then we’ll just treat it as otherwise until we’re exposed! Play it by ear.” Aidric adjusted himself, regained his composure, and continued with his observations. On the stage, the bishop on the left spoke. Upon hearing that crisp, melodious voice, they were surprised to discover that that was actually a lady. “Ladies and gentlemen, today we’re offering a sacrifice to our honourable G.o.d. Our comrades’ deaths were not in vain. They have gained immortality. Now, we have even gotten hold of a disciple of G.o.d. Vik stuck out his tongue, and transmitted a message to Leanne through telepathy. “Pfft, listen to her, death is immortality? And those people below her believe that bulls.h.i.t. This is ridiculous.” “Yeah…… If things did work this way, then everyone might as well die, and become immortal.” The two parties shared different beliefs. The of masked men at the foot of the stage were clapping supportively; all in enthusiastic cheer. The Priests-to-be, on the other hand, completely couldn’t understand their train of thought. “That woman, is she Bishop Seba or Bishop Oris? The man we had interrogated didn’t tell us that our bishops consist of a female, and a male.” “You ask me, how would I know? Who knows, both may be female.” “Why don’t we ask Cidelis then?” “Don’t bother him, he won’t know about it either. Why do you need to know all these, has she caught your eye?” After exchanging a few words, they continued to listen in. “All foolish disciples deserve to die. Among the eight Priests-to-be, three have already escaped. But, by removing this sacrifice, we’ll be able to successfully apprehend the others and put them to their deaths. Upon hearing her words, Aidric and Lloyd’s hearts skipped a beat. It was as if their presences have already been discovered. Meanwhile, the other two were not as sensitive, and were still conversing through mental waves. “Ah, those three have already escaped, how fast.” “Mm. Actually, as long as we don’t collide face to face with those two bishops, getting out of here isn’t hard.” “The hour of sacrifice has arrived.” The hearts of the four leapt, not knowing whether to take action. However, trying to rescue someone in this situation is simply impossible. Below the stage, a man presented a dagger embellished with gems. That masked woman raised it, and walked Indy’s side, who laid silently. His eyes were still shut, with no indication of regaining consciousness. “In the name of the G.o.d of Sanderas, we present to you this sacrifice……” “Hey! Cidelis! This is courting death!” Lloyd tried to grab onto him, but the other party pulled away with great strength. He jumped straight up, brandishing his sword as he swept down. “Wind Spirit!” Magic is definitely useless; the enemy can easily decipher it. Hence, the only way was to use it along with spirit summoning. The exertion of the force as the blade swung out, accompanied with the wind spirit, left a thin, silver gleam. The fierce gale that swept by threw the into pandemonium. He fixed a steely gaze at the female bishop, and went with the flow, directly taking the offensive towards her. The other party dodged back with grace, and laughed lightly. “Little Priest, you really want to die?” Aidric made use of this interval to tear off the cloth sealing Indy’s mouth, and uttered the commandments. “G.o.d’s Decree, ObligeWake!” As the spell worked its effect of forcefully awakening Indy, he swiftly opened his eyelids. But, having just gained consciousness, he is completely bemused by the predicament he was in. “Indy, use magic quickly!” “Mm……?” “Hey, are we leaving?” “Nomunde, think of something!” “……” Lloyd, caught in a dilemma, was unable to make a judgement at the moment, and thus could not respond. Save people? I can, but…… just for this, is this worth it? As they were ultimately unable to grasp the correct timing, before Indy could react to use any form of commandments, the other male bishop had already clasped his mouth. He seized the dagger the lady threw over towards him. “Seba, complete the ceremony. I’ll take care of this.” Aidric wanted to shift over to Indy, but the lady was quick to obstruct his path. He slashed with his sword, but his blade was caught in both her palms, and pushed down. Playtime’s over…… Priest-to-be.” She smiled at Aidric. Even though Aidric was filled with trepidation, he himself knew he was at his wits end. Just when the dagger was close to piercing through, a voice travelled through the air. It didn’t belong to them, nor were they the sighs of relief of the three aboveground. Upon hearing a sigh, everyone froze. Before they could catch a glimpse of anyone, a commandment rang out clearly. “RegionalTimeStop!” “Regional time stop?” “Isn’t this a very high-level command?” “Who’s that? That voice sounded very similar to Cidelis, but……” The movements of the man about to stab his dagger froze, unable to be executed. Subsequently, the invisible man spoke a few words. “D.M.B Bishop…… don’t bully the Priests-to-be, they didn’t come here on their own accord…… If you’re interested, pick a fight with me.” The voice sounded more and more a.n.a.logous to Aidric’s, but still had minor discrepancies. This voice held more magnetism, with a mature charm about it. Moreover, the owner of the voice chose this moment to manifest himself in mid-air. “Sky Breach.” His slender fingers rotated the staff in his hands, as he swirled it with elegance and strength. Ebony hair fanned out, and even his grey robe started to drift. In an instant, the spell worked its effect. In the cathedral, blinding rays of lightning danced about, and there were immediately a couple of people fatally killed under this powerful attack. The three people aboveground could only see his figure. On his left hand was a golden bracelet, embellished with curse marks and emblems, which emanated energy. “The presiding Priest of G.o.d……” “It’s the Guardian of Broken Hollow!” They could not help but let those words slip out of their lips in a loud gasp. The two bishops could also sense that something was amiss, and decided to go into defend themselves. “FoamDisappear!” Without a care for their comrades present, they chose to escape by themselves. Witnessing such a scene unfold before him, was well within predictions. He smiled. “They’re so quick to escape…… Hey, all those left behind, how do you want to die?” Even as he said this, he didn’t have much urge to take action. Since he had already achieved the effects of intimidation, seeing those still alive running frenetically for an exit was a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Moreover, he noticed a black figure hidden in a discrete corner, within the cathedral. What bothered him was not that he had not discovered the figure earlier, but the soft gasp that man emitted amidst the lightning, when he made his presence known. That voice…… Aidric helped Indy up, who had nearly been frightened out of his wits by the dagger and lightning. His face pale, he stared at the man descending himself. “…… Father, it’s been a long time since we met.” It is a requisite to exchange greetings. The other party, who shared akin looks yet had a handsome face that exuded charm and maturity, casted him a sideways glance coldly. What followed was a fierce slap, so fast one couldn’t catch it with the naked eye. The strength of it propelled Aidric onto the ground. “Mo—ron! Aidric, what the h.e.l.l are you doing? I didn’t even come after you for running away from home without consent, and even a.s.signed a mission for you guys. But, you stampeded from a small third meeting ground to a second main a.s.sembling point. You lost your comrades, and couldn’t even rescue them, to the extent that I had to come out of comfortable supervision to intervene. Trash! Once we get back to the shrine, see if I’ll throw bugs at you! How have I taught you? Ensuring your own safety must be an utmost priority! Do you know that if you had gotten yourself killed in your frivolity, I’ll have no one to pa.s.s on the line, and then I’ll have to raise another from the start? You’re already not a child! Contemplate on your actions! Reflect!” Those resounding berations shocked not only Indy, whose nerves have not yet settled, but also the three who came down. Aidric had already expected that with his emergence, a scolding was inevitable. He could count his blessings this time. Since there’re outsiders, he only reprimanded and beaten him up a little. If it was under usual circ.u.mstances, he would have been so badly injured he would be rendered bed-ridden for a month. The castigations could also last for three hours straight without a break. Caressing his still sore cheek, he hurriedly stood up. Maybe it was because he was used to getting hit, that his face wasn’t red nor swelling. It’s uncertain if this could be determined as the ultimate thick skin. “Cough…… Nice to meet you, Uncle Cidelis……” The other party’s status and seniority are higher, hence they used honorifics to address him. At that, he spun around, and beamed at the four of them. That handsome face similar to Aidric’s, mature with which his individuality is exuded, was especially attractive when he smiled. Even though he was close to 100 years old, as his term was almost over, the plus points of being a Priest of G.o.d was that they were blessed with eternal youth. Their flesh will always be preserved at around 20 years old. Even after resigning from their duties, there are still 80 years for them to live lives of their choice. Of course, their appearances would still be maintained, and there will no longer be restrictions for marriage. “Nice to meet you, I am the presiding Guardian of Broken Hollow, Anthony Cidelis. Ichta, Secaaj, Paleris, Nomunde…… Priests-to-be, I have already made arrangements for the other three to return to Seyinse City. I’ll bring you all to convene with them later.” As he said this, he flicked Aidric’s forehead once again. “You little rascal dared blow things out of proportion, idiot!” “Uwaa…… Why have you come?” “There must be someone to supervise you immature brats in discretion! The others were unwilling to hang out with little kids, so I had to volunteer myself. Actually, following little brats around isn’t such a bad thing. I just had to flaunt a few simple tricks to earn gazes of utter veneration. That, in itself, is pretty satisfying.” “…… You’re almost 100, yet your mindset doesn’t seem to have matured much.” Anthony threw out a leg, and sent Aidric flying across the floor. “That callow mouth of yours is really asking for a beating.” Lloyd watched on, and could only shake his head.” “Cidelis, you should abstain from talking…… since you have no way of avoiding Uncle’s attacks……” “……” “But, you’re really handsome, Guardian of Broken Hollow. Just like Cidelis.” Leanne gushed, her cheeks flushed. Aidric shot a glance at Anthony, and dared not comment. “Ah…… The future Guardian of Mirrored Star feels that way? ...... It would be great if your mother shares the same sentiment.” Lloyd couldn’t help but let loose an “oh” from his lips, while Vik also blinked. Aidric had the urge to sigh, and only Indy and Leanne couldn’t read the meaning behind those words. Under his lead, everyone headed back to Seyinse City to congregate. * * * “Hierarch……” The two masked bishops lowered into a half-kneel before this erect figure. Subdued by his commanding presence, they dared not even raise their heads. “We hadn’t known you would come, and were unable to deal with the matter satisfactorily. For this, we seek your forgiveness……” “……” This man was also cloaked in black, but in terms of apparel, there is a little distinction. He is not particularly tall, and has a thin figure. Other than that domineering aura he exuded, his entire existence felt like air. The two bishops couldn’t detect his presence at all. “There’s no need to say any more.” His voice is oddly young and mellifluous; by deducing that, his age shouldn’t be that big. However, in all probability, age and appearance may not always coincide. Even though he couldn’t see his followers’ expressions, but even he could tell, the doubts dwelling in their hearts. Doubts as to why he hadn’t rendered help in fighting off the enemy and instead, leaving dismally without a word. “At this point of time, it isn’t necessary for us to clash on head to head. The strength of the Guardian of Broken Hollow is by no means easy to handle. Mora, you have once been from that world. You, of all people, should understand this fact. The lady masked in black bowed her head even more. Her heart has been peered right through, and she dared not respond. “It’s enough that we carry out our operations covertly……” His tone was monotonous, as he pa.s.sed on a brief instruction. “Yes.” Glimpsing at them, he pursed his lips, and his heart wavered no more. “With a man like him protecting them, we can’t lay a hand on those Priests-to-be. Follow me on my return; don’t linger here any longer, lest we run into him.” The reason is, that is the only man I, do not wish to face…… * * * That move coming from the Guardian of Broken Hollow is really too suave, I want to learn it so badly……” “It’s just that, I really don’t want to be taught by that man……” “Poor Cidelis……” The seven of them sat at the side, devouring their late supper with utmost voracity. Only Aidric stood, as he got castigated. “Aidric, I really have to reprimand you for this, you’re really no good when it comes to learning. Didn’t I tell you before, that it’s your freedom to learn dark arts, but you’ll have to take care of your main studies first before that?” “I did! I……” “Don’t rebuke me! And also, the more I think about this the more furious I get, you ran away by yourself, and because of that, I had to explain to other people the reason to why you weren’t there, Having me clean up the mess you created, you’re taking it easy there, aren’t you? “I only went out to play…… Besides, I was merely answering just now. It’s not a reb.u.t.tal……” “Desist your nagging! That tone of yours is still not considered rebuking me? You interrupted while I was in the midst of talking, which evidently implies your lack of respect for me! You little rascal, trying to soar before your wings are fully fledged ? I’ll definitely smack you down from the sky, mark my words.” The people listening in from the side were silently relieved that the seniors in their family weren’t like this. Otherwise, ten lives wouldn’t even be enough to live. “Cidelis is actually raised in an environment of violence and verbal abuse…… His life sure is resilient.” “Aidric hasn’t eaten anything……” Indy felt a little guilt-ridden, having eaten himself. He also started to feel pity for him, hence he left his seat and ran over. “That…… Guardian of Broken Hollow, I’m sorry to intrude……” “What’s the matter?” Anthony turned towards him, and asked with an amiable expression on his face. After all, he’s facing such an adorable young man, it’s only appropriate that he carries the demeanor of an elder. “Err…… can you permit Aidric to first eat something? I think he’s already exhausted, and needs rest. He’s done a lot…… can…… you agree to that?” Indy asked carefully. With his poor eloquence, being able to say words like that before an intimidating adult is already worthy of praise. “……” Anthony gazed at him, and deliberated. “Indy Secaaj?” “Cough, mm, yes.” “This successor of mine wants to form a covenant with you?” “Cough, mm, I guess so.” Leanne’s heart sank at those words, while Anthony appraised him once more thoroughly. “Okay, on your account. Then, Aidric, go and eat, we’ll talk later. Ah yes, Indy, would you mind changing rooms tonight to the suite downstairs? I’ll stay with him, while you’ll sleep in my room.” He’s an elder, there’s nothing inappropriate in calling Indy by just his name. Indy responded. “Oh…… okay.” Aidric’s face turned a ghastly shade of colour. Sleeping with him tonight will have three consequences. The first repercussion is the best, which would be sleeping on the floor; following that would be getting no sleep the entire night. The worst would be if he gets agitated by Aidric himself, or if he is suddenly in a bad mood; to get forced into sleep by getting beaten till unconsciousness. “Indy, thanks……” At least, there’s something to eat, instead of getting bombarded continuously. Aidric thanked him from the bottom of his heart. “That’s nothing, you’ve suffered so much while trying to save me.” “But I ultimately failed.” Aidric smiled bitterly. If not for Anthony’s arrival, being able to be here eating with Indy would be a miracle in itself. “That’s because my reflexes were too slow…… If I had used regional teleportation, it would have been successful. It’s all my fault.” As they arrived at their comrades’ desk, he knew that he must be wearing a face of fatigue. “It’s been hard on you, Cidelis.” “Uncle is really handsome, like a character out of a painting. But he doesn’t seem easy to serve.” “What’s the point of good looks? He spends each and every day maintaining it, yet the Guardian of Mirrored Star sees nothing of him.” Before he could finish, a teacup flew towards him, and struck straight on his forehead. He collapsed from his chair, while Anthony shot him a vindictive glare. “Aidric! Are you okay?” Indy hurriedly helped him up. He pressed on his forehead, as intensifying pain seeped into his bones. “Waa! You’re not wounded at all! You don’t look much different than usual.” Vik clapped his hands. “In my opinion, the body part most susceptible to beatings must be the face.” Xiev evaluated. “That’s right, this is also a part of training.” Lloyd laughed bitterly, his face twisted into a grimace. “Guardian of Broken Hollow…… what relations does he have with my mother?” Leanne asked doubtfully. “…… I can’t say any more, I’m afraid the next thing that comes would be a teapot……” The mouth has to learn to behave itself when the need calls for it. This is to avoid suffering the pain of flesh wounds, for no reason. “Aidric……” Indy called out to him. “Good luck…… for tonight.” “……” A thought ran through Aidric’s mind just then, that today, he really must be the most unfortunate man on earth. Nightfall; a quick show, to avoid having his door kicked in by an impatient guardian, who would holler at him for wasting time. As he sat facing him, he had no idea when the chastising would start. It was nerve-wrecking. Anthony poured a cup of tea elegantly. “...... Aidric, I want to reiterate this. Towards you, I bear only duty, not attachment. If you don’t do well, don’t expect me to treat you with patience and love. When you’re hurt, don’t even think I would pity you. You getting wounded is akin to giving me trouble. I will never empathize with you, you understand?” “I’ve long understood this.” A man, who has raised himself, before him. Maybe, it was like he said, there is no ounce of feeling towards him. He only took care of him in the name of duty, and to have a successor, so that he could retire from his work. As for education, it was to ensure he wouldn’t die before his appointment date, whereby he wouldn’t have to raise yet another child. Aidric has no idea if those sentiments were ethically correct, but the other Priests didn’t seem to be like him. As long as he doesn’t die, it matters not how he gets. .h.i.t. He could even be used as a punching bag. “In what way are you attractive? Why would the daughter of the Guardian of Mirrored Star harbour feelings for you......” “...... How would I know?” “d.a.m.n, I can’t wait for time to be up, to throw this seat as Guardian of Broken Hollow at you. Then, I won’t have to be responsible for a rascal like you. I want to live my life, to have a real son!” “You’re always like this, that’s the reason the Guardian of Mirrored Star couldn’t be bothered with you......” “That’s completely unfounded. Besides, my feelings towards her were only brashness as a youth. There’s no meaning to it. Yet, you keep bringing it up in front of me, are you itching for a beating? To thrash you such that you would only recover the day before the succession isn’t impossible for me......” “No, no, don’t. Hitting someone is only a waste of energy......” “I’ll speak first. D.M.B’s third congregation point is considered settled. For you guys to cause a ruckus in the second division, is really overboard. There are still the first, second and fourth bureaus in Thains, you have to handle them on your own. Telling you that there’s three points left is already too kind of me. In those times, we overcame the mission with our own strength! The quality of this generation is really different......” “Are the contents of the mission the same?” “No, we just have to find objects according to the treasure map, and it ends there.” “......” “My generation and the ones before us, are fortunate in the sense that......” Anthony chuckled lightly. “Even if we can’t contract with our ideal someone, we can work alone. We don’t have force ourselves with annoying people. But, G.o.d’s decree, what can you do?” “Is there anyone who formed a contract in your generation?” “......Mm, Ciernado and Lido, which means the Guardian of Ninth Crimson and the Guardian of Dark Metropolis. The two of them formed a covenant. What’s the deal of contracting between your own s.e.x? I really don’t understand...... You too, why didn’t you choose a girl?” Aidric had fallen into a daze. That was why he hadn’t realized Anthony’s gaze sweeping elsewhere when he talked, his expression complicated. The relations of the previous generation were so amicable, yet this generation...... and Xiev were practically enemies, isn’t that too different? “Rascal—“ Anthony grabbed his ear, twisting it as he asked again. “I was asking you, why you didn’t choose a girl!” “That, I just didn’t. She already had a contract with Ichta......” “Ichta? ...... You useless fella! In the past, the Guardian of Mirrored Star chose him over me, and you hadn’t the sense to recover some face for the Cidelis family! The Guardian of Monarch’s Lock is indeed cunning!” “Ouchouchouchouch...... didn’t you say it was only recklessness on your part......” “That’s another matter! Just thinking of how anyone under the heavens could choose him over me, makes my blood boil! Besides, the reason she didn’t choose me was because she was jealous of my perfection!” Mm, in the previous generation...... Ciernado and Lido had good relations. Father and Ichta fought for Paleris, and the conclusion was that the latter went for Ichta...... Then...... what about Nomunde, Secaaj and Nile?” “Father, what about the other three?” “...... Secaaj was also a female, the Guardian of Serving Dawn. She is the most dedicated Priest among us. Her ravishing looks aside, she is too innocent. Before I could set my eyes on her, she has already been taken by the single-hearted, devoted Nile...... that’s the Guardian of Frost. Actually, I don’t have much interest in her. That kind of woman is the type I can’t handle the most.” “Ni...... Nile is devoted?” That cold, apathetic Nile...... “Don’t put the father and son together. Just like how I wouldn’t want anyone to a.s.sociate me with you!” Another scolding, thirty minutes pa.s.sed, before he could continue his questions. “Then...... what about Nomunde?” “...... Ah...... Guardian of Infinity......” Anthony mused, his expression slightly hesitant. “He was almost removed from the ranks of Priests, if not for the fact that he had abided by the rules in the last decades or so......” “Removed? Why?” Aidric’s astonishment was not unfounded. This is a grave matter. “He has too much contact with the dark arts! I hated him, don’t you turn out like him...... But, I am confident in my teaching methods, you won’t go astray. It’s the superior blood of the Cidelis line, unlike that Ichta and Nomunde......” “Don’t sidetrack to me, what’s the main point then? Is it merely over-contact?” “...... He made it too obvious. A look of yearning to become the Priest of D.M.B, he’s obsessed! Then, he got apprehended by that organisation, and has restrained himself after his punishment...... But, no one knows if he’s doing something in secret. During the succession ceremony, you’ll have to pay your respects to every shrine. When you’re in Fayes Shrine, home to Nomunde, be careful. There’s no telling if he might have calculated to ensnare all of you in one go.” Aidric was baffled. “That’s how...... the Nomundes are like?” Lloyd, he...... does give off a precarious aura, but...... I felt that he...... While his mind was still deep in thought, his head was hammered in by Anthony again. Sitting beside this capricious man really is no ordinary danger. “Agh!” “Didn’t I tell you not to a.s.sociate father and son?!” “I know that! I also fear people saying that I resemble you......” Anthony threw over another blow, no words said. “Rascal, to be like me is your fortune! What’s there not to like? I would spurn you, if you didn’t resemble me!” “So who’s contemning who now......” “Need I say! You’re in no position to find faults with me! You’re seriously the death of me. I should just rid of you, maybe the next one I raise would be more obedient.” “......” Actually, there’s nothing unsatisfactory about Aidric, he’s considered very competent. But, as his guardian and tutor, Anthony still has many complaints about him. If he didn’t reach his level, he is deemed useless, and inept. Yet, the abilities of the both of them are bridged apart by eighty years of experience, of course it couldn’t compare. “Fine, enough, let’s sleep. I’m warning you. Don’t disturb me when I sleep. Even if you see thousands of bugs, you’re not allowed to scream.” “Ah—that, that’s...... thousands you’re talking about!” “...... If it’s really by the thousands, it’ll be good if you call me. Even I would be scared.” The circ.u.mstances were as he predicted. Anthony commanded the entire king-size bed by himself, while he has to sleep on the mat. Ugh...... after slogging for half the day, he still has to sleep on the floor. Indy, I miss you now......” “Oh yeah......” Anthony had been lying on his bed, and abruptly rose to speak, scaring the wits out of Aidric. “I’ll be leaving tomorrow...... or should I say, continuing to ‘protect you in secret’. Anyway, you’ll never be able to find me...... But, don’t think you can create trouble because you know I’ll be there, and go all out. If I had been napping at that time, you’ll have died a wrongful death. Know your limits! Got it?” These words were at least spoken from the standpoint of an elder. Aidric nodded. Even though his heart was slightly aware that Anthony might sleep at those times on purpose, to get them into adversity......” “...... Actually, Indy Secaaj is younger than all of you by three years.” “..... What?” Aidric distinctly realized he had exclaimed too loudly, to have earned a glare from the other party. “Wh-why...... then, is he only a little over twelve years of age?” “That’s because, the original successor to this generation’s Guardian of Serving Dawn died when he was three years old. Indy is a remake, late by three years. But, on the surface, we still told the others he’s the same. Would you have him as your partner otherwise? Look after him for a bit.” “Mm, I will...... But, why did the previous one die?” He couldn’t help but ask. Those of the Priest bloodline have better physiques than the average human, not to mention protection from the presiding Guardians. Then, what was the reason..... to have died at such a infantile age?” “Tsk...... why is a kid asking so much?! That isn’t important, go to sleep!” It seemed as if he didn’t want to divulge it on purpose, then that is even weirder. What can’t be said? Is there...... anything cla.s.sified? Without a clue, he couldn’t think of anything even if he tried...... So the best option is to sleep...... With regards to someone else’s matters, it’s best to keep out of it. Maybe, Indy himself doesn’t know about this...... He’s only twelve, no wonder he’s shorter than me by a head. To acknowledge Ms Paleris as an elder G.o.d-sister also makes sense now. ....... What exactly is the reason...... Ah ah! It’s all Father’s fault! Telling me so much, causing me to fret over it...... It couldn’t be his purpose was to render me sleepless for the entire night, could it?” But he never lies...... ughhh...... Aidric really didn’t sleep well that night. The next morning, or should it be said afternoon. As he rose from sleep, Anthony had already left, and it was Indy who woke him, telling him to meet all the comrades downstairs. He realized then, there is probably a label, ‘sleepyhead’ branded on him already...... “Ah...... the rest of the mission still has to count on our own efforts......” Vik yawned, his posture languid. An exciting life isn’t suitable for someone like him. “I feel that when the Guardian of Broken Hollow speaks, his expression is really suave and charismatic...... he seems to be hinting at us - ‘you bunch of incompetent fools!’” “Please, Ichta, why idolize him over everyone else? Do you enjoy getting scolded? Then, you should be taught by him...... Mm, there’s no telling if he’s got the wrong child. Hey, Vik Cidelis, this is Aidric Ichta. Actually, it’s pretty good, it feels apt when I enunciate it.” “Hey...... Cidelis, don’t make this kind of joke...... To be raised by the Guardian of Broken Hollow, I would have been beaten to death. There’s no way he raised the wrong child. Your appearances are so alike.” “....... I don’t like people saying I look like him, though.” Aidric sighed, exasperated. “Oh yeah, Cidelis, because I really worshipped your father, I have been a.n.a.lyzing the words he said. But there’s one I don’t really understand......” “What’s the merit in a.n.a.lyzing his words! If you’ve got so much spare time, why not train? “Listen to me first......” Vik continued thoughtfully. “That is ‘when we go back, see if I’ll throw worms at you’. Why is that? Is there any special meaning to it?” Indy snorted, choking on his tea. Meanwhile, Aidric’s handsome face turned ashen, like the colour of a dead fish. The rest were bemused. “Don’t ask things that don’t concern you.” “What’s this...... Secaaj, you know about it, don’t you? Tell me......” “No, Aidric said I can’t tell.” Secaaj shook his head, as Vik looked slightly deflated. But, Lloyd seemed to think of something, as he patted his vibrant scarlet hair. “Could it be...... Cidelis is scared of bugs? That day, Ms Paleris and I heard a shriek from his bathroom, but you said it was nothing when I asked. The second day in the forest, wasn’t there a caterpillar that fell near your feet? That’s why you exploded with that kind of speed.......” This seemed like an exaggerated speculation, Vik wanted to laugh it off and tell him to stop playing around. Yet, he felt Aidric emit a somber aura. “...... Nomunde, you’re seriously annoying......” Aidric’s face was drained of colour, as if it was pinned at point blank, his weakness revealed. That really isn’t something to rejoice over. “You’re afraid of bugs, is that true?” Xiev was in disbelief, even was skeptical over it. “......” There’s no denying, yet he doesn’t want to admit it. So, the best way is silence. “To verify it is simple, we’ll know when we test it......” Lloyd fished a maybug out of nowhere, and flung it towards Aidric “Waaaaaaa——!” A hysterical scream tore out from Aidric’s lips, intractable. At the same time, he knocked down countless tables, bolting into a store miles away. “...... This......” “That, that’s astounding......” “Nomunde, you’re really vicious...... you’ll pay for the store’s damages.” Indy raised his head, looking around astutely. He seemed to have heard Anthony’s voice, a low growl – “how humiliating”....... “Nomunde, you’ll remember this......” Back in the inn, Aidric returned to his seat. He couldn’t even raise his head, ashamed. Whatever image he had was all thrown to the back of his head. “Oh, Nomunde, you’re dead meat. Someone’s bearing a deep grudge for this~” Vik shoved him, gloating at his misfortune. “Cough, how would I know his reaction would be so severe. Maybugs are cute, aren’t they, Secaaj?” “Yeah! They’re cute!” Indy replied with a smile. His adorable smile does hold an irrepressible charm that one cannot guard against. “Cidelis, don’t be mad...... Cidelis? Could you lighten up?” “You humiliated me in front of so many people, how can I lighten up!” It’s the first time he has yelled at someone. Everyone was stunned. Then, he stood up. “My apologies...... I won’t be partic.i.p.ating in the activities today. I’ll rest in my room......” As he said this, Aidric left his seat for his room. Indy followed. “I’ll keep him company, sorry about that.” Two comrades gone in one shot, everyone glared at the perpetrator responsible. “It was just a joke......” “You’ll take up responsibility for this, and apologise.” “You’ve inflicted trauma on him.” Even in these circ.u.mstances, Lloyd kept his smile. “Okay, I’ll fix things up. So, I’ll be leaving the group as well.” Kudos to him for being this confident; everyone else was doubtful of it. With that, they watched him leave for the second storey. “Ai......” Stepping into the room, Indy was about to call him. But, he saw Aidric lying on his bed, already prepared to continue his slumber. Ugh...... Could it be that his temper earlier was half feigned, and actually all he wanted was more sleep? No...... How could I think this way? Even if it is, it must be because he’s really worn out...... ...... But didn’t he sleep till noon? Whatever it is...... I shouldn’t doubt him, he must have his reasons. “Indy? Why have you come up as well?” Aidric still hadn’t slept, which was why he heard the door open. He looked over, and asked. “I...... I just thought you might still be unhappy...... But, since you wish to sleep, I won’t disturb you......” “Wait, what’s with that red mark on your wrist?” Since he was lying down, his vision was linear to his hand. Aidric called out to him skeptically, and questioned. “This...... It seems to be left from yesterday, from being tied by rope. It should vanish after a while......” “It’s been so long after you were tied up, and you still have a mark? Isn’t your skin too delicate?” Aidric spoke in astonishment, as Indy’s lips cracked into a smile. “I, I’m not well trained like you. I do envy you. Uncle always uses so much strength when hitting you, but you never have a surface injury.” “What’s there to envy? Like this, there is no way of acting pitiful to gain compa.s.sion. Getting beaten continuously really hurts!” “But...... would a pitiful pretense even work on Uncle?” “....... To that kind of callous, emotionless, unfeeling, egoistic guy, it is of course useless.” He did think of the possibility. As soon as he finished, the concealed Anthony might very well throw something at him from the shadows. But, he’s lucky this time. He didn’t seem to be close. He’s probably observing the people downstairs, thus his attention wasn’t on them. “Mm, you want to sleep, don’t you? I’ll go out.” With lithe footsteps, Indy quietly opened the door and left. Aidric closed his eyes, and went into sleep. Really...... so sleepy...... Secaaj’s successor...... died when he was three? Is it that way? But...... d.a.m.n it...... once his eyes are shut, his mind wanders to some pointless stuff again. “Cidelis, if you’re going to think, think. If you want to sleep, concentrate on sleeping. Doing both together wouldn’t produce a very good effect.” At Lloyd’s voice, his eyes flew open, reflexes acute. He immediately noticed Lloyd sitting on the chair by his bed, smiling down at him. “....... Please don’t come into my room without permission.” “Why do you seem to detest me? It didn’t seem like that at the start.” “Seems like it, but not completely.” “Oh, your first phrase seemed to be directed to my earlier question, while that second part is to my latter line. That means to say, you hated me, you already had from the start.” The conclusion from his a.n.a.lysis differed from Aidric’s intended meaning. Meanwhile, Aidric felt only weariness, and wanted to lie back on his bed. “It’s not like what you said...... In short, Nomunde, I’ll be direct. I want to sleep. Could you not disturb me?” “Go ahead.” “....... Couldn’t you leave?” To sleep in front of others is extremely difficult for him, not to mention before someone he doesn’t entirely trust...... “Secaaj said I could stay here.” “......” Aidric wanted to ask him, “Why would you even stay?” But, he was too lazy to speak. “You really have nothing better to do. I’m sleeping.” As he laid back again, this time, his mind didn’t preoccupy with anything, and he fell sound asleep. Whether that could be considered as thanks to Lloyd, he had no idea. “Mm...... to occasionally slack off for a day isn’t bad.” Sometimes, even he finds himself rather cruel. But, it’s all good, the Guardian of Broken Hollow...... should have went with the others...... Lloyd walked out of the room, musing inwardly, and met Indy. “Ah, Nomunde...... Has Aidric slept?” “Yeah. Secaaj, have they all gone out?” “Mm...... I didn’t follow. I was thinking to forget it, I’ll stay and rest as well.” “Then, you...... are free now, aren’t you? It so happens I have an appointment with a friend, do you want to come with me and walk around?” With a sudden thought in mind, he made an offer. Bringing him along...... wouldn’t ruin the plan. It’s just so they would meet...... “Sure!” Indy had no objection, since he didn’t feel that tired. To have found a companion, whom he could tag along with for fun, seemed to be a pretty good option. “Then, let’s go!” Since he agreed, Lloyd didn’t say more and the two exited the door. “Aye...... Secaaj, what kind of people does Cidelis hate?” Along the way, Lloyd queried him, his expression perturbed. “This...... I never really thought into it......” Indy walked with him, and to have heard him ask this abruptly, he too was unable to answer. “Have you already decided to choose him over Ms Paleris?” “Probably.....” “Why?” “...... Uh......” He still couldn’t spell out a reason. He likes Leanne a lot, but it’s just a little different. “Anyway, I just feel that Aidric is a very nice person. And he did say he hoped I would choose him...... I think maintaining status quo would be good.” This way, at least, he wouldn’t feel like he has let Aidric down...... he had originally formed a covenant with him first after all...... “I see......” “He is the first person to reach out a hand for me.” Indy whispered, and went silent for a few seconds. “Even though I do feel bad towards you and Leanne-sis......” “Feel bad towards me? Why would you say that?” “Didn’t you want to form a covenant with Aidric?” “Oh, that......” Lloyd chucked, indicating that he wouldn’t bear a grudge or anything for this. “It’s okay. If you really think so.....” He abruptly held his words, then continued in an allusive tone. “Anyway, there’ll be a time for you to return the favour...... Until then, you have to remember it.” “Mm...... if there’s anything I can do to help, feel free to tell me.” “I will.” They circled several roads. Lloyd has a clear idea of the direction they were heading, but for Indy, he was almost dizzy from walking. He wanted to ask how long more they had to walk for, yet was embarra.s.sed to actually speak up. “Secaaj, are you tired?” “No...... I’m still fine.” “We’re almost there, it’s just up ahead......” Stepping into a small alley is an old, derelict house. It was almost certain no one would stay here regularly, and thus they temporarily arranged this house as the meeting place. Lloyd knocked on the door. “Sephera, I brought a friend.” “...... Come in.” That voice, sounded very frail, as if coming from someone gravely ill. Yet, it was melodious. Upon entering through, Indy realized that it was almost pitch black inside. There was no light; the curtains were canva.s.sed with cloth. The girl sitting on a chair lightly stood up. She was young, but her hair was that of an extremely old man, deathly white. Her lips were also pale, and slightly purple. Her natural looks were extremely beautiful, it seemed like she would shatter from touch yet there was that unearthly disposition about her. Her eyes were celeste like water, yet there was no shine to them. Maybe her eyesight was poor, and that ivory skin could have been from the lack of exposure to sun. “This is Indy Secaaj. This is my friend, Sephera.” Lloyd introduced the both of them. Sephera’s sickly, but pretty face bloomed into a smile. When she walked, her long hair, which flowed around her crooked thighs, breezed along with her. She looked as if she was floating; her presence was slightly ethereal. “Indy...... Is that you? h.e.l.lo.” “Hi...... can I just call you by name?” “Mm, sure, it’s fine.” Sephera gazed at Indy, and explained the reason behind the décor of the room. “Because of my const.i.tution, I can’t be exposed to sunlight. That’s why this house is dark, please do not take it into mind.” “Ah, okay.” “Secaaj, she too is fifteen. We have known each other since young.” The gaze Lloyd gave Sephera carried a profound affection. Indy noticed this, and came to a brief understanding that this ‘friend’ and he do not share an ordinary relationship. “Both of you are Priests-to-be...... there’s great.” Her voice was a whisper. To raise her volume might be a very tedious thing for her. “People living under the light of G.o.d......” This one line encompa.s.sed deep emotion; this much could be heard. “Lloyd, bring more of your friends here. I’m always alone.” She too directly addressed him by name, it’s clear they are very familiar with each other. “Mm, I’ll be out for a while. Secaaj, stay here first. You can talk to her.” Lloyd subsequently left. Sephera looked towards Indy with a slight smile, while Indy obtusely returned it. But, he would never comprehend the meaning behind the other’s smile. ...... I finally found you, Indy Secaaj...... Back in the inn, Lloyd saw Aidric, pacing back and forth in front of the door alone. Aidric caught sight of Lloyd as well, and rushed over quickly. “Where have you gone?” “I went out with Indy, and brought him to meet a friend. They’re together now.” “Then why did you come back on your own?” “I came to see if you’re awake!” The conversation is heading nowhere. Aidric paused. “Okay, now you’ve seen that I’m awake, what now?” “Then, I’ll go off and have fun on my own, since you’ll probably be unwilling to come with me.” “Wait, what about Indy?” “He’ll return on his own, bye.” Lloyd left. Aidric couldn’t rest a.s.sure no matter how much he deliberated, with the constant worry that Indy is too young and naïve, with no understanding of the evils of human nature. Aidric didn’t know if Indy would get into an incident. No, I’ll just have to find him...... He’s my partner; compounded with Father’s instructions, I have a duty to protect him...... “G.o.d’s decree, SearchBreath...... SpecifyTarget.......” Casting a spell that uses scent, he pinpointed the target, and followed the energy receptors to the identified location. As was similar, he circled many roads as well, and finally found that small, ancient building. “Indy, are you in there?” He knocked a few times, and someone came to the door. Indy popped his head out from inside the door, and was astonished at the sight of him. “Aidric? Aren’t you sleeping...... why have you come?’ “Oh...... anyway, I just came. Since I didn’t see you around, I was kind of worried.” “I’m chatting with Sephera...... Nomunde’s friend. Do you want to come in too? I don’t think she would be reluctant to welcome you.” “Mm...... Okay.” Lloyd’s friend, he wanted to know how that person would be like. But, as he entered and saw Sephera, he was still rather taken aback. This delicate, ravishing lady....... must have her reasons, to have befriended Lloyd, mustn’t she? Because her disposition..... He doesn’t know how to say it, it’s just different...... different from Nomunde...... “Aidric Cidelis, is it? I always hear Lloyd mention you, it’s my pleasure.” At hearing her address Lloyd, Aidric felt that their relationship was beyond normal as well. “He mentioned me? What did he say?” “He said that he admired you the most among his other comrades, although you don’t really bother with him.” A crisp, refreshing voice, which carried a melodic tone of colliding crystals, coupled with a few euphonious laughs. “Is that so...... cough......” She is indeed an elegant beauty. The feeling she gave off, is faint...... it contrasts with Lloyd’s abysmal peril. It can’t be felt...... incomprehensible...... But, what is this feeling in my heart? Ms Paleris is also beautiful, but whenever I see her, why doesn’t my heart pound like this? “Cidelis shouldn’t be someone hard to get along with, that’s what my intuition tells me on our first meeting...... But, Lloyd says differently, why is that?” Sephera was curious. “I’m not too sure myself......” Realizing that he has no straight answer to her question, Aidric could only respond dismissively. After chatting for a while, it’s obvious Indy likes her, while Aidric still maintained caution towards her. He couldn’t tell if Sephera knows martial arts or magic, but her weak physique is an evident truth. “Then, I won’t impose on you any longer. Farewell.” “Mm, we’ll meet again with fate.” After the two left, the chill permeating the house became even heavier. All of a sudden, the wind lifted the curtains, and light cast in. The young girl frantically hid in a corner, while the wind gradually calmed and light was again covered by cloth. “Huu......” Earlier on, she was careless to let the light slightly touch her. She instantly felt her whole body freezing. A chill gushed into her, and she trembled uncontrollably. All of this because of...... this deeply flawed body since birth...... that I can only live in darkness. I had never done anything wrong...... but..... if this persists...... I might end up sinning sooner or later...... Sephera’s exquisite face paled into white. She struggled to move near the drawers, fishing out a bottle. She poured out a few pills, and immediately swallowed them. Those potent pills drained through her throat like a ball of fire, suffusing heat into her entire body. The co-existence of hot and cold is basically torture in itself. “Wind..... spirit......” A breeze rolled in, and she pa.s.sed down a few instructions weakly. The wind was then whistled away on command. Possessed with the ability to summon spirits of nature, is...... Along the way, Aidric sensed a gust of wind tearing past him. Even Indy’s hair was ruffled by it. But, the sound of the wind that wreathed around his ear is unbelievably familiar. This...... sound......? It’s exactly the same...... as the one I’ve heard from home! But, Indy has not summoned any wind spirit as of now...... It isn’t Indy? “Aidric, why have you stopped?” “......” He was dazed, and stopped motionless in his tracks. Carrying loneliness, isolation and helplessness...... This is the one...... Indy’s wind was only familiar, so much so that I was mistaken....... But, those who can summon spirits of nature, can only be Priests...... could it be one of those currently in position? ...... I’ll better go back and ask the six of them, and see if it’s any good. But...... since these few days, there’s a seed of doubt in my heart...... I...... why am I so persistent to find that someone? Even if I did, what would I do? It’s...... someone I’ve never known...... Even if I were to find him, there’s no meaning to it...... Perhaps, I know the answer to it myself. It’s just a little absurd. It’s because I believed hearing this wind by chance, must be a sort of destiny. That’s why I wanted to find him, to be by his side, and protect him with my own strength..... The wind that entwined my ear this time, embodied that kind of loneliness. It’s as if it’s yearning for someone to save him..... “Aidric?” Indy tugged at his clothes, gazing at him with genuine eyes. “...... Ah, let’s go back......” “Your face looks really pale......” “Oh, I’ve been sleeping too much. I’m fine, I really am.” He doesn’t want Indy to worry for him unnecessarily. Aidric answered him with a smile. This has always been his matter...... “Sephera!” Lloyd jolted the door violently into the house. It’s clear he has run here. After receiving the message from the wind spirit, he didn’t waste a second, and sped over directly. Sephera was curled up in a corner. Upon hearing his voice, her misted eyes opened, and closed. “Sephera, you were touched by sunlight again? What is it that wasn’t properly placed? Is it the cloth? I’ll adjust it......” “Lloyd......” Sephera’s voice was choked with tears. Lloyd stopped what he was doing, and squatted beside her. Seeing her frail body tremble, he felt awful. “I really can’t stand it...... this kind of life where I can never see light...... Every day is so, so cold; it is now...... it has always been......” Sephera sobbed helplessly. It wasn’t just the sun, her right eye is almost blind, as well as that prematurely white hair. In her memories, when she was young, she had a head of soft, golden hair. Their colour seemed to be that of a flawless ray of light in dawn, but now all she saw was pastel white. Lloyd embraced her. Her skin was icily cold; this was something that had never changed from young. The warmth she felt, was never emanated from her own body. But she longed for it. At an age where she didn’t know better, she once touched fire, only to get burnt. “Just endure for about twenty more days...... Just a little more and it’ll be okay...... we’ll proceed according to plan......” “Twenty days or so...... how long exactly is that? I’m afraid I can’t take it until then, aren’t I right? I look as if I would die any minute now.” “No, more than a dozen years have pa.s.sed, twenty days would mean nothing compared to it...... All our past efforts would not be wasted. Believe in yourself, okay? There shouldn’t be much medicine left, is there? I’ll take more from the Hierarch when I have time......” Comforting her, he knew that kind of pain. It’s something others would never experience. Every time he sees her like this, Lloyd would feel as if a knife had cleaved through his heart. “The plan......” Sephera trembled again, suggesting fear. “But...... that plan...... I’m afraid I can’t do it......” Yes, that plan. If only I could do it on her behalf. I really don’t want her hands to be stained red...... But, all these were only to let her escape this pain, so it’s necessary. “Don’t be afraid, I’ll be there with you.” His arms tightened their grip, and he closed his eyes. “When the time comes, don’t be soft. You’re only taking back what belongs to you...... you didn’t do anything wrong......” I’m sorry, I still concealed some matters from you. It’s all so that you would rest a.s.sure...... to retrieve, what is rightfully yours...... Light. And...... I really wished, I could turn into wind, to fly by your side.

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