With contract Skill many Brides! Chapter 2: Trauma

"Yare yare, finally awake."

My body is heavy, I looked at the direction of the voice... There was an old grandma looking down at me.

"Ou. Lap pillow of an old grandma..."
"The first word is that? By the way I am a G.o.ddess, do you think you can say something like that?" 

(N~? Kami?)

As I go to my company, I was surrounded by junior high and high school girls, when I woke up an old lady lap pillow? I feel like I"ve fallen from heaven to h.e.l.l.

"What a dream, punch line... and the punch line is an old lady..."

I close my eyes again to see the continuation of the dreams of junior high and high school girls. Since I know that it was a dream, I swear to my heart that to try to talk to them a bit...

"Bachi bachi!!" 

A current runs through my whole body and I woke up with a jump.

"What are you doing babaa(grandma)!! I want to see the continuation of the dream!!"
"Do not worry because it is not a dream! More than that if you insult again I will let you rest in peace!"

What are you saying? Not a dream? Rest in peace? Did I die? Come to think of it did not I hear the explosion?

"Well, did I die? Onee-sama?" (TL: Onee-sama= dear elder sister)
"///... Do you give onee-sama a question mark?" (TL: ///= blush)

As I said that, but do not blush by being called onee-sama. There are many people with different fetishes but my strike zone is not that high. Isn"t even if the cather jumps up cannot reach that, right?

"Since the talk is not progressing, I will continue."
"The carriage you were riding on was summoned to a certain country in a certain world."
"Is there a different world summon?"

Is this the development I read in a Light novel a while ago? Nearly 40 but there is no one special skill that can make a knowledgeable cheat, if it"s like this I should have studied a bit more...

"It"s good that you understand fast, it"s fine to think that this is something like you read different world summoning story of a swords and magic world."
"Wait! How do you  know about my hobbies!?" 
"Because I am a Kami-sama, I know from hobby to desires." 
" /// " 

No I want to rest in peace.

"I will continue, the story does not progress quite a bit, I have something want you to do when you go to that world from now on."
"Something you want me to do?"
"I am originally from that world"s Kami and now I am one of the pillars of the G.o.ds of the Earth. The balance in that world has become a bit strange, I want you to do something about it." 
"Balance? Is it something like defeating demon king?" 
"No, demon king was not involved this time, just the ratio of men and women became strange."
"Haa~, I do not want to go to a world full of men." 

Who likes to "Doki! A new world full of men!" say something like that? Are you making a fool out of me?

"Well, please let me rest in peace."
"Will not you listen to the story to the end? It"s the opposite, opposite!"
"Reverse of the reverse? ... As I thought it was not full men! I will not be fooled so easily! Quickly make me go to heaven!"
"It"s women, there are too many women!! Fuu~, will it be fine with this guy? I cannot change now..."
"Reari?" (TL: [ リアリー?= Really?].)
"Do not use english that cannot talk! It feels bad!"
"Full of women? I motemote? Please let me go there now, onee-sama!" 
"... I"ll continue with the explanation, that world originally have equal male and female ratio. However, later lot of monsters appeared in large quant.i.ties that can make kids with human females." 
"That"s right, there are monsters like Orcs, Goblins, Cyclops, etc., I do not know when but they were recognized as men in that world." 
"I know that any race mixed with them they will give birth to only monsters, right?"
"That"s right, that"s why males from human family are rarely being born."
"Then, are you saying to me to go to different world and kill monsters?"
"It helps that you understand things, I cannot expect things like you to locate the cause and eliminate it, at the very least I want you to spread the facts to others."

I feel that she said something terrible things to me... But it"s a good thing that I do not need to defeat any demon king... I just need kill to small fish like goblins! It"s an easy victory!

Thank you reading,

See you again.

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