Wizard's Tale

Chapter 11


I didn"t notice the pa.s.sage of time and just realized I had  already spent a month here. When I was serving for Brylle Zaffiro, unlike when I was still at the custody of my Aunt, I didn"t meet any difficulty in my job. It"s true that we always exchanged blade of words with each other, but I felt it was all normal. Also, according to Vander since he always said so, I am the one and only mortal who can converse like that with his Master Brylle.

"Yana, Yana, Yana!" Vander appeared while I was scrubbing the floor.

I now know what he always do to appear and disappear in all sort of places. He actually has invisibility powers. "It"s here!"

"What"s here?" And what"s with the suspense effect! Can"t he see I"m busy with my floor issue?

"Here"s your first salary!" Vander showed me some paper bills. "You asked for twenty thousand but Master Brylle increased it with five thousand because he was satisfied with your work!"

"Really?" My eyes shone as it was my first receiving my salary. There"s actually a five thousand tip! "I can now pay my college tuition fee!?"

When I was busy jumping in glee, that"s exactly when Brylle descended onto the stairs. Probably he found my noise irritating so he made me float in the air. "It"s so early but here you are being noisy!"

He frequently did this to me and because of this that I somehow lost my fear of heights. But of course, "Brylle, bring me down. I won"t shriek anymore." After I said that, he stopped his spell.

"You know what - "

Before he even finished his sentence, I"m already hugging him out of extreme joy! "Thank you Brylle! Thank you for this!"

And when I gazed at his face, he was only staring at me with his surprised expression.

I gave him a smile but he held my shoulders to push me away then avoided meeting my eyes. What"s wrong with this guy? Oh well.

"Thanks for giving me my pay. You even gave me a five thousand tip. You"re actually a sweet boss, eh!"

I was about to do high-five with him but his hand landed on my face. I grabbed his hand to remove that from my cheek but when I did, he quickly took it back.

"Talkative. Can"t you just resume your work?"

"Yes boss!" And I even gave a great salute.

Brylle started walking away, though I caught him staring at me again. I smiled and also waved my hand at him but he only creased his brow and then went to ignore me.

How idiotic of that! He should be grateful that I"m still so happy about my salary so I won"t be thinking something bad about him for the meantime. Maybe later. Hwahaha!

Immediately, I was able to formulate several plans concerning my earnings. I will use it for my tuition fee, for buying school supplies and the rest, for allowance.

However, a problem suddenly surfaced in my mind and my mood plummeted down because even if I want to forget it, I can"t run away from it. "I still have a debt to pay, huh."

That debt was never mine! It"s my Aunt"s! Unfortunately, they ran away from Mrs. Highblood, and that"s very wrong. I don"t want to hide from her like how Aunt Seline did.

I quickly finished my tasks and went to search for Brylle. I found him inside the mansion"s library and he"s with Vander, studying something related to a spell.

"What are you here for?"

"I wish for your consent. I have to go back to my previous house."

"You"re running away?"

"No! If I were to run away, I won"t be getting your permission!" Also, I don"t plan to leave this place. My living condition here is now better than good. "I only have some matters to take care of."

"Why are you bringing your money with you?" When I noticed that, I hurriedly hid it inside my pocket.

"A debt. I have a debt to take care of."

I returned to the place I never wished to come back to. When I peeked inside our former house, I didn"t recognize the furniture. "Anyone here?" I knocked. "People."

The door opened up and Mrs. Highblood was shocked to see me. "Alyanna."

I smile at her even though I am not really happy. "I"m here to pay my aunt"s debt to you."

As I said that, her excitement turned obvious. She let me enter the house and even offered me a seat.  She made me wait for a while as she busied herself over the phone. When she came back, she said, "I thought you won"t show up again. Do you know I"m still searching for you through my brother who"s a policeman?"

"And what case are you filing against me?"


"I didn"t steal anything from you. It was my Aunt Seline!"

"If that"s the truth, then on that day why did you run away from me?"

"Because of fear." I sighed then fished the money out of my pocket. "Here"s the payment that you"ve been asking for."

The paper bills are now in front of Mrs. Highblood but she did not seem happy. "What"s that? Coins?"

"It"s twenty-five thousand."

"And how much is your debt? You should know it"s more than half a million, no? Do you plan to pay me by instalment?"

Mrs. Highblood grabbed my hard-earned money before throwing it on my face.

"I want a full payment!"

"You"re asking for a very big amount. Where can I get that amount of money?"

"How would I know? You can get twenty thousand from somewhere. Just find ways to pay me in full!"

"But you"re asking for the impossible!"

Mrs. Highblood suddenly slammed the table. She stood up and now she"s looking down at me. "It seems you don"t understand. Alyanna, the debt has been owed for so long. I won"t let you get away with it again! Pay it fully and then this discussion can end."

"But - "

"Do it however ways needed!" She demanded.

I can only lower my head since there"s now way I would do what she"s implying. "Why is it so difficult for you to give me some considerations? When have I ever wronged you?" And here comes my emotions, slowly taking over me. Just why can"t my problems leave me alone?

"I even agreed to pay the debt that is not mine. What more do you want? Why are you cornering me?" A tear appeared on my eyes which was partly due to anger.

Our attention shifted to the door which was suddenly swung open. A man in police uniform arrived and his features resembled Mrs. Highblood.

"Big sister, is she the one who wronged you?"

"Oh you"re finally here. Yeah, go fetch her and jail her in your precinct."

The policeman came to my side and then quickly handcuffed me.

"Wait - please wait! I"m properly negotiating here, why are you doing this to me!?" Despite being teary-eyed, I protested. "Please give me some more time! I"ll find Aunt and pay you!"

"My patience has run out, Alyanna. Someone has to suffer now to atone for all the wrongdoings committed against me!"

"And you want me to take the blame?" They"re too black-hearted to pin down all my Aunt"s sins to me. They are not even willing to hear my pleas.

"Now go and jail her! Until the money appeared in front of me, she shall be imprisoned!"

How deep do they intend to bury me? I can"t think properly anymore because I can no longer hold back my sobs. Fright, sadness, anger, and self-pity have swallowed me.

Her brother, in a rough manner, dragged me to his vehicle. The whole neighbourhood"s curiosity has piqued by this ongoing scandal and they are now all eyeing me oddly.

Right now all I wish is to vanish like burst bubbles to save myself from all of the embarra.s.sment. What did I do to go through all of this? Am I deserving of this kind of fate? "You should be catching my Aunt instead!" I tried hard to speak while crying. "You can"t send me to jail! Please don"t! I"m begging you - "

Just when I thought all of the heavens and earth have condemned me to d.a.m.nation...when my life has succ.u.mbed to darkness...he came.

"Wait!" We all looked at the source of the manly voice. That voice which is so familiar to me. "Release her."

He approached me and as he directs his sight towards me, I can clearly see the pity in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" It only made me cried more, but in that moment, I felt some hope. "Brylle..."



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