Wizard's Tale

Chapter 18

Brylle"s POV


Both Yana and I came home being wounded and weak after the fight with the Warg. But thanks to Vander and his Dactyl friends. They were able to heal our wounds.

"Thank you very much," I said to the Dactyls.

The Dactyls are kind-hearted beings and they also don"t ask something in return for their good work. For them, helping those in need is a way to strengthen their powers.

When they left...

"The number of Yosuzume feathers that the two of you brought home is so so so many!" Vander exclaimed as he carefully stored the feathers inside a jar. "Fortunately you pa.s.sed by the challenge of a Warg. You"re really awesome, Master! How I wish I saw you fighting that - "

"Yana was the one who did something to save the two of us." My gaze went to Yana who was fast asleep on the sofa.

"Really?" It seemed Vander was really surprised. "She"s really different! Really, really, unlike any others."

"You said it right, Vander." Thinking that we no longer have any time to waste, I followed up my words. "Vander, you go and deal with the matters about the location of Yana"s Aunt. Go to Sorceress Louhi."

"But Master, you"re still feeling weak. Are you sure the two of you can manage by yourselves? Even my travel will take three days!"

"Don"t worry about us, Vander. I"m now fine, only needing some rest."

Vander looked lost in thoughts. Perhaps he"s still worried about her. "Don"t worry about Yana, I"ll take care of her. The matter of the most importance is locating where her aunt has hidden herself."

Vander finally stopped arguing. "I"ll obey, Master!" He vowed before leaving.

I"m still on my seat and the thought of not leaving my spot crossed my mind. I think my strength has yet to fully recover so I decided to not move my body for now.

The next morning, I still woke up earlier than Yana. When my consciousness returned, I felt my neck being numbed so I stood up. However, despite my wounds healing up, my state is still not as optimistic. I fell - towards Yana"s direction.

I don"t know what to react because even if my left hand successfully grasped the chair, my right hand fell near her chest. I panicked more because she woke up.

"Brylle?" Her eyes grew wide upon seeing me. My position was even so unsightly since it looked like I was about to do something horrible to her! "W-what are you doing?" She"s thinking I"m doing something perverted!

I became more nervous, I sweated and began feeling embarra.s.sed. "I"m just checking you out - " What did I say? "I mean, I"m just checking if you still have wounds." What is wrong with me? I"m definitely still not okay!

Yana"s forehead creased and then looked suspiciously at me. That"s why for this to end, I attempted to stand. However, my knees were still weak. I fell down once again. This time, Yana caught me.

"Are you okay? You"re still weak."

"What about you?"

I was surprised to her stand on her own. "I"m okay now." She led me to the sofa. "Wait, did you sleep on the chair? I see, that"s what made you weary, eh! You don"t have proper sleep."

I didn"t reply. But the way she worry seems more than how a mother or a girlfriend should be! "Where are the Dactyls? I didn"t even the chance to say my grat.i.tude to them," she said when she noticed that her wounds had healed up. "And where"s Vander too? He"s not around again?"

It seemed that she finally noticed my lack of replies. I"ve yet to forget her stupidity last night. That life-throwing one!

"You"re still mad, aren"t you? I"m sorry, okay. I promise I won"t do it again. I won"t make you worried again."

"Who says I"m worrying about you?"

"You! And didn"t you end up like that because you thought I would be in danger?"

"I"m not worrying! I"m mad because you"re not putting much thoughts on your actions!"

"Eh, it"s the same, right? You"re unhappy because you"re worried."

How can she still have the mood to tease me? Couldn"t she reflect how she almost died yesterday?

"I"m really p.i.s.sed, Yana."

"Really?" Then she smiled a playful one. I hate how she cutely smiles like that! "I know you"re happy, Brylle."

"What are you saying? Did you smack your head into something? You"re so stupid and annoying!"

"Ows? Liar!" She even could raise her eyebrow at me. "The ring on my finger speaks the truth!" Then she showed me the Bond Ring that she"s wearing.

The blackness of her ring was gone? How did that happen? What does it mean? That I am happy right now? That ring is lying! I am really mad!

"d.a.m.nit! My head"s aching at you! Bulls.h.i.t!" I covered my face with my hand because in reality, I"m feeling relieved that she"s finally okay.

"I think we have to go now in your room so you can have your rest."Then she helped me stand and supported me by the shoulder. I planned to resist but she said, "Oh, don"t be shy anymore. What"s going on with you, anyways?"

"I"m not being shy!" Why is she so naggy today? She"s been teasing me the moment she woke up! And I"m now so irritated at her stares and smile! Is she thinking that she"s beautiful?

But for real, even thought I feel so annoyed at her nagging, it"s also - also heart-warming? I can"t understand myself!

Maybe I shouldn"t have made Vander go away. How messy, why am I doing that for this girl again?


Alyanna"s POV


My boss is really on oddball! Although from the start I already know that Brylle is not ordinary. "You"re acting angry, but my ring"s crystal is not turning black."

"What are you even here for and why are you disturbing me?"

"I"m looking for Vander. It"s been three day since I last saw him, eh. I miss him!"

"I tasked him to go to the Otherworld. Do you want to see him now? I can send you over there."

"So harsh!" After that, I went out of his sight since he"s about to get angry. Actually, the real reason why I keep on bothering him was because I am very curious on why he"s acting strangely these days.

After what happened at the Atrum forest, it seemed like Brylle"s att.i.tude towards me changed. Maybe he finally learned to give importance to me. He even worried when I got involved in danger.


"What again!" The idiot seemed like faking being busy. But I don"t believe that he"s really enganged in some matters.

"Already shouting? Didn"t you say it"s my day off today? I plan to invite you out. But I have to tell you, first and foremost, it"s not a date!"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Don"t wanna!"

"Come on! Let"s increase your social life experience! And of course, mine too. Also, it"s because I"ve never go wandering about since my aunt prohibited me from doing so before. This will be the first time if ever!"

After saying that, he finally shifted his eyes to me.

"Come on, you"re not doing anything, are you? Just accompany me."

"You know, you"re the most noisy, naggy and irritating person I"ve ever met! You"re making my head ache!" He stood up and so I stepped back. Oh no! Did I anger him again?

"O-okay, I won"t bother you again. Yeah, In fact I actually said that I"ll be going off by myself."

"Where are we going, by the way?"

Ay, suddenly like that?

"I also don"t know where it"s good to sight-see and so I thought it"s better to pull you with me at this. Perhaps you know some good places."

"Tch! This is only for today, Alyanna Rohan!" He started walking out and then I followed after him.

"So hot-headed, yet in the end, he went with me. He even took the first step out!" He suddenly glanced past his shoulder to me. But I only smiled at him. Just wanna tease him. Haha! I"m excited! Finally I can roam around the city!

However, all my excitement disappeared like bubbles roughly after thirty minutes. It"s all because, he led me into a forest! A forest again! Can"t he just tell me right away if he also doesn"t know any mall or other scenic spots to visit?

"If you"re mad at me, Brylle, please don"t intentionally lose me inside that forest. Maybe there"s no Warg out there, but other wild beasts are surely going to attack me."

He suddenly burst into a laugh when he heard me saying that. "You should have told me earlier! I should have brought you back to the Atrum Forest."

"Eh? Why are we even here? This is very far from the civilization! Didn"t I tell you we will go to some tourist spots? Social life, Brylle! Where"s social life in this place?"

"You said, social life? I don"t need that." The wizard once again began being nit-picky! "But if you want a place where you can feel that you are like a tourist, then this is it."

"Eh, we"re probably ending up lost inside that place."

"You"ll be lost if I were to left you out there out of my extreme anger! Shut up and just follow me."

Sometimes, it"s really challenging to understand men! More so, if it"s a wizard. "Come on!" And more so, if the one we"re talking about is Brylle Zaffiro!

We probably went hiking for half an hour just to reach the scenic spot that he was talking about. But our effort proved worth it when we arrived at the place. It made my jaw dropped.

"Oh, what are you now? Close your mouth or else insects will swarm in," he said to mock me.

He brought me to a hidden paradise! Aside from the fact that I can compare this to a hotel garden view, there"s also a waterfall nearby! And the best thing about it is the tree house that I can see from afar! "What"s this place?"

"We created that tree house. It"s because when we feel like it, we come here and we did frequently."

"Wow! So this place is like your resort in the forest! You have an awesome hideout!"

Suddenly, white leaf-like beings appeared and they circled around us. When I inspected them closely, I just realized that they are not white leaves. "W-what are they?"

"They are Silver Abeles. They are this place"s guardians." They don"t speak but I think they are pleased to see Brylle. They are floating in the air and are so beautiful to watch!

"Brylle, look!" I"m sitting on one of the swings and the Silver Abeles are the one moving it from its place. Amazing! It"s like I was being carried by the wind!

"You"re acting like a child! Ay, not, you"re actually childish! Can you please shut up!" It"s Brylle again. He"s sitting on  a chair-shaped tree. He was also being served by some of the cute beings.

My eyes darted to the falls and I suddenly thought of doing something fun! "I want to swim! Brylle, can I go swimming?"

"Do what you want."

"Eh, but the problem is that I don"t have spare clothes with me." I smilingly said which made him turn his head to me.


"Unless you want to see me naked, maybe you can use magic to produce a set of clothing?"

Brylle"s eyebrow went up and then he crossed his arms. "You think I"ll be ogling at you? And why are you  even commanding me to use my ability for you?"

"Why do you always sound angry? Jokes can"t even get to you." I left him and walked for the waterfalls. He"s not looking at me but to be sure. "Hey, Brylle. I"m going to swim now. Don"t peek, alright!"

I watched out for his reaction. And he"s actually glaring at me. The eff, doesn"t he know he"s still a  man? "Bulls.h.i.t!" That"s all he shouted before brusquely turning around.

"Silver Abeles!" I spoke to them even though I am not sure if they can understand me. "Alert me if Brylle ever tried to peek, okay?"

Am I being paranoid? Haha.

After that, I took my T-shirt and shorts off. I"m still wearing my underwear. I plan to swim near the rocky region so that there will be something to obstruct the sinful straying eyes.

The moment I dipped myself into the water, "Woohoo! The water feels great!" I feel like I"ve won over those who went to the spa just from this experience! The temperature is just right and the water is clear! The water falling from above is also good.

Right now, the Silver Abeles are still surrounding me but they are being careful not to get wet. It"s because when one of them fell to the water, she struggled hard to the point she needed my help to get out of it.

"I think you guys should go over there for the meantime. The water is not good for you." They backed away a little but they didn"t really left. It was as if they want to guard me.

I was already enjoying my bath when I noticed something. It was like something was moving from not so far from me. "Hey, Brylle. Are you peeking at me? You"ll gonna have a sty!"

Brylle heard me and then he shouted back. "Your face! I"m only here."

It seemed Brylle was not that person. Eh, then who? It moved again and when I stared at it...

Ow. Em. Ji. "Aaaaahhhhhh!"

When I began screaming, the Silver Abeles turned frantic. They rushed to what I saw but it had already run away. Since it alarmed Brylle, he went over to me. "Yana, what"s happening?" And when she looked at me...

"Aaaaaahh! Turn around, perv!" I"m only wearing underwear! Please!

He did turn around and looked as if he doesn"t know what to do... "Give me a moment! Why did you scream?"

"Brylle, my clothes! Someone stole my clothes!"

It"s a small creature only slightly taller than Vander. However, unlike a Garden Gnome, the thing that stole away my garments looks horrible! It resembles a frog with antenna and it can walk!

"Hurry! Go after it! It"s not a human!"

"What?" He once again turned to me so I screamed again.

"Hwaaaaaaahhh! Don"t stare at me! My clothes, retrieve it!"

He"s now startled so he ran to hunt the creature that took fancy of my clothes.

So embarra.s.sing! It"s so embarra.s.sing because Brylle saw me in that state! Of course, even though I"m wearing underwear, I still looked embarra.s.sing!

So much gross! Embarra.s.sing! It"s almost as if Brylle had seen my body! I couldn"t stop myself from crying and sinking myself in the water.


Brylle was somehow away for a long while but when he returned, he"s not bringing with him any clothes. His back was facing me when he started explaining. "Pesky hobgoblins! You"re great, Alyanna Rohan. Out so many things they can waste their time on, they chose you."

"Hobgoblins?" That"s what I saw? "Eh, where are my clothes? I"m feeling cold here."

"Nowhere! They won"t return it anymore!" Then he removed his upper garment which left him on his inner shirt. "Here, use this." He levitated the clothe to me with his back still facing me.

After wearing it on, I felt embarra.s.sed to face him. "Eh, Brylle, it"s short! Can"t you use magic to create a set like what you did before?"

"You think I"ll use magic just for that reason?"

So nasty! Don"t tell me he"s enjoying how I look like right now? Brylle is a sneaky perv?

"Bear with that."

"I"ll go home looking like this?" Brylle stared at me and then his eyes went down to my lower half. His T-shirt only reached down to my thighs and it"s really short.

He immediately looked away as if he was feeling embarra.s.sed. "Tch!" He couldn"t do anything but bring out his wand to use magic. After a while, I"m already wearing a skirt --- but it"s made out of leaves!

"Owkamown! (TN: Oh, come on) What"s this?" It"s cute, but people would surely stare at me more because of this! I looked like Tarzan"s Jade!

Brylle"s eyes criticized my get up, "Pfft!" He suddenly laughed! Appearing like he"s having so much fun! Eh, what"s so funny about my appearance? "Hey, choose. You"re going home like that or without something down there?"

"Do I have another choice?"

"None! Hahaha! Your fault! Now, the hobgoblin pulled a prank at you!"

He could even mock me, eh? But fortunately, he"s not angry. Fine, I"m unlucky today, but I couldn"t deny that I experienced so much fun in this place.

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