Wizard's Tale

Chapter 5

Translator’s Note:

So, a sincere apology for my turtle-like translation speed, was recently very busy with life and school. If there’s any good soul out there who wants to help me with this translation project, please send me a message and give justice for this novel since I’m perfectly aware of how slow I am.

Good day. Enjoy reading.

Corrections and comments are very much welcomed.

Alyanna Rohan’s POV

Think carefully, Yana. "I"ll work as your helper and housekeeper? Twenty-five thousand a month, free food and lodging area…?" I repeated his words. "I only have to do those menial tasks?" I asked using my trembling voice.

"Obviously, yes. Vander, go ahead and translate the contract to her."

Vander, the tiny creature, advanced. Though very out of the blue, I realized how this little guy actually looked cute despite being a dwarf. "Here!" And his voice is very small. Just where the heck that huge voice he had used to scare the h.e.l.l out of me came from when I entered their house?

Vander explained to me the contract"s content. "Errand girl, housekeeper, cook, delivery girl, research girl…" So far, I only heard few t.i.tles with "er" and "girl’.  When he finished reading, I observed that nothing weird has been mentioned, at least nothing against my human rights.

"Are you sure that"s all I have to do? Nothing… like that something…?"

"Why? Do you think you still have another purpose?"

"Um… you told me yourself that you are a witch." (TL: In the raw it says "mangkukulam" which is usually translated as witch, don"t know if there"s a more appropriate equivalent.)


"Wizard, witch, magic-chuchu, all the same! Probably, after some time you"re gonna sell my body and soul to a demon."

"Tsk! I don"t worship demons! I"m not demonic! Do I look like one?"

"How would I know? You can control me through your magic tricks. You have a dwarf companion. Everything is so unreal. I won"t even know if you"re in a sort of disguise right now."

When I said that, he slowly walked forward. Meanwhile, I have nowhere to step back to because the wall is already behind me. He suddenly caught my hand, and then… and then…

… he made me touch his smooth and white face.

"This face is real… this is me. Don"t ever question my handsomeness."

I swallowed some saliva and then admitted that what he said is true… he"s very good-looking.

I see, it means his face a.s.sets were his since birth. (T/N: probably saying that his face is not a product of magic)

"Ten seconds for you to decide."

"Ten seconds?!!!" That fast?

Then he started counting.

"Ten." Y-yana! This is just a dream!

"Nine." Wake up.

"Eight." d.a.m.n! It"s all real!

"Seven." But it seems his offers are not bad.

"Six." And he also rea.s.sured to me that he"s not demonic.

"Five." Well, it seems true. His face is nowhere like that.

"Four." Also, I"m broke. Meaning, I desperately need a job!

"Three." Gosh, Yana. Your life is at stake.

"Two." Think fast, Yana!!!


"OKAY! Okay! I agree!"

He gave out a grin. Fine, he won, this time. And it"s because I was left without any other choice.

Not long after that, Vander brought out a dagger. Eh, I thought they won"t hurt me…. so what"s that for?

"This is a life contract. Your blood is needed when signing your name."

Brylle took the initiative to wound up his palm and sign his part. I was fed up by the insane amount of blood pouring out of his wound but unlike me, he was actually not minding that.

Vander approached me after Brylle and slashed on my left palm. I closed my eyes due to pain. "Use this." He lent me a pen. It seems I have to use my blood as ink.

I took a deep and long breath. A few seconds pa.s.sed by before I managed to muster up the courage to sign the contract.

"Good decision, Alyanna Rohan." After saying that, Brylle glanced at his elemental guardian. "Keep it safe, Vander."

"Yes, master!" Vander even saluted before swallowing the paper. Ewww! He ate the contract!?

"Don"t be surprised, Alyanna. Vander can still spit out that paper whole when needed."

I feel like vomiting, but I fight the urge to do so. "What comes next after signing that?"

"It won"t end with just that. What you have signed states what you have to do while working for me. It consequently means that you can only take orders from me. You"re forbidden from running away from the house. You"re also not allowed to take other jobs. Of course, you can"t disobey me."

So many restrictions!

"What"s next then?" I asked while fidgeting.

Brylle Zaffiro turned around, walked a little bit ahead, and then stopped on one spot. He toyed his wand and then the place lit up.

Because of the excessive raining of light, I felt some impulse to shield my eyes from it but I can"t take them off of what he"s doing. All of the sudden, another batch of light rushed out from the lines drawn on the floor underneath us.

At the same time, he started mumbling some sort of incantation which I naturally can"t understand. I also don"t know what those are for. However, I’m sure of one thing - he"s casting a spell.

"The spell has begun, I consecrate this circle." He tapped the floor using his wand which caused the floor to glow more. "Alyanna Rohan." He called for me. However, I was afraid to come near him since he"s being surrounded by fire.

However, Vander pushed me towards him. I was surprised when I felt that the fire is not burning me. Not only that, the wound on my palm healed up!

When I walked forward, Brylle offered his left hand to me.

I accepted the hand with my left one. He smiled. It"s too weird, I don"t know how to react or what to think of that.

"Elements of Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. Bless my magic, strong is my will."

I only let things unfold while being dumbfounded. His gripped on my hand became stronger as he says,

"At this sacred s.p.a.ce, this hallowed circle,

I bring Alyanna Rohan, standing before me.

I honor her to witness this rite,

And welcome her to her new path of life."

I, chose the wise option, right? Please, someone tell me that I did, and that these people are sane.

"Do you accept, Alyanna? Please answer "I do.""

My body subconsciously obeyed. I nodded, "Yes, I do."

He smiled at me because I answered right away.

"Well, I"m thrilled by your presence of mind." It seemed he laughed at that part. On the other hand, I become annoyed to myself because I actually blushed without knowing why.  Hey, I"m not usually like this!

He continued his chant, "Harken all you guides and spirits. Today, this girl is mine. So mote it be!"

Wait… did I hear him correctly? This. Girl. Is. Mine? My brows furrowed. I"m his? Come again?

"Behold elements of Wind, Fire, Water and Earth.

Please grant us the ring to complete this vow."

Wait… wait a minute! What ring? What vow?

All my suspicions and bewilderment increased when dusts appeared circling around my ring finger. I only blinked for a second and then those little specks turned into a ring!

I noticed that Brylle also had the same ring on his ring finger. The only difference is the color. Mine"s crystal is white while his is black.

"Blessed be this ring, for it shall signify this pledge."

My confusion went up another notch and I also felt my heart throbbing so fast when he suddenly kissed my ring.

"And blessed be your lips, for it shall never talk about our secret."

Eh? Lips…?

He presented his hand before me, as if telling me to kiss his ring too. I simply complied.

"Hear ye Mighty Ones, our circle has ended.

This spell draws to its end, but none will be forgotten.

For if ever she cause me pain, sorrow and ill

Then let there be death that only I can bound."

Death? Even though I don"t know a thing about spell, at least I can understand what his words mean. He"s ensuring that if ever I let out a single word about his secret or hurt him, I will die. Anyway, if ever, how and why would I do that?

By the way, I can"t believe that I agreed on this spell. Now I"m spellbound to someone I still don"t know or trust. I attempted to ask something "Brylle, wait - "

"Sheesh! It"s not yet over."

Not yet over? What more does he want?

"As I will, so mote it be.

I may now seal this with a kiss."

He speedily said the spell"s last part. And then the next thing I knew, Brylle Zaffiro is giving me a kiss. On my lips.

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