Wizard's Tale

Chapter 14

Alyanna"s POV


"Wait, what do you really want me to do?"

The fairy with pink wings wanted to say something to Brylle but he couldn"t understand her! And he dared claim he was a wizard?

"She said you have to plant the other one there! Not that plant!"

Brylle could only shake his head and do what I said. I suddenly became his translator whenever the fairies tried to talk to him.

"This is so unreal! I am the boss here but my person made me dig soil," he complained. "It was you who wanted to fix my garden but you actually pulled me over. Tsk!*"

And because his nit-pickiness was rushing over, I noticed that one of the fairies pulled his hair. "Ouch! Why are you hurting me? Do you want to be flicked upon?"

Due to Brylle"s warning, the fairies were shocked and they all flew and hid behind my back.

"Joke! That was only a joke. Don"t be scared, I was only kidding you."

I widened my eyes at Brylle. He was the one who told me not to scare the Nature Spirits but he actually ended up doing it.

"Okay, right. Don"t feel afraid of that wizard. He"s actually a good boy although he was sometimes cranky. I a.s.sure you guys, even if I throw mud at him, he won"t be mad."

Since I said it, I did. I grabbed a handful of soil and throw it at Brylle"s face. It surprised him but he could only smile at me although right now, he was obviously forcing down his anger.

"You see, right? Brylle is so kind. He didn"t grow mad!" And now inwardly, I am dying of laughter. He couldn"t fight back.

The fairies believed me and became at ease again.

"Seriously, how can you understand them?"

"Can"t you?"

"I have been working alongside Nature Spirits for so long, and yes, I"ve worked with Earth Fairies too. But even now, I can"t understand them."

That"s weird! Why can I get what they want to say? I looked at them and in reality, it was so easy to read them. Somehow, I seemed to know how to speak their language too. I just can"t figure out how I do it.

"It"s easy to understand them. Look and listen to them well."

"It"s difficult." Brylle stressed out. "It really puzzles me how you can do it."

I could only shrug my shoulders. I simply don"t know so I only resumed my work and started digging and planting again.

When I glimpsed at Brylle, he was now also helping us seriously. I suddenly began to wonder and realize he should not be doing this. I feel ashamed as I realized that this should have been my way of returning his favour.

"Brylle, it"s fine now. I"ll take over from here.  Wash your hands, and also your face..."

"Ha?" He replied without looking at my direction. He was really into his work. "I"m already here, I have started working with this one as well. Also, how would I know if your allies, the Earth Fairies, won"t swarm me if I don"t help?"

I can only giggle after hearing his reply. I actually think that when he was like this, he"s kind of charming. Although it was already a given that he is handsome...

My deity! What the heck am I thinking? I shifted my focus on my work. However, the purple fairy in front of me started chatting with me.

"You like him?" It seemed that was what the fairy said and I don"t know how I understand it despite their words being weird. Their weird language was even coupled with so many random movements.

I answered her, "Like, as in that kind of like? NO." As in N-O, NO! "We are in a servant-boss relationship."

"I think, he likes you." Hala!* What was she saying?

"I think, not." Then I whispered to her. "I"m only her maid."

But the fairy conversing to me changed her expression again. "If you are only his maid, a Life Contract is enough. But the two of you underwent the Initiation Ritual, and now through the Bond Rings, he and you have special connection!"

"Wait, how do you know about this? And you should know, we only have the rings so I can"t anger or escape from him!"

"Eh, why doesn"t he want you to escape from him? You have to think of that!" Then the fairy talking to me started laughing teasingly.

"What have you been whispering to each other?" We didn"t notice Brylle approaching and now he"s close to us, wearing that confused face. "Are the two of you certain that you can comprehend each other"s words? What are you talking about?"

He was staring at me and I suddenly grew ashamed after remembering the fairy"s words. "No. Nothing..." I judged it was better to distance myself to him to lessen the awkwardness.

But the fairy... It seems she has no plan to stop the teasing. "I am sure, you are special to that wizard!"

Ah, it seems Nature Spirits liked gossiping! Malice-giving! Eh, it is impossible for Brylle to like me. It is really impossible!


We finished the make-over of the new garden on the afternoon.

"WOW!" Brylle and I chorused.

If I was by myself, I surely won"t be able to finish this so early, but through the Earth Fairies and Brylle"s help, everything had become easy. "Earth Fairies, thank you very much! I don"t know I can pay you all!"

"Just maintain the liveliness of this place. That is only our, the Earth Fairies, desire!" Her words made me smile. All of them are very kind-hearted. They didn"t ask anything for exchange.

"What did they say?"

"Just take care of this garden."

"Ah!" He only scratched his head. "How can you really figure them out?"

"If I know how, I should have told you by now. I just know it by heart. Or probably instinct. I don"t know! It"s just like that!"

"We have to return now to the Otherworld! Farewell."

"Bye-bye!" We said our farewells to the Earth Fairies and then after a few seconds, they vanished on the skies. It felt so rewarding now that we were done with the garden.

"Yeah! Only one thing is unresolved!" I suddenly mumbled.

"What is missing?"

I pointed my fingers toward the defective-looking fountain. When we peeked into it, the water there was very dirty and it looked like many tadpoles and frogs have taken it as their residence. Many dead leaves were also floating on the surface.

"I can fix this, don"t worry! I know plumbing. This fountain here will complete your garden"s extreme make-over."

"Why are you doing all of this?"

"That was also what I asked you when you helped me on my problems. Just let me do this, Brylle."

He no longer argued with me. Instead, he gave me a smile and for goodness, that brought a strange happiness to me. "It"s better if you first prepare dinner. Maybe Vander is on his way back."

"Ay, you"re right!" I was already marching inside when he stopped me.

"Yana, wait." He gently raised his hand near to my face.

I have no idea what he wants to do so I only closed my eyes. I suddenly remembered again the gossipmonger fairy.

"Don"t move." I was being nervous here but he actually only wiped the dirt on my face. "Here, not dirty anymore."

I was thinking too much! But, I wonder what was real. If I will rate I and my boss" relationship, I can say we"re in now in friendship.

"Before cooking, clean your body first. You"re so filthy. The food will be contaminated with your dirt."

"Eh..." Okay, we"re really friends! This Brylle really know to get into my nerves. "You should be thankful if it"s only dirt - what if it"s poison."

"I heard that!" He raised one brow at me and since he was making face like that, probably he"s unhappy.

"Hey, that"s too much! Why is my ring blacken easily!?"

"Haha. You deserved that!" And he went inside the mansion.

This Brylle Zaffiro is still ever-so-annoying!


Brylle"s POV


Vander had only returned from his mission in the evening. I told him to go to the house of the person who tried to send Yana to the prison - the liar manang**. He got enough information and now we are conversing in private.

"What did you learn?"

"Master, you are right. The woman who wanted to jail Yana lied. Yana doesn"t owe her anything. No debt!" When I heard that, my blood suddenly boiled up.

"I knew it."

"And not only that, she was Yana"s aunt"s accomplice! I was so angry, Master! I messed up her whole house to vent. I also directed many bedbugs, c.o.c.kroaches, termites and bees inside that manang"s bedroom! She will be crying to death when she sees that!"

This little gnome was somehow brutal when maddened. I didn"t react since the deed has been done. I also thought that manang deserved that. Actually, that was far from enough!

However, we can"t only be dwelling in crankiness and revenge. "Did you investigate where Yana"s relatives went into hiding?"

"I did! I searched information in that house but I think, even that woman have no clue where Yana"s aunt has gone to."

"Have you tried tracking them?"

Vander bowed down. It was easy for him to track a person"s location, except if, "I think, that woman has an amulet. I can"t find any smell or footsteps coming from her."

"What do you mean?"

"Master Brylle, there"s a probability Yana"s Aunt was no ordinary person." And if that is true, "And there"s also a chance that Yana"s family was not ordinary too."

"You have a point, Vander." I pondered about some other situations. "Aside from the maltreatment, she also stole Yana"s wealth. I have this hunch that they did not only steal money from Yana. No matter what important thing was that, it seems she doesn"t want Yana to have it."

"Master, what should we do? Also, how could Yana be not an ordinary human?" I have also asked that to myself. "If we will a.n.a.lyze carefully, it was a big puzzle why Master Lorcan, from so many people he could send to us, sent Yana."

I sat down and said, "We can"t expect the answer and explanation from Master Lorcan. Are there any other spells to locate that woman?"

Vander started thinking hard. "There is one, Master Brylle! A Cla.s.s S spell." A spell that can only be performed by those wizards in the highest cla.s.s, Cla.s.s S.

"You know it"s impossible for me, Vander."

Both of us sighed. The little gnome thought for a while before saying, "Maybe the famed Sorceress from the Light-Blooming Forest can help us."

"Sorceress Louhi?" I suddenly chuckled. "Have you forgotten what kind of stuff she always demand as payment?"

"A feather from a Yosuzume - that are hostile to men."

And I added, "which can only be found in tthe Atrum forest, plagued with Warg."

Our sense of hopelessness worsened because we both know how dangerous the creature is.

Nevertheless, if that is the only way to find Yana"s relative and know her origins, then we might as well take the risk.



Hala* - exclamation, similar to OMG, or Gosh

Manang** - address to a female middle-aged stranger

Here"s some of the ill.u.s.trations I found on the raws" site. Not sure if you can call them cute but they fit the author"s other descriptions. 




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