Wizard's Tale

Chapter 15

Alyanna"s POV


Like what I promised to Brylle, I fixed the old fountain located in the middle of the garden the next morning. Beforehand, they informed me that they are not sure if it will still work since it has been broken for so long.

The fountain is made up of marbled tiles which I scrubbed carefully to get rid of the weeds and mosses. After that, by myself, I filled it up with water . Although it"s somehow tiring, I hastened because I want Brylle to see the fountain working when we woke up.

Naturally, when I successfully made him pleased, the acc.u.mulated dirt in my ring as result of Brylle"s anger yesterday, will be gone.

The fountain made me busy for several hours. When enough water was filled, I tried opening the main switch and the scene made me smile.

I prepared my boss" breakfast. And when it was time to wake him up, "Brylle! Brylle! Brylle!"

He opened his eyes for a while, "Don"t imitate Vander." And since he"s still being sleepy, he turned around and covered his head with pillow to go back to sleep. Because of that, I shook him stronger.

"Wake up! It"s six am po!"

I pulled his hand to rouse him up. And without letting him yawn, I pulled him out of bed and then out of his room. His eyes remained close that"s why he stumbled for a couple of times while we were walking out.

"Ouch! What"s your problem? Do you want me to turn you into a frog right now? It"s so early and you"re messing with me!" He shouted at me. But I did not become scared.

"Don"t be angry yet and just see my work." He only rolled his eyes but I did not stop. I held his face to direct his sight to what I want him to see. "Tadaah!"

Brylle was shocked upon seeing that. He even wiped his eyes for several times when he saw that the fountain which had not ran water for several years now runs water again.

"You fixed it this fast?"

"Oh yeah! I dealt with it for three and a half hours!" And I"m proud of my hard work. "So now, your garden"s extreme make-over concluded!"

And since his backyard has been given life and new colors, the Zaffiro mansion can no longer be called a haunted mansion! It"s bright and full of life now!

I think Brylle has really been surprised this time and he was really happy as well as proven by my once again shining ring, now devoid of any dirt! This was the third time that it happened, and the second time for this week!

"I"m astounded! You"re really different!" He patted my head as if he was petting his dog. "Master Lorcan did not judge wrongly when he sent you here."

Kilig struck me when I heard that - it was caused by joy! He rarely praised me so just let me be this time.

"What"s your wish now?"

I did not expect I would be granted a wish for this. Nevertheless, I don"t plan to let this chance slip by. "If possible, I wish for you to search my Auntie - "

"Ha?" I can"t describe that kind of reaction. Is it difficult for him to track a person?

"Maybe we can leave that for the future." I said.

Then it seems he sighed in relief.

"Here is my wish, Brylle. I wish that you lend me some money so I can enrol now in Villarene Central University. Now is the last day of enrolment, I fear that the slots will run out. Don"t worry, I"ll work hard to pay you up. The debt from the other day included. It"s okay, even if you don"t give me my salary for the next few years."

Brylle"s expression turned plain. "Did I ever tell you that I would be collecting payment?"

"But that is a debt, Brylle. It has to be paid."

"You"re saved from that. You saved my place."

"I know that is still not enough. Brylle, you took out a large sum of money! I don"t want to be indebted - "

"Indebted. You don"t want to owe me? Is that it, Yana?" I bowed, that"s really what runs in my mind. "You still don"t get it, do you? I did not accept you as a mere servant and I"m also not specially showing you kindness because I"m expecting something in exchange."

"If that"s true, then why? Why are you so kind to me?"

We stared at each other for a long time, but he was the one who looked away first. He turned back and walked off. "The money is already in your pocket. You can enrol later."

When I touched it, my pocket really has something within!

However, after that, he no longer talked to me. It seemed our talk earlier put him in bad trip. I can"t understand why he became mad when I said it"s a must to pay what I owe him. Why doesn"t he want to be paid back?


Now I"m in the admission office of the Villarene Central University. I"m waiting for the schedule that they will give to me. By the way, I will be taking the course Culinary Arts!

"Thank you." When I get the slip, the next destination will be the cashier. Unfortunately, I b.u.mped into someone while walking. Really clumsy, me. "Aww -sorry." I even lost grip of my bag.

Thank goodness, the one who I collided with was kind-hearted. He was the one who picked up my belongings. "No, it was my fault. I was not looking." When I heard the voice, I already knew who it was! "Here - " Then I stared at his face. "I"m sorry."


"Alyanna Rohan?"It"s Prince Dustin Blake! And he just called my name! The prince of my life! What is he doing here? "You"re also going to study here?"

Many people were looking at us. Naturally, it"s due to Prince Dustin"s extreme handsomeness!

"You know me?"

"Of course! We"re cla.s.smates and schoolmates, right?" I didn"t know that he paid attention! As long as I can remember, I always made sure to become invisible as much as possible when inside the cla.s.sroom and in the whole school. "What"s your course?"

"Cu-culinary Arts."

"Then Elysse and you will become cla.s.smates. Do you remember her?" I nodded. Wait - what? Elysse?

"Dustin!" And here she comes. Remember the princess of my story? It"s Elysse Fabel! "I already got my schedule!" But then she glanced at me, from head-to-toe. "Oh! You! I know you!"

"Hi Elysse..."

"High school cla.s.smate!" See. She doesn"t even remember my name. "What are you doing here?"

"Actually Elysse, she will be your cla.s.smate from now on. The two of you both took Culinary Arts."

"Really?" They are once again together, which proves that they have a hidden relationship. "Eh, aren"t you poor? How are you going to pay?"

"Um - I have a job."

"You"re not a maid anymore?" How did she know that when she didn"t even remember my name?

"Elysse." Prince Dustin whispered to her and now people were locking their eyes here.

"The truth is, I"m still a housekeeper."

"Then, you"re really a maid!" and she said it in her louder voice while giggling. It wasn"t the first time that someone belittled me because of my job. And I couldn"t retort, because I am really a maid.

I felt so small being with them so I only lower my head. I felt like wanting to disappear but a familiar voice called out, "Yana!"

When I glanced back, Brylle is also here? "Brylle?" She approached me while smiling and that increased the number of eyes staring at this direction.

Three beautiful creatures surrounded me! Prince Dustin, the heartthrob from our previous school, Elysse, the famous elite girl and now, here"s Brylle br.i.m.m.i.n.g with good looks, s.e.x appeal and magical aura! I am the only throw-away in this scene!

"What are you doing here?"

"I also enrolled." And he was only looking at me, while Prince Dustin and Elysse were sizing him up.

It would be awkward if I wouldn"t introduce them to him and so I introduced them to each other. "Brylle, they"re Prince Dustin and Elysse. My cla.s.smates in high school."

"Prince Dustin?"

Oh s.h.i.t! I remember that I mentioned about Prince Dustin to Brylle! Oh please, no exposing. "Hi, I"m Brylle Zaffiro. Nice to meet you, Prince Dustin."

"Prince Dustin Blake." My handsome prince said and shook hands with the wizard.

"Hi, Brylle! I"m Elysse." The b.i.t.c.hy princess interjected.

I can"t understand the strange spark in Elysse"s eyes when she shook hands with Brylle! I know there"s something, but why was she like this when Prince Dustin is still around?

"h.e.l.lo." After that, Brylle ignored them again. "You"re done, Yana?"

"I haven"t paid, eh. But I"m on my way to the cashier."

"Do it fast so we can go home."

"Wait... so Brylle, are you Alyanna"s new boss?" Wow, she finally uttered my name! But I think I did not like what she said. It was like she was slapping to my face the fact that I am a maid!

"Why did you ask?"

"Nothing much. We know that the tuition fee here is high. Your family is nice to let her study here."

Does it have to be worded? This is why I avoided Elysse, eh! She"s really famous for her b.i.t.c.hy att.i.tude. Well, she came from a wealthy and prominent family.

"Actually, you are right. But more than that - " Brylle grabbed my left hand and showed off our rings. "Yana and I are actually connected in some other way."

No matter who, they will be thinking that we are wearing couple rings. So, was it necessary to boast about that?

Elysse and Prince Dustin can only be shocked. I want to explain to them the meaning of our rings but it"s not permitted. I"ll die if I tell them about it.

Nonetheless, what if Prince Dustin misunderstood!?

"Let us go first, then. Let"s meet again when school begins!" Then Brylle pulled me over.

My deity! What show does Brylle want to play? Why did he say that?



po - added to show that the speaker is speaking respectfully

bad trip - bad mood

kilig - it"s kinda hard to explain but it"s when someone trembled, become fidgety or feel so overwhelmed, happy, and moved because their hearts were touched or moved; sometimes or most of the times the person will blush and/or hit someone due to their joyful impulses.

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