Wizard's Tale

Chapter 7


(Alyanna"s POV)

I resumed the cleaning of the whole house, wiping here, sweeping there, dusting here and scrubbing there. Even now, I"m still coughing due to the thick layer of dust. This place has some serious pollution which seems to have no end! It"s already fortunate that I can see some improvements.

I also opened the windows to at least let the light and fresh air inside! It"s really suffocating in here!

My master had totally wasted their beautiful and cla.s.sy mansion. But I"m determined to revert this old house into its previous state. I made the floor shine. I removed the cobwebs and webs from each extreme corner. I also changed the position of some stuffs so the place would be more organized.

While cleaning, my master pa.s.sed by, "Hoy, keep my belongings safe. They"re all expensive."

"I understand, Master. I"m already keeping them safe anyway."

"Also, make it fast. It looks like you have only cleaned half of the mansion."

Was he joking? "It"s not that easy to clean your house, Master." When I looked at that person, his odd stares immediately made me nervous.

"Did that mean something more?"

My G.o.d! If only it"s not dangerous to anger this guy!

"Nothing, Master. I even said I"ll speed up the cleaning." And then I left his view.

But when I sneaked a peek at him, I saw him  entering the secret room that we"ve been into last time with Vander. I say, I won"t poke my nose anymore in whatever miracle and mystery they"re doing.


In actuality, it"s more enjoyable being a maid here since it"s unlike being at Aunt"s where household ch.o.r.es piled up high together with sermons. The latter were even combo with hair-pulling, kicking and pinching. When compared to this place... at least I can do all my work in peace.

Perhaps it took me three hours before I decided to take a rest. I still have a lot of things to clean but I already made a big achievement in this mansion. It"s now more ventilated and you would no longer get any thought of this house being haunted.  

"Wow oh wow!" I immediately stood up when I heard that shrill voice of Vander. He"s together with Brylle Zaffiro. "The last time I saw this house clean was when your parents, Master Brae and Madame Elle were still alive!"

"You"re right, Vander." Brylle can"t help but give a small smile. If that"s the case, then we"re both the same,  orphaned.

But both of us were shock when Vander suddenly screamed.


Vander jumped from Brylle"s shoulder to confront me. Did I do something wrong that he"s going insane now? "Yana, Yana, Yana! You made Master happy! It"s finally shining!"

I glanced down to my ring and begun to scream too, "Ay, you"re right!"

It"s so great seeing my ring shining like this. But the funniest thing to watch is the reaction of Brylle Zaffiro!

It looks like he"s being shy, knowing that there"s an evidence whenever I made him happy. He can only roll his eyes at me and attempt to leave but...

"Wait, Master Brylle!" I suddenly remembered what Vander said about the glowing of this ring, "One wish. Vander told me that if the ring shone, I can make a wish!"

His facial expression immediately changed. He started throwing mad stares, not to me, but to Vander. "You actually said that to her?"

"It"s forbidden to lie, Master!" What? So if Vander didn"t mention this, Brylle doesn"t have any intention to fulfill my wish?

"Psh. Alright, Yana." What did he call me again? Yana? He"s now copying Vander"s way of calling me? "What do you want?"

Hey, why did he looked forced?

I only bit my lip. What do I really need right now?

I saw my reflection in the mirror and my horrible and pitiful state. Looks like I  know now what I should be urgently wishing for.

"Clothes. Can you give me clothes to wear?"

I feel embarra.s.sed with my get up. The clothes I have on me was also what I was wearing the other day. I looked like a beggar. So Eww, right?

He laughed. He actually noticed my miserable plight. "Wish granted!" Then he exchanged stares with Vander and that"s all they need to understand each other"s intention.

Out of nowhere, Vander pulled out a book and started searching on its pages. When they found it, Brylle had only read what"s stated there and then poof!

My eyes widened in surprise when two suitcases appeared on my both sides. Whatever power this Brylle Zafiro has, I was never not amazed of his magic tricks.

"All of this are mine now?"

"Yes, open them!"

 I became more dumbfounded when I opened the suitcase and found that it"s full of clothes!  "Don"t you think it"s too many?" The clothes and dresses inside, when compared to the ones I possessed before, were more beautiful and numerous!

"Hahaha!" He arrogantly laughed. "All is yours so you can now clean your body and change into more decent ones."

I didn"t refuse anymore. "Thank you!" I even smiled and bowed to him! Then I excitedly carried the suitcases to my room. Because of too much excitement, I failed to notice the weight of what I"m carrying.

This is my first time experiencing this. The things I received made me so happy. But I deserved this because I managed to make my master pleased.

After taking a bath, I tried my clothes on. The sizes really fit on me! Each and every one is pretty! The fabric brought to me a fresh feeling. Also, I looked good on them! Ahahaha!

"Yana!" Vander popped out of who-knows-where. I feel grateful to the fact that I have no heart complication or else I"ve long perished from the hypertension! "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

Here he is again, pulling me out of the room. "Wait, for what?"

"It"s time for Master"s lunch!"


We"re now in front of the dining table. Brylle is sitting on a chair and he seems out of the mood while staring at the empty table. "It seems you have been too engrossed by the clothes, you even forgot to cook."

I can only bow my head down. The thought about our lunch was lost in my mind because I was charmed by the dresses I"ve got. "I-I"m very sorry."

We can no longer do anything about it. Brylle will probably ask for a delivery. While for me, it"s fine not to eat lunch since I"ve long been used to letting a meal pa.s.sed by.

Brylle sighed. I peaked on my ring, hoping that he won"t be very angry. 

"Since you cleaned the whole house, I"ll let this one slide. But next time, I want my lunch ready."

I finally managed to release my breath. "Yes, understood!"

"Now, sit!" Wow, he"s now treating me like a pet dog. And I? I still sat on a chair and faced the long empty table. So, what"s next? Are we having a staring contest now?

"Let"s eat." And then when he clapped his hands, dishes suddenly lined up in front of us.

I can only stare idiotically at the food presented to me. He can actually produce delicious dishes like these through magic, so why do I have to work hard in cooking?

"I noticed that you love staring. Are you only going to eye me and the food?" Yes, I"m staring at the food, but at him? Duh! "You can now eat."

"Y-yes!" I only beamed at him and silently filled my plate. This is the first time! This is the first time that I can try tasty dishes like these!

What I"ve involved myself into is actually not that bad because in truth, my master is kind and his dwarf companion is also quite adorable. They are the exact opposite of those in my earlier dream.

But then, I shouldn"t trust them fully. I still have to be vigilant and to know more about them.







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