Wizard's Tale

Chapter 9

Alyanna Rohan"s POV

We strolled around the Necro Market and Brylle bought many strange items. Aside from the fire-proof fabric which can also become invisible under water, he also purchased a bag that can accommodate everything, a pair of shoes that can fly, hypnotizing eyegla.s.ses and so many more!

"Where can you get rugrants?"

"Why? Do you want to buy something?"

"I only want to ask if you still have more to purchase since it seems you"re not running out of money." I"m already carrying tons of loads! It"s all so heavy!

He ignored what I said and we entered a shop which, according to him, is actually where wands were made. I read the signboard and it says, "Necro Truncheon Shop."

"Mr. Zaffiro!"An old man greeted Brylle when we came inside. I noticed that in wherever shop we visited, this guy is famous.

"h.e.l.lo Rufus! I"m here for my new wand."

"It"s done!"

Rufus is a human... wait, is he really a human or just someone who a.s.sumed that form? He searched something from underneath and then when reappeared, he"s already holding a box with a stick inside... He glanced at me and asked, "Who"s she?"

"My mortal helper, Yana." Brylle replied while staring at me. He motioned to me to come over. Then, they started exchanging odd stares. They"re so strange! What is that for?

"Anyway, here"s your new wand." Rufus handed him the item. Seems like Brylle wanted to replace his old wand. It was shorter when compared to Brylle"s commonly used baton. "And as you wished, I used live oak and willow wood and then combined them to the copper wires you have requested to me before."

The stick he"s holding now looks more beautiful. It has many very tiny inscriptions."I carved those during the waxing phase of the moon. Try it."

Brylle grinned. He removed the b.l.o.o.d.y red crystal from his old wand and transferred it to the new one which Rufus had created. "Perfect fit!" The crystal suited the new wand more.

"Now test your magic!"

"Yana, go behind me." I hurriedly obeyed him because I have no way of knowing what he"s going to do next. When Brylle made a swishing motion, the shop"s window gla.s.ses broke. My face even received some flying shards which left a wound there. "Ouch!*" But no one paid me any attention! Their focus was on the new wand.

"Oops! I"ll pay for that."

"Haha..." Rufus only scratched his head. "This happens frequently."

"But this is great, Rufus!" Brylle brought out a bag of rugrants to pay the shop owner. "I"m very pleased so I added some more! Compensation too for the damages."

"This is why you"re  my favourite customer, Mr. Zaffiro. And because of that, leave to me the matter of dispelling your old sceptre."

"Thanks, Rufus." And then he flashed a smile at the wand-maker. "So till next time."

We went out of the shop. Meanwhile, I was busy wiping the blood dripping from my cheek.

"Hurry up, Yana! We still have to go elsewhere!"


What a d.a.m.nable guy! He"s got no mercy! Well, he didn"t see me being cut. But I dare bet he still won"t care even if he sees that.

When I finally managed to catch up to his footsteps, that"s only when he spared me a glance, "You"re so slow, do you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I"m already hurrying over." Then I rolled my eyes at him! Bulls.h.i.t! The nerve of this guy who wounded my face!

"What are you trying to cover up?" Finally! He saw that I"m covering something on my face.

However, I"m now p.i.s.sed off. "Nothing!"

He halted and then faced me and his stares suddenly made me self-conscious. "What!? Why do you stare at me like that?"

"What are you trying to hide?" He shoved away my hand and saw my wound! "Why do you have a cut here?" And my goodness, he actually dared ask!

"I was. .h.i.t when you broke the window." He"s the one at fault but he doesn"t know! So infuriating!

"Ah, is that so?." And now that he learned his fault, he"s still calm! "Next time, just be more careful." Then he turned around and started walking again.

How shameless! He didn"t even say sorry! I even thought he"s going to heal me! So hateful!

It seems Brylle Zaffiro was already the most arrogant, heartless and the greatest ungentleman I"ve ever known in my whole life! He has the best talent in ruining my days!

We stopped by in another shop. Magical herbs were being sold here. And the lady vendor is beautiful - only if her eyes were two.

"Mr. Zaffiro!" As usual, he"s also known by the Cyclop lady vendor. Fine, he"s the famous one! Probably he"s also infamous for being a bad person! "What can I do for you?"

Brylle mentioned a leaf something. When the stuff was handed to him by the salesperson, he immediately paid for it and then went to me. "Here, chew this."

"Huh?" He gave me the leaf he had bought. Base on the appearance, it looks like something picked up from some random streets! "Do you want to poison me?"

"You"re complaining too much!" He suddenly threw the leaf in my mouth and I couldn"t spit it out since he restrained me.

"Pweh!" Because of that, I swallowed it. This is too much, the taste is so bad that I want to puke! "You"re very awful to me! What did you make me eat?" I said with tears almost spilling from my eyes. What"s gonna happen to me now? Will I turn into a monster?

He slowly walked towards  me and now our face was on the same level of height. After that, he swept my hair to the side to look at my face. "It"s all healed up!" He smiled and poked my cheek.

I can feel that the pain is already gone and when I touched my cheek, I can"t feel the wound anymore. "Wait, that leaf can heal wounds?"

"Yeah. What do you think?" We"re looking at each other"s eyes - and then I suddenly became guilty for all those things I said to myself about him. "Come on. We still have to visit one more place."

I did not protest and simply followed him. Is he good or bad? Sometimes his att.i.tude is frustrating. But he can do touching things. Really, it"s true we should never believe in first impression. I should know this guy well first I must make sure on what to think of him.


Our last destination was a bookshop.

"Wait for me here. I have to search for what I need upstairs."

"Can"t I come with you?"

"I should be bringing you with me if you can, right?" There he is again, embarra.s.sing me! This guy sometimes appear lacking sense. Sometimes, he"s kind, other times he"s boastful but most of the times he"s so d.a.m.nable!

"Oh fine. Just go there." Yeah, so that his handsome points to me won"t diminish any further. There"s barely any left but he keeps on deducting it.

"And don"t touch anything. Remember, you can"t afford to pay." He even left a threat! I"m not a busybody you know?

When I was left alone, I only observed  the whole place. Why is there no one watching over here? I said I don"t meddle with other"s belongings but I"m an inquisitive person. I grew curious on the books displayed on the shelves so I checked left and right and approached them.

Love potions, money potions, revenge potions. Spells for this, spells for that, spells for whatever. All books about magic is available here! "This shop is very interesting!"

I strolled some more and inspected the displayed books. Since Brylle said so, I really make sure to not touch any of them. I had only read the t.i.tles and thought that they"re all amazing!

There are some history books, but there"s one book in particular which grabbed my attention. The t.i.tle was  inscribed with odd characters. It"s quite puzzling though how I can still read it. "Lux Bloodline: The Lost Lux Princess."

I want to get the book to read its content. Out of all that I have seen, the story about this Lux Princess was the most eye-catchy. However, before  my fingers reached it, someone spoke behind me.

"85 Rugrants." When I turned my head, a man was standing there.

He"s a different creature. His complexion was as white as snow. His hair was silver blonde. His silver eyes were glowing and his lips were as red as blood. As I see it, he"ll be very handsome if he becomes human. He"s only slightly older than me.

"I"m sorry." I took a step back. "I don"t have money. Don"t worry I didn"t touch the book."

"Who are you?" He only stares at me and it seems he also smelled me. His reaction was weird. I don"t think I"m smelly. I took a bath earlier, ah!

"I"m with Master Brylle. He went upstairs and I"m waiting for him."

After saying that, I immediately turned to  my heels and went back to where I was sitting before. But I felt that he"s following me.

"Who are you?" He once again asked.

"I already told you, right?" I"m starting to see him as a weirdo. Also, he"s already scaring me.

I only need one step and I"ll be at my seat. But I felt his hand on my shoulder. I thought he was going to do something weird to me. Because of fear, I closed my eyes.

"Yana." I glanced over my shoulder. Brylle is back. My eyes roamed around the place but the creepy snow guy was nowhere to be found. "Let"s go, we can go home now."

I can only give a nod and sigh in relief.

However, where did that guy go? And why did he react that way?

Most of all, what is the matter with that book?

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