Wolf's Love

Chapter 3

There Must Be a Way to Escape Death

Qiao Qian found Xu Bei after two hours.

The cell phone that Xu Bei called from didn"t wait for him to arrive at Beiling, he inexplicably couldn"t get through it anymore. Qiao Qian could only helplessly drive around the county town, randomly circling about.

There are four roads that could pa.s.s through the county town. One by one, he circled around twice before only then finally seeing that on top of one of the roadsides, the snow piles had traces of being sc.r.a.ped through.

He must thank the Heavens that there hadn"t been any snow in these past two hours, otherwise even if he circled around another ten laps here, it would have been impossible to see the already stiff-as-dead Xu Bei.

Qiao Qian followed along the serrated edge of the road and slid down, his hand first extended straight to Xu Bei"s neck and touched it. His pulse was very weak, it was idle and was only half-heartedly palpitating.

He gave a slap on Xu Bei"s face: "Xu Bei!"

Xu Bei did not respond, but the clothes on his chest suddenly moved. Qiao Qian"s attention was completely centered on Xu Bei"s face and he did take note of his bulging clothes. This move terribly scared him and he sat down directly on the ground.

The zipper of the down-filled jacket was opened, and the head of a white puppy stretched out from inside.

"f.u.c.k!" Qiao Qian couldn"t help but shout, and once again felt that the voice was a little loud, so he hurriedly lowered his voice, "...me, ah."

The puppy that had gotten into his clothes ignored the overreaction of Qiao Qian, went on his way licking Xu Bei"s chin while also simultaneously whimpering. In any case, Qiao Qian couldn"t figure out why Xu Bei"s clothes had a dog wrapped in them. He also didn"t have much spare time to think about it. He grabbed the puppy by the scruff of its neck and took it from the down-filled jacket, s.n.a.t.c.hed it and then placed it on the ground.

The puppy stood completely still on the snowy ground for a while and then once again slowly walked over to the side of Xu Bei. Qiao Qian felt Xu Bei"s chest and found it was nice and warm, it was most likely caused by the body temperature of the puppy.

This is a fine thing indeed. If the dog hadn"t been there, Xu Bei would have most certainly already been sent down below to Yama, the King of h.e.l.l.

Qiao Qian checked on the condition of Xu Bei"s injuries, they"re not light. On the leg of his trousers, it was flabbily sliced open together along with a both deep and long gash. Someone had helped him to do a simple wound dressing and the bleeding had already completely stopped, but just casually placing a hand on his chest reveals that his ribs are broken. As for his spine, ah, internal organs and so on... Only Heaven knows.

Qiao Qian studied him over for a moment, directly lifting him up to carry him is certainly out of the question. It is indeterminable which action could cause a second injury, to say again, he can"t move him by carrying him. He ultimately decided to drag him to the car. The puppy blindly followed suit beside Xu Bei"s foot and it was not until Qiao Qian opened the backseat of the car and managed to get Xu Bei into the car that it obediently sat down beside one of the car"s wheels.

The moment when Qiao Qian was ready to get into the car, he saw the puppy just waiting anxiously looking at him. The small glint of emotions in its eyes made him a bit uncomfortable from head to toe. He stooped over and picked up the puppy in the car and threw it in the front pa.s.senger"s seat: "Coming out to dodge a debt collector and ends up taking along a dog..."

When the car pa.s.sed through the county town, he brushed by a Hummer. Qiao Qian started to speed up. Compared to him, the Hummer was even more hurried. He nearly ran into it. He sat in the car cursing, "f.u.c.k, how about you go and reincarnate."

"Take a few more turns around for me. f.u.c.k, even if he was reincarnated, I will dig him out from his mother"s stomach too!" Ban Datong sat in the car ruthlessly cursing.

Today, Xu Bei jumped off the cliff in front of him in such an utterly fearless fashion to escape from his control. It is really rare to make him lose so much face to run out so far to catch someone in person.

Ban Datong"s original plan was very elaborate. He even placed a number of instruments on the car, waiting for the moment he could capture Xu Bei and nicely rearrange his muscles and bones. He didn"t expect Xu Bei wear a smile on his face as rolled off the cliff. His perfect plan completely fizzled out.

When they went down the mountain cliff, in the end, they only saw a puddle of blood that was about to be buried by the snow. Afterward, during the next few hours, they could not find Xu Bei. He, Ban Datong, took along a dozen or so of his underlings and he unexpectedly could not find a seriously injured person in the exceedingly small Beiling!

"In such a small place, my dog eyes must be truly blind, they actually can"t find a person who is on the verge of death!" Ban Datong was extremely aggravated and started to curse at the several underlings in his car.

(TN: He makes a bit of a grammar mistake in Chinese where instead of calling the eyes of his dogs (underlings) blind, it sounds like he"s calling his own eyes blind dog eyes.)

One of the underlings wanted to call attention to his incorrect wording, but hesitated for a bit and still didn"t dare to say it. He was afraid that Ban Datong would start to club him.

Qiao Qian dragged Xu Bei to Ye Minmin"s clinic that very night. Qiao Qian gave Ye Minmin a call before he set off and asked her to properly prepare the materials they may need to use. At that time, she expressed strong opposition, but when she heard it was Xu Bei, she grudgingly agreed with her heart filled with wrath.

"I want to say that the next time Xu Bei runs into trouble, just let him die and then forget about it. There will inevitably come a day when you will get swept up in a bad situation together with him." Ye Minmin helped Qiao Qian get Xu Bei into the operating room.

"Don"t say these things first," Qiao Qian quickly undid Xu Bei"s clothes and checked on the condition of his injuries. "I don"t know how long he has been lying in the snow, we need to warm him up first..."

"Stick him in a microwave then." Ye Minmin bent her waist over measured Xu Bei"s blood pressure.

"It seems that Ban Datong did not intend to let him get away this time, ah..."

"Oh, this makes it what number of times I"ve come back to see his naked body?" Ye Minmin sighed as she spoke and took the tool needed to sew the wound. "I still haven"t found a boyfriend you know. Just because of him, I now don"t have any s.e.xual fantasies whatsoever about the male body."

"He"s not that bad, Xu Bei"s figure is very good," Qiao Qian set about fighting with Ye Minmin, "There are just a lot of little scars."

"Don"t praise, I know that he is your savior."

"What savior?"

"Did he not once plunge into a septic tank to fish you up as you were on the verge of drowning..."

"G.o.d, can you not speak of this matter, ah!"

Qiao Qian and Ye Minmin tossed all around throughout the night and at long last let Xu Bei catch the last bus from Yama, the King of h.e.l.l to return to the human realm.

At 10:25, Xu Bei woke up.

"Look at my fingers," Ye Minmin extended her middle finger and swayed in front of Xu Bei"s eyes, "Can you see it clearly? How many is this?"

"...f.u.c.k," Xu Bei laughed very weakly, "You said that you were a young lady. Can you still get married off if you"re like this?"

"How many?"


"En, it seems that there is no problem with his brain," Ye Minmin turned to look at Qiao Qian, "When will you take him away from me? If he has to be kept somewhere for a bit, he absolutely cannot stay in my place. I can"t let this guy destroy my beautiful fantasies towards men again."

"Live my house then." Qiao Qian studied Xu Bei"s face for a moment.

"No need," Xu Bei moved, wanting to sit up, "I will find another house..."

"You mean I"m going to help you find a house." Qiao Qian helped him up.

"That"s for the best," Xu Bei leaned on the headboard, both moving his arms and lifting his legs. Fortunately, no disability. Then suddenly, he remembered something, he looked at Qiao Qian quite nervously, "What about that wolf?"

"Wolf? What wolf?" Qiao Qian asked with a blank stare.

"A white little wolf, ah," Xu Bei said as he gesticulated a bit anxiously. On one side he felt that his livelihood had cut off while on the other side, he felt if that little thing was left alone in that forest, it would certainly die, "Before Laozi was at death"s door, I put it in my clothes, ah. Did you not see it when you found me?"

When Qiao Qian heard this, his eyes flew wide open: "Oh s.h.i.t, that dog is a wolf?"

"Of course it wasn"t just a dog, ah. It was a wolf, ah. It was an Arctic Wolf." Xu Bei thought of that old villager mentioning that an Arctic Wolf was rarely seen. Just then he felt that this little wolf in his hands was valuable. "I said, did you end up seeing it or not?"

"You have to be mentally prepared," Qiao Qian jumped up and ran towards the door. He completely forgot to take that little thing out, "It stayed in the car for a whole night without freezing to death or being smothered to death."

Xu Bei didn"t say anything, attentively watching the door. When he saw Qiao Qian running in and carrying a round white ball of fur, he suddenly felt his heart tightly seize: "How is it?"

"It"s quite resilient," Qiao Qian pinched the little wolf"s mouth shut and placed it by Xu Bei. "It even wants to bite me..."

When the wolf was placed down, its ears were still vigilantly standing upright and a tense gleam appeared in its eyes. After a few seconds, it finally saw Xu Bei. It loosened up and sprinted over. Only separated from Xu Bei by a quilt, it stepped on his leg and then pounced on his chest.

"If your bones get displaced again I won"t concern myself to reconnect them!" Ye Minmin shouted.

The wolf heard her voice and came to a stop in a standing position on Xu Bei"s stomach. Raising its front paw, it hesitated and didn"t place it down. It unexpectedly gave a quick look overhead at Ye Minmin and then swung its head with a sneeze.

"f.u.c.k me." Xu Bei looked at it like this, laughed, and once again ended up straining his wounds again. He knit his brows and drew out a deep breath.

"Am I too beautiful?" Ye Minmin clicked her tongue for a little while.

"Is there anything to eat? Give it a little..." Xu Bei looked at Ye Minmin and he felt that she would not easily satisfy his desire, so he turned his head in the other direction look at Qiao Qian.

"What does it eat?" Qiao Qian opened the refrigerator in Ye Minmin"s house. Inside, there was shockingly a human hand placed in there, not knowing if it was real or fake, Qiao Qian suddenly slammed the refrigerator door and all of his hair stood up.

"Milk." Xu Bei touched the tip of the wolf"s nose, a bit dry. If a dog"s nose is dry, it indicates that its health is not very good, the wolf should also be similar.

"Is there any?" Qiao Qian looked at Ye Minmin.

"Nope, I have already been weaned," Ye Minmin cast aside a pout and turned to rummage around in a cabinet then pulled out a case of unopened juice and shook it in the view of Xu Bei. "Is this okay?"

"It"s okay," Xu Bei incessantly nodded, even if it was plain water it would also be okay, at least he could get some water into the little wolf. "Excuse me, help find a bowl to feed it..."

"Costs 50." Ye Minmin interrupted Xu Bei, pointing to the disinfection cabinet, indicating that Qiao Qian had taken a bowl.

"f.u.c.k," Xu Bei for lack of a better option sighed as he spoke and touched the little wolf"s head. "Do you know how much money I owe this black-hearted b.i.t.c.h?"

The little wolf looked at him, he feels that there is an unclear emotion that he fails to understand shining in its eyes. It seemed to be trying to understand Xu Bei"s words, yet it simply didn"t know what he was saying.

Qiao Qian took the little wolf to the ground and placed the bowl in front of it and poured the fruit juice. The little wolf is probably both hungry and thirsty. It was not as cautious and solemn as when Xu Bei first saw it. It bent over and nearly burying its face into the bowl. Its little tongue licked its lips and made a content sound.

As Xu Bei looked at its table manners, he too suddenly found that he was also painfully hungry. He touched his stomach that is flat enough to dry millet on. He looked at Qiao Qian, Qiao Qian surprisingly responded very quickly: "You can"t eat anything, liquid diet for one week."

"What"s the problem with a liquid diet? Laozi is so hungry that my stomach has already turned upside down..." Xu Bei sorrowfully leaned on his pillow and pointed to the bowl on the ground. "Give me a cup then."

As soon as the words came out, the little wolf stopped, lifted his head and looked up at him with the small fluff on the side of its mouth moistened with fruit juice, dripping drop by drop into the bowl.

"Yo," Qiao Qian was a little surprised. "It understands what it hears?"

"Not to say that a wolf can repay a debt of grat.i.tude," Ye Minmin walked over to the little wolf"s side and looked at the bowl, then raised her chin at Xu Bei, "It"s letting you drink, you mustn"t be polite and decline."

The little wolf seemed to be very conflicted regarding Ye Minmin walking over to it. It even took quite a few steps back in succession and jerked it"s head as it sneezed several times one after another. It rubbed its little paws on its face several times as if it were a cat washing its face.

Ye Minmin had little to no feelings and once again she wanted to smile a bit. She turned her head and pointed to Qiao Qian: "You, take these two things away right now, I have to open a shop. You guys have interfered with my money-making, are you looking to compensate my financial loss?"

By the time Xu Bei was placed in the back seat of the car with the support of those two people, he felt that his whole body was falling apart. He suspected that Ye Minmin, a female "Jianghu Roaming Doctor", did not properly piece together the parts on his body. He held the little wolf in his arms and struggled to look at Ye Minmin standing to the side of the car, intending to watch them until they leave. He rolled down the car window: "I said, Dr. Ye, are you sure that all of my proper bedroom equipment will recover to normal in two months, there weren"t any shortcuts that shouldn"t have been taken?"

"Get moving!" Ye Minmin shouted at Qiao Qian.

Qiao Qian quickly started the car and pressed his foot down on the accelerator. Xu Bei felt was like the miserable scene of slamming his back into a tree and fell back into his seat. He fumed with rage between gritted teeth as he looked at Qiao Qian: "Did you think it was a mistake to save me? Do you plan to kill me once more now?"

"Last night," Qiao Qian didn"t look at him. "Zhu Xiaolei called me."

Xu Bei didn"t breathe for a little while, bowing his head, he kneaded the wolf"s ears: "Why did she call you?"

"Asked me if I knew where you were."

"What did you say?"

"I said that you haven"t contacted me for half a year," Qiao Qian tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "Why on earth is she looking for you? Doesn"t she always wait for you to try and find her?"

"I suppose there"s no more money left to use." Xu Bei bitterly smiled, leaning his head back and shutting his eyes.

(TN: Back with this and I enjoyed almost every minute of it lol. Quite the interesting characters aren"t they? Just keep a hand in the fridge like any other person... Absolute adore this novel, next chapter is a bit longer but I"ll live. I"ll try to keep this one on a weekly update schedule, so at least once a week or maybe even twice depending on my mood/character count! Just hope my ABO Cadet readers won"t murder me over this guilty pleasure of mine~)

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